
How is IoT Making Buildings Smart and Efficient?

Internet of Things is making space for its growth in almost every sector. We can say that the day is not far when the Internet of things will become a primordial need of every industry. It has just not changed the outlook of the manufacturing or retail or logistic industry or dairy but is contributing in enhancing the profits as well as helping in providing better service to customers. 

So, today most of the sectors are willing to adopt the most innovative technology, i.e. IoT, because of the favours and benefits provided by it. As per surveys, the global IoT market would grow by $421.28 billion during 2021-2025 — a CAGR of 33% and $8 billion in 2019 to $19 billion by 2027 in the construction industry. 

Well, if we talk about managing facilities and buildings, you might take some time to calculate the work and task and feel burdensome. Maintaining facilities in a building requires effort and cautiousness because a bit of delay may end up in an unhealthy environment along with disappointment. 

So, let us see how IoT applications are helping in managing facilities and buildings

Today, facility managers have to work proactively to stay competitive and ahead of the curve. They should have knowledge of technology and innovations. They should offer new digital services and ensure that their buildings are adapted for the future while ensuring the most reliable environment for everyone who will be using it. 

Let us check some of the ways through which IoT is improving buildings and facilities. 

How is IoT improving facility management?

Internet of Things-enabled devices can improve facility management and make premises a better place for employees and everyone else working with the organization.

The advantages of including IoT in building management are:

  • IoT reduces operational costs by creating cost-effective, energy-efficient buildings that operate efficiently and handle resources in the most optimal way.
  • IoT keeps employees safe and healthy by encouraging clean, tidy, and hygienic environments that are regulated and cleaned as per the need caused by the constant movement of humans.
  • IoT promises to maximize productivity, ensuring all team members have everything they require to complete their tasks and stay relaxed and concentrated all the time.
  • IoT devices ensure safety and risk mitigation; they detect risk areas, automate relevant action, and keep physical and digital assets safe and secure as long as possible.

Facility Management Examples:

Managing Desk and Workplace Occupancy using IoT:

As the COVID-19 pandemic has hit globally, one of the biggest challenges was running a business to sustain the economy. Most of the organizations and companies adopted the startling trend and provided remote employment. There is a massive rise in remote working, i.e. from early COVID-19 to March 2021; remote employment increased from 15% to 70%. 

It is supposed that this work from home facility won’t be a temporary change- about half of the employees expect this work from home culture would continue for them into the near future, and 31% believe it will be permanent.

Internet of Things can support businesses in managing their premises effectively and efficiently during this challenging time. In coming years occupancy can fluctuate between days as we move towards a model where employees will join the office a few days each week. 

IoT enabled devices such as sensors attached to desks can trace, predict and inform office occupancy. It creates digital plans that would allow employees to find space promptly. It offers the tools to optimize the existing space by grouping desks as per the need of the office. IoT even saves energy and helps in freeing up space for new uses.

Air Quality Monitoring using IoT:

Air quality issues have been a significant concern, but pandemics brought this issue into the spotlight. Air quality and proper ventilation have always been a priority concern in offices. Before COVID-19, poor ventilation has caused:

  • Easily disease developed
  • High possibility of respiratory diseases such as asthma
  • Allergies
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Dry eyes

Improper ventilation also impacts productivity- one study saw that poor ventilation at the workplace decreased employees’ cognitive ability, making them perform worse at their jobs and decreasing their productivity. 

One of the best solutions to this issue is adopting IoT devices to measure air quality conditions such as humidity, temperature, CO2 levels, etc. This feature enables pinpointing the areas for concern and taking relevant actions to create a safe and healthy environment for employees which ultimately improves productivity for the entire team.

Washroom Monitoring using IoT:

A clean washroom is a priority and no doubt, keeping a restroom clean in a busy office with limited cleaning staff and resources is challenging. Keeping the washroom tidy is an essential part of managing a pleasant, healthy and safe environment.

Thankfully, IoT is a saviour in this situation also. IoT devices can track the washroom business, enabling the prediction of when rooms will require cleaning and how many times in a day.

Thus, one can allocate a building’s cleaning resources more efficiently and help cleaning staff spend time more effectively. Therefore, this helps develop a cleaner and more enjoyable environment for employees in the organization and reduces extra expenditure and saves resources.


Smart buildings hold a great scope in future. IoT is becoming part of every sector. It is widely used, more affordable and can manage a wide variety of jobs. No doubt it will soon become part of the furniture in offices and other commercial building globally.

We can doubtlessly say that IoT technology is ideal for facility management and brings the smart building revolution. It just not benefits the organization but also take care of employees. It smoothens the working process of the organization without compromising on quality.

If you become a part of this expanding trend now, you’ll be capable of managing your facilities in the most effective, productive and cost-efficient way. But if you are still in a dilemma and choose to work using the old-tradition method, you might face failure and loss.

So, don’t waste your time and become a part of this trend.

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