Industrial Internet of Things

How is IoT Contributing to Reshaping Factories Worldwide

How is IoT Contributing to Reshaping Factories Worldwide?

Nowadays, when everything is moving towards automation, then automated factories are no new surprise. Even the smallest operations in factories contribute to success or failure, profit or loss, and productivity.

As business owners are looking for the most efficient, cost-saving technologies, factories have become a new testbed for innovation.

Factory automation leads to the generation of valuable data around processes and allows IoT systems to improve operations smartly and sustainably. This clears that IoT, i.e. Internet of Things holds a great scope in factory automation and provides an unbeatable application to enhance operations, ultimately providing better results. These useful applications showcase a subset of IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) use cases. Powerful IoT starts with reliable data collection and its storage.

Collecting Data and Unlocking Use Cases:

Thre are several use cases for well-employed IoT technology in a factory setting. Here is the list of few templates:

  • Asset Tracking
  • Cold chain management
  • Patient Safety and health tracking
  • Remote monitoring of system health
  • Process/Machine lifecycle tracking

In every use case, the process initiates with data collection and storage. IoT usage begins with one end in mind and extends to other applications. After installing sensors in the factory and collecting data, new opportunities and possibilities arise for what and how to use it for producing optimal outcomes.

Other than utilizing basic tracking and monitoring capabilities, using machine learning and other analytics approaches to handle the information communicated by the sensors potentially can boost the business.

Improved Performance and Productivity:

The most important and talked topic for IoT in the factory is how it improves efficiency and productivity. The improved and increased mechanization and automation of physical operations help organizations produce more high-quality speedily.

For instance, IoT allows the remote access and operation of devices that manage materials in an assembly line. IoT systems can employ advanced robotics technology to accelerate assembly line operations, standardize component creation, decrease product waste, reduce product errors and automate QA processes.

Enhancing Inventory Management:

Using remote monitoring of factory equipment and operations can generate data which allows more profound insights into procurement and planning. By managing fill-level tracking of a given material, an IoT system notifies the employees when he has to replenish it. Thus, it can monitor supply over months to analyze how many times the material has to be filled under different factors. It can proactively signal to employees for the supply orders, which ultimately reduces extra expenses and optimize inventory procurement.

Suppose, if there is equipment to be shared within a facility or between the facility, an IoT system can analyze data to recommend where and when the equipment should be transit.

If the particular department experiences a heavy utilization of single equipment on a specific day, say Tuesday, IoT system `will analyze different factors and recommend the quantity and type of equipment to be redistributed on Monday afternoon to optimize inventory usage and assure availability.

Thus, the IoT system can recommend when equipment needs to be preventatively maintained based on collected data on individual equipment usage pattern. Proper integration of IoT with the equipment enables IoT to detect the errors or upcoming maintenance issues. It even informs about the source of errors. This feature saves time and ensures the equipment’s potential use and enhances the equipment operator’s safety.

Enhancing Maintenance of Factory Facilities:

Most of the times, facility maintenance remains one of the underrated areas for factory improvement. An IoT system monitors the ambience and occurring changes. It controls temperature, humidity, and power usage of the factory facility’s HVAC systems, saving cost and energy. It can diagnose irregularities and standard maintenance requirements to help facilities. It can also add security measures into its monitoring to guarantee peace of mind for facility operators.

Increasing Employee Safety:

The reduction in equipment faultiness, product error, and more effective process management are few things offered by IoT systems, ensuring human safety in the factory. Suppose, if any accident happens like fire in a particular section, then the IoT system can transmit critical system information and other supporting data to confirm that employees are informed and safe.

Today, the havoc of COVID-19 has covered the globe. In this critical time, taking proper measures to assure the employee’s good health is the utmost priority. IoT systems can flag COVID concerns by tagging employees to detect when they are close to each other, check their health condition, and map anonymized employee data through more considerable contact tracing efforts. In fact, IoT can also send alerts if there are many people presents in an enclosed place.

Factory automation undoubtedly raises some questions like fewer jobs in the factory, decreased human requirement etc. Factory automation will not snatch the job but free the employees from tedious, repetitive and tiring tasks and shift jobs into process management or system administration. Employees will supervise the systems doing a repetitive job. This will improve employee safety and satisfaction.

Meeting Compliance Measure:

Remote monitoring of factory facilities ensures that compliance KPIs are visible and accessible. By sharing KPIs, automating reports and standard issues early and regularly, IoT integrated system can also help in satisfaction of compliance measures.

IoT just not offers better productivity, inventory optimization, reduced maintenance expense and better employees’ safety but it also supports compliance on different fronts, allowing an organization to create new KPIs that were just a dream earlier.

These unskippable IoT features help reduce financial, material, temporal, legal, and social costs.

Factory automation and involvement of IoT in it can attract immense growth and profits. It provides everything needed for business growth without compromising with the product’s quality or quantity or employees’ health. In fact, it adds much more than you can think of.

Adding IoT in your current your business is not a challenging task; you just need to contact reliable and experienced IoT service providers. The rest process will be like magic. Hence, we can conclude that the depth of possibilities and opportunities with IoT lies in one’s imagination and execution.

Is IIoT is the Fourth Industrial Revolution?

Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is the next revolution which has finally entered the industrial world and made a recognizable impact on the market. It has permitted the manufacturing industry to digitize its overall business.

Most of the large scale manufacturers know about this highly-profitable revolution but still lack the knowledge for where to concentrate, put efforts and decisions to make initiate.

The ultimate objective is to drag in IIoT in manufacturing to shorten the downtime of factories, save energy through smart power saving and enhance the yearly revenue. The revolutionary Internet of Things can modify the manufacturing ecosystem by extending the value chain, moving toward the flexible production process and improving customer service. If your products aren’t smart even then get IoT Development Services.

What is the Industrial Internet of Things?

The IoT has influenced the sectors in a way that it is no more an unfamiliar word to any of the industry. The invincible qualities and benefits of IoT have knocked on the door of the Industrial and Manufacturing space to make way to modern revolution i.e Industrial IoT.

IIoT, along with different technologies like machine learning, sensor data, big data, M2M communication and automation would endeavour to transform the outlook of the existing manufacturing process while achieving the best outcome.

What would IIoT do?

IIoT would create a pathway to the connected enterprise to get better visibility, boost operational efficiency, increase productivity and reduce the complexity of the process in the industry.

IIoT is introduced to ultimately end the bulging gaps and shortcomings in the manufacturing industry and improve the quality, safety and productivity in a trade.

Optimizing Operations in Manufacturing through IIoT

Let us explore the plan through which manufacturers can shift to smart factories.

IIoT offers optimal practices of devices connectivity and management, synchronization of processes, and advanced analytics to get the best productivity.

Following are the must-to-consider dimensions that manufacturers need to focus on twirling the wheels of the fourth industrial revolution.

Also Read: Cloud-MANET an IoT Collaboration- A New Era of Technology?

Making the equipment Smart and Intelligent:

Currently, the regular working pattern of factories lack proper management because of

  • Different equipment works independently
  • Machineries are fixed or maintained only in breakdown
  • No alternative or proper plan of load balance to schedule maintenance checks

Smart Factories are equipped with intelligent equipment that can self-manage work and integrate with the entire manufacturing ecosystem for the synchronized workflow of processes.

Sensors for Safety:

Installing sensors in manufacturing industry backs in increasing visibility into the functioning of equipment and provides details on possible threshold violations.

Manufacturers can quickly discover existing problems through remote monitoring of computer where sensors are connected to other large networks for in-depth analysis.

IoT just not linger around saving money and time but it prioritizes the safety of workers also.

Sensors installed can also be used to manage and keep surveillance on the workers’ to ensure their safety.

Building a Blended Workforce

Often observed that workers operate on pre-defined schedule regardless of production plans which contribute to wastage of money, efforts and resources.

To optimize the output, it is better to align their work along with machines to develop positive collaboration to deliver outputs as per manufacturing requirements.

Involvement of such result-focused efforts of a blended workforce guarantees to aid in improving the efficiency of manufacturing processes.

Train your employees to adopt the emerging and highly beneficial technologies of wearables and mobile, which helps to instil the concept of enterprise mobility. This eventually helps in improving accessibility and flexibility to undertake tasks.

Addition of latest technology would help in getting access for checking essential data such as work status, work allocation details and instruction in real-time by the entire workforce. It would provide a permit for updating the data as well.

The collaboration of human and machine would resolve the issue of underutilized and unused assets, crossing of deadlines, and management of people as per the urgency of the delivery.

Also Read: How IoT has Influenced The Healthcare Industry?

Predictive maintenance Power:

It is predicted that the entry of the Industrial Internet of Things would redraft the existing operating efficiencies into a positive. It would improve the financial and economic status of the manufacturing industry.

For instance, if a machine does not provide its actual output, then this symbolizes of the fault which could be easily sensed by the connected sensors. The connected sensors would be able to identify the reason behind malfunction and would generate a service request.

Predictive maintenance holds a high power to reduce and stop the upcoming huge losses. It helps manufacturers by predicting which machine might breakdown or enter a dangerous operating condition even before it happens.

The process of condition monitoring is a time-consuming process which mainly involves surveillance of vibrations, sound frequencies and temperature of a given machine to get the information of its reasonable condition.

With the use of sensors, it would become easy to collect and quickly analyze data points, thus making a highly accurate prediction to restrain losses.

The overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) improves with the inclusion of IIOT and sensors. Ultimately effective OEE reduces sudden losses caused to organization by predicting when machines would require maintenance and need services.

By curtailing the machine downtime, manufacturing companies can potentially utilize the machines’ capacity.

Business Process

Manufacturers are aggressively participating in the adoption of the integrated and synced systems that provides better output. The advanced system provides real-time visibility of materials and products throughout the lifecycle, optimize workflow to support precautionary actions for defective products, and optimize plant operations for effective use of resources and assets. Manufacturers are upgrading themselves by dissolving the existing manual management involving tracking people, materials, tasks, and products.

The future companies would be agile, easily adjustable and would cope with the changing demand of the customer without influencing the cost and compromising with the quality.


IIoT would come up as most influencing and promising technology of future which would undoubtedly create an economic change. The prediction and calculation support the conclusion that it would influence the economy of the manufacturing industry positively.

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