Is IoT is Actively Shaping Security Needs at Edge?

Today most of the technology is spinning the best version of the industry. Many of the always-connected devices are drawing the full advantage of cloud computing, meanwhile, IoT manufacturers and app developers are discovering to scratch the benefits of performing more computational analytics on the devices themselves.

This approach skips latency for critical applications, decreases dependency on the cloud, and assures better management of deluge of data generated by the IoT.

The number of devices connected to the Internet to make up the IoT, i.e., machines, sensors, and cameras is in use without any obstacle.

IDC has forecast to have 41.6 billion connected IoT devices or things till 2025, generating 79.4 zettabytes of data. As this data would expectedly boom in the near future, the data generated will also increase. It would turn more challenging for enterprises to protect the Edge-the source of the data.

The influence of IoT is shadowing the whole globe with the fastest of its speed. The entrepreneurs are targeting to put more intelligence on the Edge using smarter and potential devices. This new advancement expands the old-traditional enterprise IT infrastructure beyond a data center or cloud environment.

Starting its way from small things till trucks, containers, kiosks, warehouses, and commercial buildings, everything is creating an ecosystem of Edge devices that does not restrain till data collection and disseminates data but performs highly complex tasks like Artificial Intelligence (AI) at the outer reaches of the network.

The shared data reflect the high risk of the data breach as no. of edge devices are increasing.

As per last years stat. 1244 data breaches which exposed 446.5 million records which comes at a high price.

Ponemon Institute calculates that the data breach cost (average) would exceed to $3.5 million, and definitely this loss magnitude is not entertaining for businesses.

So it’s a crucial time for entrepreneurs to take an appropriate step to paralyze loss-making ongoing breach and protect themselves from its vulnerability.

Edge the new future

Edge computing and IoT: A way to balance act?

The primary purpose of Edge computing is to overcome the enormous data generated by IoT sensors and devices.

For many applications, this system means to analyze and act on data at the Edge of the network (closer to data sources) than forwarding it to the remote or centralized data center for processing.

Most of the time, an IoT device processes it.

Introduction of data-generating devices to the network in increasingly remote location causes cybersecurity vulnerabilities, gifting them an easy entry point into the network that can be used to get into the core systems that the Edge devices connect to.

To sum up, today, entrepreneurs need to secure each device instead of focusing on perimeter protection. In short, the concept of the network perimeter is vanishing. Instead of defending the perimeter, the enterprise must secure each device.

Public Key Infrastructure as a proactive solution

Clutching the data breach that can exploit the IoT network need thorough data protection and device security solution. A single mistake in the security of any device on the network imperils the entire network.

Edge node security can be referred to as supreme to prevent exploitation of any access point, including proactive rather than reactive cyber-defense.

Attack vectors are unpredictable or inconsistent, so IoT protection must be updated with time.

Baseline defense mechanisms include authentication and verification of devices in the network.

It has been concluded that static credentials with a strong password have lost the potential to provide a high level of protection to escape from operational disruption or data loss.

Old-tradition-bound security applications like antivirus and firewalls do not work with the devices that are out beyond the enterprise’s network.

Cohesive encryption algorithms and certification based authentication are must be required. PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) framework can provide encryption to protect data in motion across the networks and assures that all the connected devices are authenticated.

Edge computing and IoT are new architectures that need the latest high-level security approaches. No old concept is adaptable today as it offers no security or if applied the processors set up at the Edge must have an encrypted shield against attack. Robust identity verification and encrypted data transmission are two essential components of this approach.

Are You Still Manufacturing Regular Water Bottles Instead of Smart Bottles?

The word ‘smart’ was earlier constrained to the human, but with the evolution in the generations and time, everything changed. Now ‘Smart’ word is more often used for products like mobile phones, watches, TV etc. There are many high-tech gadgets to entertain and ease our work.

Gadgets always attract, but what if our health is not cooperating with us to enjoy the technologies and luxuries.

Health has been significant concerns, not today but since past days. Today the health industry is expanding with a high pace, and the best part is, it has harmonized itself with technology. Today there is a plethora of fitness trackers, apps and other devices in the tech world to monitor the physical and mental health status.

However, the emerging demands and time deficiency has called for the closest approach. Thus the introduction of Smart Bottles appeared in the scene.

Maybe you think that there is no need for smart bottles and most of you might ignore the product even before knowing the importance.

Let’s talk about why do we need to update our self from standard to smart bottles.

A simple good looking bottle can never sustain itself in the list of gym accessories. You need to have a smart bottle which can track your daily water intake routine, remind you for the same, acknowledge you with the right temperature and many more other related activities.

Essential features of smart bottles which cannot be resisted are:

1) Attractive and Smart:

The IoT enabled bottles are attractive and full of smart activities. The first impression lasts for a long time. The new smart bottles are not just gym-, but it’s attractive too. These bottles are convenient, easy to clean and durable.

2) Keeps your Record:

The IoT enabled water bottle keeps the record on the cloud for habit analysis. It’s always important to observe the activities, and hence, the inclusion of the data system and its storage on the cloud has enabled this demand. One can analyze the intake water consumption data on a monthly basis and make improvements.

3) Easy To Connect:

It is really easy to connect the bottle to mobile phones through Bluetooth and an app.

4) Check your water intakes:

The connectivity to the cloud has allowed us to check the total water intake of a day. Cloud stores the data of the number of times a bottle is filled.

5) Detects the temperature:

IoT enabled smart bottle informs about the temperature of the water ( Suggests you the temp for water as per the outside temp): The smart bottle informs about the temperature of the water and notifies about the required temperature to be set.

6) Reminders !!!:

A smart bottle will set your daily water intake goal and will remind you. The IoT enabled bottle will design your daily water intake goal and will notify you for the same. It will alert you through lights or vibrations.

7) Make Schedules:

The advanced water bottle will schedule the timing as per the body requirement and complete the goal.

8) Measures purity:

A smart bottle also checks the purity of the water to assure good health.

9) Solar charged bottle:

A smart bottle can be charged using solar energy. So, you can save your electricity and free to charge at any time of the day.

Nothing can be more important when it comes to health. Recently Mr Ritesh Sutaria, Director of Prompt Softech, stated “We have been in the industry since 2011 for IoT development. We have seen many changes in the IoT industry, so now we call it an Internet of Everything (IoE). Earlier IoT was limited to few products, and now it is for everything. The connected devices are already projected to amount to 75.44 billion worldwide by 2025. This is the right time for all bottle manufacturing companies to include one smart bottle in the list — not only the bottle industry but other consumer goods as well. IoT industries are trying to connect all the possible product to the cloud to perform better and better analytics to understand the behaviour of consumers.

Healthy and smart living can create a better future. Introduction of a smart bottle has created a new era where improvises, and compromises do not exist. Most of the products are shifting to smart products, so if your product or bottles are still not in the smart list, then Contact Prompt Softech.

Why Every Lock Manufacturer Needs IoT Enabled Lock as a Product

Technology has waved the flag for more inventions and innovations in the tech world. Every year a new concept comes up and then it turns into a product. The already existing product lines up in old-fashioned and new gets trending in the market. Internet of things has become an important part of the market. Most of the products are IoT enabled and cloud-connected to provide data storage capability. The market is enjoying the exciting features and facilities provided by the IoT.

This is how a lock manufacturing industry stepped from regular locks to sensor locks, and now to an IoT enabled locks.

Why do Lock Manufacturers need to produce Smart Locks?

An IoT enabled locks has become an essential part of a smart home automation system. It is not just limited to home locking system but also monitors who are entering or leaving home. Smart locks have upgraded the security level and allowed you to be away from home for a long time.

Features of Smart locks:

1. Security-Upgraded:

Home is a place where everyone feels safe and secured. We accumulate all the essential things which add luxuries and safety to our home. Addition of smart door locks has brought the security of home to a new level. The smart lock monitors the number of people coming in and out. It even alarms you if someone tries to open the door in your absence.

2. No keys Needed:

An IoT enabled smart lock has ended the keys related fuss. One can now stay free and use his/her mobile phones for locking and unlocking the door.

3. Bluetooth and Wifi connected:

The smart door are handled through a mobile application. One can connect the app either using Wifi or Bluetooth for locking and unlocking the smart door lock.

4. Multiple-users:

A smart lock allows multi-user facility. 2-3 people can get access to the lock, but every access will be notified to all the other users.

5. Lock Time recorded:

Every time you use the lock, the timing gets stored in the cloud. Yes, this exclusive feature enables you to keep track of the number of times the lock is used. It records the timings and stores it on the cloud while providing any time access right.

6. No editing allowed:

Once the data is lodged, no one can edit it. This particular feature adds more accuracy and genuinity to the data available on the cloud. You can check the timing and the mobile phone used to unlock the lock.

7. Other Options to Use:

Sometimes, mobile batteries betrays us then how will you unlock the door?
Don’t worry; a smart lock provides other options to unlock the door without compromising with the safety. The alternative ways to unlock the door are retina impression, fingerprint impression and voice recognition ( a unique code to speak).
All the entries will be stored on the cloud while notifying the other users.

8. Alerts:

One cannot stay at home all the time, and that’s why to secure our house with a lock. A smart lock does a bit different from the regular lock. It notifies you when someone tries to unlock the door without having access. It captures the image and shares it with all the users.

If you are in the door-lock making industry, then don’t wait and get your ordinary locks converted into a smart lock. Addition of smart lock can add more bucks in your account. However, be a little inspective while choosing an IoT service providing company. Thoroughly cross-check the portfolio and other genuine documents before signing a company for the same. Make sure the company is friendly and supportive.

Prompt Softech is a mobile app and custom software development company. It offers IT solutions to endeavour the high-grade results to boost your business. If you are looking for a reliable IoT provider, then Prompt is the best option.