
Why does Dairy Need to Adopt IoT Enabled Cattle Management Solutions?

The current pandemic situation, economic disturbance and job issues, people have realized that it’s time to get back to the origin. Agriculture would be the new preference, and people would certainly look for the solutions which would keep a track on their business just like a mother does on her child.

IoT has changed the outlook of businesses, either its manufacturing or by making smart city or automating cars. The time needed for the most reliable solution is met by IoT to a certain level. Nevertheless, IoT development companies are still investigating to get the most fitted, unambiguous and dependable version of Iot.

Taking the dairy industry as an example, let’s check how IoT can improve the working in the dairy sector.

Cattle management is one of the most challenging tasks in dairy farming, having experience in taking care of cattle might help you to a certain level, but if you are a layman, then you need to really work hard. Cattle management includes looking after the balanced diet of cattle, vaccination and heat stress along with insemination at peak time.

The addition of IoT in dairy technology has added advancement in the monitoring system of cattle which helps farmers in achieving better performance. It provides a way through which dairy farmers can optimize their livestock health using remote monitoring and allow them to make data-driven decisions. There are IoT service providing companies which are providing customized and optimal solutions to improve dairy farming.

Let us see how IoT can assist farmers through latest technologies:

A) Monitoring health of cattle:

The most essential and crucial part of cattle management is monitoring the health of the livestock and preventing them from illness through early diagnosis. IoT solutions which include wearables are capable of streaming data to the cloud. The smart collars capture data and notify farmers about several factors like a respiratory rate, heart rate, digestion level, blood pressure and other vitals. This information helps dairy producers to take prompt decisions for better health of cattle. In fact, tracking these factors also contributes to significant control over the livestock feeding issues.

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B) Tracking the reproductive cycle:

Missing a heat stress period of a cow can cause a considerable loss, and it also disturbs the reproductive cycle. It has been a tough task since ages, but now the addition of Iot for monitoring purposes of cattle has smoothened the task. The IoT enabled device monitors and informs the farmer about the heat stress of cows. A cow can stay in heat for around eight hours, the connected device can tell about the exact peak period, and farmers can use this period for artificial insemination. A.I, at the right time, ensures successful pregnancy of cattle along with good health. Not just this, It even notifies farmers when the cow goes into labour, thus making the calving process easy and safe. We can conclude that IoT has reduced the need for manual supervision for knowing heat stress and the calving process.

C) Location tracking:

Sometimes cattle get separated from the herd, and it becomes a tough and time-consuming task to find them. Well, the cattle management devices help you in this situation as well. Through smart wearable, you can track the movement of cattle. The IoT enabled device tracks the movement, locate them and help farmers in optimizing their grazing patterns.

In addition to this, sensors also inform the farmers about the changing behaviour appearing in cattle.

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D) Monitoring the behaviour:

It is tough to interpret the behaviour of cattle, specifically if you have a large herd. It is actually a tough task to know which cattle need attention in terms of diet or medicines or health. Iot enabled devices to watch the activity and movement patterns and share them with a farmer. Farmers easily know when to milk the cattle or when they need extra attention. The IoT enabled device even measures the milking amount and speed. It tracks the number of steps cattle walked and the amount of food it consumed. Thus, the precise supervision of cattle and the data collected allows a farmer to make actionable decisions to improve the health and yield.

Key Benefits of using IoT-enabled cattle management:

  • The ToT-enabled device monitors the health and vitals of cattle in real-time, allowing farmers to take prompt decisions and treat the animals on time to restrain the spread of disease.
  • It tracks the location of grazing animals and identifies the grazing pattern.
  • It collects and analyzes the historical data to diagnose cattle health or to track the spread of disease.
  • It gives real-time information for the calving process to avoid any loss and optimize breeding practices.


The adoption of IoT enabled solutions for cattle management has ended the dependency on manual supervision. It also affirms for minimum error. The IoT-enabled solution provides real-time data with key insights. It assists farmers in taking the most favourable decision which can provide maximum efficiency while diluting the wastage.

Today, growth in IoT and its adoption in every sector has generated expectation as well as hope for better tomorrow. The adoption of IoT in livestock management has improved the yield and health of cattle. As per Statista, in 2017, the market value of monitoring and management amounted to about 2.52 billion U.S. dollars, and it is expected to grow 4.84 billion dollars by 2021.

If you have a dairy firm and managing a cattle has been a challenge for you then consider contacting us. Prompt Softech offers a wide range of Iot solutions for cattle management and agriculture. Contact our Iot experts and get the consultation to improve your dairy farming.

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