Big Data Analytics in IoT

What are the challenges with Big Data Analytics in IoT?

A successfully running IoT environment or system embodies interoperability, versatility, dependability, and effectiveness of the operation at a global level. Sift advancement and development in IoT is directly affecting data growth. Multiple networking sensors are continually collecting and carrying data (say geographical data, environment data, logistic data, astronomical data, etc.) for storage and processing operations in the cloud.

The initial devices involved in acquiring data in IoT are mobile devices, public facilities, transportation facilities and home appliances. The flooding of data suppresses the capabilities of IT architectures and infrastructure of enterprises. Besides this, the real-time analysis character considerably affects computing capability.

The generation of Big data by IoT has disturbed the current data processing ability of IoT and demands to adopt big data analytics to boost solutions’ capabilities. We can interpret that today success of IoT also depends on the potent association with big data analytics.

Big data is recommended for a thick set of heterogeneous data present in the unstructured, semi-structured and structured forms. Statista shares that big data revenue generates from service spending, representing almost 39 per cent of the total market as of 2019. In 2019, the data volume generated by IoT connected devices was around 13.6 zettabytes, and it might extend to 79 zettabytes by the end 0f 2025.

Big Data and IoT

Big data and IoT are two mind-blowing concepts, and both need each other for attaining ultimate success. Both endeavors to transform data into actionable insights.

Let’s take an example of an automatic milking machine developed using advanced technology like IoT and Big data.

Source: Prompt Dairy Tech

Automatic milking machine software is designed by Prompt Softech. The Automatic Milk Collection Software (AMCS) is a comprehensive, multi-platform solution that digitizes the entire milk collection system. All the data is uploaded on the cloud, which provides real-time information on milk collection to the stakeholders.

AMCS enables transparency between dairy, milk collection centre and farmers. The shift from data filling on paper to digital data storage has reduced the chances of data loss along with human errors. A tremendous amount of data is processed and stored in the cloud daily. On the other hand, farmers get notified about the total amount of milk submitted and the other details. They can access the information about the payment and everything using the mobile app at any time.

This combination of real-time IoT insights and big-data analytics cuts off extra expenditure, improves efficacy and allows effective use of available resources.

Using Big Data:

Big data support IoT by providing easy functioning. Connected devices generate data, and it helps organizations in making business-oriented decisions.

Data processing includes the following steps:

  1. IoT connected devices generate a large amount of heterogeneous data stored in big data systems on a large scale. The data relies on the ‘Four “V” s of Big Data: Volume, Veracity, Variety & Velocity.
  2. A big data system is a shared and distributed system, which means that a considerable number of data records in big data files are present in the storage system.
  3. It uses an excellent analytic tool to analyze the data collected.
  4. It examines and produces a conclusion of the analyzed data for reliable and timely decision-making.

Challenges with Big Data Analytics

The key challenges associated with Big Data and IoT include the following:

Data Storage and Management:

The data generated from connected devices increases rapidly; however, most big data systems’ storage capacity is limited. Thus, it turns into a significant challenge to store and manage a large amount of data. Therefore, it has become necessary to develop frameworks or mechanisms to collect, save, and handle data.

Data Visualization:

Usually, data generated from connected devices are unstructured, semi-structured or structured in different formats. It becomes hard to visualize the data immediately. This implies preparing data for better visualization and understanding to get accurate decision-making in real-time while improving organizational efficiency.

Confidentiality and Privacy:

We all know that every IoT-enabled devices generate enormous data that requires complete data privacy and protection. The data collected and stored should stay confidential and have complete privacy as it contains users’ personal information.


Smart devices are specialists in sensing, communicating, information sharing, and carrying analysis for various applications. The device assures users of no data leakage and hijacking. Data assembly methods must use some measure and condition of integrity strongly with standard systems and commands.

Power Captivity:

Internet-enabled devices need a constant power supply for the endless and stable functioning of IoT operations. Many connected devices are lacking in terms of memory, processing power, and energy –– so they must adopt light-weighted mechanisms.

Device Security:

Analytics face device security challenges as big data are vulnerable to attacks. Data processing faces challenges due to short computational, networking, and storage at the IoT device.

Many Big Data tools provide valuable and real-time data to globally connected devices. Big data and IoT examine data precisely and efficiently using suitable techniques and mechanisms. Data analytics may differ with the types of data drawn from heterogeneous sources.

Source: IoTForAll – Challenges with Big Data Analytics in IoT

How Emerging Technologies Support IoT

How Emerging Technologies Support IoT?

Today, IoT technology is flourishing with full potential globally and is getting embraced by a wide range of industries and organizations. These industries are striving hard to achieve IoT’s complete potential-more insights, efficiency and excellent productivity.

The emerging technologies are bringing digital and physical worlds closer and have now become essential because IoT solutions are becoming part of new applications and environment. The utilization of these emerging technologies to enhance the abilities of IoT solution is just not a trend but the market demand. It also generates real-world results.

Businesses incorporating advanced technologies are enjoying more benefits from IoT deployment, resulting in more investment in IoT solutions in their organizations. Microsoft IoT Signal report shares that IoT adoption has been continued to grow from 2019, rising from 85 per cent of companies using the technology to 91 per cent. Furthermore, 95 per cent of institutions expect to use IoT potentially in the coming years.

What are the increasing Capabilities of Emerging Technologies?

Today most organizations are already familiar with emerging technologies. Artificial intelligence, edge computing, and digital twins are already integral parts of their solutions as they facilitate solutions to work both online and offline while adding more analytic and predicting power and producing benefits by linking digital and physical domains together.

For example, Digital twins technology grants users to test the effects of changes to a system, process, or physical structure before implementing them in the real-world system or format. Not just this, this technology also enables users to manage the systems of a structure/model or equipment remotely by adopting a 3D digital model, whether you’re overseeing a single building or an entire structure.

On the other hand, Edge computing provides less latency time, offers real-time processing and analysis of massive data workloads. It also provides security, convenience and cuts down the storage costs of IoT data.

By migrating cloud databases, analytics and custom business logic to edge devices, organizations can concentrate more on business insights instead of spending time on data management and security in the cloud.

Meanwhile, Artificial intelligence adds more skills like analyzing vast amounts of information and images, machine learning, understanding speech, making predictions, and providing automated decisions. These features combine to optimize the productivity of IoT solutions.

Innovative edge modules and intelligent cloud systems develop systems that can understand their environment, learn, and adjust to maximize operations.

Strengthening Existing Solutions

Emerging technologies contribute to accelerating their RoI (Return on Investment) while automating or providing remote control and monitoring of assets. Since the COVID-19 has hit the world, the adoption of IoT technology for the purpose of remote monitoring and other related tasks has increased. The pandemic has limited on-site work and restricted staffing at offices or production plants, and other facilities.

Many building owners ( property owners in New York) use IoT solutions to handle the Covid-19 situation and ensure the health of its tenant. For examples, The company uses the solution to improve the health and safety of its tenants. The company integrated new safety measures for the tenants when buildings were reopened for business during the COVID-19 pandemic. It created and deployed an innovative, secure, scalable remote monitoring solution. The developed solution uses physical and digital assets, including Azure Digital Twins, to keep tenants safe and informed via apps, the cloud and on-site devices such as no-touch thermal sensors to detect fevers and social distancing detectors.

In the same way, the logistics business is also leveraging the benefits provided by IoT solutions. They are using IoT Solutions to inform their customers about their freight in real-time at any place. The logistic companies use integrated Intel-developed sensors and Intel Connected logistics platform technology with Azure IoT Central to run a system that can provide real-time shipment insights to employees and customers to ensure that their goods reach customers on time in healthy condition. The information shared includes the location and other vital necessary related aspects like temperature, humidity and shock during transit while ensuring security.

Building Strong Deployments

Successful integration and adoption of IoT in an organization can be measured on the basis of cost as well as production efficiency and reliability, improved quality and security. Integrating emerging technologies with IoT solution can enhance intelligent cloud or offline with intelligent edge computing. Besides this, innovations in hardware such as a growing option of lightning fast-processor or plug-and-play IoT enabled devices, field-programmable gate arrays and video processing units to handle specialized workloads in new or retrofitted IoT solutions. IoT is providing a plethora of options for different industries to enhance their productivity and efficiency. The combination of IoT with other advanced technologies is opening ‘n’ number of opportunities to make better tomorrow.

Prompt Softech, an IoT based company, is providing highly advanced IoT solutions to improve the efficiency and productivity of the organization. They have IoT enabled solution for the logistic industry to track the real-time location of the vehicle and provide other essential data like weather etc. Prompt has also developed an IoT-based security system for homes and organizations. There are many other smart solutions that are developed by the Softech Company to improve the working process of companies.

Adoption of Smart Cities for a Brighter Future

Adoption of Smart Cities for a Brighter Future

Are you living in a smart home? Just look around, and you’ll observe it’s a heck of a lot smarter than it was ten or even five years ago. Today our homes are occupied with smart devices, like smart speakers, smart thermostats, and smart lightbulbs. But the trend did not remain to the smart home, but the trend for intelligent spaces extends far beyond our homes. Now, everything is becoming a part of this trend, including smart cities. Smart cities are dependent on the latest technologies like 5G, IoT and fibre infrastructure. The latest innovations and changes in 5G, IoT and fibre infrastructure technologies are developing and strengthening the networks of the future.

Smart cities are utilizing these networks for smooth functioning. However, to ensure smart cities’ sustainability for the future, the connectivity infrastructure must be supported by highly efficient energy networks.

Let’s know everything in detail- what are smart cities, how technology is changing the outlook of cities, and what are the key investment opportunities?

Why do we need to remodel cities into smart ones?

A smart city uses advanced technologies to magnify efficiencies and enhance its residents’ quality of services and life. It usually embraces smart power distribution, transportation system, street lights and rubbish collection etc. The main concept behind the idea is to use data and technology smartly to make everyday life easier and better for people residing and working in the city while potentially utilizing the present resources.

Smart cities are built to enhance energy efficiency and help their regions reach their respective net-zero carbon emissions targets. It is expected that smart cities can generate around $20 trillion in economic benefits by 2026.

UN has predicted that 68 per cent of the world’s population would be living in urban areas by the end of 2050, which intimates that there would be more pressure on cities. There would be environmental, economic and societal challenges. The only solution to upcoming problems is by making cities smart.

By introducing smart cities, we can make cities a better and safe place to live. It can improve the fundamental quality of life indicators like daily commute, health issues and reduce crime incidents by around 10 to 30 per cent.

How is technology making cities smart?

By controlling traffic problems:

Traffic is a curse for everyone living in cities but thanks to technology as it has provided some promising solutions. For example, one can adjust the route in real-time according to demand, and smart traffic lights can be used to manage the congestion.

Potentially utilizing city resources:

There are sensors attached to the waste containers to report the container’s real-time status, which means that refuse collectors do not have to waste time travelling and collecting half-full refuse containers. This also implies that collectors can keep a check on how many bins are about to overflow and when they need to replace them. This facility is far better than measuring abstract factors like how many collection trucks are at work.

Enhancing energy efficiency:

Smart cities use technology to monitor real-time energy use and energy consumption closely. For example,

In Schenectady, New York, most street lights are upgraded to LED technology, allowing the lights to be adjusted based on real-time data. In Amsterdam, homes have smart energy meters designed to reduce energy consumption. This enables citizens to use energy sources consciously.

Making cities safer:

Today, the adoption of the latest technology has improved the safety and security system of the residents. Smart Cities utilize technology inventions like wifi, IoT and CCTV cameras to strengthen safety and improve incident response times. For example,

In many smart cities, real-time video data from the street is analyzed to better track and designate resources on the ground and enhance public safety.

Strengthening greater collaboration with citizens:

One of the best things about Smart cities is that it invites residents to participate in local issues. There are some apps that empower residents and allow them to report local problems. They can even share resources among themselves by using community networking platforms.

For example, Smart Cities have a low-cost environmental kit that is used to collect local ecological data. Residents place it in locations like balconies and windowsills to collect the local environment’s data like air, noise, and pollution. The collected data is then streamed to an online platform, efficiently creating a crowdsourced map of data worldwide.

What are the four infrastructure investment opportunities?

Empowering technologies:

The speedy growth of advanced technologies like 5G, Artificial Intelligence, cloud and edge computing supports smart cities’ evolution. We are currently in the starting stage of an edge computing revolution. It is absolutely essential to support the rapid growth in the number of connected devices and the massive increase in data gathered.

It is expected that approximately $20 billion of opportunities across hardware, software and services would be generated by the end of 2023.

It is clear that investment in reliable technology and high-speed connectivity is the central concept in building Smart City. The sudden shift to work from home culture in 2020 due to pandemic demands for stable and secure high-speed connectivity. With the increase in the number of connected infrastructures, cities must be aware of weaknesses and probable emerging problems.

Buildings and construction:

Climate change is one of the primary concern in today’s world. So decarbonizing the sector is the only possible and cost-effective ways to decrease the emerging climate change problem.

It is noted that most commercial buildings are responsible for 20% of energy use in the United States, in which 30% of energy is usually wasted. However, the addition of smart solutions can transform buildings into smart ones and make them energy-efficient and completely automated.

As per the Paris agreement, all buildings require to be net-zero carbon by 2050, and this goal increases the demand for smart buildings.

Updated energy sourcing, management and deployment:

Today, cities are consuming around two-thirds of the world’s energy; thus, there is immense pressure to shift to lower-carbon energy systems. No, doubt investment in smart technology will accelerate the shift while yielding economic growth and competition. Investment in next-generation energy transmission, smart grids and distribution networks can help monitor energy flows and adapt to fluctuations in supply and demand, respectively. Smart cities will also include smart meters to introduce price differentiation, microgrids for a local energy source, gamification apps to lower consumer usage etc.

Smart water and waste management solution:

With climate changes, water management and waste management are another concern to be resolved as soon as possible. Today, access to potable water, treatment of wastewater and waste management are essential issues that cities are facing. Besides this, flooding, drought and water losses are also growing threats due to climate changes and urbanization. Urban planners have to keep track of the ageing drainage systems.

Therefore the introduction of smart solutions has become necessary to overcome water-related issues. The addition of a smart water management system will include leakage, pollution detection and predictive maintenance planning.

For waste management, there are sensors attached to the bins that update the refusal bin’s status. Refusal collectors keep track of the data and collect the waste containers accordingly. This minimizes the travelling time and cuts off the fuel charges. A smart waste management system also stresses reducing waste at the source through advanced use of packaging, strategic collection methods and divided waste-to-energy solutions.


Smart cities are the best solution to tackle environmental, social and safety issues. It includes everything which is required for the betterment of lifestyle. From smart homes to street lights, smart meter to smart traffic lights, everything contributes to saving natural resources and potentially utilizing available resources. Prompt Softech is dedicatedly working on converting the traditional technology and working process into smart ones. The Softech company provides IoT enabled solutions that can bring changes to your organization by making processes and operations more effective and efficient, ultimately leading to optimal outcome, better experience and the slightest error. You can initiate the ‘smart city’ revolution by adding smart solutions to your organization and cut off unnecessary expenditure.

Challenges of Developing a Mobile App for Smart Devices

Major Challenges Faced in Developing Mobile Apps for Smart Devices

Today, a mobile app is no new thing for almost everyone. Crowd using smartphones are well aware of the services and features facilitated by a mobile app. It is obvious that the use of smartphones is increasing day-by-day at a global level. Mobile apps provide smoothness in communication, connectivity and access to a business. It also allows us to take advantage of IoT in the building of smart cities and homes. However, developing a mobile application is a daunting task. The whole development process demands strategic planning and innovative execution for successful app development so that the users love to use it.

Nowadays, every business built its mobile application. It signifies the impact of mobile applications and how it helps in upheaving the company to the next level. Today, in this digital world, the only way to expand the business is through a mobile app.

In this blog, we will find the eight biggest challenges of developing a mobile app for smart devices.

Meeting Demands with UI/UX Design:

The most crucial aspect of developing a mobile app is meeting demands with User Interface and User Experience. Without proper UI/UX, it is nearly impossible to create an appropriate web application. A user-friendly UI/UX helps in alluring more users to the mobile application, ultimately establishing the app’s documentation. App’s documentation is crucial as it lists the app’s primary purpose, devices it will support, and what platform should be chosen to launch and many other related things.

Once all the basic requirements are noted in detail, along with features and functionality, then designers can start their task. UI/UX’s important elements require to develop that facilitates accessibility with a stable surfing experience.

Sometimes business owners overlook UI/UX because of time constraints or unclear requirements or any other reason, but one should understand that underrating UI/UX while developing a mobile app for a smart device can cost a lot. This issue or constraint can be overcome by maintaining precise documentation and clarity on an application’s functions.

Development Technology:

Most of the companies encounter two most common development problems -choosing the most fitting development technology and developing a native, hybrid or Cross-platform mobile application. The decision should be based on the needs of the business as well as users’ preference.

But, getting help from an IoT app development company would be the best choice. Build your company’s app on a flexible platform to make it adaptable and matches the client’s target functionality.

Confirming Adaptability Between Sensors and Networks:

Sensors and networks via which mobile applications communicate are a necessary part of IoT development. Most of the IoT specialists struggle in ascertaining the terminal adaptability between different sensors and various network types. Nowadays, there are many sensor manufacturers and vendors who do not work under similar protocols for an extended period. Thus, you may face a circumstance where two devices are not cooperative and exchange valuable data.

In has been noticed that these challenges are encountered later or at the end of the app development process. So, you must make sure to connect and verify these details with the app development company you have consulted to develop your mobile app.

Validating Hardware Compatibility:

It is tough and complicated to predict the system and performance requirements when the app development process is in the initial phase. Many times, the development teams do not get specific hardware information, and this issue needs a prompt solution to prevent problems emerging with the app functioning later on.

Therefore, some proficient and experienced IoT app development companies focus on choosing the most fitting hardware from the initial stage of development to modify their design or find ways to determine hardware needs.

Maintaining Devices Connection to the Network:

Good connectivity and networking are the most significant aspect while connecting various devices to work within a single app. The device can be joined using one of the classic internet networks (such as LAN or WAN) or any other networks.

As the IoT system and its architecture emerge, the need for a network along with the connected devices raises. Sometimes, the devices exceed the production and coverage of a specific network ultimately producing data processing and exchange problems.

Persistence and Data Flow Management:

Assuring consistency and data flow management while developing a mobile app for smart devices is an essential step. For example, there are devices in a smart home that collects the data and then display it on the user’s devices (phone, smartwatch, tablet etc.) Stable and uniform database connection guarantees for up-to-date data display across all devices at all the time.

Today most of the data that smart devices operate are unorganized, so it creates trouble in storing it in a suitable SQL format.

Optimal Performance:

The performance also plays an essential role in app development. Many successful apps provide a superior customer experience but face difficulty ensuring a world-class app performance. The issues include an application’s functioning without crashes or bugs while utilizing as little space in the device without changing battery life. You need to verify the app should work in the right way. If it provides optimal performance only then, it should be available for users.

App Security:

A security concern is the most annoying one for mobile developers.

For example, malware issues may occur, and software/hardware fragmentation only adds to the distress’ list. Then a lot of effort is required to approach such app security challenge, which wastes a lot of time as well as money.

If proper security standards have not complied, then security lapse can begin to information misuse and manipulation, terrible user experience and limited app choice.

Wind Up

We can conclude that challenges should not be overlooked and should not affect your business app’s performance. It would be best to understand each challenge and take suitable actions to overcome the problem and create a smooth operating app. There are many IoT app development companies to help you in overcoming challenges and surpass the entire issues through their expertise and experience.

If you need to have a mobile app for smart devices, connect to the app development service provider with skilled resources and experience similar projects.

Why Your Organization Needs IoT Data-Based Maintenance Management

Why Your Organization Needs IoT Data-Based Maintenance Management?

IoT is nothing new, but it is not old even. It always comes up in the news with the new feature and allures everyone. Today, it is rare to find out someone who is not aware of the Internet of Things or its benefits. Small, medium or large, all size companies are thriving to become part of this beautiful and limitless technology. One who has already adopted it are enjoying immense success and benefits in their business.

How is significant IoT Data?

IoT data holds tremendous value to maintenance management functions, but no doubt, the quality of value is directly dependent on the quality of the data you receive. This implies that source, timeliness and accuracy greatly influence the overall value data can offer. If you are planning to create IoT data that can aid to materialize your business objective, then, you must find out the following aspects.

  • The first aspect is to find out the data type required to meet your objectives and the data you can quickly gather from machines or in the field. You might find the gap between the two data points and no doubt, overcoming this gap is a long-term goal that could be accomplished as the sensor and network technology modernizes in the future.
  • Now, you have to validate the available data on the aspect of reliability, accuracy and timeliness to find out the relevant data.
  • You have to build a CMMS software architecture that can interpret the appropriate data into information.

Let’s check how companies in asset-intensive industries are utilizing IoT to change their existing maintenance management functions.

Predictive Maintenance:

The best feature that IoT data can offer is predictive maintenance, and we can say this on the basis of two key reasons. The progress in sensor and network technologies allows IoT data to help asset-intensive industries to optimize their maintenance management functions.

The first key reason: IoT data permits you to predict maintenance requirements and asset failures. It provides you with enough time to schedule the most favourable field service technicians based on their availability and skill set. Thus the process is streamlined successfully.

The Second Key Reason: The data-driven ability to conduct maintenance scheduling on an ad-hoc basis saves time and reduces the cost and improves first-time effectiveness.

For instance, HVAC equipment has temperature sensors to monitor the airflow efficiency and sends alert for filter replacement or maintenance when the airflow changes. In the same way, sensors embedded in solar panels which are connected through IoT can generate work orders whenever required and as per the need.

Data-Driven Inventory Management:

Inventory is an essential part of the maintenance function. There are many organizations that are dependent on a spreadsheet or other paper-based methods for inventory control and management. These processes, either a spreadsheet or a manual one, both can cause common inventory management mistakes like:

  • Data entry error: Manual data entry invites lots of errors and results in misleading information.
  • Mismanagement in the warehouse: Well, we can say that data entry method is not the sole reason behind the error, but it is the type of data being recorded which disturbs the whole process. Since the entire process is manual, there is no mechanism available to check the data quality.
  • Poor Communication: Poor communication is the third setback within the organization, particularly between office administrative/executives and warehouse staff. This miscommunication often leads to error in data entry.

To avoid these mistakes, companies have started using computerized maintenance management software. The software can collect and process the IoT data to facilitate companies with perceptibility into inventory levels. Use of IoT data to foretell the inventory levels say stock-in and stock-out of spare parts in different locations, organizations can optimize the spare parts stock and control the expenditure on new expenses. For instance, you can schedule a visit whenever required and order the new stock as per the need.

Performance Measurement:

IoT data helps in making decisions related to asset and team performance. It allows the management team to monitor and track teams and assets to set Key Performance Indicators and track process (KPIs).

For example, you can find out the best performer in the team; in fact, calculate the team members’ regular average performance. Using the data, organizations can plan training and skill development programs for field service technician staggering. An organization can even organize reward, recognition and compensation program for star performers. In the same way, organizations can use data to replace the asset that is regularly causing threat and reducing downtime.

End words:

As we already know, IoT provides a lot more than we know, so using it for maintenance management functions can be a bliss for organizations. An organization should opt for better planning at the initial stage to ensure better data. Using relevant data, you can achieve reliable information and get enhanced decision-making capabilities. It is noted that early implementers of IoT in maintenance enjoy extraordinary benefits of transparency, visibility and efficiency in the operations. You should also review your on-going process and check how IoT can enhance your present maintenance management function.

Prompt Softech Ranked One of the Top IoT Development Companies

Prompt Softech Ranked One of the Top IoT Development Companies

TechReviewer published an updated list of companies that are recognized as the top IoT development companies. We are very pleased that Prompt Softech has earned their trust and has been nominated on this list.

We are proud of the nomination and this is one more proof of the high quality of our services and trust in the market. It is a great honor that encourages us to make new discoveries and, at the same time, increases our responsibility. Continuous improvement is what drives our company.

To publish a list of the best IoT developers, TechReviewer team analyzed over 500 different companies. An in-depth analysis of our company helped put us on the list of the best.

Without the trust of our customers and their appreciation of our services, we would not have received such a high rating from TechReviewer. We want to thank them for giving us attention. Our team is committed to developing quality software products and applications for customers around the world. Thank you!


TechReviewer is a trusted analytical hub that carries out studies and compiles the lists of top development, design and marketing companies. Specializing in B2B tech companies, Techreviewer’s mission is to help businesses make informed decisions and find optimal vendors that meet the high requirements for providing quality services.

Why do You Need to Switch The IoT Mobile App Development

Why do You Need to Switch The IoT Mobile App Development?

Today, when time has become the most precious thing than ever, everyone is searching for the most efficient and smart solutions. Just assume present life without internet. There would have been no way to connect and use kitchen appliances, TV sets and baby monitors etc. remotely. Life would have been hard. Thankfully we are existing in an era where our physical world is beautifully synchronizing with the digital world. It is expected that by 2025, we have more connected devices than Earth’s inhabitants.

Do you know how all this is possible? The only way to make all this possible is through the Internet of Things. We can simply define it as IoT refers to an ecosystem which includes physical objects accessed by the internet.

But why do you need to integrate your mobile application with IoT? Integrating IoT with a mobile application can provide a competitive edge to your business to thrive in any dynamic market.

For example, heart monitoring devices have built-in sensors with an IP address and can collect and transmit data over the network. They are built to monitor, understand and analyze the ambience as per human needs.

Amazon’s Alexa and Google Assistance is already serving as a connecting link between human and network of interconnected devices and have been in user from a long time. The transformation in technology shows that IoT has become one of the most critical technologies of today’s century. Businesses belonging to different domains are employing the latest technology to sustain in tech competition.

How IoT and Mobile App Development is interdependent:

Today, millions of IoT connected devices are already part of the earth. No doubt with the time the number will increase as internet connectivity is now a standard feature for devices which are used in factories, households, businesses and other sectors.

The preferred platform which has pushed the usage of IoT and IoT based devices is Mobile. The mobile app is easy to develop and for transmitting data. Using a single mobile application, you can quickly and efficiently manage IoT devices like Smart home or wearables.

In fact, you can set thermostats, brew your coffee and peep inside your house using the camera from the remote place through mobile phones. So, life has become very comfortables through IoT.

Why do you need to develop a Custom Mobile App using IoT?

1) Flexible Accessibility:

Today people are addicted to easy accessibility; therefore, integration of IoT and mobile app provides this facility, i.e. to access any interconnected physical object from any location through a single touch on a smartphone. Your reliable and proficient IoT app development company can provide you IoT-enabled mobile app, which can compute with IoT platforms’ enhanced functionality and can boost network usage of the customers.

2) Valuable Insights:

The Internet of Things can be defined as a network of interconnected devices, sensors, digital items and servers that collectively access and store sensitive and personal data of the users. These data can be used to make accurate decisions related to consumer behaviours and activities and shopping patterns in real-time, ultimately improving business operations.

For example, you can execute an essential change in inventory and improve your offerings’ marketing strategy. By using data, you can provide highly customized and excellent customer experience.

3) Market Entry:

We all know that IoT provides innumerable benefits, but unfortunately, many businesses and organizations are not in favour of adopting IoT as well as new technologies. They are unaware of IoT potentials and how a custom mobile app with IoT can provide a competitive edge to their business and address the niche market that has adopted IoT-based mobile apps.

How IoT helps in Mobile App Development Process?

1) Reduces the Cost of Mobile App Development:

IoT being dynamic in nature allows IoT app development company to combine multiple components within the app to make it innovative as well as interactive. This feature saves a lot of money without any compromise with the result.

2) Easy Integration:

IoT technology can be integrated with emerging technologies like AR, ML and VR. This means that it allows you to deploy the same capabilities in mobile apps. But, in order to get the best result, one has to implement IoT correctly.

3) Need for Higher Security:

We all know that user’s data is stored on the cloud and IoT application developers provide extreme device interconnectivity which certainly attracts high possibilities of cyberattacks and account hacks. Thus mobile app development service providers must ensure high-security protocols and encryption policies in all IoT integrated mobile apps.

4) Promotes Interactive Mobile App:

Technology has opened the gateway to personalization option, and obviously, IoT has made the mobile app more interactive and efficient. This concludes that a mobile app can stay-up-to-date with functionalities of IoT to stay competitive. This latest technology also facilitates simple customization options for mobile enterprise apps as today many businesses wish to reap the leverages provided by IoT. Many organization have connected devices for various operations like ordering supplies or in-office repairs regularly.

Businesses can even make their work process smooth for their staff by reducing downtime of office equipment by regular maintenance and prompt repair services.

5) Location Independence:

Most of the mobile users are using IoT-based mobile apps. Users can control the IoT ecosystem, including all devices, internet connections, hardware deployed through IoT-based mobile apps from anywhere and anytime. Thus we can say that IoT facilitates location independence.

For example, iPhone’s Home App provides useful automation for home accessories like a thermostat, lights, bathroom, wifi system. Homekit cameras and videos can even inform you through notification if any friend arrives at your doorstep. Thus you are free to operate your devices from any location using your mobile app.

6) Greater Convenience:

Today 52% of the world are mobile internet users, and one can easily manage entire IoT network from office, home or anywhere. One can even integrate social networks and notifications in the IoT mobile application. IoT has made life easy and simple, not just for users but also for IoT service providers. Today, application developers are not required to invest a lot of time, money and resources to make a mobile app and devices intuitive and interactive.

What are the challenges in IoT enabled Mobile App Development?

1) Data Collection and Processing:

IoT application needs a massive amount of data so IoT app development company must collect, store & process data on the cloud, in full agreement with platform terms. Companies need assistance for fetching insights from the customers’ data, so they have to hire data experts, analytic engineers and machine learning resources to analyze the data quality and its usefulness.

2) Security and Privacy:

Well, IoT has been in controversies for network security and data security. IoT app developers need to ensure full data privacy and security. They should provide data encryption protocol while developing a mobile app because IoT devices can be easily tampered and hacked by hackers. Therefore IoT app developers must guarantee that both data and devices are safe and hold required access and support skills.

3) Hardware and Software Compatibility:

It is essential to know that IoT and mobile app development needs a balance of software function and hardware. It is obvious to concentrate on designing the device, but software functions also require attention as it can create problems during regular updates. Both aspects together provide optimal performance. Thus it is vital to thrive a balance between both hardware and software. Suppose if your device does not allow regular updates like bug-fixing, it will hammer the device’s performance. Thus IoT app development company would not be able to deliver the most favourable results.


Integration of IoT with a mobile app can upheave your business and provide a greater view of the current market trend. If you wish to deliver outstanding customer service, boost engagement with your buyers, and attract more significant sales on the mobile app without extending your budget or compromising with the technological abilities, IoT is the best solution. Connect reliable and experienced IoT app service providers and explore the best possibilities.

How is IoT Contributing to Reshaping Factories Worldwide

How is IoT Contributing to Reshaping Factories Worldwide?

Nowadays, when everything is moving towards automation, then automated factories are no new surprise. Even the smallest operations in factories contribute to success or failure, profit or loss, and productivity.

As business owners are looking for the most efficient, cost-saving technologies, factories have become a new testbed for innovation.

Factory automation leads to the generation of valuable data around processes and allows IoT systems to improve operations smartly and sustainably. This clears that IoT, i.e. Internet of Things holds a great scope in factory automation and provides an unbeatable application to enhance operations, ultimately providing better results. These useful applications showcase a subset of IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) use cases. Powerful IoT starts with reliable data collection and its storage.

Collecting Data and Unlocking Use Cases:

Thre are several use cases for well-employed IoT technology in a factory setting. Here is the list of few templates:

  • Asset Tracking
  • Cold chain management
  • Patient Safety and health tracking
  • Remote monitoring of system health
  • Process/Machine lifecycle tracking

In every use case, the process initiates with data collection and storage. IoT usage begins with one end in mind and extends to other applications. After installing sensors in the factory and collecting data, new opportunities and possibilities arise for what and how to use it for producing optimal outcomes.

Other than utilizing basic tracking and monitoring capabilities, using machine learning and other analytics approaches to handle the information communicated by the sensors potentially can boost the business.

Improved Performance and Productivity:

The most important and talked topic for IoT in the factory is how it improves efficiency and productivity. The improved and increased mechanization and automation of physical operations help organizations produce more high-quality speedily.

For instance, IoT allows the remote access and operation of devices that manage materials in an assembly line. IoT systems can employ advanced robotics technology to accelerate assembly line operations, standardize component creation, decrease product waste, reduce product errors and automate QA processes.

Enhancing Inventory Management:

Using remote monitoring of factory equipment and operations can generate data which allows more profound insights into procurement and planning. By managing fill-level tracking of a given material, an IoT system notifies the employees when he has to replenish it. Thus, it can monitor supply over months to analyze how many times the material has to be filled under different factors. It can proactively signal to employees for the supply orders, which ultimately reduces extra expenses and optimize inventory procurement.

Suppose, if there is equipment to be shared within a facility or between the facility, an IoT system can analyze data to recommend where and when the equipment should be transit.

If the particular department experiences a heavy utilization of single equipment on a specific day, say Tuesday, IoT system `will analyze different factors and recommend the quantity and type of equipment to be redistributed on Monday afternoon to optimize inventory usage and assure availability.

Thus, the IoT system can recommend when equipment needs to be preventatively maintained based on collected data on individual equipment usage pattern. Proper integration of IoT with the equipment enables IoT to detect the errors or upcoming maintenance issues. It even informs about the source of errors. This feature saves time and ensures the equipment’s potential use and enhances the equipment operator’s safety.

Enhancing Maintenance of Factory Facilities:

Most of the times, facility maintenance remains one of the underrated areas for factory improvement. An IoT system monitors the ambience and occurring changes. It controls temperature, humidity, and power usage of the factory facility’s HVAC systems, saving cost and energy. It can diagnose irregularities and standard maintenance requirements to help facilities. It can also add security measures into its monitoring to guarantee peace of mind for facility operators.

Increasing Employee Safety:

The reduction in equipment faultiness, product error, and more effective process management are few things offered by IoT systems, ensuring human safety in the factory. Suppose, if any accident happens like fire in a particular section, then the IoT system can transmit critical system information and other supporting data to confirm that employees are informed and safe.

Today, the havoc of COVID-19 has covered the globe. In this critical time, taking proper measures to assure the employee’s good health is the utmost priority. IoT systems can flag COVID concerns by tagging employees to detect when they are close to each other, check their health condition, and map anonymized employee data through more considerable contact tracing efforts. In fact, IoT can also send alerts if there are many people presents in an enclosed place.

Factory automation undoubtedly raises some questions like fewer jobs in the factory, decreased human requirement etc. Factory automation will not snatch the job but free the employees from tedious, repetitive and tiring tasks and shift jobs into process management or system administration. Employees will supervise the systems doing a repetitive job. This will improve employee safety and satisfaction.

Meeting Compliance Measure:

Remote monitoring of factory facilities ensures that compliance KPIs are visible and accessible. By sharing KPIs, automating reports and standard issues early and regularly, IoT integrated system can also help in satisfaction of compliance measures.

IoT just not offers better productivity, inventory optimization, reduced maintenance expense and better employees’ safety but it also supports compliance on different fronts, allowing an organization to create new KPIs that were just a dream earlier.

These unskippable IoT features help reduce financial, material, temporal, legal, and social costs.

Factory automation and involvement of IoT in it can attract immense growth and profits. It provides everything needed for business growth without compromising with the product’s quality or quantity or employees’ health. In fact, it adds much more than you can think of.

Adding IoT in your current your business is not a challenging task; you just need to contact reliable and experienced IoT service providers. The rest process will be like magic. Hence, we can conclude that the depth of possibilities and opportunities with IoT lies in one’s imagination and execution.

How is IoT Helping Smart Solar Farms for Improving Asset Management?

Today businesses are looking for more efficient and durable resources to improve efficiency and increase productivity. No, doubt IoT has already contributed a lot in the development of new technologies and making progress in the organizations. However, the potential of IoT visible today is hopefully way less than what IoT holds within it. The exploration of IoT will definitely turn into ecstasy for every human and organizations.

However, today, IoT is assisting many businesses and organizations and delivering successful and noticeable results. There are a plethora of IoT service providers present in the market to help businesses in improving their process and productivity.

Nowadays, energy production from the traditional way is becoming challenging due to limited resources and pollution caused by using it. So, Solar farms are the new and smart fashion where energy production companies are willingly investing for energy production. To enhance cost-effectiveness, organizations involved in the solar energy industry are looking for improved and effective asset management and monitoring.

So, to end management and monitoring related issues, energy production companies are adopting the Internet of Things.

IoT allows businesses to directly manage the solar panel installed on the farm and helps to detect the faulty devices. Along with the IoT technology, sensors are embedded in the panels for making automated workflow and get enhanced asset monitoring.

Solar Farm Asset Management

Earlier, businesses used to opt the traditional way of managing assets which was indeed time eating as well as less efficient. The asset management required more human interference, simultaneously inviting more errors. Thus, the need for asset management is growing stronger as the world is currently installing 70,000 solar panels per hour, as reported by IEA.

In a smart solar farm, IoT sensors are embedded in every asset to keep a track on assets’ health actively. These smart sensors send crucial information like current location, running status, health and predicts the possible malfunctions of assets in an automated process. This reduces human interference and the need to check and maintain each asset regularly. It even enables connected devices to communicate with each other more effectively and automatically and send information to the requires place.

Leverages offered by IoT-

1) Cost:

By adopting IoT and making the whole process automatic helps in lowering the energy bills and reducing the carbon footprint, which ultimately saves a lot of time and money in the long run. In fact, maintenance cost also slashes down with connected assets.

The introduction of IoT in asset management also provides better uptime of systems. Not just this, businesses can also update their compliance as per the new regulations introduced in the industry. Using effective asset management also reduces the risk of fines and penalties for non-compliance drop.

2) Real-time updates:

IoT integrated sensors embedded in the panels facilitate businesses to get real-time updates. The smart sensors observe vital parameters like temperature, energy output, cardinal direction and tilt angle. The energy-producing companies receive a visual overview of the panels’ output through location and colour. Using visual granularity, businesses are capable of accessing status updates and resolve the issues in real-time.

3) Maintenance:

Maintenance is one of the essential aspects of any business. In a solar farm, where panels have IoT sensors and provide real-time updates of the panels, the maintenance process becomes relatively easy and money-saving. Through real-time updates, administrators know which panel has issues and requires quick fixing. Businesses can detect the particular issue which causes downfall in the farm’s overall performance, say incorrect tilt angle or low energy output or any other problem. Real-time updates also help the maintenance team in taking preventive measures to avoid significant failures and downtime occurrences.

4) Predictive Analytics:

IoT-enabled monitoring utilizes past data to forecast energy output and predict the most efficient way to manage solar farms effectively. Thus, solar energy companies predict the amount of solar energy that would be present on a particular day. Companies can also envision the best way to adjust other energy resource inputs for better demand-supply balance.

5) Enhanced Worker Productivity:

IoT helps solar farm owners by assuring the productivity of workers as it promptly identifies and troubleshoots error sources. The supervisor does not have to check all the panels manually as the automatic system sends a notification to maintenance teams about the faulty panel. This decreases field trips, and technicians are free to do more critical tasks.

6) Theft Prevention:

Smart farms located in a rural area can be safer and secure from vandalism, and theft attempts as solar panels have an IoT-based monitoring system included to protect solar panels. Every solar panel is embedded with a sensor that can detect any unusual activity. The IoT enabled sensors can also detect if the solar panel is removed from its place and sends a notification to the operators in real-time.

IoT Implementation and Challenges

We all know that the Internet of Things is only possible through the connectivity of networks of a physical object with sensors and software to exchange data. IoT implementation can be a big deal for businesses adopting it for the very first time. Basically, IoT implementation depends on five components, i.e. sensors, standards, networks, intelligent analysis followed by intelligent actions.

Well, there is no doubt that IoT helps smart farms by automating things to reduce time consumption and cost, there are few points to be taken care before integrating smart farm with IoT.

1) Security:

The biggest concern is of security. Most of the users are concerned for the safety as in IoT all the devices are connected to the internet, making it vulnerable to security threats. This particular reason limits the performance of the systems.

2) Revenue and Affordability:

The second challenge faced by first-time IoT users is that they cost a lot. High cost becomes hindrances for an organization with a low budget. Due to low margins, small companies do not prefer to invest in this expensive technology, whereas large-scale companies welcome it with full potential.

3) Power Consumption:

Wireless devices consume more power and have limited battery life; thus, there is a requirement to develop IoT systems with low energy consuming sensors to decrease electric bill.

4) Network Issues:

One of the significant challenges in panels powered by IoT is that it may fail anytime due to low network in the area. Thus the IoT system is highly dependent on network and it may cause massive loss at times.


It is evident that IoT is providing a lot more than expected in smart solar farms to manage assets. IoT holds a great future in solar farms, and with the decrease in sensor costs along with better connectivity, companies will include IoT at different levels for more efficient results. In fact, data gathered by IoT can also support in taking a right and effective decisions to enhance the productivity of the solar farms.

Adding Operations Performance Management in IoT

Internet of Things is the new sensation in the technology market. Business owners and technology lovers are embracing the presence of new technologies and endeavouring to get the best output from it. Today, most of businesses intend to make their business smart and more organized. We all know that the Internet of Things has limitless potential to revolutionize everyday life and environment we are living. Unknowingly, we are already utilizing technologies in our daily life, and no doubt, the number of connected devices and services is growing exponentially day by day.

In 2015, the total number of connected devices was 15.4 billion, and as per IHS, this number would extend up to 30.7 billion in 2020 and 75.4 billion by 2025. No matter how accurate these predictions are, here we are talking about billions of devices at any rate.

However, to acquire the true potential of IoT, one requires operationalizing of the data generated from devices in context with operational workflows. No, doubt operationalizing data from different types of connected devices, OT, and IT systems is not an easy task. Secondly, the accumulation of data and delivering it to users in real-time and in connection with their operational workflow is more challenging.

Operationalizing IoT Systems Is Challenging

Coming to a very important and one of the hard things in IoT, i.e. operationalization IoT system. Though big data and advanced analytics have assisted us a lot to learn about the dynamic nature of constructed environments; however it has remained a challenge to operationalize the information in the daily work that happens in smart environments (smart towns, smart home, smart hospitals, etc.)

The fragmentation of workflows across multiple systems and the challenges of understanding how people are acknowledging the built environments and massive data flow restricts the meaningful transformation of these aforementioned smart spaces.

Organizations aiming to intertwine people, process and things are required to create a smarter way of working within the built environment. Thus, this situation drags in need of having Operations Performance Management (OPM).

Any idea about Operations Performance Management (OPM)?

Operations Performance Management (OPM) is an essential complement to an IoT deployment. It allows operationalizing and draws continuous business value from IoT systems. We can simply say that it sets power in the hands of the people, enables workers to take action on the basis of context-rich and real-time information about their smart environment.

OPM allows the real-time organization of people, systems and things that explores and initiates the real growth potential of IoT.

Operations Performance Management for the Internet of Things systems facilitates focused view into distant built environments. Not just this, it also allows smart building and hospital operators to analyze the data insights with valuable operational intelligence deeply.

Using OPM, operators can perform predictive modelling and execute self-tuning operations for their real-estate assets and in-building processes. This helps in getting better results for businesses and provides helpful experience for the tenants living and working within buildings. It even assures that all the business units working within organizations are integrated and working together to accomplish core business objectives.

OPM allows IoT system managers to achieve clear links between operation key performance indicators and significant business metrics. Therefore, it is clear that OPM initiates 360-degree view into an organization to help decision-makers in evaluating, assessing, planning, preparing, predicting and eventually saving operational costs as well as maintenance costs.

It’s just not about the platform; applications are designed specifically to acknowledge the big issues faced by smart hospitals and smart building. It enables meaningful digital transformation in hospitals and buildings. For example, in a hospital, OPM has authorized one leading hospital network to decrease code blues by 61 per cent. This has helped another hospital to realize an annual saving up to $2.7 million and a yearly ROI of around 900%.

Operations Performance Management is transforming the way of interactions existing between people and the environment. It provides real-time and context-aware insights into the working of the built environment. Now, health professionals, admins and building operators can answer to patients or tenant’s experience and get suggestions for further improvement in real or near-real-time.

It is now clear that generating connections between people through smart devices can produce a more beneficial outcome for building owners and their operators.

OPM is also helpful for people living, working and receiving care withing built environment.

Thus, it is pretty easy to conclude that OPM help business in realizing their IoT deployment model’s real potentials and it charters a better path for connected smart cities. If you are looking for an IoT service or planning to operationalize the IoT system, then contact us. We’ll guide you and provide the best services to you for the elevation of your business. Together we can create smarter cities, automated and efficient buildings, safer hospitals and workplaces.