mobile application

How Artificial Intelligence in the App Industry is Changing the Future

How Artificial Intelligence in the App Industry is Changing the Future

Artificial Intelligence is no more in fiction stories now. Today in our daily life, we can observe AI performing different tasks.

Even if it is a customer or business organization, machines are vigorously improving the intelligence of humans. The mobile app sector is growing day by day. After the covid hit the world, it has become the basic need of many companies. For customers, it has become a way to reach the maximum number of things through the mobile application. With the involvement of AI, it is changing at an incredible pace, and the users get the best use of the app to meet their basic daily needs.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

It is a system capable of imitating intelligence and behavior to work and act like humans. It is possible because of some of the algorithms. It provides a virtual assistant without any human intervention. AI delivers predictive messaging, learning and planning capabilities, and voice recognition that will assist in understanding the language. It holds impressive skills in solving problems. It just does not work for business organizations but also magically works for customers. It fetches the best solution to help your business flourish and build a strong customer relationship.

Benefits of AI

  • It provides the best output of investment where the marketers will receive essential feedback from the users. Digital marketing for all kinds of businesses guarantees that return is always two-way. Both customers and organizations should get the return they expect to survive in the competitive tech world.
  • AI also assists in developing customer relationships. It is challenging for an organization to personally connect with each customer’s problem. In such cases, AI works as a savior. Whenever the user reaches customer service on the app, AI offers incredible help and gives the most-suited solutions to the users. Therefore, creating a good relationship with the customer.
  • AI also enables the company to make a fast decisions on any strategies. It assures that the company can access real-time situations; AI provides qualitative customer and business decisions. It is the most convenient way to connect with the process and gain success in the field.
  • Market measurement plays a crucial role in the business. AI offers the best market measurement where the company is aware of the risks and benefits of an issue.

Here are the following ways through which AI is supporting the mobile app industry:

Internet of Things (IoT):

Today, many devices are connected to the internet. If not mobile, the internet connects with a fitness tracker, kitchen appliances, watch, TV, etc. The connected device collects user activity data and provides powerful insight. Both AI and IoT work together so that customers get the most enhanced experience. With the support of digital assistance, the developer is able to develop an app that will easily connect to the TV.

AI is connected with sensors in broad options and offers a location-based experience. AI is most appreciated in app development and is helpful in building the best app.

Automation development:

Development of the app demands excellent skills. In the process, many tasks are to be completed, which eats up time many times. However, by using AI, the development team can easily save time as well as money that can be used to automate the process. Not just this, AI can provide consistency and eliminates errors. AI can also help in skipping the repetitive tasks and mistakes caused by it.

AI chatbots:

When you visit any website, you’ll see a chatbot below the website. If you click on the chatbot and fill in your details, AI will identify your need and pattern and reply accordingly. If your problem has a solution, AI will immediately solve it and give sales support and customer service.

Understand user:

Selecting the clues from the users, AI comprehends what the users need and assure that they get the same thing. It analyzes the activities and behavior of the user and provides the best suggestions. Additionally, they can understand the user’s behavioral patterns and apprehend the users’ needs.

Personalization service:

We all know that every customer’s need is different from each other. Therefore, customization is the best way to offer customer satisfaction and will boost sales. The modern AI service will ease the work of developers and offer the best-customized services. AI detects the customer’s pattern, taste, or preference. It suggests the same interest and preferences so that customers get engaged and shop from the options.

Mobile App Industries that use AI to change the future

Healthcare App:

Now, healthcare services are just a dial away. You can get the best healthcare services at home and receive the reports in your mail. With the inclusion of AI in services, a patient’s medical details are now collected, stored, and managed efficiently.

Automotive App:

In the automotive sector, all the brands are embracing the latest vehicles where Artificial intelligence enhances the driving experience. While driving, one can use AI features for navigation and listening to music. Driverless cars are next-level features offered by AI.

Finance App:

In the banking sector, AI is helping customers to save money by educating them on where to invest. It assists them so that they can track their expenses and manages everything on points. It assures that finance sectors can help customers in solving their problems while sitting in their homes.

Law App:

Sometimes it takes work for attorneys to answer all the questions in person. In that case, AI can help by answering all the legal questions to clients so that they get answers to all their doubts.


Though Artificial intelligence has its challenges, it still never fails to improve the app industry. Today, many app owners in various sectors are using this technology to stay updated with the trend and customers as well. AI ensures they can create a good relationship with the customers by recognizing their behavioral patterns in shopping or anything else. Therefore we can conclude that Ai is more than a technology. It is a blessing for app owners to develop a good relationship with customers.

The Ultimate Guide to Mobile App Monetization

The emerging competition and latest technology introduction recommend having an eCommerce app for the business. Most of the companies turn their vision into a reality by developing a mobile app but is it enough?

If your e-commerce app is not making money, then it is an absolute waste of money, because every investment needs to prove its worth.

However, the biggest obstacle in converting an app into money is the lack of knowledge and guidance. So, consider reading this blog to know “How to make money with an app.”

How to Make Money With an App?

Mobile App monetization involves two strategies-Direct Monetization and Indirect Monetization.

Direct monetization is a simple and most popular one. Many companies adopt it, whereas indirect monetization is a bit complex.

1) Direct Monetization:

In this monetization strategy, money is generated directly from an app. If someone downloads your business app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, then the money is generated from the app. When a customer uses your business app to buy something, then the sale is generated from your app.

2) Indirect Monetization:

This monetization strategy is complex but famous for software products. You can make money by developing an app, but the actual money amount is not bound to the app. In this you are making money either app is used or not.

Top 6 App Monetization Models and Strategies:

There are six popular strategies to generate money with an app.

A) Paid Downloads:

This model is the quite obvious and simplest one to generate money with an app. You can charge a fee to download the app, but the charges should lie in the range that users are in use to pay.

Though the paid-download model is a straightforward app monetization model, the drawback is fewer downloads. Many people prefer free apps instead of a paid app. However, paid-users will be highly interested and will try to get the optimal result. If users are using the app often, then you could benefit more from them with other app monetization models.

B) In-App Purchases:

The in-app purchases monetization can be used for paid as well as free apps for physical and virtual products.

For instance, most of the gaming app uses this in-app purchase model for virtual coins or experience upgrades. Players spend money to purchase weapon, vehicles, map, lifelines etc.

Pokemon Go, one of the popular games among kids, has generated more than $3 billion in revenue after being a free app.

Pokemon Go is an excellent example of a free mobile app that makes money from in-app purchases. The game sells “PokeCoins” which is a virtual currency to pay for upgrades within the app and improves the gaming experience.

But this method is not just limited to gaming apps, and many e-commerce websites can build an app in the same model to increase mobile sales. Suppose if a customer purchases something like shoes, books, t-shirts etc. which you are selling online from your app, then it falls in this model only.

C) Subscriptions:

This model is used to generate recurring revenue with an app. You can customize the subscription package of your e-commerce app on Google Play Store and Apple App Store. In this model, a user needs to sign up for the subscription, and he’ll be charged on a recurring basis until he doesn’t cancel it manually.

Most of the subscription apps are on a monthly basis, but you can customize it to annual or quarterly billing cycles as well.

The subscription model can be used for a wide range of industries. For example, if you have built a fitness app, then you can set up a monthly subscription to access workouts, videos, and training. In fact, this model is fit for small businesses like local dry cleaner to offer pick-up and delivery cleaning services.

D) Freemium Model:

This monetization model lies in between subscription and in-app purchases. The word freemium is a combination of two words-Free + premium = freemium. This implements that you need to offer your app for free to use this freemium monetization strategy. The next step is offering a different version of your app, that is free & premium.

In this model, the app offers a free version having basic features, and the upgraded one is the paid version to deliver supreme experience.

For example, a music app offers unlimited songs to users, but it is full of advertisement and download is not free. To enjoy advertisement free and free song downloading, the user needs to take a subscription. Another way to allure users is by providing a free trial of the paid version. This offer increases subscription chances and enhances user-experience.

E) Advertisements:

Advertisement is another way to generate money through your app. In this method, you sell space available in your app for advertisements. Now you might be recalling the ads you have seen in websites or apps. App advertising can be of different types and sizes like banner ads, video ads, pop-ups, native ads, interstitial ads etc. There are different revenue models available in this strategy:

  • Cost-per-install (CPI)
  • Cost-per-click (CPC)
  • Cost-per-action (CPA)
  • Cost-per-mile (CPM)
  • Cost-per-view (CPV)

The payment depends on the type of advertisement and other factors.

F) Product Extensions:

This strategy falls under indirect monetization and is absolutely a great way to generate revenue for your business, service or product, but as we have already shared, money won’t be generated directly to actions within the app.

For example:

QuickBooks is an online accounting software with more than 7+ million customers worldwide. This paid platform administers more than 50% of the accounting software market share. Anyone who buys this software gets free access to iOS and Android mobile app. This app does not generate revenue directly but having this software provides a native mobile experience which adds value to the product.

In fact, having a product extension also helps in differentiation you from the competition.

Wrap Up:

Though app monetization remains one of the tough tasks for developers and business owners, but it is one of the important purposes behind the development of an app. The primary step involved in the monetization process is to understand the available ways for it and figuring out which one will suit best for your business.

How to Develop Best Food Delivery Apps?

If you are planning to try your hands in the online Food Delivery business, then absolutely it is a good idea. Today’s statics limns the evolving scope in the QSRs. As per Statista, the revenue generated in the Online Food Delivery segment is US $7,092m till May, 2019. It is expected that the statistic will change with the annual growth rate of 9.9% between CAGR 2019-2023, resulting in a market volume of US$10,363m by 2023.

China is currently leading in the business with US$39,888m. The calculations state that today, most of the customers are switching the online food delivery to avoid the interaction with people and stay at their calm. They love searching for their favourite food online and having it comfortably at their home or office.

So, the idea of developing a mobile app can provide a wing to your already existing restaurant business.

But before you start your journey in this industry and explore many other ways, let’s check out the basic outlines which can terminate your plight for “How to develop the best Food Delivery Apps?”

1. Easy to Use Interface: Simplicity always the allure and this statement also justify its worth for the first screen. One should keep the first screen, from where the customer logs in, simple and easy to understand. For example, the food menu option, favourite restaurant or offers available should be easy to access because unnecessary complication can repel the customers and invite many logoffs.

2. Safe Payments: Today, online safety has emerged as the most talked topic. Secure transactions and payments are part of the same along with data privacy.

If you are working on the development or seeking the help of the developer for the same, then do consider this important point. You need to take care of the privacy and safe payment system to build a long-term relationship between you and the customer. If you ever require some data, then ask the customer for the same, respecting his/her privacy.

3. Live Order Tracking: Providing an option of live order tracking falls in the ‘must option’ for any online food delivery app. Anyone who orders the food expects to track to get its current status. Even restaurant owners tend to follow the same to know either the delivery boy is delivering the food on time or not.

Delivery of hot and fresh food on time is another way which confirms the regularity of the costumer.

4. Multiple Methods to Order: People aren’t observed just being engaged in the mobile delivery app; they also check the website delivery app and desktop apps. So providing a facility of multi-access will certainly tag you in the priority.

5. Alluring Rewards and Offers: It’s always exciting for a customer when they receive offers or rewards. So, offering rewards or offers will help in sticking the customer to your restaurant or services. So, your app should notify the customers about the rewards and offers existing in the restaurant.

6. Push Notifications: If you are still stuck on how will you manage the offers and rewards, then push notifications are the best way. But, excess of push notification can repel your customer and too less will definitely not create revenue. So the best approach is to ask the customer about the number of notifications they desire and when.

Now comes another section which requires a reasonable consideration. So, let’s have a check at the factors which need to be considered if you are developing Food Delivery Apps.

The vigorous competition and the alluring advertisement of app developing companies often leave us in a dilemma. Hence, it’s your responsibility to check which company will fit in as per your need. So, let’s know on what basis you can decide a company which can develop a simple and proficient app for you.

1. Check your budget: The first and foremost step involved in the development of the mobile app is an investment. Therefore you need to decide how much money you want to spend. Look for a company which can harmonize with your budget and fulfil all your requirements.

2. Framework(s) to choose: Before you decide the framework or frameworks for your mobile app, you need to determine which platform you want to serve. Once it’s done, then you will have a plethora of frameworks to choose and get your app developed. You really need not possess so much knowledge about frameworks as it is the responsibility of the hired company. They let you know about each framework, along with its benefits and feedback. They even inform you about the right framework that can set well with your mobile app.

3. Lightening-Fast Delivery: Well, if you are planning for food delivery app then Lightning-Fast Delivery is no new word. Your app should be capable of managing the order placement in minimum time to the right person and then update the status of the order in real time.

4. Know your Customer: Whatever business you are in, if you are not aware of your customers or having no plan about which customer you want to target, then your planning and purposes are in vain.

So, before you design your mobile app, you should get clear about which age audience is going to be your priority. If you are targeting middle age people, then the design would be very different from other ages. The display of the app should be dependent on the target customer.

5. Decide your USP to allure max: Well, you are not the one is the market; hence, you need to become the ‘one’ where people stop their search. Decide your USP and make sure it is well highlighted in your app. You should have strategies and services which can clean-bowl your competitors and make you a winner with huge revenue.

If you crossed or had a considerable visit over all these points then yeah you are all set to have your own online delivery app. One last thing to keep in mind, keep checking your competitors because it is said that “keep your friends close, and your enemies closer” Period.

If you are seeking for a company which can develop your mobile application then contact Prompt Softech. It is a global IT solution, software and mobile app development company which will turn your dream into reality.

If you have some queries or information to share, then share it in the comment box.