ios app development services

Did You Use The Right Mobile Tech-Stack in 2019 for Your Startup?

For the success of a mobile app, the technology stack used for its development act as a critical ingredient. Neglecting its profound importance can lead to unavoidable failure. Hence opting a right tech stack is mandatory because it can cut off the high cost and time consumption required for mobile app development.

Before taking off for paragliding to see mind-boggling tech world which offers the best tech stack in 2019, I would like to inform you that find the best mobile app development company. A top-notch mobile app development services assure to turn your concept into reality.

After reading the complete Tech Stack, if you have used all or some, do let us know in the comment box. As an offer, we will be using your startup name or product name in our next Blog edition as an example of a big thing.

Native app development

The Native App development symbolises the use of the specific platform with a specific language, software development kits, development environments, and other tools offered by the operating system vendor. This states that building native apps on different platforms requires separate mobile app development technologies for each.

A) Technology stack for iOS apps in 2019:

Are you planning for native application for iOS? Consider the following tech stack to get the potential output.

1. Programming languages: Objective-C, Swift:

For developing an iOS app, one can either go for Swift or Objective-C.

Objective-C consists of C programming language and proffers object-oriented functionalities along with dynamic runtime environment.

Whereas Swift offers less error-prone codes, topped with more functionality. The inline support for handling text strings and data, libraries which are directly uploaded to memory, lite size of the app contributes to improving app performance.

2. Toolkit: Apple Xcode:

This comes in play if you have opted Swift for your iOS app for developing a native app. This heavily-featured development environment allows for creating mobile apps and desktop applications.

The Xcode has integrated support for Git repositories, instrumentation and debugging tools, integrated documentation and graphical editor to generate user interfaces.

3. SDK: iOS SDK:

The iOS SDK has API, i.e. Application Programming Interface, which act as a connecting link between software applications and platforms they run on. APIs have important programming libraries and other tools. Generally, iPhone SDK offers tools for touch screen interface and iOS operating system which administer Apple’s iPhones and other mobile devices like the iPad or Macbook.

B) Android technology stack in 2019

If you are fascinated in Android, then having a deep dive into its different stacks and features would undoubtedly diminish all the queries and confusions. Following mobile technologies are must-to-know before initiating the project.

1. Programming languages: Java, Kotlin

Java and Kotlin are the languages one can use for developing the Android mobile app.

Java consists of vast open-source tools and libraries, but it has some limitations. However, Kotlin is designed to overcome all the limitations of Java by offering solutions to API design deficiencies. It is more stable and has a congruous development option. Kotlin is lightweight, clean and much less verbose.

2. Toolkit: Android Studio & Android Developer Tools:

Android studio offers debugging, code editing, a flexible build system, performance tooling and an instant deploy system.

ADT backs in android app development and even permits developers to use various on-device debugging tools, emulators, a graphical UI builder and fully scriptable test automation support.

3. SDK: Android SDK

In order to write programs with latest features, developers are required to download and install each version of SDK for a particular phone. One can download different components of Android SDK separately.

C) Cross-platform app development:

Developing a cross-platform app means creating an app which can be used on multiple platforms. This means cross-platform allows developers to use a single code base for the mobile app development to assure adaptability on the majority of devices.

Technology stack for cross-platform apps

Let’s check out the different framework for cross-platform app development.

1. React Native + JavaScript/TypeScript:

React Native is a JavaScript framework for inscribing mobile application that acts native on both Android and iOS. React Native uses the same fundamental UI building blocks as regular Android and iOS apps. One just needs to arrange those building blocks together using JavaScript and React.

React Native develop a highly functional approach to the constructive user interface. By using react native, your application UI can remain fully native, whereas application logic can be written and run in JavaScript.

Instagram and Skype stand as the best example of the same.

TypeScript language can also be used for creating a cross-platform application. It offers features for quick and easy error detection while writing react components.

General components are useful in the TypeScript toolbox as they provide high safety while inscribing components, tightening the feedback loop and helps in finding errors.

2. Xamarin + C#:

Xamarin is a tool used in cross-platform mobile app development that permits engineers to share about 90 % of code across major platforms. It uses C# as the primary language. C#is a statically typed language with mature tooling and IDE support.

In general, an app written in C# is cross-compiled to native Android and iOS binaries. One can even use device-specific APIs and functionality from within C# code.

For instance, Pinterest and Slack are built with Xamarin.

D) Hybrid app development:

Development of a hybrid app usually utilises the standard web technologies and tools like HTML5, JavaScript and CSS.

The shared code is then boxed in a native container using various tools and can be used as a regular app.

For example,
McDonald’s Turkiye and Untappd.

Factors to consider when choosing a technology stack:

Today one might enter into the situation of “what to do or which stack to use?”

The dilemma remains alive unless you don’t gather the correct information and focus on your requirements.

Build a solid plan which can escalate your ideas into reality and generate immense profit. Having a professional, full-featured software with scalability and full security can only contribute to better results.

What points should you consider while looking for mobile app development?

Let’s roam a bit.

Type of project:

This particular section needs to be laser-focused as it can define the whole requirements and steps to be taken.

Suppose if you are planning to have a complex mobile app assuring great performance, wholly customized along with platform-specific UI implementation, then opting Native would work better.

Then Kotlin or Swift would be programming language options.

Validating an idea:

If you are just on the track to start your start-up business and wish to launch your product, engage the potential user then be smart enough and ahead from your competitors. Choose cross-platform to churn the maximum benefit.

React native would be the best to go with as it is cost-effective, allows the use of a single code on various platforms.

Time to market:

This act as a spine of any product. Good marketing can evolve benefits and attract potential users. Speed of marketing can decide its validity in the market. If you wish to speed-up product development, then look for framework or language which can provide ready-made solutions for common development tasks like social media integration and authentication.

End Words:

The utility of mobile phones is rising day by day, indicating significant growth in the mobile industry. If in this mobile-webbed-world, you wish to add yourself in the mobile app industry then be particular about your choices, approach and potential users. There are many mobile development services providing companies but look for a portfolio before signing them.

Did you use any of the above tech-stack for your start-up? Then, share your experience and write your company’s name in the comment box.

Two Years of Flutter Framework: Know The Latest Pros and Cons

The recent developments in the mobile app industry have proved the demand for having the best technology. The introduction and then the popularity of the cross-platform mobile app development has ventured many new frameworks to escalate the industry to the next advanced level.

Currently, Android and iOS have become the best platform to work for mobile app development. So, indeed, one needs to learn different codes to use this platform for app development.

Working on cross-platform skips time consumption and spares unnecessary efforts. PhoneGap by Adobe, React Native by Facebook and Xamarin by Microsoft are some of the web-based tools which are trending in the market for providing cross-platform development of apps.

Flutter developed by Google has also influenced the mobile app development market. It is an open-source mobile app development framework for iOS and android platform.

Currently, developers share different opinions on the use of flutter as a cross-platform. In fact, there are many mobile app development companies in India which provide iOS and Android app development services using it.

However, if you have no idea of Flutter, then check various features, pros and cons of using it.

The concept behind developing Flutter:

Flutter, developed by Google is a software development kit (SDK) for mobile apps. It supports to create mobile applications for the most prominent platforms that is Android and iOS.

Flutter offers a complete kit of development tools, frameworks and widgets for free. This favour provides an opportunity for developers for a better experience and eases the process.

Occupied its space:

Flutter entered in the market in December 2018. Though this framework is new, still it has successfully occupied its space and market. Currently, Alibaba and Tencent are using this platform. Google has even utilised it in development of app ‘Google Ads’. Google is now using this framework to create a new platform ‘Fushia’.

Thus even being new Flutter has influenced the market and has grabbed the space in the app development industry.

Facts to know about Flutter:

  • UI elements follow specific guidelines
  • Open Source and freebie
  • Architecture based on reactive programming
  • Highly customizable and have fast widgets
  • Dart, an objective-oriented programming language, is used in developing it
  • The C++ rendering engine is used in it
  • React Native app development is the main competitor of it

Google’s participation in the development

  • Supports application development on Windows
  • Key parts of the engine to boost performance
  • Backs multiple Firebase APIs
  • Backs ads, online video, charts
  • Proper documentation
  • fixes bug
  • Easy accessibility and internationalization

Flutter enables developers to create 2D mobile apps. It can be used to develop apps which can support storage, geolocation, cameras and network.

Flutter is the best option if you are planning to develop branded designs or feature-rich apps.

Pros and Cons before you switch to Flutter:

Pros of using Flutter:

Same code: You need not spend time writing particular codes for Android and iOS and then repeat the same mechanism. Developers can use the same code base for both Android and iOS apps.

Apps that are created using Flutter are highly active on both Apple and Google platform. The development process requires less coding, and thus, one can launch on both the platforms together.

Attractive reload feature: The aspect which attracts most of the developers is a hot reload feature. This feature allows developers to observe any change made to the code in real-time. So, one does not need to start the app. The update source code can be inscribed to the app in functioning condition.

The widget tree is automatically created by Flutter to provide the real-time. The hot reload feature contributes to speeding up the process. The entire process can be improved, and developers can identify the bugs before they appear. It even provides the leverage of testing the new features or UI without any hassle.

Less Coding: The Dart Programming language is object-oriented and strongly typed in nature. The programming style in Flutter is declarative and reactive. There is no requirement of JavaScript bridge in Flutter.

The AOT ( Ahead-of-Time)compilation backs Dart to achieve it. Dart even uses Just-in-Time (JIT) compilation to escalate the development process. It permits the hot reload feature to get UI refreshed during the process.

Perfect for MVP: If one has to showcase their products in a short time, then Flutter mobile app can back you in this situation. On both the platform, either Android or iOS, the app looks native.

This particular feature provides an idea to the investors about the final look of the MVP.

If one has to develop two separate apps for Android and iOS. It would cost more, but Flutter resolves this problem and adds more productivity to your business.

Widgets: Widgets decide the look and user interface. Widgets should look natural regardless of the size of the screen. It should be easily customizable, fast and extensible. Flutter provides all these luxuries and offers embellished widget set to develop customized widgets. The documentation states that the widgets provided are an absolute declaration of the user interface.

Besides, these can be used for the app itself as well as for the entire screens. The documentation in Flutter states that each widget comes as an absolute declaration of the user interface. While other frameworks have separate views, view controllers, layouts and various other properties but Flutter provide widgets as a unified object model.

Flutter is new in the industry and still on the track of improvement. The framework consists of a few flaws which need to be resolved.

Cons of Flutter:

Only for Mobiles: Flutter can only serve to mobile applications. It is not supported by web browsers, so consider this aspect before opting Flutter.

Limited Libraries: Though Flutter offers several important libraries but still lacks some functionalities which are required for the development process. So, if you are planning to use it, then need to develop some essential libraries.

Size of the App: Normally, apps built using this tool are larger than 4 MB. Google is already engaged in optimizing the size, but right now, it could be a drawback.

Stability Issue: Flutter is new, and its instability is also apparent. Many developers complain about the failure to cope with changes in the user interface of Android and iOS. Developers are even demanding an upgrade to handle large eCommerce applications.

End Words

Though there are many constraints and doubts for the use of Flutter, its successful utilisation by Alibaba and Tencent has proved that it has established itself in the tech market.

Android app development company or ios app development company in India can develop 2D apps having more significant efficiency by using Flutter framework.

Today many Android and iOS service providing companies uses Flutter for mobile app development. Get your mobile app developed in less time and fewer bucks.

If you are looking for a ios app development services or android app development services to get your business app developed, then consider contacting Prompt Softech. It is one of the best service providers in India.