Enterprise Mobility Solutions

How to Implement Successful Enterprise Mobility Solutions in Your Business?

The world has turned small through a small device carrying immense capabilities, i.e. mobile phones. In this mobile era, everything is available to your doorstep in a click. As per surveys, most mobile users are spending a minimum of 5 hours a day with a cell phone and occupying 70 per cent of web traffic. The growing interest of people in mobile phones has transformed the business strategies and outlooks too. Most of the companies are planning to digitize their business strategies and addressing mobile phones as the most effective platform for futuristic growth.

Leaving the old-fashion desktop culture to satisfy business needs, companies are actively adopting a mobile-first approach to the corporate technology stack.

Why do you need Enterprise Mobility?

Enterprise mobility enables a business to use mobile solutions throughout their entire organization. It offers enormous benefits to the organizations and promises unstoppable growth as now a more significant number of consumers and employees depends on mobile devices. After developing a potential enterprise mobility strategy, the next step is to plan and design an enterprise mobility application while ensuring unambiguous app management across the organization.

Chartering a successful enterprise mobility strategy to run a successful business is not an easy task as it requires dedication and forethought. Business differs, so the strategy also differs. Different organizations demand different mobility services. Organizations use enterprise mobility to cut the operational costs, to enhance employees’ productivity and to promote collaboration.

A flourishing enterprise gives priority to personalized objectives to assist the growth of enterprise mobility strategies. Businesses develop goals and purposes while keeping in mind how enterprise mobility apps will influence their:

  • Business
  • Employees
  • Customers

Enterprise mobility strategies ensure,

  1. Increase in productivity to unique levels
  2. Explore more opportunities to become more efficient
  3. Uncompromising security from hackers, malware, and other security issues
  4. Huge reductions in costs
  5. Good portability and Continuous content sharing
  6. Enables data tracking and analytics

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Not just this, enterprise mobility solutions opens a route for a business to stay on top in the competition and churn maximum benefit.

Let us know the three irreplaceable ways to launch enterprise mobility solutions. It will empower organizations to meet all upcoming challenges courageously and positively.

1) Be bold while embracing enterprise mobility:

Adoption of modern enterprise mobility solutions is not simple as it demands generous funding and management of upcoming changes. This particular reason forces entrepreneurs to think about the difficult choice between upgrading existing technologies or completely replacing them with a more advanced one.

Thus, choosing between the two requires good courage. Well, the choice might appear harsh and financially painful. Still, the outdated system causes hidden costs along with risks, so the smart choice is to forget obsolete legacy systems and embrace the latest technology.

Once decided to opt for the latest technology, here are the goals to pursue to develop a quality solution:

  1. The first goal is to establish a high level of security and create data protection personalized as per the need of the business.
  2. The second goal includes the introduction of the cloud to your organization. Familiarize cloud technology including its both public and private levels for every user.
  3. The third goal is to provide quick access to data and the availability of regular updates and ensure immediate support.
  4. The fourth goal is to boost profits by subtracting extra expenditure and enhancing employees’ productivity.

2) Charter a strategy for an enterprise mobile application:

Jumping into enterprise mobility approach without any knowledge may lead to a considerable loss. The second success promising way is to know the factors that affect the price of a mobile app. Well, complexity, creators’ business logic and other features intended to be added by a developer increases the cost of mobile app development. Let’s see how different aspects influence the cost of mobile app development.

  1. Functionality: Addition of many functions can complicate the development of a mobile app, but it also promises to improve business processes and make it more efficient, effective and uncomplicated.
  2. Platform: The choice of the platform also determines the time required for the development of a mobile app.
  3. Integrations: An option available for smooth integration optimizes the implementation of enterprise mobility solutions.
  4. App Security: To guard essential company data, it is mandatory to invest in in-app security to eliminate possible vulnerabilities.

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Now, here are a few recommendations which fall in ‘must-follow’ to ensure successful enterprise mobility management strategy in the long run.

  1. Define: You need to have clear and reasonable visions for what you want from your project and how enterprise app will support your business in meeting organizational goals.
  2. Client: While choosing functionalities, think about the needs of customers. Choose functionalities which are user-friendly and can add value to customers.
  3. Minimal Viable Product: Determine a minimal viable product to estimate its prospects on the real market and probable possibilities for high demand among users.
  4. Platform: Find a suitable platform which can meet all your needs without disturbing your already decided budget while considering the population of targeted users.
  5. Budget: Don’t forget to designate one-fifth of the total budget for app maintenance as it can ensure corporate security, effective engagement of users and improved performance of an app.

3) Adopt the newest trends in Enterprise Mobile App Development:

To enjoy the best of the solution, add the newest and most advanced technologies in your enterprise mobility solutions. This will intensify the efficiency of the solution and competitiveness of your organization at the global level. Here is the list of most modern trends and innovations to count on for successful enterprise mobility solutions.

  1. Addition of augmented and virtual reality in your mobile app solution.
  2. Employ m-commerce rather than e-commerce.
  3. Improving supply chain management by adopting an enterprise app.
  4. Addition of AI (artificial intelligence) for in-app automation and better user support.
  5. Adopting IoT technology to enhance app personalization and get better analytics.


The decision to get a mobile app for business growth can never be regretful. Business mobile apps enable you to manage the different needs of the business, from employee engagement to lead generation and supply chain management. So, never regret your decision and invest some time to draft a well-examined strategy. Don’t miss to add the latest trends to your enterprise mobility solution to make it more efficient and profitable.

If you are still using the old-traditional way to promote your business and expecting for optimal result, then reconsider your decision. Contact us now to get successful Enterprise Mobility Solutions.