Artificial intelligence

How can Edge Computing Change the Outlook of Manufacturing Industry?

IoT, cloud, AI, ML and Edge have been quite familiar terms for technology lovers. There has been a wrong idea or approach that Edge and Cloud are mutually independent. Though they may operate in different ways; leveraging one does not prevent the utilization of the other. In fact, they powerfully complement each other.

Edge Computing in Manufacturing

With the growth and penetration of the Internet of Things in different sectors, the edge computing framework is also findings its way in several sectors. Today, the most promising edge computing use cases are present in the manufacturing industry as it welcomes new technologies, and these advanced technologies effectively improve performance as well as productivity.

IoT is already providing its best for the optimal result in the manufacturing industry; manufacturers are looking for some platform to boost the responsiveness of their production systems. To accomplish this, companies are adopting smart manufacturing with edge computing as its leading enabler.

Smart manufacturing indicates a futuristic factory where equipment can make autonomous decisions based on operations going on the factory floor.

The new technology allows businesses to integrate all steps of the manufacturing process like design, manufacturing, supply chain, and operations. This provides better flexibility and reactivity at competitive markets. But no doubt, this whole vision requires a combination of related technologies like IoT, AI, ML and Edge computing.

One of the critical reason for gathering analytics at the edge of the network is that it enables us to analyze and execute on real-time data without bandwidth costs that come with sending data offsite for analysis.
We all are well-aware that manufacturing is time-sensitive in terms of avoiding the production of out-of-spec components, equipment downtime, worker injury, or death.

In fact, for more complex, longer-term tasks, data can be transferred to the cloud and coupled with other structured and unstructured forms of data. Thus, this supports that the application of these two different computing frameworks is not mutually exclusive but its a symbiotic relationship leveraging the benefits provided by each.

Why businesses need Edge for Manufacturing?

In the manufacturing sector, the purpose of edge computing is to process and analyze data near a machine that require prompt action in a time-sensitive manner. It demands a quick decision right away without any delay. In traditional IoT platform set up, data produced by a device is collected through an IoT device is sent back to the central network server (cloud).

In the cloud, all the collected data is processed in a centralized location, usually in a data centre. This implies that all the devices which need access to this data or use applications associated with it should be connected to the cloud. Thus everything is centralized, and the cloud is easy to secure and control even if it allows for reliable remote access to data. Well, data processing is completed in the cloud; it can be accessed through IoT platforms in several ways, i.e. via real-time visualization, diagnostic analytics, reporting to support better decision making based on real data.

Now, the question which triggers is that, if everything is quite favourable, then why do we need edge computing. The main problem is that the whole process takes time, and the situation turns complicated when there is a need to take prompt decision based on data.

In the traditional process, the data travels the distance from the edge device back to the cloud, and a slight delay can be critical for taking a specific decision like stopping a machine tool from avoiding breaking. In fact, these IoT connected machines produce a massive amount of data and all the data travelling back and forth between edge and cloud disrupts the communication bandwidth.

The only way to achieve real-time decision making is to adopt edge computing. Edge enabled machines to collect and process data in real-time at the edge of the machine that allows them to respond promptly and effectively.

Edge Use Cases in Manufacturing:

Let’s now check the practical reasons to add edge computing as a necessary thing in manufacturing. There are many business benefits to ensure that all networks are correctly connected to the cloud while providing on-time delivery of powerful computing resources at the edge.

1) Updated equipment uptime:

The adoption of edge computing in manufacturing predicts failure in a subsystem, component or impact of running in a degraded state in real-time. It regularly refines as more data is analyzed and is used to boost operational purposes and maintenance schedule.

2) Decreased sustenance costs:

Better analysis of data for required maintenance means that maintenance can be completed on first visits by providing mechanics detailed guidance about the cause of the problem, required action, what part requires extra attention which ultimately deduces repair cost.

3) Lower spare parts inventory:

Edge analytics models are business-friendly; they can be tailored as per the need of an individual device or system. This implies reading sensors directly associated with specific components/subsystems.

Thus, the edge model describes how the system should be optimally configured to accomplish the business goal, making spare parts inventory more efficient at a minimum cost.

4) Critical failure prevention:

By collecting, analyzing and monitoring data related to components, edge analytics detect a cause for future failure before it affects actualize. This enables early problem detection and prevention.

5) Condition-based monitoring:

The convergence of I.T. and O.T. has allowed manufacturers to access machine data to know the condition of their equipment on the factory floor; either it is new or legacy equipment.

6) New business models:

This is an essential point because edge analytics helps in shaping new business models to catch opportunities. Let’s check an example; edge analytics can enhance just-in-time parts management systems using self-monitoring analysis to predict machine component failure and provides parts replacement notification throughout the value chain. This affirms for a needed maintenance schedule to reduce downtime and parts inventory and ensures an efficient model.

In the CNC machine tool, in-cycle stoppages to the tool are edge decision, whereas end-of-cycles can be a cloud decision. The reason behind this is that in-cycle stoppages require a very low, near-zero, lag time whereas end-of-cycle stoppages have a more lenient lag time. Thus in the former scenario, the machine would have to leverage edge analytics when in-cycle to adapt and shut down the machine automatically to avoid potential costly downtime and maintenance.

Edge and cloud computing

As we already know that IIoT aims to apply the latest analytics to large quantities of machine data to reduce unplanned downtime, reduction in the overall cost of machine maintenance and potentially utilizing the machine learning capabilities. The cloud has been responsible for making this kind of massive data acquisition, transfer, and analysis.

So, if data speed is high and connectivity should be stable and then adopting edge solution is the best option. Therefore it is clear that edge computing will not replace cloud computing but it will complement each other for the optimal result. Thus, integration of edge computing with cloud computing capabilities can enhance efficiency and maximize the productivity of the business.

How is Artificial Intelligence Contributing to the IoT Revolution?

Today businesses around the world are extracting the potential outcome by deploying IoT in their business operations. They use it to create new and optimized business possibilities. The firm growth of IoT in various industries is spectacular, whereas AI and its influence on a professional and personal level are considered undervalued. However, combining IoT with rapidly improving AI technologies can design ‘smart machines’ that stimulate intelligent behaviours to make a precise decision without any human interference. Thus, AI-IoT together minimizes chances of error and ensures efficiency along with productivity.

How does AI help in the IoT revolution?

Artificial Intelligence performs smart tasks such as language translation, decision making, voice recognition, etc. and IoT involves a series of interconnected gadgets to transport information over a network. IoT gadgets depend on web connectivity to deliver a fair amount of relevant information about users such as user behaviour, users’ preferences, personal details, etc. It is absolutely wrong to overlook them as they contribute to improving the operations and user experience. However, many organizations have no idea about saving and processing of massive amounts of data which ultimately hinders the growth and potency of IoT.

In this critical situation, AI work as saviour as it helps to store the bulk of data processed by the IoT devices. It analyses and produces a sense of it. Thus, we can conclude that AI is a chief driver which promises to contribute to the exceptional growth of IoT.

Enabling evolving profits for businesses

Earlier, the AI framework was taking care of limited categories of the task. They were not scalable and required human interference. However, advancement in technology has created a successful transformation of AI by involving it into IoT concept. The collaboration of AI with IoT has introduced smart machines which require the least human intervention. The integration of two evolving technology will bring a dramatic change in different industries. Four significant changes that will emerge in businesses after integration of AI & IoT are:

Improved revenue:

Integration of IoT with AI will be profitable for many industries and sectors in terms of generating significant revenues and returns. IoT data providers, IoT gadget, manufactures and companies offering application services based on smart sensors will also enjoy the profits gained by the togetherness of these two highly effective technologies.

Better Safety Standards:

Un-interrupted and regular monitoring allows a business to take prompt decisions to restrict any failure. Up-to-date monitoring improves overall protection and security standards while enhancing productivity. The strict monitoring over different operations even reduces the possibility of harm to lives and assets.

Decreased Expenses:

Assessing the appliances by smart detectors, the sensor installed domestic devices and smart electricity meters cut the extra operational costs in businesses or household works.

Improved user experience:

Smart sensors offer a plethora of opportunities to improve the user experience. These detectors catch the user’s preferences and provide them with options accordingly. For example, smart ac sets the temperature as per the user’s need.

Positive influence on different industries

1) Manufacturing Industry:

Manufacturing sectors like aircraft, automobiles, mining, household appliances, etc. sync smart sensors with their machinery to get future analyses and improve efficiency along with productivity. Industries are endeavouring to develop a wholly autonomous and advanced industrial unit. The installed sensors will assist enterprises in detecting the areas with looming threats, informing about the future maintenance requirement to ensure least machinery falls.

2) Smart Homes:

IoT has introduced advancement in homes too. Today, smart home concepts have taken up speed. Smart homes concept means a house where all the gadgets are connected through a shared network. Integrating IoT with AI will enable devices to interpret the owner’s instruction and make smart decisions, respectively.

A smart home consists of technologies that aim to make lives comfortable by allowing the owner to regulate the device remotely, regardless of where she/he is currently present. It even ensures better safety and security. For example, an owner can pre-plan the time at which he/she wants coffee, or when TV should turn on to watch their favourite show.

3) Body sensors:

Smart detectors have made the lives of patients and doctors easy. These smart devices sense different activities to maintain good health. Today, pharmaceutical companies are investing in medical sensors that can assist patients in keeping a track on their health. In the covid-19 situation, most of the hospitals are offering virtual consultations to their regular patients. Smart sensors are tracking the health of patients and sending health alerts to the doctors if any changes appear. This technology has allowed everyone to follow social distancing to minimize the chances of Covid spread.

For example, sensors evaluate blood pressure, blood sugar levels, etc. and send a notification if any changes occur.

4) Airlines:

Sensors have also become part of the aircraft to monitor the looming risks and errors and to assure safety before any mishap occurs. These smart sensors predict probable errors and calculate the degree of severity to decrease aircraft downtime and ensure safety. Airline companies also use sensors to detect the maintenance issues that typically cause flight delay and cancellations.

5) Oil Rigs:

Oil industries have to spend a fair amount on obtaining oil drilling machinery. Oil companies can use smart sensors to get a timely notification for servicing and reduce the operational cost. Sensors attached to the machines provide the information about the condition of devices and send the alert for maintenance or servicing before any damage happens to a machine.

Wrapping Up:

IoT and AI are technologies which seem to complete each other through one or another way. This deadly combination will change the outlook of many businesses and industries. It will even improve our personal and professional lives in a very positive way. Thus, undoubtedly this ultimate combination is highly beneficial as it will open up new opportunities for growth and innovations—the addition of AI in IoT concept can ease the business processes, improve productivity and provides enhanced user-experience.

How COVID-19 Explains The Need for IoT Based World?

The irruption of the Coronavirus in our life, either technological or non-technological, has disrupted the regular flow. It has not just shown our incapabilities in healthcare but has challenged us on the technical table.

We thought that the present giant technologies are the best like anything. Still, the sudden fatal interference by COVID-19 expressed the need for more virtual and reliable interconnection for day to day tasks.

Do you think post-pandemic, IoT along with other technologies would aid in boosting the lost economy while ensuring full security? Let’s wear the future showing shades and check how the tech-world would be after the end of the pandemic.

1) Touch-Screen: A scary-old fashioned technology:

Today (COVID-19 crises), touch word has now another obvious meaning-‘avoid it’.

Post-Pandemic, contactless interfaces, and interactions would be the new ‘must adopt’ tech trend. Yesterday’s touch screen trend which had once made us crazy would be limited. COVID-19 has made us ultra-aware of every touchable thing which could transmit the disease.

After pandemic, there would be a digital revolution and technology would prioritize more machine vision interfaces and voice interfaces.

We have already seen different payment options available without any physical touch. However, now consumers would prefer more options to pay for goods and services without any physical touch.

Machine vision offers autonomous checkout at some stores and has been used to apply social media filters. In the coming days, Iot along with sensors would expand its capabilities, and we would get a more reliable and accurate voice and machine vision interface that could recognize gestures and faces limiting the physical contact. Most of the industries would adopt it for fulfilling different purposes and needs.

2) Adoption of better infrastructure:

Well, the lesson we all should pick from this COVID-19 period is to strengthen digital infrastructure. In the COVID stress, people adopted work from home and searched for digital solutions to sustain their daily requirements and needs. There were few digital solutions to organize meetings, project management, workout, and many other necessary things.

Thus, COVID-19 disclosed the opportunity for both the employee and employer by allowing work from home in the future. Iot would interrupt in between the changes and would provide a better solution to follow the work from home.

Read More: Why IoT (Internet Of Things) will Be a New Normal?

3) Better Monitoring Using IoT and Big Data:

The health sector, which is struggling to deliver its best in the pandemic, needs rejuvenation through technology. In this pandemic period, we unveiled the importance of data. We learned that IoT and Big data could be proved as the savior for monitoring and curbing future pandemics.

Health apps could be used for warning the future pandemics by tracking the person who shows the symptom. GPS data could determine the possible infected people who have been in touch with the symptom showing a person. But one has to ensure that privacy is not disturbed at all to prevent any data misuse while endeavoring for benefit.

4) AI-Enabled Drug Development:

The development of a safe and effective drug could help in treating and curing the disease before it could blanket the whole nation. AI is considered as a right partner in drug development because it can help in analyzing the patterns and behavior of the virus as well as balance the human endeavors.

5) Telemedicine:

The COVID emergency has set up a new online treatment culture for already existing patients dealing with different health issues. You might be coming across such services. Hospitals are reminding their regular patients for consultation through video calls for restricting crowd in hospitals to stop virus spread. The dependency of healthcare on the online services has increased now and hopefully, would continue post-pandemic.

6) Elevation in Online Shopping:

To be honest, most of the people are now scared of visiting the market and shopping malls for the sake of dresses and other essential things. The spread of Coronavirus has unleashed an unstoppable opportunity for e-commerce businesses. From groceries to the cleaning, from grooming to the clothing, today everyone is dependent on the online stores. Businesses which provide online option weaved benefit while companies offering no online platform is dealing with a significant loss.

Post pandemic, many businesses would rush to add online services to make their business more versatile and profitable. Not just this, there would be a good elevation in the logistics and delivery systems to meet the demands even in critical times like pandemic.

Read More: How will IoT Transform Transportation in the Coming Years?

7) Robots will be in fashion:

Today, businesses and health care are realizing the importance of robots in this crisis. Robots are not vulnerable to viruses, and they can also serve in the most mannered way.

Post-Pandemic, robots could be employed for delivering groceries, for performing vital roles in hospitals, or for running factories. Companies have jotted down the importance of Robots and would be preferring them in the future to assure smooth services in any situation.

8) Digital Events more feasible:

Before lockdown, there were many in-person events, but today all the event organizers have to take a digital platform to follow the designed schedule.

The unbelievable outcome received from the digital events is increased participation. People around the world are participating and rendering their opinion, either its technology-based event or a discussion on the economy.

Though there are some pros and cons in digital events, so in-person events might not be completely replaced, but there are huge chances that post-pandemic digital events would become part of normal life.

9. Rise in Esports:

Like all other things, the sports world had to shut down in the COVID stress. Event organizers, sponsors, and fans had to accept this unwanted reality. However, this lockdown disclosed an alternative way of enjoyment. There are e-versions of sports like F1 care racing which are telecasted on the television. Though they may not give the real feel, in the coming year there would be a better and more realistic look.

In the coming days, sports would choose the online platform and would use the most advanced technology to provide the most exciting and genuine sports feel.

COVID-19 might be disturbing businesses, economy, and progress, but it is teaching us how to be best by being at home and by avoiding the contact. It has developed an appetite to develop the most advanced version of the present technology. It has asked developers and IT professionals to extract the best from IoT and AI. It has warned the healthcare system to become more robust to face future pandemics and develop an intense bond with the latest technologies.

How does Involvement of Latest AI Improves Android System?

Artificial intelligence, the word so familiar today, was first heard in 1955 by John McCarthy at Dartmouth Conference. This new word then was assumed to be less unusual until 1990 knocked.

But the visions, thoughts and demands changed with the lapse of time, and today AI stands as one of the useful ministers in the kingdom of technology.

The use of AI has now turned infectious and has been observed in many places like in the year 2000 it was seen at the consumer marketplace as lovable ASIMO robot waiter of Honda, machines etc. and now in Mobile App Development.

Today Mobile App Development is witnessing the most dynamic changes in the industry. The desire to develop the best has seeded new technologies and its use.

The description and examples and use remain useless until we are not aware of how AI works, how its involvement in Mobile App world would change the current trend.

Let’s count the benefits provided by AI in Android Application development:

Detects Your Face: AI has not just allured people by its imitating tendency but also surprised the crowd with adorable features. AI now belong to the safety team. It is currently employed for safety measures as it can detect the user’s face in a digital image. The real-time face detection permit surveillance or enable monitoring of the movement either of object or human. Android app developers are utilizing this feature in the camera for recognizing the face in various frames.

Image labelling: It’s a great feature which can be adequately utilized by the android application developers. It is used for marking various objectives. Developers can utilize the Image Labeler app to provide an interactive label to the image. It even enables the users to classify an image, assign a label to rectangular ROIs (Region of Interest) and pixel semantic segmentation through this technology. Image labelling certainly makes the experience more interactive and friendly.

Recognizing the text: This feature runs in two steps, the first step involves the detection of the text, and the second involves the identification of the detected text. This character categorizes it in the most eligible technology to be used in coming time.

Chatbots: It is listed in the advanced concept designed for mobile apps for businesses. It is capable of communicating with the real audience. It can gather data and offers better customer services to the users on demand.

A Mini browser survey stats that e-Commerce, insurance and health-care industries will be benefited by this chatbot. It dismisses the requirement to employ customer care executives on 24/7 purpose and provides a human-like interaction. It is predicted that it will emerge as a remarkable part of Android application development services soon.

Personalization: Personalized experience will allure and give a sense of a loyal customer base. Artificial Intelligence provides recommendations after sensing the type of choice the user holds. This feature escalates the user experience and connects users ofttimes through an Android app.

The use of personalization features will accelerate the business excel in the bulging competition. I guess it’s the only reason why Netflix, Facebook and many other companies have switched to this feature.

Smart Answers: Today, the quick smart reply by Gmail is appreciated by the crowd, and no doubt it deserves it as well. The new Gmail consists of employs AI and ML technologies, which adds adorable personalized user experience. Now Android app developers can add this feature to the android business app and restrain time consumption by quick reply.

The combination of AI and ML can boost your business to a new level. It will not only reduce time consumption but will attract more users to the app.

The introduction of an AI has already imprinted the generation of a new era. An era which will be a hub of surprises and luxury. In the nearby future, the AI will stand up as the most-in-demand technology. The benefits catered by the AI has added it to the ‘wish-list’ of many Android app developers.

How Latest Google Duplex will Make Difference in Your Life?

Google is blooming with the latest additions that can provide comfort and secured work zone to the Homo sapiens.

Recently Google has blanketed the tech news channel by its new project ‘Google Duplex.’

Duplex is a new project that is currently live in most of the U.S. It allows individual users to make a restaurant reservation by phone, but instead of the user, Google Duplex backed by Google assistant converses on behalf of a user with an AI-based but human voice.

But before we start inspecting the project thoroughly, let’s check the works assigned to this new ‘tech-assistant’.

Google Duplex can make a restaurant reservation or schedule a salon appointment. It converses and fixes the time as per the user’s requirement.

Where can you find Google Duplex?

Well, Google duplex will rest inside the Google Assistant to serve you by doing the different kinds of stuff on your behalf. The primary concern behind the development of this functionality is to rescue time. The technology-soaked Duplex assistant is enabled of calling businesses on your behalf, for making a reservation, booking appointments etc. The most exciting part of this newcomer is that it will make calls in a human-sounding voice that means the other person on the call will not be able to recognize the non-human activity.

Do you need to learn- How to Use Duplex?

(Source: Google Blog)

Development of new technology would go in vain if it caters no comfort, so really need not to stress on ‘How to Use Duplex?’

There is nothing to learn, you just have to order like a king, “hey Google, Call (Business place) and make an appointment for me on 24 June at 5:30 pm.” and get back to your work. Everything will be done in the background.

Not just this, it will add your appointments and reservations to your calendar to remind you in future for the same.

(Source: Google Blog)

What did Google people say?

Google head of engineering, Yossi Matias said “Allowing people to interact with technology as naturally as they interact with each other has been a long-standing promise,” at the time of announcement for the Duplex.

It was even shared that now one can also skip saying ‘Hey Google’ every time as Duplex is designed in a way that it touches the silhouette of perfection and sounds natural inviting a comfortable conversation experience.

“We hope that these technology advances will ultimately contribute to a meaningful improvement in people’s experience in day-to-day interactions with computers.”

Current reach of Duplex:

Till now, Duplex is rendered in the U.S. only, but Google has promised to unveil it to the world but with “a slow and measured approach”. It’s even available on Google Pixel Phones.

Google has shared that it will be available in 44 states once an initial beta period is over in four U.S. cities. But still no confirm execution date is released.

Duplex enters in Web World:

The recent announcement assured the entry of Duplex on the web as well. Google shared that I/O 2019 is Duplex designed for the web.

Now, this advanced technology will fill all the information in the forms for you. It always turns as a task to fill a few pages while making online reservations. One has to go through several pages, zoom in and fill the form, but the involvement of this new technology will undoubtedly save time.

Will AI successfully imitate as human?

Well, it has turned as a debate topic as people are expecting that AI might disclose its originality and share that it is a computer calling from another side.

But being caught as AI or computer will really matter?

Well, Google has added many things in conversation such as “er” or “um” to provide a natural feel, but the debate is still open doubting the potential of this function, questioning the natural feeling offered by it.

Matias said “It’s important to us that users and businesses have a good experience with this service,”

“Transparency is a key part of that. We want to be clear about the intent of the call, so businesses understand the context” he continued.

Is AI Reliable?

Another question which has been raised on this new development is its accuracy and output. In the past, users have used many virtual assistants and other voice control systems that has undoubtedly developed an issue of trust. So, it’s evident that one might not get the expected outcome from this virtual assistant. Suppose if you ask your virtual assistant to book five seats in a restaurant at a particular time. Then will it do it perfectly?

For this, Google has shared that if the assistant executes something wrong, it will surely inform the user for the same.

Currently, Google is enveloped in doubts and questions. The next prospect which doubts the perfect is that, will A.I. be able to handle all the language and differences accurately?

Defending its new launch, Google argued that Duplex is designed to perform specific tasks like reserving a table or scheduling an appointment for hair. It won’t be able to make an appointment with the doctor, lest not trained.

Challenges in the queue:

  • The problems which this newcomer will face is the poor call quality and background noise.
  • The second problem will be of contextual conversation, which is very much in-habit of humans.
  • The third problem which will land is the speed of conversation, which requires fast cloud computing power.

How will Google sort out this problem?

Google assured to kick these problems by using a recurrent neural network. It will get the sequences of answer by observing the previous conversations.

The introduction of the Duplex has certainly bred expectations as well as the insecurity of data piracy. It has even developed doubts on its potential at the back of the mind. The Google troop are confident on their new launch but the later results will claim the worth of their words.