smart farming

Smart and Sustainable Livestock Management supported by IoT

IoT-Enabled Livestock Management: A Smart and Sustainable Approach

Food is a basic need for every living being, and the importance of the agriculture industry and livestock farming cannot be underrated. The demand for food, rabbit and poultry meat, has been increasing day by day, and the reason behind this increase is population growth, changing diets, and affordability. This has led to an increase in the number of poultry and rabbit farms worldwide and improved the sensitivity toward animal welfare issues.

Many farm owners have adopted standardized farming management practices to meet the growing meat demands. Many others have added new technologies and innovations like smart farming methods using the Internet of Things and machine-to-machine solutions in their livestock management process.

Adopting the latest farming technology, smart sensors, and livestock monitoring solutions can assist farmers in efficiently managing their resources and enhancing productivity. This adoption also guarantees minimum wastage and less energy consumption.

Value Proposition

Traditional methods of livestock management include inspecting each animal for signs of injury and diseases. Farm owners with large livestock farms often fail to detect ill cattle and face loss. This monitoring method is time-consuming, labor-intensive, costly, and highly erratic.

As per research conducted by Oklahoma University, lung lesions and scarring are found in 37 percent of cattle that had never been diagnosed as sick, and in a trial at the Meat Animal Research Center found that 68% of steers tested showed signs of past respiratory infection.

Although the animals can recover independently, studies show that once cattle have been ill, they cannot catch up to the rest of the healthy herd in health or value.

IoT Data for Livestock Houses and Management

Farmers can optimize their processes, improve animal welfare, enhance traceability, and increase overall productivity by adopting IoT technology offering real-time data on environmental aspects like temperature, gas levels, and humidity.

Such IoT solutions are constructive for monitoring ammonia levels, which causes severe eye irritations and respiratory problems in animals and humans as well. By keeping these aspects under control, farmers can improve their cattle’s health and well-being and enhance the final product’s quality.

Enhanced Farming Practices

Using low-cost and durable smart sensors in an IoT solution for farming is an efficient and cost-effective way to gather and analyze data. The IoT sensors can be implanted in different locations around the livestock houses to gather data on different aspects like temperature, humidity, water quality, gas levels, and many other things.

The sensors can also be installed to gather data in real-time, guaranteeing that the farmer has access to real-time information about their farm’s current status, environment, and operations.

The consolidated and easy-to-install feature of the sensors makes them a feasible option for farmers who wishes to speed up their farming practices without disrupting their procedures. The advanced battery-backed system guarantees that sensors are durable, skipping the frequent battery replacement and maintenance requirements.

IoT Platforms for Livestock Houses

The gathered data is then processed and analyzed using an IoT platform, which can provide insights and actionable suggestions to the farmer. The information can be accessed using mobile devices, authorizing the farmer to monitor their farm from any location at any time. The data provided is in an easy-to-understand format means farmers do not need specialized technical knowledge to understand and utilize the information.

What are the Benefits of IoT-Enabled Livestock Management?

  • Monitor the health and vitality of livestock in real-time, allowing farmers to immediately treat animals and prevent the spread of illness or disease.
  • Track grazing animals to know their grazing patterns and activities and prevent loss. 
  • Collect and analyze past data to identify and understand trends in cattle health or track the spread of illness.
  • Monitor the heat period or birth time, avoiding the loss of new calves and optimizing breeding practices.

Revolutionizing the Farming Industry to Boost Productivity

The success of IoT in reducing disease and mortality rates in livestock houses, increasing output, and optimizing overall operations shows its potential for enhancing farming practices.

The data gathered using the sensors can be utilized to determine the pattern and make informed decisions to enhance productivity, lower costs, and guarantee animal welfare.

Overall, employing IoT technology in farming is the most futuristic approach to overcome the food crisis and counter the increasing demands of a growing population. It has the potential to revolutionize the industry and address some of the challenges encountered by farmers, like limited resources, growing demand, climate change, etc.

We all are very well aware of the significant issue of this era: climate change. The changing climate is hammering productivity and leading to the food crisis. On the other hand, the uncontrollably growing population is amplifying the issue. The only possible way to control both major issues is to adopt the most potent solution that can resolve both issues hand in hand. The adoption of IoT in farming is the most extensive way to overcome both challenges. Not only in farming, but IoT can also be used to control carbon emissions and contribute to slowing down the rapidly changing climate. IoT also helps provide a better lifestyle by offering smart houses, cities, buildings, hospitals, and the list goes so on.

How will Smart Farming decide the Future of Agriculture

How will Smart Farming decide the Future of Agriculture?

Today, farmers are facing more pressure than ever before. Demand for food is growing as the population increases, whereas agricultural land is used for urbanization. Not just this, the challenges caused by climate change are also decreasing the yield. Sometimes drought, sometimes flood, and unseasonal rain impact the total yearly yield, ultimately causing a shortage of food. 

In the coming years, agricultural enterprises must operate in new and adapted ways to achieve sustainability and the capability to survive. The latest and most advanced technologies, falling under the roof of  Smart Farming, provide opportunities for farmers to overcome unprecedented challenges while passing the agricultural way of life to future generations. This has led to a boost in the yield along with the profit. 

Unfortunately, local farms, including some in the world’s most fertile lands, are also declining today. Therefore, creating a viable business is becoming challenging, and farmers must find ways to work more smartly instead of shedding sweat in the field. 

Historically, agricultural structures demand immense amounts of time, money, and effort to order, unload, store, plant, monitor, cultivate, and harvest crops. 

Advanced smart farming technologies provide new methods to simplify the workflow and enhance operations, leading to robust businesses.

IoT’s Shining Agricultural Future

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the soul of this transformation process. Intelligent sensors are implanted throughout a farm that behaves like the eyes and ears of the farmers. It collects information about crops, the equipment’s condition, and performance. One of IoT technology’s most crucial characteristics is its ability to expand visibility to new endpoints. IoT empowers farmers with real-time monitoring and analytics systems through which they gain more insights into their operations and the capability to handle them more efficiently.

Let’s know some of the ways through which smart farming improves agricultural enterprises and will continue to do so in coming years:

1: Monitoring Crop Growth

IoT in the agriculture industry acts like a superhero; it assists farmers in improving the crop’s quality and the land’s fertility. Sensors integrated with IoT systems collect nutrient density information, allowing farmers to adjust the amount of fertilizer to be used. If any symptoms of infestation are observed, using pesticides can eliminate the invasion. In actuality, data-driven agriculture always empowers farmers because the information received permits adjusting activities imaging the current conditions, handling the crop cycle more effectively, achieving efficiency, and enhancing crop growth.

2: Improving Greenhouse Operations

Greenhouse IoT sensors improve visibility and automate traditional manual functions, making the entire process more efficient and automated. They gather and transfer real-time data, like air pressure, humidity, temperature, soil conditions, and light levels. In fact, water consumption can be managed with SMS or email alerts if any defects occur. In modified systems, adjustments are made automatically. The processes turn out to be more cost-effective and accurate, and operational performance improves.

3: Tracking Water consumption

Agricultural IoT supports farmers in monitoring water tank levels in real time by tracking the amount of water being used and the amount of water left in the tank. Smartphones provide intuitive reports that analyze trends and make recommendations in many cases. Farmers can alter water usage as needed, making irrigation more efficient and economical.

Predictive Equipment Maintenance

Farmers can monitor their land, vehicles, and other assets through IoT. Farmers wish to reduce downtime as the equipment is essential to daily operations. It offers a clear view of the device’s performance, which updates as the equipment operates. Advanced data analytics provides them with the required management insights. Artificial Intelligence and machine learning measure an asset’s typical efficiency and wear and tear based on metrics like vibration analysis, oil analysis, and thermal imaging.  

Predictive maintenance models depend on complicated algorithms to determine when an asset must be serviced, fixed, or retired. These insights come before the device stops performing. This assures that operations and processes at farms are continuous and seamless. The other advantages include lengthened machinery lifecycles, reduced downtime, and productive outcomes.

Smart Livestock Management

We all know that livestock management and monitoring demand good quality of time, effort, and money. Traditionally, employees are hired on farms to look after the health or injury of the cattle. The process is undoubtedly costly, highly unreliable, and inefficient.

IoT solutions terminate speculation when diagnosing an animal’s health by monitoring temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, etc. The information is sent through the wireless network to an application in real time.

Farmers can then access the mentioned information using mobile devices:

  • Each animal’s health condition and location in its herds can be checked from anywhere at any time.
  • Farmers can also check the peak mating time and season of the cattle.
  • Farmers receive alerts if a metric falls outside of the normal range.
  • Most suitable gazing spots can be easily determined.

Benefits to Agriculture and Personalized Services

By embracing smart farming technology, farmers can develop more suitable approaches, and this proficiency changes the relationship between customers and retailers. The farmers can emphasize consumers’ interest in sustainability and eco-friendly food while focusing on creating new strands of their products. They can then charge a premium for their products, enhance revenue and create a more substantial business.

Smart sensors automatically observe every facet of everyday agricultural work. This advanced technology allows farmers to automate real-time data collection, boost production volumes, cut down costs, reduce waste, and much more things that increase productivity. These many advantages are compelling farmers to spend on technology.

According to the worldwide smart farming review, investment in this field will increase from $3.715 billion in 2022 to $7.040 billion in 2026, a CAGR of 13.65 percent. It means farmers will have added hundreds of millions of IoT sensors to improve their everyday operations.

Steering Efficiency

Smart farming technology provides businesses with new ways to increase agricultural efficiency, reducing costs and boosting revenue. In other words, smart farming technology is most significant for the growth of modern farming, increasing the yield to meet growing demand and will keep agricultural industries viable in the future.

How Bioengineering and IoT can Increase Agricultural Production

How Bioengineering and IoT can Increase Agricultural Production?

Today, the Internet of Things is involved in almost everything, which means it is becoming part of every sector, industry, and daily life. Everything would be entirely in vain if we did not utilize this otherworldly technology for the betterment and improvement of agriculture. 

We all know that with the increasing population, we need to improve the agriculture industry to meet the primary demand of every individual. Till now, with the help of digital technology, we have been able to solve some of the most significant issues existing in society, including food insecurity which is prevalent across the world. 

Combining IoT, bioengineering, and urban farming methods can be a perfect and situation-meeting solution to enhance agricultural production in developed and undeveloped countries. Modern food production methods are already failing to meet the rising demands. So, it has become high time for all the agriculture industry leaders to focus on it. 

We all know that the large-scale farming that is crucial to feeding an ever-increasing population is complex and challenging in a number of ways. On one side, agricultural production on a large scale causes a terrible effect on the planet through greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and the use of monoculture. On another side, a sudden pest infestation or disease can damage entire crop fields and contaminate the soils for years. 

As per the research conducted by the United Nations (UN), the world’s population will exceed 9 billion by 2050, which means the requirement for 60 per cent more food production to feed everyone. The UN further states that sustainability is a critical component in handling agricultural systems and production in the future. In order to overcome the challenges and meet the needs, agricultural systems managers are trying to reach solutions by switching to technologies.

Using bioengineering, IoT, and other technologies can increase plants’ longevity, distribution, and even natural resistance against different diseases. 

What are the Challenges for Agriculture Industry?

We all know the importance of the agricultural industry. The introduction of agriculture replaced the traditional nomadic cultures and planted the seeds for modern society. The earliest farmers domesticated plants and animals, and with the time being, high crop yield evolved.

In the 21st century, monoculture evolved as a low-cost, high-yield method of agriculture production. Though it provides enormous benefits, still it brings many problems like:

  • The adoption and practice of monoculture involve the continuous plantation of the same crop in the same field for years, reducing the soil nutrients.
  • Monoculture farms are also vulnerable to pests and disease, which sometimes damages the total yield in a single infestation.

However, bioengineering can help in disease eradication; at least, it has been proven in human beings. As per reports published by the University of California Riverside, scientists have been using bioengineering to stamp out deadly diseases like malaria. 

For instance, when genetically modified mosquitoes were released into the wild, malaria cases decreased by 37 per cent. Similarly, bioengineering technology can be employed for agriculture production by leaders in the industry to reduce disease and eradicate pests.

Analyzing Data and Bridging Gaps with IoT:

Innovative bioengineering methods are helpful but cannot eradicate hunger without help from the agricultural IoT. Data shared by IoT can provide valuable insight into what can work and what does not in different locations worldwide. Agricultural sensor technology is already part of countries like Germany, China, and the United States, and we have gathered a lot from the information provided by IoT connected devices.

Smart agriculture devices gather data, from soil quality to moisture content, and it even monitors livestock health. Sensors attached to the equipment can monitor the health of equipment to ensure that machines are running correctly and do not face any mechanical issues. Farmers can use sensors to identify the potential source of waste like water and pesticides and can utilize the data to make informed decisions to reduce unwanted costs without negotiating with the health of the soil. 

Sensors, along with IoT connected devices, can be beneficial for the agriculture industry as they can streamline the process of food from the farm to the dining table. Distribution of the produce is also essential, and IoT helps in this process also.

Reducing food insecurity in urban areas:

Food insecurity is becoming a prominent expression globally, but it can differ at different locations. Generally, city people are not in touch with nature and are deprived of natural food sources; and it is necessary to provide healthy food access to the ever-increasing urban population. With the integration of advanced technology like IoT and bioengineering, some agricultural industry leaders are looking for a solution, and urban farming has come up as an option to combat food insecurity.

For example,
San Francisco has become an example of feeding urban populations where at an indoor farm run by Plenty Inc., crops are grown in a carefully managed environment equipped with plenty of sensor monitors. To save space, crops are planted vertically rather than the traditional way that is in garden beds. Upon harvest, the bulk produced is distributed and sold locally.


The agriculture industry is broad and more complicated than one has imagined. However, advanced technology like bioengineering is at the vanguard of change for agricultural production. Farmers and agricultural industry leaders can utilize data from IoT to make better-informed decisions which ultimately improves crop production and potentially improves public health.

IoT-Enabled Smart Collar to Improve Cattle Management

The present COVID-19 situation has gripped the crowd-culture and demands for the minimalist culture, which means the least human-interaction, the more safety assurance. Corona-virus has limited the gathering at everyplace, either its an office or a shopping mall. In this situation, it has become a more challenging task for a rancher to keep a track on every cattle with least number of helpers.

Earlier, in the presence of labours, it was not easy to keep a track on a large herd because cattle management includes a lot more than you think. The day usually consists of feeding, cleaning, vaccination, health monitoring and anytime heat stress, anytime artificial insemination requirement and anytime calving. Farmers have to be all-time available to run a successful cattle farm.

Today, the Internet of Things has made many jobs easy in different sections. The need for time and the existing loopholes in cattle management has led to the innovation of IoT-enabled collars. The smart collar is the outcome of the collaboration of advanced technologies.

The IoT-based and cloud-connected collars monitor rumination, movement, activities, body temperature of the cattle. It collects the data and stores it on the cloud for analysis of pattern and behaviour.

How smart collar helps you in managing cattle remotely?

The GPS enabled cattle tracking collar provides the real-time location of your cattle. The collar sends the signal every 15 minutes at your livestock management dashboard. This process allows you to track the movement and location of your cattle at any time from anywhere. The IoT-enabled collar collects and stores the data on the cloud for future purposes. Farmers even install specific geofences and alerts to get the notification if cattle move out of a designated area.

If you own a large farm, then it would have become a more difficult task in this pandemic situation with less number of helper. Maintaining a record of each cattle becomes an arduous task. A bit of careless attitude might end up into a loss of 3,000-3,500 bucks per missed heat per animal. The sensor-enabled smart collar helps you to skip from all the undesired loss.

How IoT-enabled smart collar works?

  1. The smart wearable catches the movement and records the data. It predicts the estrus based on the change in behaviour, movement and activity pattern.
  2. The IoT-enable collar compares the daily activity of cattle and notifies if any change in pattern appears.
  3. The smart collar also compares the movement of each cow with the heard and alerts if any change shows.
  4. The IoT-enabled collar detects the patterns which only appears at the time of estrus and inform promptly.

Read More: Why is IoT Impossible Without an Open Ecosystem?

Smart collar curtails the undesired losses:

The reproduction cycle of a cow is very critical. For instance, missing the single heat stress of a cow can disturb a whole reproduction cycle and cause considerable loss. Suppose, if a farmer misses the heat stress many times or faces failure in artificial insemination, then, this situation might turn out to the worst result.

Therefore, this new data storing wearable tag eases the management work by notifying about the peak heat-stress period.

Usually, cattle management solutions include smart collars, receiver unit and antenna.

  1. It offers remote tracking of cattle and informs about its current location.
  2. It records and stores ambient temperature, rumination profile, cattle movements on the cloud.
  3. It alerts for oestrus period and animal health.
  4. It sends a timely alert for general health, lameness, oestrus, digestive health etc.

Reasons to have an IoT-enabled cattle management system:

The most straightforward reason is to minimize the loss of cattle, maintain good health and yield benefit. The other reasons are:

  • Cattle management solution can monitor ‘n’ number of cows.
  • It stores data and allows farmers to access it anytime from anywhere.
  • It reduces dependability on labour.
  • It provides a highly accurate result.
  • It alerts farmers if any cow is ill or lost.

Undeniable Advantages:

The inclusion of a cattle management solution can help farmers in all aspects. It improves farm management, increases the breeder’s efficiency and optimizes the input costs like labour, hormonal treatment, semen etc.

It lowers the dependency on human resources and assures for no human error. Farmers can access the data and can edit it as per the existing situation. The solution also helps the farmer in tracking and recovering stolen cows.


The introduction of smart cattle management has solved the problem of poor breeding performance. The IoT-based cattle management solution is economical, robust and user-friendly. It has confirmed a positive impact on the growth of yield and health of cattle. It has reduced livestock theft and can count stock within a matter of minutes. The cattle management solution keeps a track on every individual cow and alerts the farmers if any change occurs. The adoption of revolutionary innovation in cattle management can change the outlook of livestock management. It contributes to saving money, efforts and time as well.ive