
How are Wearables Improving the Connected World Concept

How are Wearables Improving the “Connected World” Concept?

Today, if we look around, we can easily sense that we live in a connected world ruled by sensing technology and intelligent devices. Every organization is attempting to climb the connected ladder between brands and customers to launch the most efficient and innovative product in the market. Few Research Centre took a survey and shared that wearable is the most popular smart device as one in five Americans owns it. 

Wearables are changing the way of communication, monitoring and sharing information between consumers. They are playing a pivotal role in progressing the concept “connected world” we are living in. Even after having many desirable features, the overall wearable market has not hit dynamic market growth as analysts predicted. 

Ericsson shared that almost 1 in 10 wearable users no longer use their wearable devices, and one-third have already abandoned them after a couple of weeks. The main reason behind this unpredictable behaviour is that consumers do not know what they need. 

For lifestyle purposes or health reasons, customers try wearables as an experiment or eagerness and forget about it if they are unimpressed by the inadequate functionality of the connected device. On the other hand, instead of investigating the customer’s requirements or addressing customers’ needs, brands are just throwing products out to the market to know what functionality is beneficial and marketable. 

One of America’s renowned multinational technology and e-commerce companies recently announced a catalogue of half a dozen different smart wearable products.

Based on the people’s curiosity and past experiences, researchers still conclude that wearables could make their place in the market. International brands are aggressively working to produce wearables that can stick in the market. 

The COVID-19 pandemic hit has also caused a significant impact on the wearables market. Gartner shared about the shift in the choices of people amid COVID. In 2020 wearable market saw a momentary push in heath wearables which concluded that customers and vendors are more interested in health-focused wearables. 

Therefore it is pretty clear that niche products do not meet customer needs. Consumers are looking for multi functionalities in a device or say “all-in-one” wearables are winners. But to develop such wearables, there is a need for more functionality, low energy consuming sensors and other latest technologies.

Sensing the Wearable demand

IDC predicts that there would be over 55 billion connected devices globally by 2025. This implies that every person on earth would own seven or more connected devices. The entire design should have the right factor, along with portability and user-friendliness. At the heart of this design are embedded sensors. 

From consumer wearables that support a healthier lifestyle to medical wearables that help decide a patient’s vital signs by sensing components promptly are some of the advanced help these technologies offer to lives, consumers enjoy the safety, productivity, and health incentives. 

The embedded sensors allow complex interaction between people and devices, enhancing the user experience to make daily interactions with smart technology more comfortable and natural. These sensors make it feel like the devices around us intuitively understand what we want them to do. Important needs of embedded sensor technology for connected devices are small size and low-power consumption and overall ease of ‘wearability’ for added comfort and functionality.

Small and low energy consuming sensors offer the best way of tracking a person’s health, physical activity, exercise; RF components assure the best connectivity and location determination, and wireless charging makes everyday life much simple, and it is almost as if the devices “charge themselves.” 

The most crucial feature of sensor technology is to make our lives more convenient through seamless, simple interactions between people and sensing devices so that users can emphasize their other essential works.  

It is evident that with an advance in wearable industries, there will be a requirement for more accurate, reliable and compact sensing technologies for long-term functionality in wearables. 

Functionality comes with Challenges

Consumers expect “all-in-one” smart devices, and wearable devices are moving towards that. From texting to calling, timekeeping to vital monitoring is becoming part of today’s wearables. However, adopting this “new standard” carries challenges and issues with wearable battery life and power management structure.

No doubt, it is tough to compact multiple sensors for capabilities into a thin, small and lightweight device. The addition of new functionality drags a challenge of power management.

Ways to overcome efficiency issues include:

  • By transferring data wirelessly by using LoRa, NB-IoT, etc.
  • Unloading high power functions to solutions like Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE).
  • Selecting an effective microcontroller (MCU) for power management purposes to reduce power consumption – especially when the device is not in use.
  • Utilizing pin-type charging or wireless charging rather than a USB plug-in connection.
  • Improving overall sensor technology.

Wireless power is becoming part of a multifaceted world of small things. Designers demand a highly integrated semiconductor solution with minimum loss rates, robust performance, and outstanding linearity.

Boosting Battery Technology

Battery life is the most significant barrier to the growth of wearable tech today. Smart wearable devices need efficacious power management to run many various functionalities at once. Customers demand batteries that last for a long time and are easy to recharge. Most wearables have lithium-ion (Li-ion) or Lithium-ion polymer (Li-poly) batteries; these conventional batteries only fit basic on-functionality wearables with simple sensors and low power capabilities. They are unable to keep up with the demand of adding more functionality to a single device.

In the end, it’s the solution that is evaluated no matter which battery is installed in it. Semiconductor companies are endeavouring to address this need for new battery alternatives by designing battery management technologies, especially for wearables, instead of new battery technology.

What About Security?

Tracking health and location details, collecting personal and contactless payment information are some of the uses of wearables in daily life. Wearables are immensely collecting sensitive user data, causing security issues to the forefront, especially IoT security.

As per the report shared by Nokia’s Threat Intelligence, the percentage of IoT infections increased by 100%in 2020 and IoT devices make up 32.7% of the total infected devices now.

Wearables are an extension of the user’s smartphone; both devices create a significant security risk for the customer and connected wireless network if not secured properly. If a wearable or mobile phone is connected to a public network, it could be at high risk of valuable information piracy if the security infrastructure is not updated. It could be a great chance for hackers.  

Currently, there is not enough space to improve security measures in wearables due to their small form factor. However, manufacturers are adding two-factor authentication, facial recognition, active sensing, and fingerprint sensing to shield wearables from end to end thoroughly to maintain security. 

Safe, guarded, and efficient high-value semiconductor components will support IoT in the connected world.

IoT Connectivity Future

Wearables will speed up the merge of the digital and physical world. PwC highlights that wearable technology has just started influencing enterprises; in the coming future, semiconductor companies will lead this enterprise charge by delivering a better and high-value semiconductor for the fast-growing IoT application. With the availability and integration of more intelligent technology like artificial intelligence, connected devices will become more automatic, providing a world where our devices take better care of us.

How is IoT Making Buildings Smart and Efficient

How is IoT Making Buildings Smart and Efficient?

Internet of Things is making space for its growth in almost every sector. We can say that the day is not far when the Internet of things will become a primordial need of every industry. It has just not changed the outlook of the manufacturing or retail or logistic industry or dairy but is contributing in enhancing the profits as well as helping in providing better service to customers. 

So, today most of the sectors are willing to adopt the most innovative technology, i.e. IoT, because of the favours and benefits provided by it. As per surveys, the global IoT market would grow by $421.28 billion during 2021-2025 — a CAGR of 33% and $8 billion in 2019 to $19 billion by 2027 in the construction industry. 

Well, if we talk about managing facilities and buildings, you might take some time to calculate the work and task and feel burdensome. Maintaining facilities in a building requires effort and cautiousness because a bit of delay may end up in an unhealthy environment along with disappointment. 

So, let us see how IoT applications are helping in managing facilities and buildings

Today, facility managers have to work proactively to stay competitive and ahead of the curve. They should have knowledge of technology and innovations. They should offer new digital services and ensure that their buildings are adapted for the future while ensuring the most reliable environment for everyone who will be using it. 

Let us check some of the ways through which IoT is improving buildings and facilities. 

How is IoT improving facility management?

Internet of Things-enabled devices can improve facility management and make premises a better place for employees and everyone else working with the organization.

The advantages of including IoT in building management are:

  • IoT reduces operational costs by creating cost-effective, energy-efficient buildings that operate efficiently and handle resources in the most optimal way.
  • IoT keeps employees safe and healthy by encouraging clean, tidy, and hygienic environments that are regulated and cleaned as per the need caused by the constant movement of humans.
  • IoT promises to maximize productivity, ensuring all team members have everything they require to complete their tasks and stay relaxed and concentrated all the time.
  • IoT devices ensure safety and risk mitigation; they detect risk areas, automate relevant action, and keep physical and digital assets safe and secure as long as possible.

Facility Management Examples:

Managing Desk and Workplace Occupancy using IoT:

As the COVID-19 pandemic has hit globally, one of the biggest challenges was running a business to sustain the economy. Most of the organizations and companies adopted the startling trend and provided remote employment. There is a massive rise in remote working, i.e. from early COVID-19 to March 2021; remote employment increased from 15% to 70%. 

It is supposed that this work from home facility won’t be a temporary change- about half of the employees expect this work from home culture would continue for them into the near future, and 31% believe it will be permanent.

Internet of Things can support businesses in managing their premises effectively and efficiently during this challenging time. In coming years occupancy can fluctuate between days as we move towards a model where employees will join the office a few days each week. 

IoT enabled devices such as sensors attached to desks can trace, predict and inform office occupancy. It creates digital plans that would allow employees to find space promptly. It offers the tools to optimize the existing space by grouping desks as per the need of the office. IoT even saves energy and helps in freeing up space for new uses.

Air Quality Monitoring using IoT:

Air quality issues have been a significant concern, but pandemics brought this issue into the spotlight. Air quality and proper ventilation have always been a priority concern in offices. Before COVID-19, poor ventilation has caused:

  • Easily disease developed
  • High possibility of respiratory diseases such as asthma
  • Allergies
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Dry eyes

Improper ventilation also impacts productivity- one study saw that poor ventilation at the workplace decreased employees’ cognitive ability, making them perform worse at their jobs and decreasing their productivity. 

One of the best solutions to this issue is adopting IoT devices to measure air quality conditions such as humidity, temperature, CO2 levels, etc. This feature enables pinpointing the areas for concern and taking relevant actions to create a safe and healthy environment for employees which ultimately improves productivity for the entire team.

Washroom Monitoring using IoT:

A clean washroom is a priority and no doubt, keeping a restroom clean in a busy office with limited cleaning staff and resources is challenging. Keeping the washroom tidy is an essential part of managing a pleasant, healthy and safe environment.

Thankfully, IoT is a saviour in this situation also. IoT devices can track the washroom business, enabling the prediction of when rooms will require cleaning and how many times in a day.

Thus, one can allocate a building’s cleaning resources more efficiently and help cleaning staff spend time more effectively. Therefore, this helps develop a cleaner and more enjoyable environment for employees in the organization and reduces extra expenditure and saves resources.


Smart buildings hold a great scope in future. IoT is becoming part of every sector. It is widely used, more affordable and can manage a wide variety of jobs. No doubt it will soon become part of the furniture in offices and other commercial building globally.

We can doubtlessly say that IoT technology is ideal for facility management and brings the smart building revolution. It just not benefits the organization but also take care of employees. It smoothens the working process of the organization without compromising on quality.

If you become a part of this expanding trend now, you’ll be capable of managing your facilities in the most effective, productive and cost-efficient way. But if you are still in a dilemma and choose to work using the old-tradition method, you might face failure and loss.

So, don’t waste your time and become a part of this trend.

Generating Continuous Value for IoT Using Ecosystem Approach

Generating Continuous Value for IoT Using Ecosystem Approach?

The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted almost all sectors. Still, on the other hand, it opened a plethora of opportunities to improve the existing business culture by showing us the path of Digital Transformation. Today, the industry stands on the doorsteps of its much-awaited renewal. It is evident that manufacturing leaders have to adopt digital transformation but have to accelerate innovation while managing crucial processes like enhancing capacity without compromising product quality.

Thus, digital transformation is the new focus in the manufacturing industry, and no doubt, effective collaboration will be the best way to keep both things smooth and productive at the same time. However, this will not be easy as workforces have gone and are still mostly remote.

Pandemic Impact:

As the virus blanketed the globe, it became pretty clear that there would be a fight for survival among industries. There would be winners and losers. Before the pandemic situation, the manufacturing sector had been slow in adopting the digital transformation and lacked a data-centric mindset that has already transformed other industries. Even those who embraced multimillion-dollar Industry 4.0 or IoT initiatives were not receiving any excellent results to showcase their efforts. Unfortunately, when the pandemic knocked the globe, resources to support implementations went at the edge.

Not just they lost the data they needed to adapt at the moment but also potential value..

Digital Transformation:

Today the most asked question is why invest in digital transformation at the corporate level when there is no usable data from the factory floor? 

Well, Smart manufacturing does not demand to have an entire organization devoted to its success. In manufacturing, it can begin with capturing insights from the very initial operation- the machine assets that make products and people handling the machine. The assets are one of the most significant capital investments for any manufacturing industry, and it produces thousands of data points every second. Still, these valuable data are not captured and analyzed to improve the efficacy leading to no improvement or growth. Today’s factories are based on manual processes that result in massive inefficiencies and disturbs every part of the organization.

Insights along with correct action-driven from this data can lay the foundation for manufacturers to grow their business and stand above the competitors. Even the chances of errors and inefficiency are negligible.

Machine Data Infrastructure:

As we already know, there were many manufacturers, organizations, consultants and system integrators who attempted to rebuild the machine data infrastructure from scratch and produced varying degrees of achievement as a part of large IoT initiatives.

Even while leveraging a horizontal IIoT platform, the whole setup requires months or years. Once it is completed, the mechanism for capturing and contextualizing machine data has to build, and it needs regular maintenance. Not only are the expenses of sustaining these solutions limit, but the missing opportunity and value affiliated with misallocating resources to produce something that already exists causes a competitive disadvantage for the manufacturer.

Accurate real-time data automatically collected and transformed from machine assets produce a solid base for driving bottom-line value. When joined with visibility and actionability via alerts, analytics and automation triggered by the data, one can observe a 15-20% improvement in utilization performance in months.

Once this is over, the value achievement can be fast and multi-directional by integrating the data into other siloed data on enterprise factory and industry systems, i.e. from product designing to production, product quality, maintenance and logistics to run endless automation and accomplishment of exceptional value.

This enables an ecosystem of manufacturers and partners to speed up value attainment and reduce the risk of initiative failure by optimally adjusting the entities having individual skills, in particular IIoT initiatives.

IIoT Ecosystem:

IIoT Ecosystem includes manufacturers, machine builders, machine builder distributors, technology and solution providers, service providers, software providers, system integrators and consultants. Each has its unique skill, expertise, or intellectual property that can be used to drive a successful IIoT initiative. When the resources mentioned above are disarranged or sub-optimized, IIoT initiatives fail to deliver on the insured value proposition or fail entirely.

So, the question is, where should the manufacturer focus? Analytics, including both Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence algorithms, can be developed and applied at the edge as well as in the cloud using analytics technologies. The correct alignment of skills and technologies produces the optimal formula for the manufacturer’s speedy and regular value generation.

Successful IIoT initiatives need selecting the right technologies and perfect alignment of the different entities in the IIoT Ecosystem that participate in the industry. In the IIoT Ecosystem, the alignment should be done based on each participant’s unique technology, IP and domain expertise to extract maximum benefit and reduce risk.

The emphasis should be on quick data transformation, excellent application, integration and automation into other best factory systems.

Pivot, Respond, Adapt:

As I already shared that many manufacturers suffered a lot during the pandemic times, and no doubt much of that suffering was out of their hands. But who were the ones who surpassed all the challenges and succeeded? Who were winners when the whole world was encountering losses at different levels? Well, the organizations that can pivot, respond and adapt at the tough times. It wasn’t easy, but they were prepared with the data, the tools and the mindset to win.

For manufacturers who had to spend a lot on difficult-to-implement should pump the breaks in favour of vertical solutions that can benefit immediately.

It’s time to switch to the new world of digital transformation. Are you ready for it?

How is IoT Transforming the Retail Business?

How is IoT (Internet Of Things) Transforming the Retail Business?

Today, almost all industries are utilizing the benefits offered by the Internet of Things. One of the biggest markets affecting the industry, i.e. retail industry, is also encountering an exciting transformation with innovative IoT applications.

Retailers and marketers are enjoying unlimited opportunities with IoT applications to collect and produce more intense insights into customer response and purchasing patterns.

IoT applications aids retailers in increasing productivity, sales and enhances the overall customer experience. Such benefits have improved the image of IoT and made it a centre of attraction among retailers across the globe.

Marketers and businesses expect the revenue of IoT in retail to stretch around 35.5 billion USD by the end of 2025. Today retailers can use IoT technology in their business in different ways to get the most optimal result.

How IoT helps retailers in improving business?

Nowadays, retailers are adopting IoT to enhance customer experience, reduce costs, drive growth and enhance overall performance. Let’s see how IoT supports retailers in improving business.

Smart Shelves:

In a retail business, it has been observed that a considerable amount of time and energy is spent in keeping track of items, i.e. to confirm the availability of a product and know the condition of the product. Using smart shelves is a better solution to end the hassle. IoT technology in retail helps automate monitoring products and reduces the possibility of any possible vandalism.

Retailers attach sensors and RFID tags on the shelves to monitor the products and gather the data. The readers have to scan products on both display shelves and stock shelves.

IoT enabled smart shelve informs the retailer about when items are incorrectly placed on the shelf or running low. It helps to control the management of inventory in a precise and cost-effective way. The RFID tags are attached to a reader that gives the smart shelves the capability to identify in-store thefts. Hence, it cuts off the extra expenditure spend on security personnel.

Automated Checkouts:

Most of the time, store’s checkout counters are the busiest place holding lines of customers for their turn to pay the bills. IoT technology has solutions for this issue as well. It resolves the issue effectively by establishing a system that can read tags on each item when customers leave the store.

The checkout system matches the items with RFID tags and automatically deduct the cost from the customer’s mobile payment application. The automated checkout system improves the customer experience and increases the probability of their revisit to the store for next shopping.

Personalized Discounts:

Loyal customers expect some privileges like personal discounts or rewards for their loyalty. One of the best ways to meet their expectation is setting up sensors that send loyalty discounts to loyal customers when they reach the specific products with their smartphones.

Another way is to adopt IoT to monitor those items that the customer has been searching online and send a personalized discount when the item is available in-store. Through engaging offers Internet of Things can surprise the customers and sustain their loyalty.

Thus adding IoT into a daily business needs foresightedness and creativity. The innovative and smart approach attracts more valuable and long-term customers.

In-Store Layout Optimization:

By Implementing analytics on the data collected using infrared sensors, the store’s layout can be optimized by placing the products at their appropriate place. Also, placing the popular products at the front and least liked at the back can offer a comfortable way to customers to reach the desired item.

Suppose a customer is searching for a popular Smart TV in-store, but it is placed behind an old DVD player’s stock; thus, it is blocking the way to the TV. This inconvenience might result in losing a potential customer. Therefore, in-store layout optimization plays a vital role in a retail business.

The use of IoT applications helps a customer find and locate their desired products in-store, help find the best route to reach their selected items, and check the details of the product provided by the smart shelves.

Optimized Supply Chain Management:

The RFID tags and GPS sensors attached to each product provides precise data about the products’ condition like temperature, humidity, time spent in transportation, and other product-related factors. When the collected data is processed and analyzed to gain insights, it can improve transport and the overall supply chain. In addition, IoT sensors alert the person in charge in case of any emergency and enable them to take necessary actions immediately to avoid substantial loss.


Internet of Things is transforming the outlook of the retail industry by implementing smart solutions. The adoption of IoT solutions in the retail business can help in improving customer experience, reduce operational costs, improves inventory management and high-quality services.

By extracting valuable insights through IoT and Data analytics, retailers can manage and schedule their operations, including inventory management, supply chain, boost marketing conversions, and ROIs. Thus these features will attract retailers to adopt IoT into their businesses in the upcoming year to enhance their benefits.

How technology is reframing the supply chain

How Technology is Reframing the Supply Chain?

Technology-driven disruption is changing the outlook of supply chain management from top to bottom. The change that emerged by the disruption can be challenging, so many organizations are not sure of adopting the new business process. However, surveys conducted by different organizations show the clear benefits of digital transformation in the supply chain.

  • The survey conducted by Deloitte states that 76% of respondents belonging to different industries noted that the development of digital and analytics abilities contributes a lot in delivering the overall supply chain strategy.
  • A survey by PwC shares that top digital adopters accepted that they saw technology-driven improvements such as enhanced revenues, reduced costs and more secure delivery along with decreased inventories.
  • McKinsey also foretells that by 2030, there would be an entirely new logistics standard drove by emerging technologies such as robots, 3D printing, analytics, and more.

The emerging technology will definitely transform supply chain management. Let’s explore a few trends which may become a part of life in the coming years.

How is technology changing supply chain management?

Let us check now how digital and physical technologies impact supplier management and its very structure.

The blockchain offers end-to-end supply chain visibility

Blockchain technology improves transparency, efficacy, and resiliency in the supply chain by guaranteeing that data is trusted and safe.

IBM reports that many problems with supply chain data were caused earlier due to human errors and inefficiency. However, in another survey, it is noted that 70% of supply chain leaders shared their positive experience and said that they saw significant improvements in data quality, integrity, visibility, and speed when human interference was eliminated.

This implies that including a single, real-time source of truth, either blockchain or distributed ledger technology, can drop unnecessary complexities and offer reliable insights across the complete supply chain.

The accurate insights can significantly improve the entire supply network, from superior resiliency to better performance to changed expectations among vendors, associates, and consumers.

Automation reduces costs in goods shipping, logistics, and delivery

Amazon has already imprinted its name with its upcoming drone delivery, and many other giant companies are also leveraging new technologies to streamline their delivery services.

Many companies have embraced several AI-powered solutions to enhance the customer experience, lessen delivery costs, etc.

Let us check their methods:

  • ORION: It is a proprietary route optimization tool to slash over 100 million delivery miles.
  • Edge is an in-house logistics and operation platform that uses real-time data to assist employees in making more rational decisions and actions.
  • Testing drone delivery is another plan for better deliveries.

This is just one example; many other companies have switched to automation using different platforms or technologies. In fact, in the coming year, we will see more automation in every point of the supply chain, from robots to automated ships.

How supply chain management software improves workforce productivity?

As workplaces adopt new technologies and integrate them with their processes, new software solutions replace old ones. Supply chain platforms such as Requis, SAP’s supply chain management software, Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM, Suuchi, etc., are designed to offer comprehensive solutions for the digital supply chain.

The features offered by these platforms may vary from vendor to vendor, and each has its aimed audience and set of use cases.

Remarkable features of these platforms comprise:

  • A dashboard that connects supply chain managers’ most-performed tasks to a single location
  • Real-time data, analytics, and reporting
  • Project management, communication, and collaboration tools
  • Shipment management
  • Dynamic inventory allocation and management

All the advanced platforms are designed with digital innovation in mind and can integrate with emerging technologies like the Internet of Things ( IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (A.I.).

Emerging technology will enable autonomous supply chains

Today trends like autonomous supply chain planning and autonomous manufacturing have become part of different organizations. However, the term itself defines that every stage is automated in an autonomous supply chain to provide the most efficient and error-free result.

Automation will impact supply chains in the following ways:

  • A.I. in procurement can perform essential tasks that humans earlier performed, including decision-making tasks like analysis, supplier assessments, compliance, etc.
  • Today 3D printing and robotics are frequently automating manufacturing to improve efficiency and reduce production timelines.
  • Automation will also reduce human interference, which means that only a few humans will be required to perform technical and manual operations in cargo forwarding, logistics, and delivery, ultimately resulting in a leaner workforce.
  • Autonomous supply networks will be more secure, error-free, cost-effective, and more feasible than other things.

The inclusion of an autonomous system or the latest technology in the supply chain loop will not cause unemployment but will shift the humans from one process to another for a better outcome.

Final thoughts

The development in technology and adoption of the same has changed the business outlook. To ensure employee productivity and relevance in driving digital transformations forwards, companies should organize upskilling and cross-training. This is one of the prime purposes for digital adoption; in-house training programs are increasing in recent years.

Digital transformation in the supply chain can meet customer expectation, influence product development and distribution, supply chain flexibility and many other things.

Big Data Analytics in IoT

What are the challenges with Big Data Analytics in IoT?

A successfully running IoT environment or system embodies interoperability, versatility, dependability, and effectiveness of the operation at a global level. Sift advancement and development in IoT is directly affecting data growth. Multiple networking sensors are continually collecting and carrying data (say geographical data, environment data, logistic data, astronomical data, etc.) for storage and processing operations in the cloud.

The initial devices involved in acquiring data in IoT are mobile devices, public facilities, transportation facilities and home appliances. The flooding of data suppresses the capabilities of IT architectures and infrastructure of enterprises. Besides this, the real-time analysis character considerably affects computing capability.

The generation of Big data by IoT has disturbed the current data processing ability of IoT and demands to adopt big data analytics to boost solutions’ capabilities. We can interpret that today success of IoT also depends on the potent association with big data analytics.

Big data is recommended for a thick set of heterogeneous data present in the unstructured, semi-structured and structured forms. Statista shares that big data revenue generates from service spending, representing almost 39 per cent of the total market as of 2019. In 2019, the data volume generated by IoT connected devices was around 13.6 zettabytes, and it might extend to 79 zettabytes by the end 0f 2025.

Big Data and IoT

Big data and IoT are two mind-blowing concepts, and both need each other for attaining ultimate success. Both endeavors to transform data into actionable insights.

Let’s take an example of an automatic milking machine developed using advanced technology like IoT and Big data.

Source: Prompt Dairy Tech

Automatic milking machine software is designed by Prompt Softech. The Automatic Milk Collection Software (AMCS) is a comprehensive, multi-platform solution that digitizes the entire milk collection system. All the data is uploaded on the cloud, which provides real-time information on milk collection to the stakeholders.

AMCS enables transparency between dairy, milk collection centre and farmers. The shift from data filling on paper to digital data storage has reduced the chances of data loss along with human errors. A tremendous amount of data is processed and stored in the cloud daily. On the other hand, farmers get notified about the total amount of milk submitted and the other details. They can access the information about the payment and everything using the mobile app at any time.

This combination of real-time IoT insights and big-data analytics cuts off extra expenditure, improves efficacy and allows effective use of available resources.

Using Big Data:

Big data support IoT by providing easy functioning. Connected devices generate data, and it helps organizations in making business-oriented decisions.

Data processing includes the following steps:

  1. IoT connected devices generate a large amount of heterogeneous data stored in big data systems on a large scale. The data relies on the ‘Four “V” s of Big Data: Volume, Veracity, Variety & Velocity.
  2. A big data system is a shared and distributed system, which means that a considerable number of data records in big data files are present in the storage system.
  3. It uses an excellent analytic tool to analyze the data collected.
  4. It examines and produces a conclusion of the analyzed data for reliable and timely decision-making.

Challenges with Big Data Analytics

The key challenges associated with Big Data and IoT include the following:

Data Storage and Management:

The data generated from connected devices increases rapidly; however, most big data systems’ storage capacity is limited. Thus, it turns into a significant challenge to store and manage a large amount of data. Therefore, it has become necessary to develop frameworks or mechanisms to collect, save, and handle data.

Data Visualization:

Usually, data generated from connected devices are unstructured, semi-structured or structured in different formats. It becomes hard to visualize the data immediately. This implies preparing data for better visualization and understanding to get accurate decision-making in real-time while improving organizational efficiency.

Confidentiality and Privacy:

We all know that every IoT-enabled devices generate enormous data that requires complete data privacy and protection. The data collected and stored should stay confidential and have complete privacy as it contains users’ personal information.


Smart devices are specialists in sensing, communicating, information sharing, and carrying analysis for various applications. The device assures users of no data leakage and hijacking. Data assembly methods must use some measure and condition of integrity strongly with standard systems and commands.

Power Captivity:

Internet-enabled devices need a constant power supply for the endless and stable functioning of IoT operations. Many connected devices are lacking in terms of memory, processing power, and energy –– so they must adopt light-weighted mechanisms.

Device Security:

Analytics face device security challenges as big data are vulnerable to attacks. Data processing faces challenges due to short computational, networking, and storage at the IoT device.

Many Big Data tools provide valuable and real-time data to globally connected devices. Big data and IoT examine data precisely and efficiently using suitable techniques and mechanisms. Data analytics may differ with the types of data drawn from heterogeneous sources.

Source: IoTForAll – Challenges with Big Data Analytics in IoT

How Emerging Technologies Support IoT

How Emerging Technologies Support IoT?

Today, IoT technology is flourishing with full potential globally and is getting embraced by a wide range of industries and organizations. These industries are striving hard to achieve IoT’s complete potential-more insights, efficiency and excellent productivity.

The emerging technologies are bringing digital and physical worlds closer and have now become essential because IoT solutions are becoming part of new applications and environment. The utilization of these emerging technologies to enhance the abilities of IoT solution is just not a trend but the market demand. It also generates real-world results.

Businesses incorporating advanced technologies are enjoying more benefits from IoT deployment, resulting in more investment in IoT solutions in their organizations. Microsoft IoT Signal report shares that IoT adoption has been continued to grow from 2019, rising from 85 per cent of companies using the technology to 91 per cent. Furthermore, 95 per cent of institutions expect to use IoT potentially in the coming years.

What are the increasing Capabilities of Emerging Technologies?

Today most organizations are already familiar with emerging technologies. Artificial intelligence, edge computing, and digital twins are already integral parts of their solutions as they facilitate solutions to work both online and offline while adding more analytic and predicting power and producing benefits by linking digital and physical domains together.

For example, Digital twins technology grants users to test the effects of changes to a system, process, or physical structure before implementing them in the real-world system or format. Not just this, this technology also enables users to manage the systems of a structure/model or equipment remotely by adopting a 3D digital model, whether you’re overseeing a single building or an entire structure.

On the other hand, Edge computing provides less latency time, offers real-time processing and analysis of massive data workloads. It also provides security, convenience and cuts down the storage costs of IoT data.

By migrating cloud databases, analytics and custom business logic to edge devices, organizations can concentrate more on business insights instead of spending time on data management and security in the cloud.

Meanwhile, Artificial intelligence adds more skills like analyzing vast amounts of information and images, machine learning, understanding speech, making predictions, and providing automated decisions. These features combine to optimize the productivity of IoT solutions.

Innovative edge modules and intelligent cloud systems develop systems that can understand their environment, learn, and adjust to maximize operations.

Strengthening Existing Solutions

Emerging technologies contribute to accelerating their RoI (Return on Investment) while automating or providing remote control and monitoring of assets. Since the COVID-19 has hit the world, the adoption of IoT technology for the purpose of remote monitoring and other related tasks has increased. The pandemic has limited on-site work and restricted staffing at offices or production plants, and other facilities.

Many building owners ( property owners in New York) use IoT solutions to handle the Covid-19 situation and ensure the health of its tenant. For examples, The company uses the solution to improve the health and safety of its tenants. The company integrated new safety measures for the tenants when buildings were reopened for business during the COVID-19 pandemic. It created and deployed an innovative, secure, scalable remote monitoring solution. The developed solution uses physical and digital assets, including Azure Digital Twins, to keep tenants safe and informed via apps, the cloud and on-site devices such as no-touch thermal sensors to detect fevers and social distancing detectors.

In the same way, the logistics business is also leveraging the benefits provided by IoT solutions. They are using IoT Solutions to inform their customers about their freight in real-time at any place. The logistic companies use integrated Intel-developed sensors and Intel Connected logistics platform technology with Azure IoT Central to run a system that can provide real-time shipment insights to employees and customers to ensure that their goods reach customers on time in healthy condition. The information shared includes the location and other vital necessary related aspects like temperature, humidity and shock during transit while ensuring security.

Building Strong Deployments

Successful integration and adoption of IoT in an organization can be measured on the basis of cost as well as production efficiency and reliability, improved quality and security. Integrating emerging technologies with IoT solution can enhance intelligent cloud or offline with intelligent edge computing. Besides this, innovations in hardware such as a growing option of lightning fast-processor or plug-and-play IoT enabled devices, field-programmable gate arrays and video processing units to handle specialized workloads in new or retrofitted IoT solutions. IoT is providing a plethora of options for different industries to enhance their productivity and efficiency. The combination of IoT with other advanced technologies is opening ‘n’ number of opportunities to make better tomorrow.

Prompt Softech, an IoT based company, is providing highly advanced IoT solutions to improve the efficiency and productivity of the organization. They have IoT enabled solution for the logistic industry to track the real-time location of the vehicle and provide other essential data like weather etc. Prompt has also developed an IoT-based security system for homes and organizations. There are many other smart solutions that are developed by the Softech Company to improve the working process of companies.

Web Development Company

Prompt Softech has been recognized as the top Web Development company in the USA by Selected Firms

Prompt Softech is a celebrated name in this wide IT industry. Recently independent analytics hub Selected Firms has evaluated Prompt Softech among hundreds of software companies. We are excited to announce that we have been recognized as the top Web Developers in the USA by Selected Firms.

Since its inception in 2011, Prompt Softech has emerged as one of the most popular, versatile, and tech-savvy web development agencies. We continue to focus on pushing boundaries, accessibility, and usability and creating an overall user experience as smooth as possible. As per selected firms’ extensive research, this US-based firm is not only specialized in building robust and feature-rich web solutions, but they are also pro in building healthy and long-lasting relationships with their clients across the world. Prompt Softech implements assorted strategies and cutting-edge technologies to serve various organizations belonging from different industry verticals and cultural backgrounds. Our ability to comprehend, interpret, and turn business requirements into a solution without a lot of rework has made the agency a champion in meeting their clients’ technical needs with a diverse target audience.

We particularly maestro in building Web solutions, Mobile App solutions, IoT development, Embedded systems, CRM, and QA services.. The firm has a team of developers, designers, coders, project managers, and business consultants who are precisely sound in modern technologies and excellent communicators at all levels; technical, user, and management.

Here at Prompt Softech, we consider clients’ ideas. We get to know their thought process and analyze their strategies that help smooth the app/web development process and come up with our master plan for effective launching the end-product along catering to the future service requirements. We’ve helped hundreds of SME & Enterprise organizations not only write code but also develop their goal for how to reach there. Our clients include Amul, Bayside, Adani, Blue Dart, ITC Limited, Grantvantage, Contech, Vodafone, and many others.

About Selected Firms:

Selected Firms is a research and ranking platform for IT companies. They give an unprejudiced ranking by listing reliable and expert IT companies that can help the users find the right technology partner for their web/mobile app/eCommerce development or digital marketing-related needs. The research and analysis team of Selected Firms chooses the best companies by filtering thousands of companies and includes only the deserving and professional names to the organizations to partner with. The platform offers the listing service for various technologies and services, making them a one-stop destination to find your business’s perfect IT partner.

Adoption of Smart Cities for a Brighter Future

Adoption of Smart Cities for a Brighter Future

Are you living in a smart home? Just look around, and you’ll observe it’s a heck of a lot smarter than it was ten or even five years ago. Today our homes are occupied with smart devices, like smart speakers, smart thermostats, and smart lightbulbs. But the trend did not remain to the smart home, but the trend for intelligent spaces extends far beyond our homes. Now, everything is becoming a part of this trend, including smart cities. Smart cities are dependent on the latest technologies like 5G, IoT and fibre infrastructure. The latest innovations and changes in 5G, IoT and fibre infrastructure technologies are developing and strengthening the networks of the future.

Smart cities are utilizing these networks for smooth functioning. However, to ensure smart cities’ sustainability for the future, the connectivity infrastructure must be supported by highly efficient energy networks.

Let’s know everything in detail- what are smart cities, how technology is changing the outlook of cities, and what are the key investment opportunities?

Why do we need to remodel cities into smart ones?

A smart city uses advanced technologies to magnify efficiencies and enhance its residents’ quality of services and life. It usually embraces smart power distribution, transportation system, street lights and rubbish collection etc. The main concept behind the idea is to use data and technology smartly to make everyday life easier and better for people residing and working in the city while potentially utilizing the present resources.

Smart cities are built to enhance energy efficiency and help their regions reach their respective net-zero carbon emissions targets. It is expected that smart cities can generate around $20 trillion in economic benefits by 2026.

UN has predicted that 68 per cent of the world’s population would be living in urban areas by the end of 2050, which intimates that there would be more pressure on cities. There would be environmental, economic and societal challenges. The only solution to upcoming problems is by making cities smart.

By introducing smart cities, we can make cities a better and safe place to live. It can improve the fundamental quality of life indicators like daily commute, health issues and reduce crime incidents by around 10 to 30 per cent.

How is technology making cities smart?

By controlling traffic problems:

Traffic is a curse for everyone living in cities but thanks to technology as it has provided some promising solutions. For example, one can adjust the route in real-time according to demand, and smart traffic lights can be used to manage the congestion.

Potentially utilizing city resources:

There are sensors attached to the waste containers to report the container’s real-time status, which means that refuse collectors do not have to waste time travelling and collecting half-full refuse containers. This also implies that collectors can keep a check on how many bins are about to overflow and when they need to replace them. This facility is far better than measuring abstract factors like how many collection trucks are at work.

Enhancing energy efficiency:

Smart cities use technology to monitor real-time energy use and energy consumption closely. For example,

In Schenectady, New York, most street lights are upgraded to LED technology, allowing the lights to be adjusted based on real-time data. In Amsterdam, homes have smart energy meters designed to reduce energy consumption. This enables citizens to use energy sources consciously.

Making cities safer:

Today, the adoption of the latest technology has improved the safety and security system of the residents. Smart Cities utilize technology inventions like wifi, IoT and CCTV cameras to strengthen safety and improve incident response times. For example,

In many smart cities, real-time video data from the street is analyzed to better track and designate resources on the ground and enhance public safety.

Strengthening greater collaboration with citizens:

One of the best things about Smart cities is that it invites residents to participate in local issues. There are some apps that empower residents and allow them to report local problems. They can even share resources among themselves by using community networking platforms.

For example, Smart Cities have a low-cost environmental kit that is used to collect local ecological data. Residents place it in locations like balconies and windowsills to collect the local environment’s data like air, noise, and pollution. The collected data is then streamed to an online platform, efficiently creating a crowdsourced map of data worldwide.

What are the four infrastructure investment opportunities?

Empowering technologies:

The speedy growth of advanced technologies like 5G, Artificial Intelligence, cloud and edge computing supports smart cities’ evolution. We are currently in the starting stage of an edge computing revolution. It is absolutely essential to support the rapid growth in the number of connected devices and the massive increase in data gathered.

It is expected that approximately $20 billion of opportunities across hardware, software and services would be generated by the end of 2023.

It is clear that investment in reliable technology and high-speed connectivity is the central concept in building Smart City. The sudden shift to work from home culture in 2020 due to pandemic demands for stable and secure high-speed connectivity. With the increase in the number of connected infrastructures, cities must be aware of weaknesses and probable emerging problems.

Buildings and construction:

Climate change is one of the primary concern in today’s world. So decarbonizing the sector is the only possible and cost-effective ways to decrease the emerging climate change problem.

It is noted that most commercial buildings are responsible for 20% of energy use in the United States, in which 30% of energy is usually wasted. However, the addition of smart solutions can transform buildings into smart ones and make them energy-efficient and completely automated.

As per the Paris agreement, all buildings require to be net-zero carbon by 2050, and this goal increases the demand for smart buildings.

Updated energy sourcing, management and deployment:

Today, cities are consuming around two-thirds of the world’s energy; thus, there is immense pressure to shift to lower-carbon energy systems. No, doubt investment in smart technology will accelerate the shift while yielding economic growth and competition. Investment in next-generation energy transmission, smart grids and distribution networks can help monitor energy flows and adapt to fluctuations in supply and demand, respectively. Smart cities will also include smart meters to introduce price differentiation, microgrids for a local energy source, gamification apps to lower consumer usage etc.

Smart water and waste management solution:

With climate changes, water management and waste management are another concern to be resolved as soon as possible. Today, access to potable water, treatment of wastewater and waste management are essential issues that cities are facing. Besides this, flooding, drought and water losses are also growing threats due to climate changes and urbanization. Urban planners have to keep track of the ageing drainage systems.

Therefore the introduction of smart solutions has become necessary to overcome water-related issues. The addition of a smart water management system will include leakage, pollution detection and predictive maintenance planning.

For waste management, there are sensors attached to the bins that update the refusal bin’s status. Refusal collectors keep track of the data and collect the waste containers accordingly. This minimizes the travelling time and cuts off the fuel charges. A smart waste management system also stresses reducing waste at the source through advanced use of packaging, strategic collection methods and divided waste-to-energy solutions.


Smart cities are the best solution to tackle environmental, social and safety issues. It includes everything which is required for the betterment of lifestyle. From smart homes to street lights, smart meter to smart traffic lights, everything contributes to saving natural resources and potentially utilizing available resources. Prompt Softech is dedicatedly working on converting the traditional technology and working process into smart ones. The Softech company provides IoT enabled solutions that can bring changes to your organization by making processes and operations more effective and efficient, ultimately leading to optimal outcome, better experience and the slightest error. You can initiate the ‘smart city’ revolution by adding smart solutions to your organization and cut off unnecessary expenditure.

Prompt Softech Proud to be Listed as Top IoT Developers in Chicago

Prompt Softech Proud to be Listed as Top IoT Developers in Chicago

What is the internet of things (IoT)? The word IoT includes anything connected to the internet in the broadest sense, but it is also being used to describe objects that “communicate” with each other. The internet of things is simply made up of devices linked together, from simple sensors to smartphones and wearables. By linking these connected devices with automated systems, it is possible to collect information, analyze it and perform an action to help someone with a specific task, or learn from a process.

Prompt Softech has successfully built a strong portfolio while working in different technologies. Our team is composed of young and enthusiastic professionals from software developers, mobile app developers, UI/UX designers to certified Microsoft experts. We have been effectively collaborating with a variety of clients from small-scale vendors to large-scale enterprises. Our aim is to provide quality IT solutions developed through the combination of ultramodern technologies and thorough competence. We strongly believe in building everlasting relationships with our clients.

To back up our claims, we received a review on Clutch, a B2B ratings and reviews platform. One of our clients, an investment firm engaged with Prompt Softech for their big data consulting services. The main goal for this project is to extract speciality data for it to be utilized in desktop-installed operational systems.

Investment Firm

“They deliver prompt and accurate information.” Deliverables were on time, accurate, and well documented. Outsource liaisons communicated promptly, followed up with quality checks and assurance that the product is supported. – Lead Data Architect, Investment Firm

Another review is from a client of ours, an entertainment company that wanted to integrate two existing systems and remove manual intervention. The system implementation we provided was able to give the transparency that the client needed.

Entertainment Company

“[Project management] It’s effective and the team always available…They have speedy responses.” – CFO, ALMONTAGE

It’s always a pleasant feeling receiving such wonderful feedback from our wonderful clients. We strive to provide exceptional services and we are not satisfied if our clients are not satisfied. Prompt Softech is also featured on Clutch’s sister website, The Manifest. They are awards and projects listings website that helps corporate buyers learn about businesses to potentially partner with.

Do you have a project in mind? Don’t hesitate to contact us and we can start talking about how we can help elevate your business.