
How COVID-19 Explains The Need for IoT Based World?

The irruption of the Coronavirus in our life, either technological or non-technological, has disrupted the regular flow. It has not just shown our incapabilities in healthcare but has challenged us on the technical table.

We thought that the present giant technologies are the best like anything. Still, the sudden fatal interference by COVID-19 expressed the need for more virtual and reliable interconnection for day to day tasks.

Do you think post-pandemic, IoT along with other technologies would aid in boosting the lost economy while ensuring full security? Let’s wear the future showing shades and check how the tech-world would be after the end of the pandemic.

1) Touch-Screen: A scary-old fashioned technology:

Today (COVID-19 crises), touch word has now another obvious meaning-‘avoid it’.

Post-Pandemic, contactless interfaces, and interactions would be the new ‘must adopt’ tech trend. Yesterday’s touch screen trend which had once made us crazy would be limited. COVID-19 has made us ultra-aware of every touchable thing which could transmit the disease.

After pandemic, there would be a digital revolution and technology would prioritize more machine vision interfaces and voice interfaces.

We have already seen different payment options available without any physical touch. However, now consumers would prefer more options to pay for goods and services without any physical touch.

Machine vision offers autonomous checkout at some stores and has been used to apply social media filters. In the coming days, Iot along with sensors would expand its capabilities, and we would get a more reliable and accurate voice and machine vision interface that could recognize gestures and faces limiting the physical contact. Most of the industries would adopt it for fulfilling different purposes and needs.

2) Adoption of better infrastructure:

Well, the lesson we all should pick from this COVID-19 period is to strengthen digital infrastructure. In the COVID stress, people adopted work from home and searched for digital solutions to sustain their daily requirements and needs. There were few digital solutions to organize meetings, project management, workout, and many other necessary things.

Thus, COVID-19 disclosed the opportunity for both the employee and employer by allowing work from home in the future. Iot would interrupt in between the changes and would provide a better solution to follow the work from home.

Read More: Why IoT (Internet Of Things) will Be a New Normal?

3) Better Monitoring Using IoT and Big Data:

The health sector, which is struggling to deliver its best in the pandemic, needs rejuvenation through technology. In this pandemic period, we unveiled the importance of data. We learned that IoT and Big data could be proved as the savior for monitoring and curbing future pandemics.

Health apps could be used for warning the future pandemics by tracking the person who shows the symptom. GPS data could determine the possible infected people who have been in touch with the symptom showing a person. But one has to ensure that privacy is not disturbed at all to prevent any data misuse while endeavoring for benefit.

4) AI-Enabled Drug Development:

The development of a safe and effective drug could help in treating and curing the disease before it could blanket the whole nation. AI is considered as a right partner in drug development because it can help in analyzing the patterns and behavior of the virus as well as balance the human endeavors.

5) Telemedicine:

The COVID emergency has set up a new online treatment culture for already existing patients dealing with different health issues. You might be coming across such services. Hospitals are reminding their regular patients for consultation through video calls for restricting crowd in hospitals to stop virus spread. The dependency of healthcare on the online services has increased now and hopefully, would continue post-pandemic.

6) Elevation in Online Shopping:

To be honest, most of the people are now scared of visiting the market and shopping malls for the sake of dresses and other essential things. The spread of Coronavirus has unleashed an unstoppable opportunity for e-commerce businesses. From groceries to the cleaning, from grooming to the clothing, today everyone is dependent on the online stores. Businesses which provide online option weaved benefit while companies offering no online platform is dealing with a significant loss.

Post pandemic, many businesses would rush to add online services to make their business more versatile and profitable. Not just this, there would be a good elevation in the logistics and delivery systems to meet the demands even in critical times like pandemic.

Read More: How will IoT Transform Transportation in the Coming Years?

7) Robots will be in fashion:

Today, businesses and health care are realizing the importance of robots in this crisis. Robots are not vulnerable to viruses, and they can also serve in the most mannered way.

Post-Pandemic, robots could be employed for delivering groceries, for performing vital roles in hospitals, or for running factories. Companies have jotted down the importance of Robots and would be preferring them in the future to assure smooth services in any situation.

8) Digital Events more feasible:

Before lockdown, there were many in-person events, but today all the event organizers have to take a digital platform to follow the designed schedule.

The unbelievable outcome received from the digital events is increased participation. People around the world are participating and rendering their opinion, either its technology-based event or a discussion on the economy.

Though there are some pros and cons in digital events, so in-person events might not be completely replaced, but there are huge chances that post-pandemic digital events would become part of normal life.

9. Rise in Esports:

Like all other things, the sports world had to shut down in the COVID stress. Event organizers, sponsors, and fans had to accept this unwanted reality. However, this lockdown disclosed an alternative way of enjoyment. There are e-versions of sports like F1 care racing which are telecasted on the television. Though they may not give the real feel, in the coming year there would be a better and more realistic look.

In the coming days, sports would choose the online platform and would use the most advanced technology to provide the most exciting and genuine sports feel.

COVID-19 might be disturbing businesses, economy, and progress, but it is teaching us how to be best by being at home and by avoiding the contact. It has developed an appetite to develop the most advanced version of the present technology. It has asked developers and IT professionals to extract the best from IoT and AI. It has warned the healthcare system to become more robust to face future pandemics and develop an intense bond with the latest technologies.

IoT- An Advanced Approach to Update Small Businesses

Are you in the race to turn into a successful entrepreneur?

Is the transition in the technology is often worrisome?

Looking for something which can settle you as a hard competitor to already matured businesses?

It’s absolutely a significant challenge to make a stand in the market. Either if you are in health care or product making, the level of competition is sweat shedding.

Well, IoT is something which can level up your business to an extent, and you can get smart IoT solutions from a trustworthy and experienced iot development company.

The new ‘in-trend’ IoT culture has already influenced the market to an unexpected level. The adoption by different sectors and the change in financial statistics is the result of the IoT inclusion in the market. Tighten your belt and add smart to your products by getting help from IoT Development Services providers to get in the list of successful businesses.

Before you approach an iot app development company, consider reading:

“Why get IoT Development Services?”

1) IoT generated Data:

Knowing consumer behaviour plays a crucial role in making a business successful. IoT can create tons of data that inform the company about consumer behaviour, habits, device usage etc.

For instance, a company can know how frequently or at what times a customer uses its devices and patterns in preferences.

Analyzing the data will give an idea to the businesses about the customers’ need and can develop new products or make changes in their existing ones. They can also utilize the data for sales and marketing campaigns.

2) Better track of supplies and inventory:

For businesses which have to monitor their stock and storage, IoT is a marvel for them. Companies can use smart devices in their warehouses and storage units that can monitor and track turnover in merchandise. Not just this, it will also stop the corrupt practices done in the warehouses as smart devices will provide the real-time information of any changes that occurred in the inventory and when to restock.

3) Develops Transparency:

IoT maintains transparency by taking customers in the loop. For instance, when a customer orders a product, he can track the order starting from shipment to the expected delivery date. The whole process is possible only through smart sensors. Companies can also upgrade by providing transparency in terms of performance expectations.

For example, if a product faces failure, then a company can use performance analytics and customer behaviour to dig the reason and improve accordingly.

Also Read: How IoT Solutions can Enhance Agriculture in 2020?

4) Empower Employee to Work Remotely:

Work from home is the standard facility which most of the companies are providing to their employees rather than expecting them to come office every day. This facility is cost-saving for both employees as well as employers. The former can save time and expenditure on commuting while ensuring better performance and later can reduce expenses such as workstation and office equipment.

IoT has made this facility more feasible by providing access to essential files and programs remotely and controls over office equipment and devices from home.

For instance, they can organize a meeting without even being physically present by switching on the lights, showing a presentation via a smart monitor, etc.

5) Innovations and opportunities hand in hand:

IoT has been providing uncountable opportunities to different sectors for growth. To claim the importance, the precise pieces of evidence are self-driving cars and safety sensors in automobiles, Alexa and flic etc.

In fact, governments are planning to develop smart cities by installing smart lighting, parking and water. Healthcare industry is already taking the leverage of IoT solution to standardize the process and lower down the functional hassles.

IoT isn’t limited to a single sector; it has penetrated its importance in almost every industry, say manufacturing or automobiles, smart homes or agriculture.

IoT app development companies are potentially working to explore the optimal uses of IoT.

The adoption of IoT has maintained the data log and enabled real-time access to it. Companies can analyze data and its pattern to work and improve their products. They can predict the demand of the consumers and shift their business perspective accordingly.

To sum up:

IoT has already changed the existing process of businesses as well as technology. It is predicted that this year the IoT would improve the working process of many other sectors.

In 2019, as per Statista, there would be 30.73 billion total installed bases of IoT connected devices in 2020 and 75.44 billion by 2025.

Thus, IoT will not only be changing the business outlook but also be introducing a change in the customers’ lives.

If you still belong to an out of range world, then you must consider diving into the IoT world. You must take a smart step and connect to one of iot app development companies and make your business smart and highly productive.

We’ll help and guide you to get the best iot solutions in the face of an app or device. Prompt softech has been serving IoT services for the industries like healthcare, manufacturing, dairy and logistics etc. Get in touch to experience the charm of the IoT world.