Mobile Apps

6 Valid Reasons on why the Intersection of Mobile App Development with Blockchain is a Necessity

The blockchain is up and coming technology of recent times and rightfully so. The main reason being that this technology offers features such as security and reliability like no other.

Not surprisingly, mobile app development services are embracing this technology like never before. For example, tech giants like Microsoft and Facebook have been merging blockchain into their systems.

Here are the 6 benefits mobile application development companies stand to gain from Blockchain Technology:

1. Security

If anything, the most significant benefit the mobile app development community could derive out of the revolutionary blockchain technology is that it helps develop mobile apps that are much, much safer, thanks to the most advanced cryptography technology that blockchain offers.

Here’s a brief idea of how cryptography technology works and how blockchain is leveraging it:

When you use a cryptography script, the third parties viewing your text won’t be able to decipher it. The cryptography technique leverages the disciplines of math, computer science, physics, engineering, and more.

Commonly used terms in Cryptography:

    • Encryption: Coding text into an unreadable format.
    • Decryption: Converting the nonsensical messages into readable form.
    • Cipher: An algorithm that performs encryption or decryption.

Blockchain uses cryptography for wallets, transactions, security, and privacy-preserving protocols.

The following is an explanation of how Blockchain works to secure digital relationships:

The public-key cryptography of Blockchain comprises two pair of keys: a public key and a private key.
As the name suggests, the public key is freely available, but the private key is meant for the owner. And every public key comes with a corresponding private key.

A public key is used for encrypting messages between two people or computers securely. Anyone can use anyone’s key to encrypt a word, but once encrypted, the only way to decrypt the message is to use a corresponding private key.

Let’s say Malcolm wants to send some encrypted message to Wilfred. And this how it would work:

  • Malcolm uses Wilfred’s public key to encrypt the message.
  • Malcolm sends the encrypted message to Wilfred – if a third party tries to read the message, all that they can see is nonsensical numbers and letters.
  • Wilfred uses his private key to decrypt and read the message.

Public-key cryptography is one of the basic components of blockchain technology. It is used in wallets and transactions. When a user creates a wallet on a blockchain, it’s basically a public-private key pair.

2. Simplicity

When compared to other similar technology concepts, blockchain enjoys an upper hand in terms of simplicity. And, it’s especially easy to use when it comes to mobile app development. Not to mention, it’s cost-effective as well.

When we use sophisticated technology, we need to invest more time, effort, and money is not just integrating but modifying and maintaining the technology as well. Complex technologies increase app development and maintenance-related costs. The technology helps entrepreneurs get rid of higher prices while offering feature-rich mobile apps.

3. Updations

Blockchain is evolving at a rapid pace. This will usher in new developments, which, when adapted to the enterprise mobile app space, will help address future requirements and, at the same time, enhance customer services.

The technology behind blockchain is also available as an open-source technology. So we can expect blockchain app developers to readily share and use the technology to make the application more robust and secure. This way blockchain technology reduces the app development time and cost while developing advanced mobile app solutions.

4. No Passwords

You may have set the strongest password on your device, but still, there’s always a possibility of your data getting leaked. Blockchain helps get rid of this fear.

With Blockchain, there’s no need for passwords to secure your transaction or devices. The two parties involved can usually make payments via an SSL certificate. Additionally, the blockchain network reviews everything, thereby eliminating the possibility of anything fake.

5. Identity Protection

One of the best things about Blockchain technology is security. It’s highly impossible for any hacker to shut down the complete system since data gets stored in different blocks instead of the server. Plus, blockchain offers crucial secret encryption. This sort of working mechanism ensures that there’s no misuse of data.

6. Digital Ledger System

It’s easier to understand blockchain development when you look at it as a ledger. It’s a digital ledger, powered by an extensive computer network that does all parsing and data sending. When any information is changed, the change gets reflected on the rest of the machines that hold the same ledger, and the values adjusted at the same time.

Mobile technology calls for this sort of systematic approach as it uses both server-side and client-side development. Mobile networks generally feel burdened with lots of channels trying to fetch data wirelessly. This might lead to a loss of information. With blockchain technology offering developed storage and data streaming, this could be taken care of.

Wrap Up

The rate at which blockchain technology is evolving is quite higher as compared to other technologies. So opting for blockchain is the best decision given that the technology will be going through a lot of software updates and will be offering improved services for your mobile application development.

How to Develop Best Food Delivery Apps?

If you are planning to try your hands in the online Food Delivery business, then absolutely it is a good idea. Today’s statics limns the evolving scope in the QSRs. As per Statista, the revenue generated in the Online Food Delivery segment is US $7,092m till May, 2019. It is expected that the statistic will change with the annual growth rate of 9.9% between CAGR 2019-2023, resulting in a market volume of US$10,363m by 2023.

China is currently leading in the business with US$39,888m. The calculations state that today, most of the customers are switching the online food delivery to avoid the interaction with people and stay at their calm. They love searching for their favourite food online and having it comfortably at their home or office.

So, the idea of developing a mobile app can provide a wing to your already existing restaurant business.

But before you start your journey in this industry and explore many other ways, let’s check out the basic outlines which can terminate your plight for “How to develop the best Food Delivery Apps?”

1. Easy to Use Interface: Simplicity always the allure and this statement also justify its worth for the first screen. One should keep the first screen, from where the customer logs in, simple and easy to understand. For example, the food menu option, favourite restaurant or offers available should be easy to access because unnecessary complication can repel the customers and invite many logoffs.

2. Safe Payments: Today, online safety has emerged as the most talked topic. Secure transactions and payments are part of the same along with data privacy.

If you are working on the development or seeking the help of the developer for the same, then do consider this important point. You need to take care of the privacy and safe payment system to build a long-term relationship between you and the customer. If you ever require some data, then ask the customer for the same, respecting his/her privacy.

3. Live Order Tracking: Providing an option of live order tracking falls in the ‘must option’ for any online food delivery app. Anyone who orders the food expects to track to get its current status. Even restaurant owners tend to follow the same to know either the delivery boy is delivering the food on time or not.

Delivery of hot and fresh food on time is another way which confirms the regularity of the costumer.

4. Multiple Methods to Order: People aren’t observed just being engaged in the mobile delivery app; they also check the website delivery app and desktop apps. So providing a facility of multi-access will certainly tag you in the priority.

5. Alluring Rewards and Offers: It’s always exciting for a customer when they receive offers or rewards. So, offering rewards or offers will help in sticking the customer to your restaurant or services. So, your app should notify the customers about the rewards and offers existing in the restaurant.

6. Push Notifications: If you are still stuck on how will you manage the offers and rewards, then push notifications are the best way. But, excess of push notification can repel your customer and too less will definitely not create revenue. So the best approach is to ask the customer about the number of notifications they desire and when.

Now comes another section which requires a reasonable consideration. So, let’s have a check at the factors which need to be considered if you are developing Food Delivery Apps.

The vigorous competition and the alluring advertisement of app developing companies often leave us in a dilemma. Hence, it’s your responsibility to check which company will fit in as per your need. So, let’s know on what basis you can decide a company which can develop a simple and proficient app for you.

1. Check your budget: The first and foremost step involved in the development of the mobile app is an investment. Therefore you need to decide how much money you want to spend. Look for a company which can harmonize with your budget and fulfil all your requirements.

2. Framework(s) to choose: Before you decide the framework or frameworks for your mobile app, you need to determine which platform you want to serve. Once it’s done, then you will have a plethora of frameworks to choose and get your app developed. You really need not possess so much knowledge about frameworks as it is the responsibility of the hired company. They let you know about each framework, along with its benefits and feedback. They even inform you about the right framework that can set well with your mobile app.

3. Lightening-Fast Delivery: Well, if you are planning for food delivery app then Lightning-Fast Delivery is no new word. Your app should be capable of managing the order placement in minimum time to the right person and then update the status of the order in real time.

4. Know your Customer: Whatever business you are in, if you are not aware of your customers or having no plan about which customer you want to target, then your planning and purposes are in vain.

So, before you design your mobile app, you should get clear about which age audience is going to be your priority. If you are targeting middle age people, then the design would be very different from other ages. The display of the app should be dependent on the target customer.

5. Decide your USP to allure max: Well, you are not the one is the market; hence, you need to become the ‘one’ where people stop their search. Decide your USP and make sure it is well highlighted in your app. You should have strategies and services which can clean-bowl your competitors and make you a winner with huge revenue.

If you crossed or had a considerable visit over all these points then yeah you are all set to have your own online delivery app. One last thing to keep in mind, keep checking your competitors because it is said that “keep your friends close, and your enemies closer” Period.

If you are seeking for a company which can develop your mobile application then contact Prompt Softech. It is a global IT solution, software and mobile app development company which will turn your dream into reality.

If you have some queries or information to share, then share it in the comment box.

Top 6 Cross-Platform Mobile Application Frameworks

Mobile industry and mobile app development industry both are at the peak of their advancement. The new additions in technology not only forces us to say ‘wow’ but also captivates us in it as well. But the human kinds are just trapped into it without knowing much technicalities.

So, before you join this mobile app development section, get some education on types of mobile app development tools.

Join me to check the Top 6 cross-platform mobile application frameworks.

1) Appcelerator:

Appcelerator introduces pace in the app development process. It permits developers to create apps with fewer lines of code.

This tool supports Android, iOS, browser-based HTML5 applications and windows. This tool can be employed for both native app and cross-platform application development. This tool backs the development of an app when the application reacts with a web service.

Why is it Popular?

  • It devoid ” write once, run everywhere” concept.
  • It holds many platform-specific API’s, user interface and features.
  • Developers can create mobile applications without mastering the coding of Android and iOS platforms individually.

2) Xamarin:

If you have planned for having a native app for your enterprise, then Xamarin stands as a better option. It utilizes the business logic layers and data access across platforms. This aspect turns beneficial when large amounts of local data, image recognition and offline mode are required to be implemented. Though it is built on the C# programming language, still it can run on the .NET common language infrastructure. This app is employed for developing apps for Windows, iOS & Android platforms.

Why So Popular?

  • It is a mono framework that permits communication with the API of mobile devices.
  • It empowers mobile app developers to create a robust and scalable application using its QA & testing features.
  • It restrains bug and offers a faster time to market.
  • It requires less coding; hence, a single test approves the coding of both platforms.
  • It generates an opportunity for the developers to opt for the best from a host of free & paid components.
  • Xamarin Component Store consists of third-party web services, UI controls & cross-platform libraries.
  • It’s easy to integrate backends like Salesforce, Microsoft Azure and many others.

3) PhoneGap:

PhoneGap is listed in the cross-platform app development section. It permits the development of various mobile app with minimum efforts. It even allows developers to stretch the functionality of the app with the support of plug-in architecture.

Why Choose PhoneGap?

  • Open Source License, free framework for mobile app development.
  • It is a robust tool for creating an app, which just requires general information or skills.
  • Holds a large community of developers for accumulating new codes and modules to enhance the quality of the app.
  • Can be used for developing a single app that can run on all types of mobile devices.
  • This tool functions on CSS3, JavaScript and HTML5.
  • Integrated with several libraries to save time and enhance functionality.
  • Applications developed using this tool works smoothly over multiple platforms.
  • The backend system improves the pace of development of mobile apps.
  • This tool even taps into the hardware (accelerometer, geo-location, camera, etc.) of the devices.

4) Sencha:

Sencha is an MVC-based JavaScript framework that permits developers to use it through a fingertip’s touch, ultimately increasing the responsiveness of the app.

This platform is mentioned for rapid mobile app development. One can develop a native app fitting with the latest versions of Android, iOS and Blackberry, then this platform will be the best choice. Coding can be done in HTML5 and then can be used for iOS and Android application.

Why is Sencha Used?

  • It holds a good number to supporting community.
  • It provides end-to-end testing solution for Ext JS.
  • It nullifies the dependence on multiple versions and libraries.
  • It has single coding which is valid for all components.
  • Consist of 115 fully backed components that are open to integration with a variety of frameworks such as FOSS, Angular etc.
  • It is rich with commercially backed UI widgets for toolbars, menus and lists.

5) Ionic:

If you are having a mindset to develop a hybrid mobile application, then switching to this HTML5 based mobile development framework will hopefully end your search. Ionic framework is an open-source SDK that provides web technologies like HTML5, SASS and CSS for creating hybrid mobile apps. It accompanies several default CSS components and JavaScript components to provide a platform for making a mobile application.

Why Choose Ionic?

  • It does not need the approval of MDM or app store to fix bugs or to change content or update the app.
  • It has an ability to automate workflow from native binary to QA.
  • One can create Native app binaries in the cloud with an Ionic package.
  • It has a central shared dashboard displaying ongoing activity feeds.
  • It provides tools and services to develop highly interactive apps.
  • It offers industry-specific defaults and pre-built work-flows to automate development work.
  • It is built on top of the AngularJS, making the application development process easy.

6. Framework7:

Framework7 is designed to create a native iPhone application. It has also started backing for Android apps. It has a limitation; it is iOS focused, so not compatible with all the platforms.

Why go with Framework 7?

  • It has a specific UI elements animation, touch interaction and visualization.
  • It functions in complex-free HTML layout connected with JS files and CSS Framework.
  • It offers a variety of ready-made- UI widgets and elements like media lists, form elements, list views, popups etc.
  • Capable of introducing customized styles in the applications.
  • It backs iOS swipe back action.
  • Provides better video ad experience with the support of VI.

Ending my words:

It is never easy to conclude on a particular option when you are catered for multiple options. One can only flow in the right direction if knows the need and requirement of applications and aware of the functionalities of different tools.

Every single step in the process affects the outcomes so, necessarily you need to seize the knowledge and apply the same before concluding to a particular option.

‘Your every step can change your Future’ Period.

How does Involvement of Latest AI Improves Android System?

Artificial intelligence, the word so familiar today, was first heard in 1955 by John McCarthy at Dartmouth Conference. This new word then was assumed to be less unusual until 1990 knocked.

But the visions, thoughts and demands changed with the lapse of time, and today AI stands as one of the useful ministers in the kingdom of technology.

The use of AI has now turned infectious and has been observed in many places like in the year 2000 it was seen at the consumer marketplace as lovable ASIMO robot waiter of Honda, machines etc. and now in Mobile App Development.

Today Mobile App Development is witnessing the most dynamic changes in the industry. The desire to develop the best has seeded new technologies and its use.

The description and examples and use remain useless until we are not aware of how AI works, how its involvement in Mobile App world would change the current trend.

Let’s count the benefits provided by AI in Android Application development:

Detects Your Face: AI has not just allured people by its imitating tendency but also surprised the crowd with adorable features. AI now belong to the safety team. It is currently employed for safety measures as it can detect the user’s face in a digital image. The real-time face detection permit surveillance or enable monitoring of the movement either of object or human. Android app developers are utilizing this feature in the camera for recognizing the face in various frames.

Image labelling: It’s a great feature which can be adequately utilized by the android application developers. It is used for marking various objectives. Developers can utilize the Image Labeler app to provide an interactive label to the image. It even enables the users to classify an image, assign a label to rectangular ROIs (Region of Interest) and pixel semantic segmentation through this technology. Image labelling certainly makes the experience more interactive and friendly.

Recognizing the text: This feature runs in two steps, the first step involves the detection of the text, and the second involves the identification of the detected text. This character categorizes it in the most eligible technology to be used in coming time.

Chatbots: It is listed in the advanced concept designed for mobile apps for businesses. It is capable of communicating with the real audience. It can gather data and offers better customer services to the users on demand.

A Mini browser survey stats that e-Commerce, insurance and health-care industries will be benefited by this chatbot. It dismisses the requirement to employ customer care executives on 24/7 purpose and provides a human-like interaction. It is predicted that it will emerge as a remarkable part of Android application development services soon.

Personalization: Personalized experience will allure and give a sense of a loyal customer base. Artificial Intelligence provides recommendations after sensing the type of choice the user holds. This feature escalates the user experience and connects users ofttimes through an Android app.

The use of personalization features will accelerate the business excel in the bulging competition. I guess it’s the only reason why Netflix, Facebook and many other companies have switched to this feature.

Smart Answers: Today, the quick smart reply by Gmail is appreciated by the crowd, and no doubt it deserves it as well. The new Gmail consists of employs AI and ML technologies, which adds adorable personalized user experience. Now Android app developers can add this feature to the android business app and restrain time consumption by quick reply.

The combination of AI and ML can boost your business to a new level. It will not only reduce time consumption but will attract more users to the app.

The introduction of an AI has already imprinted the generation of a new era. An era which will be a hub of surprises and luxury. In the nearby future, the AI will stand up as the most-in-demand technology. The benefits catered by the AI has added it to the ‘wish-list’ of many Android app developers.

React Native- An Era To Explore Advancement

Changes have been dominant over technologies, every time technology caters something new and advanced which let us think that it’s an extreme but later our assumption turns wrong and we welcome something exotic.

Well, right now the most influenced sector by technology is mobile development Industry.

The present stats demonstrate that the Mobile App Industry will seize $188.9 billion in global revenue through the mobile application and in-app advertisements.

The demand of the generation is an app that can run flawlessly, navigate gracefully with an uncompetitive look. The stirring demand has generated an urgency for more and more advancement in technology.

The high performing, the quality native app has been the best choice but the time consumption has made people hopeless while the cross-platform app provided faster outcome but compromise with the quality has degraded its value.

The industry was oscillating in between the choices but later the solution called “React Native” acknowledged itself as an exceptional solution to design high technology based app.

Predictions on React Native in Mobile App development

Real native is a native version of the JavaScript library which is backed by developers at Facebook and Instagram. This technology incorporates fast pace work, functions properly on targeted platforms and inherits smooth debug process.

React native permits developers to create a mobile app with alike features from apps modelled using Objective-C or Java. It utilises the same fundamental user interface building blocks as the regular iOS and Android app, but you assemble the building blocks using React and JavaScript. This has upheaved the popularity of the same at a new height. It has occupied the market and achieved community support within a few years.

The stats developed by Github shares that 1002 contributors have committed 7,971 times in 45 branches with 124 releases.

The Founder of the podcast Software Engineering Daily, Jeff Meyerson said that the React native holds a bright future and will evolve competition in the mobile app development industry. It will occupy a good share of the industry. He even doubted that Facebook might come up with its mobile phones to boost the use of React Native.

The React Native was part of a discussion in 2016 for its introduction in Window and Tizen. Microsoft and Samsung recommended its inclusion in the same at the F8 conference. Thus later it was observed that there had been Smart TV apps and Universal Windows Platform, based on React Native.

React Native has surpassed all the competitors and was most searched term on Google in 2016.

Why has Real Native remarked itself at High-Position?

1. Cross-Platform Compatibility

React Native was designed for iOS, but later it was introduced to Android by Facebook because of its exclusive features and capabilities. Now React Native APIs are present as cross-platform which can be used to develop iOS and Android app using one codebase. One can even install native code whenever required, and it has really minimised the development cost considerably along with time.

2. Native functionality

One cannot ignore the performance and speed while developing a Mobile App. The user interface developed by using React Native holds native widgets that can work error-free. React Native can run the most complex of apps with JavaScript in a smooth way, showing its excellence better that real native app. Therefore it won’t be a bad idea to use React Native for the development of robust apps.

3. Instant Live Updates

React Native provides live updates. Developers can directly design update to the users’ phones through Javascript instead of going through the App store update cycle. User can enjoy instant updates without any disturbance caused by the old version.

4. Simple to Learn

It is really easy to learn languages as fundamental. It suits best to those who are new to Javascript as it assists through different components like maps and filters.

5. Great Learning Platform

It provides a great learning platform for learners by offering a developing ambience. React Native supports editing, modification and implementation without restart while running the app. It utilises flexbox layout engine for crafting app layouts for android as well as iOS.So developers just need to learn a single layout engine and work for both programs. It even allows using Chrome developer tools to embed React Native with desktop chrome browser. Thus it permits for easy access to the profiling tools and debuggers.

6. Facebook Backs it

Facebook Engineering upholds React Native and there is a large developing community which supports it. Facebook along with other communities, is continuously in an effort to make the platform fit for futuristic goals.

React Native has showcased itself as one of the most blooming communities that offers a growing environment for the grading up of the mobile app industry. It is treasured with all the necessary features that can be utilised for developing a mobile app without any compromise with quality and in less time consumption.

Tips to Remember for Developing Good Healthcare App

Health has been a significant concern of people, not today but since ages and obviously, it’s not a questionable concern. Money can buy you luxury but to enjoy the luxury you need to be healthy. Today, the deficit of time and the hectic schedule has engaged the people to the extent that they are not able to visit a doctor for their health issues.

The development of healthcare app has reduced stress and launched a new way to maintain oneself healthy and fit. It has turned as an innovative step in the medical industry.

We should actually feel high in debt to technologies like Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things (IoT), which has presented solutions well accessorised with all facility that can sustain smoothness in an individual’s life.

The competition and health requirements on the parallel have increased the demand for the healthcare mobile application. Most of the people, owning grip in the medical industry have enrolled themselves as part of this mobile app world, but the question is how many people access your Mobile App and how often also matters.

Why do you need to have healthcare App?

  • It is measured that healthcare technology will extend up to 33 % by USD 60 bn by 2020.
  • Diabetes has been reported as fast pace disease to be spread widely in the next five years.
  • In 93% of Physicians’ words, healthcare App can improve patient’s health.
  • Nowadays, 18% of physicians keep checking their patients through mobile.
  • 79% of Physician finds healthcare more reliable and hassle-free.

The development of health care application can probably contribute as a better way of service for the users.

But before getting engaged in the quest to find a reliable Mobile App development company, let me introduce with essential tips, you need to keep in mind.

1. Needs of User: For making a healthcare App that can satisfy the need and requirement of the patients, you need to spend the time to know the problems faced by them while getting an appointment. You need to develop an App that serves various features which focuses on solving the problems. Addition of healthcare app for your medical industry will certainly level up only if it consists of essential functions.

2. Easy to use: App which is easy to use is preferred most often than the App which consists of complication. So one needs to involve the features which are easy to understand and utilise. Tailor your App as per the data accumulated and focus on the functional parts making sure that it doesn’t consist of any complexities.

3. Updates Required: If you want to sustain yourself in the mobile app competition then focus on upgrades. You need to add an alluring feature with time intervals to keep your users engaged in your services while proving them more comfy access. Look after the recommendation and feedback provided by the users to modify your application and captivate more audiences.

4. No compromise with Privacy and Security: Privacy has been concern and piracy has been a significant issue. When you are developing an app to serve people, you need to keep in mind about privacy and security. Release or access to personal data can reflect into a severe problem and stain your image in the industry as well. So, develop an App which can provide confidence and freedom to your user ensuring the feeling of ‘being safe’.

5. Accessibility from all platform: Well, targeting only a single platform that is either Android or IoS will limit your users. Development of an App that can function both in Android and IoS can invite a large number of crowd. One should even provide the desktop accessibility as well so that there are several platforms available to the user to utilise the App as per their need.

6. Importance of UX/UI Experience: Along with the easy accessibility to an App, the component should be engaging to drive the interest of the user in it. The design and format of the App should be compelling so that the users are just not a one-time guest but frequently visiting member. The User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) should be easy going, and the features and design should be so alluring that it attracts the users and make his/her priority for utilising services.

7. Check and Test to install perfection: Development of an App is just not enough; one needs to check the functioning of the newly developed healthcare App. Making sure either your Application is working smoothing or not is the foremost responsibility. The easy-going use and good design will go in waste if the user is not capable of utilising the services because of often occurring issues. Thus the need is to check and test the App to absorb perfection.

It’s quite clear that Healthcare App has become a significant part of the crowd. It plays an essential role, so it’s a responsibility cater to an App which is free from bugs, issues and crashes and favours only smooth functioning.


Ultimately what matters the most is the comfort of the user. Mobile development companies should lay a motto which meanders around the pleasure and need of the user. The development companies should endeavour to assist the user at every step.

If you are seeking a Mobile App Development company then acquiring the assistance of Prompt Softech will turn your visions into reality.

Prompt Softech can develop an app for:

  • Fixing an Appointment
  • Managing Medication Schedules
  • Telemedicine Service App
  • Medicine Delivery Services
  • Disease Care App
  • Ladies Special Care

Please share your views and feedback in the comment box. (Source: for data we referred to Mobile health technology)

Why API Is Required In Microservices?

Development and technology improvement will go in vain if you cannot have a proper interface which can communicate with other software. For the use of programs, you need an appropriate set of protocol tools for modelling software applications.

API that is Application Program Interface administers software components to interact. Basically, it is a set of rules and protocols required for the development of software and application.

Why do we need API in Micro services gateway tools?

  • The Application Program Interface gateway provides routes requests (layer seven routings, usually HTTP requests) or redirects to the endpoints of the internal microservices. The gateway facilitates an URL or endpoint for the client apps after that it internally plans the requests to the different internal microservices, ultimately providing a custom API.
  • API is capable of translating web protocols and web-unfriendly protocols, running internally in the micro-services. It can be utilised on an e-commerce site as it offers endpoint to retrieve all the details of the product in a request.
  • API provides a stage, enabling the interaction between the software application and digital platforms while ensuring a smooth and uncomplicated experience for developers.
  • The real challenge faced is to assure proper API management is functional in the IT operations. If not, then you would have to face the risk of breaking change that could lead to disturbance in API and might introduce other issues that could present a loss in business. To avoid such issue use API versioning.
  • API is concerned as an essential part of communication in distributed networks. It would have been impossible for companies to deliver cross-device and cross-platform applications without right that provided links between these platforms.
  • API is termed as a bridge between microservices and a traditional system. Today API developers can integrate various internal systems to develop distributed micro service applications.
  • Suppose you have a micro services-based architecture consisting of more than 100 services. Then providing a single-entry point to each service would have been not easy. So, at this point API gateway would help you by integrating the entry point for improving the business. Development and technology improvement will go in vain if you cannot have a proper interface which can communicate with other software. For the use of programs, you need an appropriate set of rules and protocols for modelling software applications.

Need for API Gateways

  • Through API gateways one can generate a path through which micro-services can organise themselves on an orderly way.
  • API gateways permit the developers to add features in the internal structure of an application in various ways.
  • Microservices gateway should be easy to handle so that whenever it is added or removed, it’s not difficult to adjust gateway.
  • When an organisation switches its system from old to a new one based on micro-services, then there should not be any disturbances and disruptions to users. The change should not invite any break in functionality.
  • API can manage the complexities like rapid release and additional validations required by Cloud-native microservices.
  • API has influenced large cloud vendors for its importance in the management of container-based applications.


API has grabbed its place in technology, and the API developers are now more focused on the extensibility of it.

If you find our blog useful, then please share your views and opinion in the comment box.

What Aspects Determine Top Mobile App Developers India?

Digitalisation has already offered so many new technologies that can make your day-to-day life more manageable. The introduction of the ‘online world’ in the business sector has almost strengthened the publicity and promotion while triggering the competition. Well, It won’t be surprising if you are also in the loop to upheave your startup business to a new level while slashing down the bulging competition.

Today, the mobile application has become the soul of any business or industry. In fact, it has become a crutch for the newly established companies. As per observation, 90% of people are engaged in scrolling social media sites and utilising the mobile app for quick and hassle-free service.

So, it has turned mandatory for the new startups to get a reliable mobile app development services.
Before we go through the essential aspects to be considered while hunting a top mobile app development company in India, let’s check what does a mobile application offers.

1) Reminds about you: If the customer has installed your company’s mobile app, then your logo will become part of their mobile screen. So, your logo will remind them about you and your services. Hence, you will set to be the priority for services.

2) Ends the waiting game: Today, almost everyone is in a rush, in fact, regular checkups and necessary schedules are kept on hold. So, quick service at any time can allure the customers. The one-touch luxury supports the time scarcity of the customers and serves them with good grade services.

3) Money saving: The Mobile application has replaced the use of message services which were always costly. Today one can communicate while maintaining full privacy. The communication cost is nil which saves unnecessary expenditure.

However, to enjoy these features, you need to have your mobile application for business. So, how to choose a mobile app development company India?

Check out the essential aspects of top mobile app developers India.

1) Decide your needs along with budget:

Startups require a lot of investment and a single unnecessary investment can obligate in other ways. It’s imperative to wisely choose the mobile app development services which can fulfil all your requirement in your designed budget without compromising with the quality of work.

2) Transparency Required :

Transparency is the crucial thing that is required everywhere in business. Creating and designing is not just part of making an application. The top mobile app development company in India will assist you at each stage. The firm will recommend new ideas and suggestions to boom your business through a mobile app. They’ll notify about every stage of development.

3) Experience Helps:

An organisation is evaluated by the services provided by it along with the years of experience; it is holding in different areas. While opting a mobile application development firm, check the experience it keeps in the areas in which you want to work.

I hope that the above-listed facts will assist you in searching for a right and reliable mobile app development service but still if you are confused then prompt softech will resolve your perplexities. The firm will help you and make your customised app.