
Why IoT (Internet Of Things) will Be a New Normal?

Covid-19 stress, technology disruption, modernization, and many other interruptions, we can now conclude that in coming years IoT would be the new normal. To say it straight, we have to accept that IoT would be the new normal. The dependency on IoT would increase and increase and increase.

If you are not preparing yourself for this new world, then you might face the loses. You should update your business strategies and add IoT to it by connecting experienced and reliable IoT service providers.

Joining the IoT categories would offer you long-term benefits for your business. Today businesses are looking for a model which can endeavour stabilization and optimization while trimming cost, improving operational data and insights and increasing operating capacity without compromising with employees’ health.

In this IoT blog, we will discuss “how you can optimize your operations by the use of IoT.” Let us dive into the sea of possibilities

Buildings are Smart now:

Well, smart buildings, this word might not surprise you. You might have read it in many articles or blogs but have you thought about how it would help you?

Smart buildings have integration of individual sensors, devices and gateways. It consists of smart cameras, asset tags, occupancy and environment sensors, automated controls, wearables and HVAC– which are networked into automated solutions in a connected environment.

Today many new buildings are designed with IoT integration while providing options for future changes. Exploring the potential of IoT, emerging trends are considering its use to connect the building with external services like metropolitan transport systems, garbage management system, smart vehicles and personal sensors which altogether contribute to making smart cities.

For instance, in the coming future, there would be connecting sensors in the waste disposal bin of your house to the local waste management services. The sensors would inform the garbage management service providers for the garbage collection, enabling the just-in-time collection, thus providing more efficient service utilization while curbing extra costs.

It has been concluded that the retrofit Building Automation System (BAS) could reduce energy consumption by 20-30% in small and medium-sized commercial buildings. Installation of occupancy sensors in hotel rooms could save approx 12-24% savings on HVAC and 16-22% on lighting. In fact, adding cloud-based analytics could contribute to an extra 5-10% cost savings.

Not just this, smart building solutions can also provide as security, traffic and occupancy analytics, emergency alerts and pathfinding. For instance, Wearables and sensors can be used to get occupancy and traffic analytics or simplify headcounts during emergency evacuations. Energy-saving smart lighting controls can be used for wayfinding, emergency lighting and signage.

Read More: How will IoT Transform Transportation in the Coming Years?

Automating Hospital Services:

Iot in healthcare has emerged as the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT). IoT enabled devices can autonomously monitor personal health data such as blood pressure, temperature, pulse etc.through wearables or implantable under skin devices. The need for social distancing is being followed as healthcare providers are now adopting video conferencing technology and using data from IoMT devices for consultations purposes.

The COVID-19 has emphasized the need for more autonomous services. It is tough for hospitals to save their staffs from getting infected while treating corona infected patients. Healthcare executives and administrators have to maintain productivity while ensuring full safety in this pandemic situation.

To meet the need for contactless solutions, healthcare would leverage advanced technologies such as remote data collection, autonomous robotics and computer vision. In the coming days, hospitals would be employing robots for providing food and medicines to patients. They would be used to monitor diagnostics and to disinfect purposes as well.

Iot solutions can optimize healthcare operations. IoT based predictive maintenance sensors and software can escape the shortages/outages of functional equipment, alert for maintenance service of equipment and reduce the operating costs. Attaching low power consumption Bluetooth sensors in equipment can help in tracking the location of the equipment and consumables and provide the data of the supply chain to administration.

Industrial IoT Solutions-An end to mismanagement:

IIot is another very familiar term in today’s world. The most used service of IoT in this sector is predictive maintenance solutions. Iot has not just entered in manufacturing but has become part of logistics and urban transport.

There are IoT app development companies which provide solutions for asset tracking and supply chain management. It can be used at the port, mobile equipment and consumables in warehouse, manufacturing and retail settings.

Read More: Will 2020 Be The Transition Phase of Internet Of Things?

Contact tracing to curb virus spread:

Now, people are getting back to offices and the concern to stay safe is obvious. It has become mandatory to get coronavirus-specific data collection and risk management. Taking necessary precautions at workplace and industry, managing shifts and changeovers and contact tracing if someone gets infected are the unavoidable things to be followed. These all necessary measures can be easily followed with the help of Iot applications. Wearables can be used to resolve all the concerns as it alerts the employee for maintaining social distancing, and if they come close, it gathers the data to help in determining the possible exposure to the coronavirus.

Thermal Cameras:

This one is the amazing one; the coronavirus spread has led to the development of another IoT based innovative solution, i.e. thermal camera.

The cloud-connected thermal cameras can identify persons with raised body temperature. This will certainly help an employer in identifying the probably infected people. Though it cannot stop the spread of COVID-19, these systems ensure that the company is concerned about the health of employees and customers as well. If someone is identified with high body temperature, then they’ll have to get tested or follow the quarantine.


The need, the urge for changes and the present setbacks all three things conclude that we need to adopt IoT as soon as possible. It will not just warn us from future pandemic but also back in saving electricity and many other resources.

The adoption of IoT and its successful implementation can provide better operational data and insights. It will even enhance operations, intermediate steps and provide the relevant data to develop optimal IoT solution for meeting business needs. But successful IoT implementation isn’t easy; you need to depend on trusted technology partner having hand-on expertise in IoT. You can explain your ideas to the IoT development and software development companies and get the most fitting solutions.

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