How IoT supports Electric Vehicle Charging and Keeps EVs Running

How IoT supports Electric Vehicle Charging and Keeps EVs Running

The evolution in the vehicle industry is remarkable. The increasing vehicle demand is not just consuming natural crude oil but also giving pollution as its by-product. The increasing temperature of the earth is significantly impacting the lives of humans as well as animals. This menace is not just limited to living organisms but also disturbs the climate and ecology. 

With the emerging need to control the increasing pollution and make a drive more comfortable and safe, the addition of electronic vehicles is applaudable. Today, Electronic vehicles that are EVs have taken an ambitious place in many car manufacturing companies, proudly joined by Tesla, which is launching all-electric models. Electronic Vehicles are the need of the hour. 

With this remarkable evolution and acceptance by the crowd, there is an inevitable demand to have a solution to keep these cars charged outside of a home. 

Besides supplying the electricity to charge an electronic vehicle, electric vehicle charging stations provide a wealth of information to owners, operators, and drivers. The credit for these things goes to the Internet of Things and cellular connectivity.

Electric cars parking and charging lot.
Electric cars parking and charging lot

The futuristic IoT Charging Stations: Charging EVs

An Electronic Vehicle charging station is connected to IoT and offers numerous benefits to the operator and consumer. If we take up the consumer’s perspective, there is a lot of information and knowledge one needs to acquire, like the location of the charging stations installed on the way. How much time will it take to get the EV charged fully? How much will it cost? These are sets of questions that EV charging stations can answer. And often, these stations have facilities to pay directly from a mobile app because of IoT, making things convenient for EV owners. 

And if we take the operator’s side, IoT enables operators to achieve critical information about each EV charging station without physically visiting the station. It informs the operator about how often it is being used to alert for the upcoming maintenance required or failure of the machine. All of this information can improve efficiency, which, ultimately, helps in improving ROI. It helps in scheduling preventative maintenance or decreasing on-site time with the devices.

However, we are still living in the initial days of EVs, and we anticipate improvement in adoption and innovation with the government’s recent push to spend on climate change initiatives. 

Inflation Reduction Act: Funding in Climate Change

The Inflation Reduction Act has become a topic for discussion this summer. This broad proposition was created to encounter inflation, bargain prescription drug prices, and extend the developed Affordable Care Act program for three years. It invests in manufacturing, domestic energy production, and lowering carbon emissions.

The Energy Security and Climate Change Investments in the Inflation Reduction Act aimed to control energy usage, and positioned the U.S. on the route to minimize carbon emissions approx 40 percent by the end of 2030. This bill targeting the reduction in carbon emissions holds many vital aspects, including reducing energy costs for citizens, increasing energy security, attracting more investment for decarbonizing all sectors of the economy, funding disadvantaged or remote communities, and supporting resilient rural communities.

Inflation Reduction Act: Helping EV Growth

Compared to vehicles that run on natural gas or diesel/petrol, Electronic vehicle causes less environmental impact. It has been proven to be a better option that not just solves the traveling issue but also helps in saving the environment.

Everyone in the industry, either its manufacturers who build EVs or the consumers who enjoy the drive, can leverage the benefit. The benefit offered by Electronic Vehicle also includes:

  • Up to$10 a billion investment tax credit to develop clean technology manufacturing facilities, including those companies that manufacture electric vehicles, wind turbines, and solar panels.
  • Almost $2 billion in assistance to retool existing auto manufacturing structures to manufacture clean vehicles.
  • Up to $20 billion in loans to construct new clean vehicle manufacturing buildings across the country.
  • Govt is providing tax credits and assistance for clean fuels and commercial vehicles to decrease emissions from all parts of the transportation sector.
  • Almost $1 billion for promoting clean heavy-duty vehicles.

The Inevitable Demand for Connectivity

The development of IoT and its endless potential has changed the outlook of the entire world. From smart towns to smart streets, smart hospitals to smart homes, smart tv to smart bottles, IoT has leveled up the world and improved efficiency. The addition of IoT in almost all sectors, including electronic vehicles, has changed the working process while improving user experience.

The collaboration of IoT with Electronic Vehicles also marks that IoT holds the potential to save the environment and ecology; we just need to work more on this technology and exploit it to its full potential. In the coming year, we can expect more innovative solutions that will improve the service quality and also promise to stay environmentally friendly.

However, the introduction of electronic vehicles and the addition of IoT will indeed require more investment and evolvement. There are some challenges that need to be addressed. The extensive spending on clean vehicles will also drive the need for more connected charging stations across the country to support consumers, operators, and commercial vehicles. Electric vehicle charging stations driven by IoT will shortly become essential and significant support for all EVs.

Nevertheless, EVs will be the lifeline of the future transportation system, and IoT, along with other technologies like Artificial Intelligence and Cloud, will become its spinal cord. 

Need Enterprise IoT Solutions for Digital Transformation

Why do We Need Enterprise IoT Solutions for Digital Transformation?

We all are well aware of the changes brought by digital transformation, or we can say that digital transformation has achieved many advancements in the past few years. However, the primary question remains: Why do we need Digital transformation? The answer is that to stay competitive, businesses must adopt digitalization. It is mandatory to maintain the minimal digital standard. So, the question should be changed to What are the benefits offered by digitalization to the company?

Let’s assume that company is already leveraging the benefits offered by digitalization. But not everyone can implement or execute it seamlessly, especially considering the highly structured nature and operations in the difficult-to-reach area, increased safety requirements, and a small room for risk.

These challenges are commonplace in sectors like construction, agriculture, and mining. Luckily, the technologies backing digitalization are regularly upgrading to provide the most suitable combination of digital solutions for successful digital transformation. Let’s know how companies can start or continue digitalization using enterprise IoT solutions without the hassle.

Why go Digital?

Digital transformation has not been limited to desktop computers. The level of digitalization in a company can be estimated by the digitalization of its assets, usage, and labor. Product companies must enhance their products using digitalization, for example, by customizing thermometers or developing an agricultural product range with a digital irrigation system. 

According to recent statistics, almost 70% of companies embrace and have a digital transformation strategy or perform on it. These organizations represent the following reasons why digitalization can be advantageous for them:

Top Benefits of Adopting a Digital Model (Source: IoTForAll)

It is apparent that many of these factors are interdependent or outcomes of the same digital improvements. For example, by replacing the old-traditioned button-operated interface with the sensor interface in a tabletop printer, a company could boost its final product quality, which naturally impacted operational efficiency. Therefore, having a clear goal is vital for a potent digital strategy. A more thorough approach means a more valuable outcome. This is true for production and enterprise process improvement, as digital enterprise processes can enhance performance while IoT can speed up adoption.

Business IoT Solutions & Digital Transformation:

These four core target components give a holistic look at the digital enterprise of today:

  • Automation
  • Efficiency
  • Security
  • Maintenance

IoT-embracing companies are already familiar with the benefits and vital points of the IoT ecosystem development strategy. IoT adoption is considered one of a company’s digital indicators. However, it is more reasonable to consider IoT as a tool for enterprise organizations for transformation. This approach empowers to counter any inflated expectations, for instance, executing IoT components and expecting the company’s revenue to skyrocket. It is necessary to ensure that each tool is used appropriately and strategically.

Digital Strategies: 

An IoT implementation process is more intricate than various digital strategies. This is why we call it an IoT ecosystem, where all the components, from sensors to people, communicate with each other to achieve the primary business goals. Besides their extensive nature, IoT ecosystems are adaptable and permit companies to enforce them irrespective of their digital level.

Therefore, we suggest Enterprise IoT solutions for these two main digital strategies:

  • Initial digitalization: By creating an IoT ecosystem, businesses become digitized. By integrating crucial equipment, assets, vehicles, or cargo into intelligence, one can get real-time status, monitor environmental conditions, people’s activities, track location, etc. By adding analytical tools to the IoT ecosystem, one can predict equipment failure, create optimal routes or detect failure due to human factors. One can even add a cybersecurity program due to the potential vulnerability of the endpoints.
  • Advanced digitalization: Besides the capacity to deliver the vector for further business development, Enterprise IoT Solutions are best to estimate the other vector for the digital development of a company. For instance, if you execute a machine vision for improving QA processes at the first step, it is easy to track its efficiency and pick up complementary solutions. When all the essential assets are implanted with IoT sensors, companies can implement a digital twin and meticulously investigate data in their ecosystems. Therefore, you can get a solid analytical advantage empowering you to predict trends or simulate cases.

Enterprise IoT Challenges & Solutions

To know how to accelerate transformation, we must comprehend what slows down this process. Let’s know the major digital problems and solutions to overwhelming them.

1. Inventions Can Cause Disruptions:

Adding innovations brings a change in working models. This is true for highly structured sectors like mining, rail, and construction. Thus, they should regard digital solutions with structure in mind. The best benefit is that IoT technologies are flexible and can incrementally.

Now, we are familiar with successful cases of how some traditionally unsuccessful industries in digital have soared there in recent years. For example, in 2015, healthcare was one of the least digitized industries. But the story changed within three years, and in 2018, it became one of the top digital business strategy adopters, along with the financial and service sectors. Telemedicine, smart pharmacy, wearables, and smart hospitals have become part of the world; this shows that the healthcare sector is successfully managing the enterprise IoT adoption and will keep embracing it.

2. Lack of Safety:

If an enterprise IoT integration is technically challenging, the organization should spend more time on marketing research. The statistics are open, and enterprise IoT providers are updating their technical tools to outstretch the potential implementation area. In mining operations, which are usually held in vast and remote areas and have less connectivity, the best and most convenient solution is implementing mesh nets to ensure a reliable IoT ecosystem. As a result, one can monitor the entire area and get to know the health status of the machines.

3. Resistance:

Line workers are less resistant to innovation. Top management is typically the most resistant as they are responsible for the business. It is the only right decision to approach innovations efficiently by calculating all pros and cons. 

Therefore, higher-level leaders should get precise reports on how particular Enterprise IoT solutions will impact the business processes and revenue of the company. While making an execution strategy, it is essential to calculate all the situations, risks, and ROI and intercommunicate accurate statistics. Thus, there is a high possibility that a technology important for a specific enterprise will be backed.

IoT Ecosystem for Business Goals

Taking the IoT ecosystem not as an end goal but as an effective instrument to achieve business goals using digital transformation is more beneficial. Organizations’ main objectives are improving operational efficiency, meeting customer expectations, and enhancing new product quality. By enforcing enterprise IoT solutions, it is easy to get real-time insights. Enterprise IoT solution is compatible with initial and advanced digitalization as they can analyze large volume of data.

How IoT Boosts the Micro Mobility Market

How IoT Boosts the Micro Mobility Market?

The Internet of Things is no new thing in the tech market. Just look around, and you’ll find that most of the gadgets and comfort offering solutions are connected to IoT. One of the most popular and known solutions is your virtual assistant,” Alexa.” The way that device handles other internet-connected devices in our homes is incalculable. But limiting the character and usefulness to just these things would be unfair. IoT is also immensely used in logistics, manufacturing, industrial automation, and many others. Not just this, IoT is also being used in the micro-mobility sector.

Any idea about micro-mobility?

The word micro-mobility directs to lightweight transportation for individuals. It shields different transportation options that weigh less than 500kg (1200 lbs). 

Some examples are electric scooters, bicycles, e-bikes, segways, electric skateboards, etc. Micro-mobility is very different from vehicles that are used for long distances. It focuses on short distances and generally for less than five miles. There are considerable advantages to the micro-mobility market, which is the reason behind the huge investment made by tech giants. In 2020 investment in the micro-mobility market was $800 million. This scenario rocketed after the lockdown restrictions were removed. The micro-mobility brands drew around $2.9 billion in 2021.

Advantages of the Micro-mobility Market: 

Let us know three specific benefits of the micro-mobility market that support these high investments:

1: Convenience

One of the most popular and justified benefits is convenience. Transportation options can help customers reach their destination early and with comfort.

2: No Parking Issues:

Parking is one of the major issues in big cities, but micro-mobility can solve this problem. You will never again face parking issues by using micro-mobility transportation choices like segways and hoverboards.

3: Cost-Effective:

As micro-mobility involves ride-sharing, it will automatically become cost-effective; you can rent without requiring any license for hoverboards or e-bikes.

Challenges Faced by the Micro Mobility Sector

The idea of micro-mobility appears appealing, but some challenges hinder the growth of businesses. However, there is zero to be upset about as long as IoT exists, as it has the potential to advance the micro-mobility market.

Data Sharing:

Suppose your own a firm that has 100 ebikes throughout the city. People take your ebikes but pay less attention to the charging levels, and why would they? They are your service bikes, and it’s your responsibility to take care of them. Well, not just this, there are many other issues like ending the ride midway, navigation issues, leaving the vehicle anywhere, and overriding the ebike that can cause damage and revenue loss.

Therefore, there is a need for a solution to collect all the necessary data about the vehicle from time to time. With IoT-connected devices like highly sensitive sensors, one can quickly get all the data related to the vehicle for analysis and make informative decisions. Moreover, adding IoT sensors will also make it manageable for you to transfer data with the traffic authorities to watch vehicle activity in a good way.

Riding Behavior:

It is pretty noticeable to see people riding aggressively on the road. This can be inspired because of different reasons like road rage or time-saving. However, no reason justifies the purpose as it can distract or put other’s life at risk. With IoT sensors installed on the vehicles, businesses can check the vehicle status and warn the rider by sending messages.

For instance, if a person is riding at high speed or cutting the lane often, sensors can record the data and share it with the related authorities for further action. This can protect vehicles from damage and save companies from getting banned due to abnormal riding behavior.


Whether a car or a scooter, safety remains the top priority for micro-mobility service provider companies. It is essential to integrate features that protect the riders. These added features are not just limited to safety but also allow businesses to meet government requirements to secure their business.

Theft and Vandalism:

A micro-mobility company’s worst loss is when a vehicle is damaged or lost. Therefore, it is necessary to install proper security measures to prevent this from happening, and yes, IoT can help with this. By implanting a few IoT sensors, companies can stop stealing ebikes. Additionally, these sensors can also be connected to other systems to initiate warning messages.

If it is a genuine user, they can use their phone to get an OTP and use the ebike. Further, the vehicle can have environment-mapping sensors to prevent vandalism.

Scaling Service:

IoT can help in business scaling, but the critical challenge with IoT is that one needs to modify the complete system to upscale instead of a single one. The most feasible option is to get the most suitable IoT service providers. A single service provider will promise smooth and seamless scaling as the operator would have knowledge of your business operations.


Compliance with government standards and norms can hinder growth as they may change and be difficult to follow. However, if state-of-the-art IoT solutions back you, they can become more accessible. IoT sensors can be employed to keep riders stay within speed limits. It can guarantee that vehicle is parked at the right spot. In fact, smart sensors can also guide the riders to the nearest charging station. These criteria also guarantee that riders do the right thing and that government norms are obeyed.

IoT and Micro-mobility

IoT can support the upheaving micro-mobility market, but the only condition is that this will demand colossal investment. Once an investment is made, all other systems are managed, and only timely maintenance and upgrade is left. Investment in IoT for the micro-mobility sector promises a better future and benefits, and various tech giants like Uber and many others are forwarding toward it. This shows that micro-mobility holds a great scope in the coming years. It not just brings transportation at ease but also promises its contribution towards the environment by reducing the dependency on crude oils. The integration of micro-mobility with IoT makes it safe and futuristic.

How Artificial Intelligence in the App Industry is Changing the Future

How Artificial Intelligence in the App Industry is Changing the Future

Artificial Intelligence is no more in fiction stories now. Today in our daily life, we can observe AI performing different tasks.

Even if it is a customer or business organization, machines are vigorously improving the intelligence of humans. The mobile app sector is growing day by day. After the covid hit the world, it has become the basic need of many companies. For customers, it has become a way to reach the maximum number of things through the mobile application. With the involvement of AI, it is changing at an incredible pace, and the users get the best use of the app to meet their basic daily needs.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

It is a system capable of imitating intelligence and behavior to work and act like humans. It is possible because of some of the algorithms. It provides a virtual assistant without any human intervention. AI delivers predictive messaging, learning and planning capabilities, and voice recognition that will assist in understanding the language. It holds impressive skills in solving problems. It just does not work for business organizations but also magically works for customers. It fetches the best solution to help your business flourish and build a strong customer relationship.

Benefits of AI

  • It provides the best output of investment where the marketers will receive essential feedback from the users. Digital marketing for all kinds of businesses guarantees that return is always two-way. Both customers and organizations should get the return they expect to survive in the competitive tech world.
  • AI also assists in developing customer relationships. It is challenging for an organization to personally connect with each customer’s problem. In such cases, AI works as a savior. Whenever the user reaches customer service on the app, AI offers incredible help and gives the most-suited solutions to the users. Therefore, creating a good relationship with the customer.
  • AI also enables the company to make a fast decisions on any strategies. It assures that the company can access real-time situations; AI provides qualitative customer and business decisions. It is the most convenient way to connect with the process and gain success in the field.
  • Market measurement plays a crucial role in the business. AI offers the best market measurement where the company is aware of the risks and benefits of an issue.

Here are the following ways through which AI is supporting the mobile app industry:

Internet of Things (IoT):

Today, many devices are connected to the internet. If not mobile, the internet connects with a fitness tracker, kitchen appliances, watch, TV, etc. The connected device collects user activity data and provides powerful insight. Both AI and IoT work together so that customers get the most enhanced experience. With the support of digital assistance, the developer is able to develop an app that will easily connect to the TV.

AI is connected with sensors in broad options and offers a location-based experience. AI is most appreciated in app development and is helpful in building the best app.

Automation development:

Development of the app demands excellent skills. In the process, many tasks are to be completed, which eats up time many times. However, by using AI, the development team can easily save time as well as money that can be used to automate the process. Not just this, AI can provide consistency and eliminates errors. AI can also help in skipping the repetitive tasks and mistakes caused by it.

AI chatbots:

When you visit any website, you’ll see a chatbot below the website. If you click on the chatbot and fill in your details, AI will identify your need and pattern and reply accordingly. If your problem has a solution, AI will immediately solve it and give sales support and customer service.

Understand user:

Selecting the clues from the users, AI comprehends what the users need and assure that they get the same thing. It analyzes the activities and behavior of the user and provides the best suggestions. Additionally, they can understand the user’s behavioral patterns and apprehend the users’ needs.

Personalization service:

We all know that every customer’s need is different from each other. Therefore, customization is the best way to offer customer satisfaction and will boost sales. The modern AI service will ease the work of developers and offer the best-customized services. AI detects the customer’s pattern, taste, or preference. It suggests the same interest and preferences so that customers get engaged and shop from the options.

Mobile App Industries that use AI to change the future

Healthcare App:

Now, healthcare services are just a dial away. You can get the best healthcare services at home and receive the reports in your mail. With the inclusion of AI in services, a patient’s medical details are now collected, stored, and managed efficiently.

Automotive App:

In the automotive sector, all the brands are embracing the latest vehicles where Artificial intelligence enhances the driving experience. While driving, one can use AI features for navigation and listening to music. Driverless cars are next-level features offered by AI.

Finance App:

In the banking sector, AI is helping customers to save money by educating them on where to invest. It assists them so that they can track their expenses and manages everything on points. It assures that finance sectors can help customers in solving their problems while sitting in their homes.

Law App:

Sometimes it takes work for attorneys to answer all the questions in person. In that case, AI can help by answering all the legal questions to clients so that they get answers to all their doubts.


Though Artificial intelligence has its challenges, it still never fails to improve the app industry. Today, many app owners in various sectors are using this technology to stay updated with the trend and customers as well. AI ensures they can create a good relationship with the customers by recognizing their behavioral patterns in shopping or anything else. Therefore we can conclude that Ai is more than a technology. It is a blessing for app owners to develop a good relationship with customers.

How can Artificial Intelligence Boost the Manufacturing Industry?

Today, most of the Giant industries, around 83 percent, believe that AI delivers better outcomes; however, only 20 percent have embraced this technology. It is pretty clear that a stronghold on the domain is important for successfully adopting artificial intelligence in the manufacturing industry.

Domain expertise is important for successfully adopting artificial intelligence in the manufacturing industry. Jointly, they form Industrial AI that uses machine learning algorithms in domain-specific industrial applications. AI can be potentially used in the manufacturing industry through machine learning, deep learning, and computer vision.

Let’s check out some of the critical needs in artificial intelligence technologies in the manufacturing industry to obtain a better picture of what one should do to keep the business up-to-date and seamless.

AI Is a Broad Domain

Artificial intelligence is not the correct way to describe all the technologies, and we’ll discuss that they have applications in manufacturing industries. AI is a big subject with different methods and techniques that fall under it.
There are robotics, natural language processing, machine learning, computer vision, and many other technologies that also need attention.

Keeping this in mind, let’s begin with artificial intelligence applications in the manufacturing industry. So here are some industrial uses of AI.

The Goal of AI in Manufacturing

Artificial intelligence studies how machines can process information and make decisions without human interference. The best way to understand this is that AI aims to mimic how humans think but not necessarily. We all know that humans are better and more efficient in performing certain tasks, and in certain tasks, they are not. The best type of AI is one that can think and make decisions rationally and accurately. The best way to explain this is that we all know that humans are not efficient enough to process data and the complex patterns that appear within large datasets.

However, AI can easily do this job using sensor data of a manufacturing machine and pick out outliers in the data that provide information about the machine that will require maintenance in a few weeks. Artificial Intelligence can perform this in a fraction of a human’s time analyzing the data.

Robotics: The foundation of Modern Manufacturing

Many applications of artificial intelligence include software in place of hardware. However, robotics is mainly focused on highly specialized hardware. As per Global Market Insights, Inc, the industrial robotics market is expected to grow more than $80 billion by 2024. In many factories, for instance, Japan’s Fanuc Plant, the robot-to-human ratio is approx 14:1. This reflects that its possible to automate a large part of the factory to reduce product cost, improve human safety and enhance efficiency.

Industrial robotics demands specific hardware and artificial intelligence software to assist the robot in accurately performing its tasks. These machines are specialized and are not in the business of making decisions. They can run under the supervision of technicians, and if not even, they make very few mistakes compared to humans. Since they make very few mistakes, the overall efficiency of a factory improves when integrated with robotics.

When artificial intelligence is integrated with industrial robotics, machines can automate tasks like material handling, assembly, and inspection.

Robotic Processing Automation:

Robotic processing automation, artificial intelligence, and robotics are among the most familiar. It is important to understand that this process is not related to hardware machinery but software.

It involves the principles of assembly line robots for software applications like data extraction, file migration, form completion and processing, and more. However, these tasks do not play very important roles in manufacturing; they are significant in inventory management and other business tasks. It becomes more important if the production operation requires software installations on each unit.

Computer Vision: AI Powering Visual Inspection

Quality control is the manufacturing industry’s most significant use case for artificial intelligence. Even industrial robots can make a mistake, though the possibility is less than humans. It can be a huge loss if a defective product reaches the consumer by mistake. Humans can manually monitor assembly lines and identify defective products, but no matter how attentive they stay, some defective products will always slip through the cracks. Therefore artificial intelligence can help the manufacturing process by reviewing products for us.

Adding hardware like cameras and IoT sensors, products can be interpreted by AI software to catch defects automatically. The computer can then automatically decide what to do with defective products.

Natural Language Processing: Improving Issue Report Efficiency

Chatbots driven by natural language processing is an important manufacturing AI trend that makes factory issue reporting and helps requests more efficiently. It is a domain of AI that specializes in mimicking natural human conversation. Suppose workers can access the devices to communicate and report their issues and questions to chatbots. In that case, artificial intelligence can support them in filing proficient reports more promptly in an easy-to-interpret format. It makes workers more accountable and decreases the load for both workers and supervisors.

Web Scraping:

Manufacturers can use NLP for an improved understanding of data collected with the help of a task called web scraping. AI can check online sources for appropriate industry benchmark information and transportation, labor, and fuel costs. It can help in boosting business operations.

Emotional Mapping:

Machines are quite poor when it comes to emotional communication. It is very challenging for a computer to understand the context of a user’s emotional inflection. However, natural language processing is enhancing this area through emotional mapping. This brings a wide variety of opportunities for computers to understand the feelings of customers and operators.

Machine Learning, Neural Networks, and Deep Learning

The three technologies used in the manufacturing industry are machine learning, neural networks, and deep learning, which are artificial intelligence techniques used for different solutions:

  • Machine Learning: It is an artificial intelligence technique in which an algorithm learns from training data to decide and identify patterns in collected real-world data.
  • Neural Networks: Using ‘artificial neurons,’ neural networks accept input in an input layer. The input is passed to hidden layers that increase the weight of the input and direction to the output layer.
  • Deep Learning: It is a machine learning method where the software mimics the human brain like a neural network, but the information goes from one layer to the next for higher processing.

Future of AI in Manufacturing

What will be the next role of artificial intelligence in manufacturing? There are so many thoughts and visions coming from science and technology. The most visible change will be an increased focus on data collection. AI technologies and techniques used in manufacturing can do so much work independently. As the Industrial Internet of Things grows with increased use and effectiveness, more data can be gathered and then used by AI platforms to improve different tasks in manufacturing.

However, with the advancement in AI in the coming years, we may observe completely automated factories and product designs made automatically with less human interference. However, reaching this point is only possible through continuous innovation. All it requires is an idea- it can be the unification of technologies or using technology in a new case. Those innovations alter the manufacturing market landscape and help businesses stand out.

Energy Harvesting and IIoT- Sustainability for the IIoT

Energy Harvesting and IIoT: Sustainability for the Industrial IoT

The world is encountering tremendous economic and ecological changes along with challenges. The futuristic technologies are all set to transform the outlook of Internet of Things (IoT). Today energy supply to millions of communicating devices is a key issue. 

On a large scale, renewable energies have become a major source of energy generation. Fields embracing solar cells that generate energy using sunlight or wind turbines dominate the landscape. This renewable energy for energy generation is also embraced on a small scale. This entire concept is called “energy harvesting.” 

Small energy converters harvest energy from light, movement, or temperature differences. These harvested energies are enough to power a wireless sensor and transmit data using radio. 

Energy harvesting for radio-based products that are already part of mass production includes four different sources:

  • Motion – the press on a switch, moving machine parts, the rotary motion of a handle.
  • Light– the sunlight coming inside a room.
  • Temperature differences – existing between a heat source like a boiler, radiator, or pipes and the environment and variation between day and night.
  • Electromagnetic field – a contactless coil in a cage clamp around a cable controls the meter and calculates the line current.

For each source, different energy converters with different power parameters are present. The energy generation type and the corresponding power yield determine the possible sensor applications.

Enhanced Sustainability:

With the introduction of energy harvesting technology, radio sensors are sustainable as they don’t require cabling or battery power. They are environment friendly as well as cut expenditure.

Replacing a single battery typically costs around $300 US dollars in an industrial environment. Though changing the battery does not consume much time, traveling to the site, locating the sensor, testing the device, and documenting the process increases the labor cost. It is believed that batteries have a good service life, but in reality, companies are often engaged in changing them within one or two years to avoid early failures.

Today, resource-saving and environmental protection are the top priority. The rising cost of copper, the presence of harmful components, and battery safety are some serious issues. Wireless energy harvesting sensors are the best solution that considers both the financial aspect and environmental protection.

In Process for The Industry:

Sensors play a key role in industrial production. They can be used for quality and process monitoring or condition-based maintenance. A wide range of applications is developing in the direction of an industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) with the increasing usage of wireless sensors. Integrating energy-saving radio with local energy converters,battery-free and maintenance-free sensors can be installed directly on moving parts or in hermetically-sealed environments. For instance, it can be implanted to know the position of moving parts, power consumption, temperature of moving parts, liquids, or gases.

Sensors in Quality Control:

Quality monitoring manages the entire production process and ensures the desired properties of the end product based on different parameters.

For this purpose, environmental factors like temperature, humidity, and air quality or process factors like position or temperature are monitored.

Automated monitoring systems require data generated by sensors; for this purpose, sensors must fit seamlessly into existing production processes. Additionally, they must not need special training or generate follow-up costs in the ongoing operation. Therefore the integration of self-powered and maintenance-free sensors provides benefits.

Condition-based Maintenance with Battery-free Sensors:

Besides products, machines also need proper monitoring to ensure a seamless production process. These are prone to high wear, so it would be best to identify problems as soon as possible and take appropriate actions to maintain continuous quality assurance and protection against production downtime.

A primary problem with maintenance planning is the calculation of the intervals between each maintenance cycle. Normally, the interval between two maintenance dates must be as short as possible to detect deviations before any mishappening occurs. Still, each maintenance involves high costs for personnel and idle machines.

It is often possible to derive valuable information by closely examining a few simple parameters. For instance, a temperature rise can indicate higher friction, thus resulting into wear. Wireless temperature sensors can be installed for measurement processes. Humidity sensors monitor water leakage to prevent water damage. Temperature and humidity sensors also inform about air conditions and guarantee good air quality. That is why wireless energy harvesting sensors are best for various industrial applications. They are low maintenance, flexible, and within budget to install.

That is why wireless energy harvesting sensors are ideal for various industrial applications. They are maintenance-free, flexible, and inexpensive to install – outstanding features for assuring high-quality standards and greater sustainability in the Industry 4.0 environment.

IoT in the Factory Building:

IoT allows significantly efficient, adaptable, and individualized production in manufacturing. Using sensors networked with a smart IoT platform, it is now possible to develop a digital twin, i.e., an exact virtual image of a machine throughout its entire life cycle. Digitalization is becoming a part of buildings and will revolutionize them by providing automated service processes in facility management, higher energy savings, and better individual well-being for users. One important thing for factory buildings and industrial processes is battery-free wireless sensors.

Which solution is best for your Connected Device- Edge or Cloud Computing_

Which Solution is Best for Your Connected Device – Edge or Cloud Computing?

If you have adopted IoT and are developing an IoT-connected device, you may wish to do some valuable computation to resolve the important issues that have been hindering growth. You might be desiring to install sensors in remote locations, create a device that can do data analytics to watch a renewable energy source, or develop health-related devices that can detect the early signs of diseases.

While creating the IoT-enabled device or IoT solution, at some point, you might get into a dilemma where you have to choose between edge or cloud computation. But what would be best for your device? Where should your device do the valuable computations in the cloud or at the edge?

Selecting between computing on edge or cloud can be an impacting decision, like it can influence a device’s efficiency or cost. Therefore, everyone does great research and thinks twice to avoid the cost of making the wrong decision and then the money spent correcting it.

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud- It is a collection of servers accessed over the internet. Some renowned cloud providers are Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, and Google Cloud. 

These servers offer on-demand computing resources for data processing and storage purposes. You can easily say that cloud is a centralized platform for storing your files and programs, and you can easily connect any device to the cloud to access the data. Some of the cloud-based services are Dropbox or Google Drive etc. 

Cloud computing is the process of doing computation in the cloud. These computations include data analysis and visualization, machine learning, and computer vision.

What is Edge Computing?

Edge is described as the “edge” of the network that includes devices at entry or exit points of the cloud, but it is not a part of the cloud. For instance, a server in a data center is part of the cloud; however, smartphones and routers that connect to that server are part of the edge. 

Edge computing can be defined as the process of performing computations on edge. In this, the processing is completed closer or at the location where data is collected or acted. 

One example of an edge computing process is object detection attached to an autonomous vehicle. The vehicle processes the data from its sensors and utilizes the result to avoid obstacles. In this process, the data is processed locally rather than sent to the cloud.

What are the points to be considered?

Before opting between edge and cloud computing, a few key questions must be considered.

Quality of Your Device’s Network

Conducting computation on the cloud can be beneficial if you have high bandwidth, low latency, and a sturdy connection to the internet, as you’ll have to send your data back and forth between cloud servers and your devices. If you have to use your device, for example, in an office or home with a steady internet connection, this back and forth can be done seamlessly. In most cases, if computation is conducted on edge, it won’t be affected by the bad or lost internet connection in a distant place. The processing can continue as it is not performed in the cloud. You would never want your vehicle’s objection detection to be failed while driving on the road. It is one of the reasons why autonomous vehicles perform computations like object detection on edge.

How Swift and How Often Does Your Data Need to be Processed?

Edge computing can be best suited in cases where customers demand response times from devices prompt than waiting for it in a decent network connection, such as monitoring components of the device.

The latency of the travel time between the cloud and the device can be minimized or eliminated. It means data can be processed immediately. It implies that if data processing is quick, one can achieve real-time responses from the devices. Cloud computation is also useful when device use is unsteady. For example, smart home devices running computation in the cloud allows sharing of the same computing resources between multiple customers. This decrease costs by restraining the need to provide the device with upgraded hardware to run the data processing.

What Part of Your Data is Crucial to You?

Computing on edge is helpful if you are only concerned about the result of your data after it has been processed. One can only send only important things for long-term storage in the cloud, which may cut down the expense of data storage and processing in the cloud. Suppose you are developing a traffic surveillance device that needs to inform about the congestion situation on the road. You could pre-process the videos on edge- instead of running hours of raw video in the cloud-one can send images or clips of the traffic only when it is present.

Do you know Your Devices’ Power and Size Limitations?

If you think your device will be limited in size and power, provided it has a strong network connection, sending the computing work to be done on the cloud will permit your device to remain small and low-power. For example, Amazon Alexa and Google Home capture the audio and send it to the cloud for processing, letting complex computations run on the audio as it can not run on the small computers inside the device themselves.

Data Processing Model Your Intellectual Property?

If you are creating a device for costumer and the methods you are adopting to process data are part of Intellectual Property, you must rethink the plan to protect it. Placing your IP on your device without a proper security plan can make your device vulnerable to hacks. If you are unaware of resources to secure your IP on edge, it is best to opt for the cloud, which already has security measures.

Final Reasons for Choosing Between Edge and Cloud Computing

Hence, we can conclude that one must consider a few things when choosing between computing on edge or the cloud. In complex issues, you might find the combination of both very beneficial by leaving some parts of processing on the cloud and rest on the edge.

Skills and Apps Needed for IoT Mobile App Developers

What are Skills and Apps Needed for IoT Mobile App Development?

Nowadays, it is quite apparent that most of the Internet of Things that is IoT solutions or services are dependent on mobile applications. If we look around, we’ll find that either for industrial or consumer or commercial use cases, mobile applications are important user interfaces to interact, configure and control connected devices or digital services in an IoT system.

Many traditional mobile application development companies share that they are ready to embrace IoT but add that creating IoT applications requires much effort and expertise.

Suppose a traditional app development includes IoT as just one of their mobile capabilities. In that case, it should be considered a warning flag because IoT requires knowledge and expertise, which comes with focusing on IoT over a long time.

What are Important Mobile App Skills for IoT Developers?

Bluetooth Low Energy:

Bluetooth Low Energy enables smartphones to connect directly to IoT devices like sensors, smart appliances, and others. This allows mobile apps to perform works like collecting data from the devices or controlling or configuring the behavior, provision network credentials and updating the device’s software, and many other things.

This BLE is based on the same radio technology as traditional Bluetooth but consumes less power. This feature makes BLE the best for battery-powered IoT applications that do not send or receive a large amount of data. BLE provides support for modern smartphones. It is especially useful in providing network credentials, like sharing wifi SSIDs and passwords to an IoT device. The important point is to do this securely, mandating know-how beyond the basics.

Besides this, working with BLE demands knowing the communication protocols and unique behaviors of the IoT devices. This implies knowing how to troubleshoot the problems and debug issues. Other than this, it also demands experience working with the embedded microcontroller systems that power most devices. The traditional mobile app firms often do not get this type of experience. Pertinent details of the nuances of BLE in different mobile application frameworks like React Native, iOS, and Android environment is also important. Every framework or environment works differently.

Zero-Configuration Networking:

Zero-configuration or Zeroconf is another way smartphones can detect and interact with nearby devices. This system is less used than BLE for this purpose but is often employed for communicating with devices connected to the smartphone’s local wifi network. There are different protocols available that permit the mobile app to discover devices present in the network without needing any special network configuration. Therefore, these protocols are altogether known as Zero-Configuration Networking. These protocols consist of MultiCast DNS (MDNS) and Apple Bonjour.

Smartphones transfer different messages on the network to detect specific device types. The devices supporting the protocol will react with their service name and IP address. This allows the smartphone to develop a direct connection with the device. It is important to have skills and experience with networking and embedded devices for implementing Zeroconf networking.

IoT Cloud Service Integration:

Most of the IoT mobile apps integrate with IoT cloud services. This integration to digital services operating in the cloud allows users to communicate with the devices even when they are not in the range. It also allows users to get useful insights from IoT system data. 

Cloud service providers offer many software solutions for IoT systems that can do things like route messages, process events, index devices, and aggregate data. Mobile apps interact with these services. 

Often, mobile apps for IoT communicate with custom cloud APIs to streamline the interaction between the cloud services and mobile applications. Having experience with REST API and HTTPS is important, and for IoT applications, knowing MQTT and GraphQL. 

Executing good security protection is crucial when connecting to cloud services. To establish this, it needs expertise in methods for authenticating user accounts and setting up access protocols. The entire system ensures that the right users and systems access the right resources, not others. Establishing good security is not a small task and demands precise knowledge of the IoT system and its implementations. Therefore, mobile app developers holding loud experience, specifically IoT-oriented cloud services and patterns, are highly useful for developing great mobile apps for IoT. Holding a good connection with multiple cloud service providers and their capabilities and subtleties add a lot of worth. This also helps select the most optimal services and their providers for specific purposes.

Interfacing with IoT Devices:

IoT system connects the physical devices using networks to digital services and user interfaces. To perform the functions, physical devices have computing capabilities embedded inside them. These small compute consist of external interfaces to get sensor measurements, drive the display, store data, etc. We already discussed that mobile apps often connect to IoT devices over BLE, but the data shared over BLE varies by device type. The way data is collected and sent over BLE depends on the firmware operating in the device. The data available could be in any format, including binary. To exploit this data and debug any issues when they come up, it is important to know decoding, encoding, serialization, and bitwise operations.

Knowing how the IoT device works is important to understand the data needs. This may need reading datasheets and specification documents and reviewing the embedded firmware. Having information about embedded systems mobile makes this process seamless and more efficient.


IoT systems run on networks and manage important and private data. Therefore, they become the target of attacks from cyber criminals, security researchers, and others. Hence, IoT systems should have good security measures to safeguard the products and brands. 

Authentication of users and devices is an important part. Mobile apps should ensure that users trying to log in are valid and even detect invalid users. Depending on the account, the user should have unique permissions and data access policies. Along with this, mobile apps also need to ensure that any device a user attempt to connect to is authentic and has not been tempered. This is only possible using cryptographically signed software and digital certificates. The data shared between devices and mobile apps should be encrypted. Mobile apps play an important role in updating the firmware of the specific connected devices they are developed to support. This requires securely downloading firmware files, verifying them, and transferring them over the device. To create such systems, it is important to have end-to-end security knowledge. Experience with data access policies and Over-the-Air firmware updates with cryptographically signed firmware is also important.

Cross Platform Development:

Well, there is no need to put effort twice and write two apps when you can have one? Earlier, there was a need to develop two separate applications for Android and iOS.

However, today there are cross-platform development frameworks that serve both. This implies that a single development project can offer mobile applications for both Android and iOS. It has been found that cross-platform development frameworks like React Native and Flutter can provide excellent results in minimum time. These frameworks permit developers to write code in a single language and render applications in native code. The native code varies between Android versus iOS. This means there is no difference in the performance. The final mobile apps perform well and provide the look and feel that Android or iOS users expect. These frameworks have been employed in thousands of web applications and mobile applications. Using a common framework for web and mobile applications adds many advantages to the consistency of user experience.

Mobile App Architecture for IoT:

Mobile apps for IoT should look great and operate flawlessly. The best people to develop the user interfaces must necessarily be the developers with a good grip on core functionality.

Suppose a company delivers the core IoT capabilities for an app inside a bundle of software that partner companies or customers can use within the mobile application. This enables them to focus on developing a seamless user experience without considering the complexities of the IoT features underneath. Your developer should pack the core IoT capabilities into mobile software development kits that can summarize all the IoT complexity into a compilation of software that reveals clear APIs to other mobile app developers.

These SDKs, i.e., software development kits, have APIs for cloud connectivity, device data access, account management, etc. This allows mobile developers to have less IoT complexities experience and access to the IoT APIs to prioritize the application’s user-facing features.


These are a few reasons advocating Mobile Apps for IoT are unique and require unique skills to develop. These consist of IoT-specific mobile app development features like BLE and the cross-domain experience like cloud and embedded.

If you wish to add great IoT experiences for customers, collaborate with a company with a forte in IoT development and implementation. Connecting with an experienced mobile app development company can improve your business and provide a greater user experience. IoT is the next-gen technology with the only objective of simplifying the existing complex system. It also ensures that customers don’t struggle while using apps or services, and on the other hand, it saves time and cost for the service providers.

How will IoT Build a Bright World with Connected Devices

How will IoT Build a Bright World with Connected Devices?

Internet of Things is now no new word for the tech world. Studies show that the number of connected devices will reach more than 75 billion by 2025, implying that there will be possibly nine connected devices for every human on earth.

The pace at which IoT technology is striking every area of our lives is impressive, but how it has transformed our day-to-day work is beyond imagination.

But what is IoT?

In simple words, it is the practice of connecting different physical assets through the internet, providing control and measurement access from the remote area while saving users money and time. Today one can set the temperature of the air conditioner while on the way home, brew coffee and efficiently manage the use of lights in the home. Products like Amazon’s Alexa and Apple’s Siri can interact and provide information as required.

Let us know how various industries are embracing the presence of the Internet of Things and the impact of this latest technology.

IoT in the manufacturing sector:

The impact of Industrial IoT technology is already visible in the output of the manufacturing industry, especially in measuring energy and asset efficiency throughout the production line.

IoT technology has provided an effective way to connect and modernize legacy assets. Using connective sensors, businesses can accumulate critical production data and use cloud software to turn this data into useful insights to know about the efficiency of their manufacturing process. But what kind of assets? It can be anything used within the manufacturing process, from its HVAC or CNC machines to products like refrigerators or lighting rings, etc.

IoT can assist by providing a clearer picture of the working of assets individually and collectively, chartering better ways for monitoring, automation, and predictive maintenance. For instance, Industrial IoT in action has enabled us to gain insight into energy consumption and the health condition of the asset. This technology even allows us to schedule maintenance by informing us about the future condition of the asset.

Employing and integrating IoT in the existing process reduces costly downtime, improves assets, and reduces energy costs.

IoT in the retail sector:

Retail sectors are already using IoT in different innovative ways. One of the key areas is tracking energy consumption not at one store but all the stores present in the entire region or at the national level.

The IoT system can also be used to know which stores are using high energy in lighting or heating; in-store sensors allow us to track energy usage at a more granular level.

Other than this, IoT is also used to optimize store experiences. It is now possible to know the interest area of the shoppers, where they are spending most of the time. This helps retailers improve their stores’ layout to reduce congestion, increase stay time and boost sales. We can say that IoT technology and its different uses are building the ‘high streets of the future.

IoT in the construction sector:

Internet of Things is also contributing to making the construction sector smarter. Smart buildings are one of the most loved concepts possible by IoT. Using IoT and integrated sensors to know the air quality of the site or the surrounding area, such as parks and schools, is one of the key usages.

IoT in construction areas allows construction managers to accurately assess the real-time effect of their work on air quality. IoT in construction also ensures the safety of construction workers and nearby people.

IoT in the agriculture Sector:

The increasing population shows that we will need more food production in the coming year. UN has also estimated that we will need to produce 70% more food to meet the global demand by 2050. Internet of Things will help this sector overcome the looming food shortage challenge by reducing food wastage and increasing yield.

Supervising and tracking workers, machine efficiency, crop and livestock health, and predicting weather are some of the ways through which IoT promises to boost productivity with minimum wastage. Employment of agriculture drones and smart agriculture sensors are already helping agriculture workers by providing real-time production data. Besides this, sensors to track important atmospheric aspects like light, humidity, temperature, air quality, and soil aspects like soil moisture, nutrition, etc., contribute to better yield. This has automated the tasks which involved manual and human interference. Thus, saving labor costs and time as well.

Another way through which IoT is helping agriculture farmers is by providing predictive analytics through better quality data. Using data, farmers can estimate the yield and make better storage plans to keep the produce after harvesting.

IoT in smart cities:

Well, IoT in urban areas has been very influential. People are enjoying the leverages provided by IoT like smart houses, smart street lights, or smart bottles. IoT has occupied an important place in the planning and management of cities. Many countries are using IoT for waste management, traffic control, and public transport systems.

Using IoT, it is now possible to know the number of people in transit at a particular time and opt for a better route to avoid congestion. In cities where flooding is a serious concern, IoT can be used to track the real-time water level in the river. The flood defense system starts when the water level increases and helps mitigate the risk.

We’re on the way to a smart connected world:

IoT has successfully infiltered in major sectors contributing to the economy’s growth. Today, if we look around, we’ll observe that everything is getting smart and automated. All thanks go to IoT for making life more hassle-free and productive. However, some areas are still untouched by the magic of IoT, but it is predicted that it will be covered soon in the coming years. It is estimated that global expenditure on IoT will be around $1,100 billion (€1060.02 billion) in 2023, almost double 2018 $646 billion (€622.52 billion).

This shows that IoT will continue to reform the industries making them more profit-oriented without compromising quality. Hence, we can conclude that high-quality data can help make anything prompt, cheap, and more efficient with less waste.

How will IoT Make Building Smart and Greener

How will IoT Make Building Smart and Greener?

Smart building technology is becoming a new fashion, fuelled by a global need for better sustainability, reduced waste, and optimal use of resources.

Smart buildings are accessorized with technological advancements of the latest technology, i.e., the Internet of Things, to manage resources, assets, and services effectively, boosting building operations, energy consumption and resource management, and overall resident experience.

Today, buildings are responsible for around 38 percent of global CO2 emissions and 40 percent of U.S. energy consumption; therefore, remodeling buildings’ energy consumption and sustainability are vital to meeting global climate goals.

To adapt this remodeling has already been made clear by U.S. President Biden’s administration, who informed the Buildings Performance Standards Coalition in January. It will be a first-of-its-kind partnership between 33 states and local governments working hard to deliver cleaner, healthier, and more energy-efficient buildings.

The process of optimizing energy consumption in the building sector is a gigantic undertaking; it can begin at the smallest level, i.e., from the tiny chips that power the IoT.

Smart buildings integrate IoT technology into many areas- from digitizing people’s flow and space usage to reconstructing water supply networks. One of the biggest prospects for smart buildings is revolutionizing energy consumption, beginning with smart energy distribution systems and smart HVAC equipment.

Smart Energy Distribution Systems:

Traditional energy distribution systems are positioned in a unidirectional fashion in which energy is expected to flow from generators into loads. 

Usually, power plants generate energy and collect it in the urban centers of these systems.

The introduction and utilization of renewable energy sources like solar and wind have changed the picture of the energy distribution as the energy distribution system has to permit omnidirectional energy flow. A building that consumed energy could now integrate rooftop solar panels to produce and return excess energy into the grid.

Smart energy allocation systems authorize this omnidirectional energy flow and facilitate the integration of renewable distributed energies to collect energy back into the power grid. This whole system reduces energy consumption by enhancing the system’s efficiency and even uncloses a distributed energy generation model. Buildings are becoming energy producers and giving up their earlier character that is consuming energy, ultimately shifting towards green energy.

Advanced sensors and wireless IoT technologies are laying the foundation for smart energy grid transformation, where smart buildings play a pivotal role in fostering a greener, more connected power grid to shape a more sustainable future.

Smart HVAC Systems:

Smart HVAC systems are exciting evolution in smart buildings, which provides energy efficiency, air quality, and resident comfort. With the hit of the COVID-19 pandemic, vendors are looking at a shortened HVAC upgrade cycle. Dealers and distributors are integrating their HVAC systems with new and smart technologies. Today, when everything is shaping into a smart version, building residents are now expecting granular control of HVAC settings in each room and area of their building. In this situation, IoT is a savior as it adds a new level to the comfort experience inside the buildings.

Motorized vents and dampers integrated with wireless connectivity to phones and tablets allow residents to set the temperature and the CO2, humidity, and air quality. Building managers can also benefit from IoT connectivity to know the room occupancy, reduce energy usage, and optimize energy use throughout the premises.

Monitoring Building Health:

Monitoring building health is another important aspect of smart building growth areas. More environmental sensors are being added to buildings beyond traditional temperature and humidity. These sensors control smart dampers for better airflow and outdoor air exchange, manage connected equipment for predictive maintenance to avoid equipment failure, flow meters for real-time leak detection, gas sensors to detect air particles, and many other things.

We are already familiar with connected fire and smoke detection sensors, but with the addition of the latest technology, we can witness more wireless connectivity with long-range wireless and Bluetooth to develop an installer interface.

All three major applications, i.e., energy management, fire safety, and building health monitoring add more connectivity and digital capability.

The Importance of Reliability and Cybersecurity:

Well, aside from the great benefits offered by smart building, there are some challenges faced by smart building to be dealt with with skilled engineering.

The first challenge is technological: wireless networks of such complex systems should be reliable and stable. Though wireless mesh network technology is highly adept, vendors and manufacturers are required to ensure the reliability of their products to estimate the true potential of wireless networks in building environments.

Integrating wireless networks makes buildings vulnerable to cyber attacks. Silicon vendors and product manufacturers have stepped up their cybersecurity game to combat such threats. Uncompromised efforts and constant focus on security while developing and distributing smart solutions will be highly helpful in transforming the building sector.

A Smarter, Greener Future:

The best part about smart buildings is that they are not limited to just brand new structures; these buildings can be retrofitted with smart technology as well. Implementing wireless connectivity in existing systems allows for smooth adoption and speeds up the adoption of wireless communications in buildings.

The initiation of both public and private sectors to improve energy use in the building sector signifies that the coming years will be the era of smart building adoption. Today, when it has become important to reduce CO2 emissions in all sectors and maximize energy efficiency and consumption, the employment of the latest technology and the use of IoT in buildings can charter the way to sustainability and improve the quality of life for individuals and group level.