
How technology is reframing the supply chain

How Technology is Reframing the Supply Chain?

Technology-driven disruption is changing the outlook of supply chain management from top to bottom. The change that emerged by the disruption can be challenging, so many organizations are not sure of adopting the new business process. However, surveys conducted by different organizations show the clear benefits of digital transformation in the supply chain.

  • The survey conducted by Deloitte states that 76% of respondents belonging to different industries noted that the development of digital and analytics abilities contributes a lot in delivering the overall supply chain strategy.
  • A survey by PwC shares that top digital adopters accepted that they saw technology-driven improvements such as enhanced revenues, reduced costs and more secure delivery along with decreased inventories.
  • McKinsey also foretells that by 2030, there would be an entirely new logistics standard drove by emerging technologies such as robots, 3D printing, analytics, and more.

The emerging technology will definitely transform supply chain management. Let’s explore a few trends which may become a part of life in the coming years.

How is technology changing supply chain management?

Let us check now how digital and physical technologies impact supplier management and its very structure.

The blockchain offers end-to-end supply chain visibility

Blockchain technology improves transparency, efficacy, and resiliency in the supply chain by guaranteeing that data is trusted and safe.

IBM reports that many problems with supply chain data were caused earlier due to human errors and inefficiency. However, in another survey, it is noted that 70% of supply chain leaders shared their positive experience and said that they saw significant improvements in data quality, integrity, visibility, and speed when human interference was eliminated.

This implies that including a single, real-time source of truth, either blockchain or distributed ledger technology, can drop unnecessary complexities and offer reliable insights across the complete supply chain.

The accurate insights can significantly improve the entire supply network, from superior resiliency to better performance to changed expectations among vendors, associates, and consumers.

Automation reduces costs in goods shipping, logistics, and delivery

Amazon has already imprinted its name with its upcoming drone delivery, and many other giant companies are also leveraging new technologies to streamline their delivery services.

Many companies have embraced several AI-powered solutions to enhance the customer experience, lessen delivery costs, etc.

Let us check their methods:

  • ORION: It is a proprietary route optimization tool to slash over 100 million delivery miles.
  • Edge is an in-house logistics and operation platform that uses real-time data to assist employees in making more rational decisions and actions.
  • Testing drone delivery is another plan for better deliveries.

This is just one example; many other companies have switched to automation using different platforms or technologies. In fact, in the coming year, we will see more automation in every point of the supply chain, from robots to automated ships.

How supply chain management software improves workforce productivity?

As workplaces adopt new technologies and integrate them with their processes, new software solutions replace old ones. Supply chain platforms such as Requis, SAP’s supply chain management software, Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM, Suuchi, etc., are designed to offer comprehensive solutions for the digital supply chain.

The features offered by these platforms may vary from vendor to vendor, and each has its aimed audience and set of use cases.

Remarkable features of these platforms comprise:

  • A dashboard that connects supply chain managers’ most-performed tasks to a single location
  • Real-time data, analytics, and reporting
  • Project management, communication, and collaboration tools
  • Shipment management
  • Dynamic inventory allocation and management

All the advanced platforms are designed with digital innovation in mind and can integrate with emerging technologies like the Internet of Things ( IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (A.I.).

Emerging technology will enable autonomous supply chains

Today trends like autonomous supply chain planning and autonomous manufacturing have become part of different organizations. However, the term itself defines that every stage is automated in an autonomous supply chain to provide the most efficient and error-free result.

Automation will impact supply chains in the following ways:

  • A.I. in procurement can perform essential tasks that humans earlier performed, including decision-making tasks like analysis, supplier assessments, compliance, etc.
  • Today 3D printing and robotics are frequently automating manufacturing to improve efficiency and reduce production timelines.
  • Automation will also reduce human interference, which means that only a few humans will be required to perform technical and manual operations in cargo forwarding, logistics, and delivery, ultimately resulting in a leaner workforce.
  • Autonomous supply networks will be more secure, error-free, cost-effective, and more feasible than other things.

The inclusion of an autonomous system or the latest technology in the supply chain loop will not cause unemployment but will shift the humans from one process to another for a better outcome.

Final thoughts

The development in technology and adoption of the same has changed the business outlook. To ensure employee productivity and relevance in driving digital transformations forwards, companies should organize upskilling and cross-training. This is one of the prime purposes for digital adoption; in-house training programs are increasing in recent years.

Digital transformation in the supply chain can meet customer expectation, influence product development and distribution, supply chain flexibility and many other things.

How Emerging Technologies Support IoT

How Emerging Technologies Support IoT?

Today, IoT technology is flourishing with full potential globally and is getting embraced by a wide range of industries and organizations. These industries are striving hard to achieve IoT’s complete potential-more insights, efficiency and excellent productivity.

The emerging technologies are bringing digital and physical worlds closer and have now become essential because IoT solutions are becoming part of new applications and environment. The utilization of these emerging technologies to enhance the abilities of IoT solution is just not a trend but the market demand. It also generates real-world results.

Businesses incorporating advanced technologies are enjoying more benefits from IoT deployment, resulting in more investment in IoT solutions in their organizations. Microsoft IoT Signal report shares that IoT adoption has been continued to grow from 2019, rising from 85 per cent of companies using the technology to 91 per cent. Furthermore, 95 per cent of institutions expect to use IoT potentially in the coming years.

What are the increasing Capabilities of Emerging Technologies?

Today most organizations are already familiar with emerging technologies. Artificial intelligence, edge computing, and digital twins are already integral parts of their solutions as they facilitate solutions to work both online and offline while adding more analytic and predicting power and producing benefits by linking digital and physical domains together.

For example, Digital twins technology grants users to test the effects of changes to a system, process, or physical structure before implementing them in the real-world system or format. Not just this, this technology also enables users to manage the systems of a structure/model or equipment remotely by adopting a 3D digital model, whether you’re overseeing a single building or an entire structure.

On the other hand, Edge computing provides less latency time, offers real-time processing and analysis of massive data workloads. It also provides security, convenience and cuts down the storage costs of IoT data.

By migrating cloud databases, analytics and custom business logic to edge devices, organizations can concentrate more on business insights instead of spending time on data management and security in the cloud.

Meanwhile, Artificial intelligence adds more skills like analyzing vast amounts of information and images, machine learning, understanding speech, making predictions, and providing automated decisions. These features combine to optimize the productivity of IoT solutions.

Innovative edge modules and intelligent cloud systems develop systems that can understand their environment, learn, and adjust to maximize operations.

Strengthening Existing Solutions

Emerging technologies contribute to accelerating their RoI (Return on Investment) while automating or providing remote control and monitoring of assets. Since the COVID-19 has hit the world, the adoption of IoT technology for the purpose of remote monitoring and other related tasks has increased. The pandemic has limited on-site work and restricted staffing at offices or production plants, and other facilities.

Many building owners ( property owners in New York) use IoT solutions to handle the Covid-19 situation and ensure the health of its tenant. For examples, The company uses the solution to improve the health and safety of its tenants. The company integrated new safety measures for the tenants when buildings were reopened for business during the COVID-19 pandemic. It created and deployed an innovative, secure, scalable remote monitoring solution. The developed solution uses physical and digital assets, including Azure Digital Twins, to keep tenants safe and informed via apps, the cloud and on-site devices such as no-touch thermal sensors to detect fevers and social distancing detectors.

In the same way, the logistics business is also leveraging the benefits provided by IoT solutions. They are using IoT Solutions to inform their customers about their freight in real-time at any place. The logistic companies use integrated Intel-developed sensors and Intel Connected logistics platform technology with Azure IoT Central to run a system that can provide real-time shipment insights to employees and customers to ensure that their goods reach customers on time in healthy condition. The information shared includes the location and other vital necessary related aspects like temperature, humidity and shock during transit while ensuring security.

Building Strong Deployments

Successful integration and adoption of IoT in an organization can be measured on the basis of cost as well as production efficiency and reliability, improved quality and security. Integrating emerging technologies with IoT solution can enhance intelligent cloud or offline with intelligent edge computing. Besides this, innovations in hardware such as a growing option of lightning fast-processor or plug-and-play IoT enabled devices, field-programmable gate arrays and video processing units to handle specialized workloads in new or retrofitted IoT solutions. IoT is providing a plethora of options for different industries to enhance their productivity and efficiency. The combination of IoT with other advanced technologies is opening ‘n’ number of opportunities to make better tomorrow.

Prompt Softech, an IoT based company, is providing highly advanced IoT solutions to improve the efficiency and productivity of the organization. They have IoT enabled solution for the logistic industry to track the real-time location of the vehicle and provide other essential data like weather etc. Prompt has also developed an IoT-based security system for homes and organizations. There are many other smart solutions that are developed by the Softech Company to improve the working process of companies.

How AWS IoT Things Graph Simplifies Hardware Integration Process?

Businesses are dependent on raw material; demand in the market and last but not the least, employees. Every operation, strategy, decision making and supervision, everything requires human interference. However, the sudden intrusion of Covid-19 and its ongoing havoc has disrupted regular lives, market and businesses. Business leaders are unable to take any decision without estimating the risk pandemic can cause for workers.

Every time an employee visits the workplace to do some manual task becomes vulnerable to COVID-19. The risk of getting affected by coronavirus has urged businesses to think about software and sensors to automate tasks which were previously operated by humans.

The inclination toward having an automated business process has led to the adoption of IoT. Still, most of the time business owners forget about the most crucial and complex aspect required for the transition, i.e. hardware integration.

No, doubt hardware integration remains one of the most painful processes needed to create customized IoT solutions. In this blog, we’ll check the challenges which emerge while having hardware integration. We’ll also learn about AWS IoT Things Graph and how it helps in making hardware integration easy and painless process.

What are the challenges which emerge during Hardware Integration?

Uninterrupted communication is a critical demand during hardware integration. To get a clear view, let us take an example of an orchestra group. Suppose you own an orchestra consisting of musician belonging to different countries, and all are preparing to play Mahler’s Fifth Symphony. But the catch in this concept is there is no conductor. Absence of conductor would not stop the musicians for performing the piece, but it would not sound great and appealing. Not just this, there would be interruption by hiccups, miscommunication and argument for how the music should be performed.

Well, for mind-blowing performance musicians need alignment, ability to community with each other efficiently, and management of complex interactions between different groups within the orchestra. This implies that the orchestra needs a conductor for a significant result.

Hardware integration encounters similar problems. Your business process consists of a ton of devices that has to work collectively to perform a specific task and get a particular outcome. Furthermore, each hardware vendor speaks in different protocols, so it becomes tough to understand, and you cannot use devices out of the box directly.

Thus, it is evident that the lack of usually shared standards in the industry or business creates confusion for developers.

In the end, developers have to opt for a time-consuming solution. They waste time in repeat integration works for several devices when the devices are fundamentally the same (LED light bulb of different brands). Hardware integration is challenging and complex because you need an expert to understand the working of different parts and how all of them joins to create a big picture.

Any idea about AWS IoT Things Graph and why should you use it for hardware integration?

The best way to define AWS IoT Things Graph is a conductor which IoT space requires to show its best version. AWS IoT Things Graph is a service developed to resolve challenges occurring in hardware integration and helps in faster development of IoT applications. It enables you to connect different devices and web services in a plug-and-play way to end business difficulties.

Getting back to orchestra example, conductor in an orchestra aligns musicians, administers the interpretation and controls the pace of the music, monitors critically and sets a single vision.

The four fundamental features of AWS IoT Things Graph are:

  1. Models
  2. Visual User Interface
  3. Work at the Edge
  4. Monitoring Flows

The model represents things, i.e. devices and web services. Models are an essential feature of AWS as it cuts the time of developers spend on worrying about underlying implementation and allow them to concentrate on using the model abilities. It is often observed that developers have to spend a lot of time ensuring that the messages between various model are communicating correctly or not.

AWS IoT Things Graph simplifies the work of developers and enables comfortable working with devices and services. Additionally, models are like reusable building blocks that developers can share with each other and avoid repetitive integration efforts.

The AWS IoT Things Graph UI lets you determine interaction happening between various models through flow diagram connecting outputs & inputs. It empowers you to design how devices & services should communicate with each other and allows you to create multi-step workflows. So, this gives more time for developers to focus on business logic & functionality than repetitive integration.

In IoT, the biggest challenge is updating the legacy systems with new hardware. Earlier, your approach was limited to a specific ecosystem, but AWS provides you with the freedom to change hardware without rebuilding everything from the start. AWS provides you with flexibility and freedom to emphasis on your application promptly whenever customer demands the better resolution.

AWS IoT Things Graph permits your business to run at the edge with just a few clicks from the AWS IoT Things Graph console. The steps to take up are- define your perimeters, connect models with your real-world devices, schedule when to execute, and station applications to the cloud or AWS Green IoT Greengrass device. Thus, we can conclude that AWS IoT Things Graph charters a path which helps you moulding the concept into a product which is present in the market place.

AWS also allows you to monitor the present condition of the IoT application. This monitoring feature is highly advantageous as it informs you about where any flow or steps fail. You can fix the issue immediately without disturbing any other process. When connected with Amazon Cloudwatch, you can get access to log flow and execution time to check any disruption or steps failure. You can set the metrics which you are concerned about, and you’ll get notified when any changes occur.


AWS IoT Things Graph is developed to assist application developers and help them in tackling the unique challenges that appear during hardware integration. The adoption of this service ends the long dispute existing between developers and hardware vendors on lack of the standard. It ends the repeated integration efforts and allows developers to concentrate on essential tasks like building features to overcome business issues. IoT is the most critical requirement of the time, but it is hard to implement in the business. AWS IoT Things Graph for hardware integration provides speed, simplicity and customization needed to build IoT application. The use of AWS IoT Things Graph can improve your business operations and assists you in making an idea into reality using IoT. Thus it is a smart decision to use AWS IoT Things Graph for painless hardware integration.

Cloud-MANET and IoT Collaboration- A New Era of Technology?

The shift in the concept of IoT- from information-based technology to an actively operational-based technology, has affected the market and revolutionised the yesterday’s technology for acquiring data and its storage.

The two-decade-old IoT has introduced ease in data storage and processing which had been lacking since ages.

IoT-based smart devices have sensors which capture data and store it on the database, which is further connected to Physical object.

IoT has sensors, smart devices and a smart grid of interfaces to provide smart solutions.

There are iot development companies which provide the optimal IoT solutions and turns the ordinary device into a small one.

What is Cloud Computing?

The introduction of different computing models like grid computing, parallel computing and disseminated computing into a sole superior computing framework pulled in cloud computing in the technical world.

Today, Cloud computing is exploring the data processing over a serverless service provided through a cloud server which means data is stored, managed and processed using intelligent machines like Artificial Intelligence and machine learning over the cloud network.

There are three basic paradigms offered by Cloud Computing:

  • IaaS-Infrastructure as a Service- It is for network architect who requires infrastructure capabilities.
  • PaaS-Platform as Service- It is for developers who require platforms to develop different applications.
  • SaaS-Software as a Service- It is for end-users who require software for their daily activities.

What is Cloud-MANET?

The cloud-manet framework is regarded as smart communication between smart devices regardless of any centralised infrastructure. This framework is best for Machine to Machine network as there are several devices nearby. User can use this smart device for video, image, text and audio exchange with the cloud servers while lessening the information.

MANET-Mobile ad hoc networks are a network which provides the luxury to users to get connected anywhere at any time. The combination of Cloud and MANET provides access to the cloud in the MANET network for smart devices. Today, users look for MANET network gathering at a single place to access the network.

Also Read: How IoT has Influenced The Healthcare Industry?

Steps of Cloud-MANET Framework:

  • Step 01: Create a mobile ad hoc network.
  • Step 02: Access the ad hoc network in the range.
  • Step 03: Register your smart devices in MANET.
  • Step 04: Register the MANET devices in the cloud.
  • Step 05: Implement the IoT-based Cloud-MANET model to all the smart devices and start communicating.

Cloud-MANET & IoT:

Present cellular networks do not permit all smart devices to connect without a centralised infrastructure. This new combination can increase the capabilities of smart devices. This framework (ad hoc network ) can connect all the smart devices in a decentralised framework.

Normally, smart devices are in the 3D plane on X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis which means the entire area is spread over the wireless network distributed into several cells. They are stationed and are around each cell; smart devices in each cell are free to move within the range.

The smart devices would be able to discover another device nearby in binary digit within the same cell area. If there exists a two-dimensional plane, then the device’s detection would be carried out through the Hidden Markov Model (HMM).

HMM is connected in the working area and devices are allowed to move freely. This model helps them in discovering new devices.

What happens- Smart devices in the range of MANET?

The primary purpose of placing smart devices into the MANET networks is to secure connection and coverage. Initially, MANET remains in an inactive state, but as devices start making communication effort with others, it gets activated. In fact, any steady-state device can communicate and make changes in the dynamic state of MANET.

Also Read: Is IoT is Actively Shaping Security Needs at Edge?

Implementation of MANET:

The smart device users would be able to use cloud service to discover the smart devices, minimise important information like videos, images, messages in big data and could process them.

This framework can be used to extract the maximum benefit from the upcoming 5G heterogeneous network.

To potentially utilise this framework, the business can hire node.js developers who can optimally use the prowess of the Javascript environment to develop specific APIs for this framework.

The IoT enabled smart device would be recognised as service nodes. The interaction between the nodes would be secure, vulnerabilities-free and safe by accepting of the cloud-MANET framework.

The IoT based devices are connected to other devices or network through network protocols like smartwatch, tablets etc. The cloud-computing assists in sharing storage, resources and services.

Cloud computing helps in sharing resources, storage, and services using mobile applications for a large amount of smart data.

This new framework is designed to provide secure communication among smart devices in the area of Cloud-MANET.

This smart algorithm is run as a mobile application and has been tested in cloud-MANET of smart devices for different protocols. The outcomes can be implemented in the framework of IOT in 5G heterogeneous network over the cloud service.

Features to Know:

  • This framework utilises a decentralised infrastructure for smart device communication.
  • It can be integrated into the wireless network area.
  • It is compatible with the 5G (heterogeneous network).
  • It offers reliable and secure communication.
  • The connected smart devices appear as nodes.
  • Through this framework, smart device detection and communication can be done in both 2D and 3D planes.
  • This framework is functional in a dynamic state for communications.

End words

As the 5G networks have grabbed its occupancy among the users; it is not wrong to say that 2020 would be the flourishing year for 5G.

Though the establishment of communication between the smart devices in a heterogeneous structure of 5G network would be challenging on the same line, the budget of Cloud-MANET framework gave the solution to the developers.

A decentralised infrastructure with cloud capabilities would undoubtedly change the outlook of existing IoT. Hence better communication and data exchange among smart devices.

You can too take leverage of this new blend and enjoy the framework potentially to draw maximum profit. But before that get a reliable IoT Development Services and jump into the vast IoT world.

How Latest Google Duplex will Make Difference in Your Life?

Google is blooming with the latest additions that can provide comfort and secured work zone to the Homo sapiens.

Recently Google has blanketed the tech news channel by its new project ‘Google Duplex.’

Duplex is a new project that is currently live in most of the U.S. It allows individual users to make a restaurant reservation by phone, but instead of the user, Google Duplex backed by Google assistant converses on behalf of a user with an AI-based but human voice.

But before we start inspecting the project thoroughly, let’s check the works assigned to this new ‘tech-assistant’.

Google Duplex can make a restaurant reservation or schedule a salon appointment. It converses and fixes the time as per the user’s requirement.

Where can you find Google Duplex?

Well, Google duplex will rest inside the Google Assistant to serve you by doing the different kinds of stuff on your behalf. The primary concern behind the development of this functionality is to rescue time. The technology-soaked Duplex assistant is enabled of calling businesses on your behalf, for making a reservation, booking appointments etc. The most exciting part of this newcomer is that it will make calls in a human-sounding voice that means the other person on the call will not be able to recognize the non-human activity.

Do you need to learn- How to Use Duplex?

(Source: Google Blog)

Development of new technology would go in vain if it caters no comfort, so really need not to stress on ‘How to Use Duplex?’

There is nothing to learn, you just have to order like a king, “hey Google, Call (Business place) and make an appointment for me on 24 June at 5:30 pm.” and get back to your work. Everything will be done in the background.

Not just this, it will add your appointments and reservations to your calendar to remind you in future for the same.

(Source: Google Blog)

What did Google people say?

Google head of engineering, Yossi Matias said “Allowing people to interact with technology as naturally as they interact with each other has been a long-standing promise,” at the time of announcement for the Duplex.

It was even shared that now one can also skip saying ‘Hey Google’ every time as Duplex is designed in a way that it touches the silhouette of perfection and sounds natural inviting a comfortable conversation experience.

“We hope that these technology advances will ultimately contribute to a meaningful improvement in people’s experience in day-to-day interactions with computers.”

Current reach of Duplex:

Till now, Duplex is rendered in the U.S. only, but Google has promised to unveil it to the world but with “a slow and measured approach”. It’s even available on Google Pixel Phones.

Google has shared that it will be available in 44 states once an initial beta period is over in four U.S. cities. But still no confirm execution date is released.

Duplex enters in Web World:

The recent announcement assured the entry of Duplex on the web as well. Google shared that I/O 2019 is Duplex designed for the web.

Now, this advanced technology will fill all the information in the forms for you. It always turns as a task to fill a few pages while making online reservations. One has to go through several pages, zoom in and fill the form, but the involvement of this new technology will undoubtedly save time.

Will AI successfully imitate as human?

Well, it has turned as a debate topic as people are expecting that AI might disclose its originality and share that it is a computer calling from another side.

But being caught as AI or computer will really matter?

Well, Google has added many things in conversation such as “er” or “um” to provide a natural feel, but the debate is still open doubting the potential of this function, questioning the natural feeling offered by it.

Matias said “It’s important to us that users and businesses have a good experience with this service,”

“Transparency is a key part of that. We want to be clear about the intent of the call, so businesses understand the context” he continued.

Is AI Reliable?

Another question which has been raised on this new development is its accuracy and output. In the past, users have used many virtual assistants and other voice control systems that has undoubtedly developed an issue of trust. So, it’s evident that one might not get the expected outcome from this virtual assistant. Suppose if you ask your virtual assistant to book five seats in a restaurant at a particular time. Then will it do it perfectly?

For this, Google has shared that if the assistant executes something wrong, it will surely inform the user for the same.

Currently, Google is enveloped in doubts and questions. The next prospect which doubts the perfect is that, will A.I. be able to handle all the language and differences accurately?

Defending its new launch, Google argued that Duplex is designed to perform specific tasks like reserving a table or scheduling an appointment for hair. It won’t be able to make an appointment with the doctor, lest not trained.

Challenges in the queue:

  • The problems which this newcomer will face is the poor call quality and background noise.
  • The second problem will be of contextual conversation, which is very much in-habit of humans.
  • The third problem which will land is the speed of conversation, which requires fast cloud computing power.

How will Google sort out this problem?

Google assured to kick these problems by using a recurrent neural network. It will get the sequences of answer by observing the previous conversations.

The introduction of the Duplex has certainly bred expectations as well as the insecurity of data piracy. It has even developed doubts on its potential at the back of the mind. The Google troop are confident on their new launch but the later results will claim the worth of their words.

How should I Select a Technology Stack for my Startup?

Switching to one-another technology has not just become a trend but also demand of the time. The advancement in technology has triggered the use and demand in parallel. The mobile app development industry is the most influenced of all. The changes in the programs and the addition of latest technologies has explored a better way of utilising the already existing one.

There has been plight between developers for introducing either Angular or React in their projects until a new JavaScript library became part of the family.

Vue.js is a most demanded JavaScript library used for creating web interfaces. When it is joined with other tools, it acts as “framework”.

Vue.js is not new; it has been present since 2013, but last year it occupied the market with maximum downloads.

Whereas Angular is an open-source framework used for building dynamic websites and applications. It comes under the umbrella of MEAN stack and allows a wide range of code editors.

Vue.Js was developed with an intention to overcome the issues bulging with Angular Framework. This framework provides an easy way to develop simple page web application.

Why Choose Angular Development Framework?

It has been considered a perfect JS framework as it:

  • Server-Side Rendering: Angular JS Framework is very SEO-friendly. It provides good Server-Side Rendering (SSR) features to enhance the page activity on the client side.
  • Separation of Concerns: Angular supports MVC model which enables easy separation of concerns and permits cleaner faster development.
  • Deep linking Module: This format offers an extended linking module for the development of single page app. It explains about the working of Ajax and benefits of adding it into the app project.
  • Tools and Filters: It even permits an easy blend of various tools and filters into the development environment. This grants high-speed front-end experience.
  • Testing and Maintenance: The Angular Framework supports refactoring and debugging that helps developers in the maintenance and testing process. It even permits to check the complete project with a single testing tool like Karma, Protractor and Jasmine. This limits the hassle and grants expert results.
  • Update Scope with CLI: Angular CLI is easy to utilise and install. It provides mobility experts with easy commands and offers effective testing tools. It is even backed by several engineers and platforms which enables it to update all the app component.

Why opt for Vue.js?

  • Memory Consumption: Memory consumption has been an issue but this particular feature of Vue.js attracts users. Development of an App using Vue.js framework can make it less memory consuming. This framework offers good features in low memory consumption.
  • Learning-Not an Issue: It has represented itself as one of most like JavaScript framework which has simple CLI but offers advanced and huge documentation. These features lure users and set it as a first priority.
  • Readability: This framework is user-friendly because of being written in simple JavaScript with clean codes. The simple codes are easy to read and forwards its use.
  • Small Size File: The size of the app developed on this platform is normally small and can be easily downloaded.
  • Integration Scope: Vue.Js supports a simple and easy integration process. So it allures developers for developing both single page application from scratch and integrated advanced component in already functioning program.
  • Server-Side Rendering: This platform also offers Server-side rendering option to enhance the working speed of pages on the client’s end. It incorporates a better result and good experience.

When to Choose Which- Vue.js vs Angular?

1) Popularity:
The popularity of Vue.Js has been emerging with the vigorous speed in last year. The percentage of untouched people has shrunk from 5 to 1 %, reflecting the occupancy.

But GitHub disclosed that though Vue has achieved good ratings but fails in commits and contributors.

2) Learning Curve:
In Vue, you really not to worry about getting proficiency at concepts like MVC and TypeScript. Vue.Js supports inbuilt app templates and provides customization option. Since it is designed by combining Angular and React- it’s not hard to bring Angular or React-based mobility solution on Vue.js platform.

3) Architecture:
Architecture influences the comparison as it holds importance in JavaScript Framework. Angular supports MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) and MVC (Model-View-Controller) for designing the web application and dynamic websites.

Vue focuses on ViewModel and represents limited data. This Characteristic makes Vue.Js weaker to Angular.

4) Complexity:
Vue.js is designed quite later so it’s much easier and simpler than any other platform. So no hotchpotch and trouble while using it.

5) Scalability:
When you have to provide remark on the basis of scalability then Angular leaves the Vue far behind. Angular consist of proper modular development structure whereas Vue just holds template-based syntax. Thus it limits the reusability of code in large-size apps.

6) TypeScript Support:
Angular is extremely integrated with TypeScript that is an upgraded version of JavaScript. If one has to use Angular then needs to learn TypeScript. In the case of Vue.js, JavaScript is still writing code. However, it provides an option to Vue.js developers to easily collaborate TypeScript Features in it.

7) App Size and Loading Time:
Though Angular have latest traits like tree-shaking and AOT compilation to minimise the size of an App but it still fails in comparison to Vue. Apps developed using Vue Platform are light in size so can be easily downloaded.

8) Flexibility:
The next feature that determines the usefulness of any JS framework is Flexibility. It supports a variety of build systems without affecting app structure.

9) App Performance:
The use of the Document Object Model (DOM) determines the performance level. Angular Uses real DOM due to which complete web or app pages faces changes even if a single component is changed. Vue wins this battle as it does not affect the entire page and assures modification in the components required.

10) Data Binding:
Vue.js supports the one-way data binding concept that restricts the alteration of UI element without changing the model state. On the other side, Angular offers two-way binding concept which makes the modification easy in UI element without disturbing the model state and vice-versa.

11) Ease of Deployment:
Though development to deployment is easy in Angular app development still it requires to focus on writing a “good” Angular application. If not focused, it will become tough to enjoy the advantage of Ahead-of-Time compilation (AoT), lazy loading, module system and many other peculiarities.

Vue offers full support and enables to build a complex setup or import anything into the app environment which can respond in optimizing the code. Thus providing an easy compilation process.

12) Testing:
Angular has proved itself better in the aspect of testing as it provides multiple tools like Karma and Jasmine, enabling the test of development code individually. Vue has been tough in this purpose for developers. It’s not easy for developers to provide bug-free applications using Vue.js.

13) Mobility Solutions:
Angular is used for developing real-time apps like chat application and instant messaging. On the other hand, Vue.js is fit for creating lightweight single page application with an accessible interface.

14) Community Support:
Vue.js have less number of commits and contributors though it has a good number of watchers forks and stars on GitHub. In fact, the migration helper tool of Vue.js is not considered very influencing as it has no roadmap which could help in versioning and planning.

Angular is supported by Google and run by an open source community.

Certainly, this feature of Angular makes it a winner in term of Community support.

Thus, we are now capable of differentiating between the above two platforms. Its all up to you now to choose the right framework as per the need and requirements.