
Healthcare is one of the industries which do not hesitate to embrace the latest technologies. It has wholly accepted and discovered the true potential of cloud-based healthcare solutions.

BCC research states that the Compound Annual Growth Rate of cloud computing services and solutions will have around more than 15% increase until 2025. At the end of 2025, the cloud-connected healthcare industry will be about $55 BN. Today more than 83% of the healthcare industry is already welcoming cloud and replacing it with their old system.

Today, cloud administers essential applications to keep the hospital operations active without any obstacles. It analyses patterns from unstructured data to assist doctors for better diagnosis and allows patients to remotely view their medical reports and prescription by accessing data saved over the cloud.

Let’s check how cloud computing is bringing change in the healthcare industry and revolutionizing patient care, diagnosis, data security and many other things.

Centralized Medical Record Accessibility:

We all are well aware of how hospitals were highly dependent on paperwork and file. Well, all the patients had separate files or records containing their personal details and about the number of visits in the hospital. To maintain and manage the files was challenging and complicated tasks for both doctors and staff. Thanks to the cloud, today, all the medical reports and files are located at one centralized location accessible through the web portal at healthcare centres. Paperwork is replaced, and whole management is made simple via cloud migration.

Most organizations use AWS S3 service from AWS or Blob storage from Azure to save and retrieve medical record files. Even, the system can fix periodical backup through services such as Glacier of AWS. Patients do not have to panic for the lost files or papers and in fact, need not carry the physical files.

By using a stable and safe cloud platform, details can be accessed from anywhere at any time. This helps doctors diagnose patients promptly through swift access to medical records stored over cloud storage or even in dedicated hosting solutions.

Assuring Medical Record Security Complying with Healthcare Standards:

Today, when we have cloud-powered healthcare solutions, we can quickly notice that cloud-integrated healthcare solutions are more robust and effective. The data stored over the cloud are highly secured compared to physical records and can be only accessed by the relevant healthcare provider whenever required. This security offered by the cloud avoids many unnecessary situations which increases the chances of information leakage.

Robust Patient Engagement Improving Patient Care:

Well, we can say that a cloud-based health solution guarantees for better patient care. In a click, a patient can book his/her appointment with a specific doctor. Not just this, auto-reminders are sent to doctors as well as patients for the upcoming check-up schedules through cloud platform’s help via SMS or an Email. Follow-up processes of the patient can also be performed through such services. Regular communication with a health professional, especially after surgery or operation, a timely reminder for medicine consumption, expected facility details and many other things can be handled by the cloud platform. Doctors can even monitor patient vitals from their place through the help of cloud-connected medical infusion pumps. This particular feature helps the doctor to take a quick decision and saves the patient’s life.

Healthcare Analytics for Better Decision Making:

Health care organizations use machine learning models based on cloud data and other superior solutions to perform clinical and medical device data analytics. Adopting cloud-based solutions and other latest solutions helps organizations get genuine and insightful data, visualization, and analysis. The immense amount and variety of data, i.e. structure, unstructured and streaming data in healthcare and life sciences need highly scalable platforms for storing, data analyzing and managing predictive models which can support real-time decision-making.

For example,

AWS CloudWatch Synthetics provides the monitoring of end-devices every minute, 24*7 and sends alerts when your application endpoint does not behave normally. CloudWatch Synthetics offers monitoring of URLs, REST API and website content. It checks unauthorized changes caused by phishing, code injection and cross-site scripting.

Superior Scalability Under Any Circumstances:

Cloud-based healthcare solutions are highly scalable and provide an option to scale up/down infrastructure to support new data as per requirement without any delay. The best example to put in right now is- the current COVID pandemic has put lives at a challenging place. It has caused a significant strain on healthcare. A cloud solution has appeared as the best solution in such unpredicted situations. AWS auto-scaling and load balancing services are highly adopted and recommended by many health organizations/hospitals in the current situation.

Cost-Effective Solution with Custom Payment Models:

Using cloud infrastructure helps an organization in reducing cost on-premise computer networking. This ultimately causes a significant reduction in the overall costs of IT staff and management solutions. In fact, organizations do not have to worry about updating or adopting new changes as it is possible in a very smooth way with the help of cloud service providers in no time.

Cloud platform providers like Azure and AWS offer a pay-as-you-go approach for more than 160 cloud services. This model provides organizations flexibility as they can pay only for the individual services they need and as long as they use them. This means there is no need for extended term contracts or complex licensing. The pricing calculator tool helps in knowing the cost of services in advance.


This is how cloud computing is improving the healthcare sector. It also cuts off IT costs, enhances data backup, protects from data loss, provides medical device integration and many other leverages. We can simply conclude that the cloud provides economic and functional benefits for everyone, either its doctor or patient or healthcare organizations.

There are many highly proficient healthcare solution providers with years experience in providing cloud services and solutions can help chartering sound medical-grade FDA/HIPAA compliant cloud, cloud data analytics, a cloud-connected app for monitoring health, connected medical diagnostic devices development, cloud-connected drug delivery system etc. Cloud is ultimately transforming healthcare and making it more reliable and prompt through digitalization.

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