
How to Improve Your IoT Device Security?

The Internet of Things has turned out to be the most life-changing invention of the era. The concept of connected devices has simplified day to day life and has upgraded the word ‘comfort’.

Internet of things has penetrated in every section, and with time it will become the spine of all the ruling industries. From smart mobile to smartwatch, from smart energy grids to IoT enabled industry machines, smart houses to smart towns, smart bicycles, smart hospitals, smart buildings, smart fitness trackers, smart refrigerators, smart medical sensors, smart security systems etc. If you see around, you will find out how things are becoming smart day by day, promising more comfort and less ambiguity.

We can simply celebrate the idea of establishing a network of things or physical objects embedded with software, sensors and technologies to connect and exchange data with other connected systems or devices over the internet that has become an idea of the century.

But, to protect this virtual network of physical objects or devices, we have to ensure robust IoT security because it helps shield connected networks and IoT devices. IoT security guarantees that any connected device, smart TV, smart refrigerators or smart locks, etc., is safe and free from hacking.

If IoT security work is executed precisely, it will be challenging for hackers to control IoT devices and steal the user’s digital data.

Let’s know how IoT security could be strengthened to establish a more secure and protected connected future.

Risk-Based Strategy:

A risk-based strategy is a mindset that empowers you to enhance the certainty of achieving outcomes by using techniques or methods that recognize threats and opportunities. This approach can be used during operations while designing the product or at product improvement stages.

Besides this, a risk-based approach also enables you to seize opportunities and skips from losses and enhances the entire working system throughout the organization.

Thus, we can easily conclude that considering a risk-based approach should be the main element of quality management systems, performance excellence processes, including ISO 9001:2015. The risk-based approach also helps you know the risk model of devices, and you can implement relevant security controls in an IoT system.

Updation of Firmware & Software:

IoT security requires timely updating of firmware and software, improving safety and offering plenty of other benefits.

For instance, timely updating software and firmware help repair security loopholes that might happen due to computer bugs. The updated process is meant to revise all the features present in IoT devices and allow you to add or update features to IoT devices and remove the older ones. Updating also allows your operating system to run on the latest version. Suppose, if you don’t opt for updating or renewing your IoT connected devices, then things might turn opposite, and you might not enjoy many benefits in your business.

Well, updating process requires some IoT security testing services to eliminate any kind of security issues within the IoT ecosystem. 

Nevertheless, several IoT testing techniques like threat modelling, firmware analysis, protocol testing, incident response testing, etc., offer more stable and robust solutions.

IoT Device Security Features:

If you own a small connected device or having a complex IoT device network, then try to match the specific security criteria with IoT security testing.

IoT has seven fundamental characteristics; based on your need, you can perform testing to ensure that all device features are working correctly, bug-free, and free from all hacking risks.

  • Connectivity:  In IoT devices, everything is connected, from hardware, sensors, electronics to systems; this means one has to ensure that connected hardware and control systems are able of making connections between various levels or not.
  • Things: Your IoT enabled device may comprise different sensors or sensing materials that need to be attached to appliances and items properly.
  • Data: We all are familiar that Data is the adhesive of IoT, and it is determined as the primary step towards action and intellect.
  • Communication: IoT enabled devices are connected with one or more systems; thus, this allows data to communicate while transferring or sharing through devices. In fact, communication is not limited by distance; it can take place over short or long distances. Let’s take the example of Wi-Fi. We all know that Wi-Fi is simple to connect with software for audio or video calls. Thus, in IoT, the data transferred from one place to another need to be analyzed and tested.
  • Intelligence: IoT devices hold sensing capabilities, or we can call Intelligence, and this capability is gained from Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence.
  • Action: It can be defined as a consequence of Intelligence, and it can be based on manual interpretation or debates. For instance, in a smart factory, automation assists in taking important decisions to create more profits and reduce errors.
  • Ecosystem: It can be described as a place of the Internet of Things that connects to other communities, technologies, the picture, or goals the IoT can fit. The characteristics mentioned earlier of IoT should be considered while evaluating the security of IoT devices. Besides, following these characteristics enables you to check the security abilities to assure that IoT product is good to use.

    Furthermore, monitoring for factors allows you to establish specific answerability and responsibility lines for the IoT ecosystem.

Automate Security Whenever Possible:

We all know that there is a considerable demand for connected devices and endpoints. Therefore IoT deployment raises the need to identify the threat, monitor data and other related security levels.

However, the main goal of automation within the development stage will remain the same: to check the security.

Thus, it becomes necessary to check every feature of IoT devices to provide maximum protection to the user.

Data Encryption is important:

Sometimes, it is observed that many companies face a challenge in storing their data in an encrypted format. However, data encryption is the best option to improve IoT security as data will never be transferred in plain text. One can even go for an alternative option like VPN to protect confidential data if unable to encrypt data.


Internet of Things is serving more than expected; most enterprises leverage it to improve staff productivity and reduce human labour. IoT is a futuristic gateway to assure the potential use of resources and assets, the effectiveness of operations management, cut off operational costs, enhance customer services etc.

So, if you are planning to embrace IoT to achieve your business goals, then focus on improving the security of your devices first.

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