Industry 4.0

How can Sustainability Change the Industrial Data Architecture? 

Sustainability should not just be correlated to environmental policies; this term is now essential to business and life today. It is now just beyond the govt policies. Today, supply chain partners, customers, regulators, and investors are more focused on environmentally friendly products and asking for environmental accountability from manufacturers. Obviously, the reason is to protect the environment. The changing climate, increasing carbon emissions, and their after-effects have forced us to rethink the manufacturing models.

International Energy Agency states that the manufacturing and power sectors cause around 63% of energy-related CO2 emissions globally. But changes and progress depend entirely upon their success. Luckily, manufacturing has reached a long way since the third industrial revolution, which saw changes in automation and productivity without thinking about environmental impact. The fourth industrial revolution, which is popularly known as Industry 4.0, has provided manufacturers with more precise and detailed insight into their operational efficiencies. Network-connected assets enable real-time monitoring of performance metrics that integrate with more sustainable production. However, this type of connection or connectivity presents a new challenge that is- managing data more efficiently.

What are the challenges in achieving sustainability?

Handling emissions and data-center energy consumption means manufacturers must manage sustainability on two fronts. The first place is managing it in their operations. In Europe, Industry is one of the main reasons, or we can say a significant contributor to greenhouse gases.

At a global level, industrial processes are also the fastest-growing source of greenhouse gas emissions, rising by 203% since 1990. To slow this highly speedy trend and accelerate the progress on reducing CO2 emissions and achieving net zero, industrial companies must learn operational data management and pull insights from that data. However, this seems easy but is actually very challenging. As per IDC’s first Worldwide Energy Transition Survey conducted in June 2022 (#US49548622),45% of respondents mentioned a lack of good data on energy usage and CO2 emissions as an obstacle to progress.

Therefore, industrial companies must gather high-quality data from various sources for sustainability and other operational use cases. Unfortunately, this leads to the second challenge- While reducing operational carbon, are we increasing carbon consumption from the vast data we store and process in the cloud?

Data processing and storage must be a combination of the sustainability equation. Stanford Magazine says saving and storing 100 gigabytes of data in the cloud generates around 0.2 tons of CO2 annually. According to Standford’s calculation, if a factory generated 1TB of data daily and saved all this data to the cloud, the site would create 365,000 gigabytes or 730 tons of CO2 yearly. In a large manufacturer with around 60 sites, the factory would create 43,800 tons of CO2 emissions yearly for data processing and storage alone. To understand this perspective in simple words, we can say that it is equivalent to nearly 10,000 passengers vehicles on the road yearly.

Manufacturers must evaluate their total carbon footprint with a strategy that can address both points of this two-fold challenge. Data is undoubtedly essential for visibility, and the cloud is vital for scale. Therefore, data must be collected, processed, analyzed, and utilized correctly to achieve genuinely sustainable manufacturing.

Beginning with a sustainable architecture:

DataOps (data operations) orchestrates people, processes, and technology to safely deliver reliable, ready-to-use data to all who need it. DataOps provides an agile, automated, and process-oriented methodology that data stakeholders use to enhance data and analytics’ quality, delivery, and management.

An Industrial DataOpS solution is an application designed especially for industrial data and systems. Industrial DataOps is a new type of software solution that acknowledges the industrial’s evolving data architecture needs as they adopt Industry 4.0, Digital Transformation, and Smart Manufacturing. They allow manufacturers to create and stream valuable industrial data to the cloud, where it can analyze for sustainability use cases.

Users can prepare, integrate, and standardize data at the edge to guarantee that only logical, usable information payloads are furnished to the cloud. It lessens unnecessary data storage and processing costs while accelerating the adoption of advanced analytics services from vendors like AWS and Microsoft. We can mark the example of Pulp and paper manufacturer Georgia-Pacifi over here. It is a company that potentially used an Industrial DataOps solution, HighByte Intelligence Hub, to achieve its sustainability ambitions.

What’s coming up:

Today, we can quickly notice that sustainability use cases for Industrial DataOps are booming. It is obvious that Industrial DataOps will become a critical architectural component to assist companies in reducing emissions, cutting energy consumption, optimizing grid and alternative energy usage, decreasing digital waste, and optimizing processes.

Also, manufacturing sustainability is not limited to reducing CO2 and SO2 emissions. By decreasing defects and scrap using standard Lean and Six Sigma methods, companies can also help in their sustainability goals by spending less power per unit and potentially increasing production. These projects will allow customers to progress on their sustainability initiatives- and enhance their bottom line.

So, what’s your sustainable manufacturing strategy? Are you using your operational data smartly or creating digital waste?

IoT Digital Transformation is on the Way to Change the Business Outlook

IoT Digital Transformation is on the Way to Change the Business Outlook

The Internet of Things, also known as IoT, is the interconnectivity of physical devices, vehicles, people, and objects with sensors, software, and network interconnectivity, allowing them to collect and exchange data.

Today, it’s not hard to access or collect data; it’s readily available. However, many processes, machines, and other technologies still need to be fully connected and become something the industry deems smart. This digital transformation is all set to begin.

As per Grand View Research, the global IoT devices management market size was estimated at 1.88 billion in 2022 and is assumed to increase at a compound annual growth rate of around 34.9 percent from 2023 to 2030. The growing importance of enterprises on controlling linked devices and enhancing operational efficiencies across industry sections would lead to an increase in the demand for IoT device management.

The continuous growth of IoT gives a clear signal that it will stay for a long time and will highly help and impact shaping the future. Though some processes, machines, and other devices are yet needed to be connected, it’s just a matter of time before they will need to be integrated into this technology-driven world. This indicates that the future is strongly linked to IoT, and its increasing demand and day-by-day expansion prove this fact.

A Faster and More Un(predictable) World

The continuous advancement of technology is forcing businesses to adopt the Internet of Things. It promises to fulfill the desire for efficiency and has become a necessity. In today’s rapidly changing and advancing world, it has become mandatory to maintain efficiency, and if one fails, it will lead to a huge failure. ChatGPT‘s technology is best to quote as an example to support this. Surprisingly, for the first time, Google has stepped into difficulty as they ignored that technology must continuously update to keep a sync with the dynamic environment.

The Internet of Things has become a game-changing technology that offers more predictability in an unpredictable world. IoT allows the device to collect and analyze real-time data from connected devices, which can be utilized to predict and prevent potential problems before they happen.

IoT Driving Transformation on its Way…..

Digital transformation means integrating digital technologies into all sections and processes of a business, causing fundamental changes to how the business operates and delivering results to customers. The current status of IoT, with its swiftly evolving technology and the increasing adoption of interconnected devices, is all set to bring pace to digital transformation across various industries.

By authorizing businesses to gather and analyze immense amounts of data in real time, IoT provides:

  • The optimization of business processes
  • The generation of new revenue ways
  • The development of innovative business models

Integrating IoT devices into business operations allows businesses to gain insights into customer behavior, enhance operational efficiency and improve overall customer experience. Hence, the Internet of Things continuous advancement and expansion is expected to drive digital transformation across industries forcefully.

IoT is Adding More Meaning to Technology Advancements

The features offered by IoT have eased the prediction process and made it less intimidating. The very influential Internet of Things has positively covered the digital and physical world gap, offering a futuristic environment that can sync with the changing technologies instead of being left behind. It can gather and analyze flooding data from interconnected devices to provide meaningful insights into various aspects of lives and businesses.

Various challenges have appeared with the growth of the Internet of Things, yet it has persisted and achieved its current state. Starting from compatibility challenges to data security and scalability. These are some initial installation issues while implementing IoT technology in businesses.

Businesses that embraced IoT as a newcomer played a significant role in resolving issues via testing and establishing the technology. As a result, businesses can now leverage the faster and more dependable implementation of IoT solutions, enabling smoother integration into their operations.

Effortless Interoperability: The Way to Leverage Seamless Technology

The complexity of IoT can be overwhelming for many, creating confusion and uncertainty. When many devices are added to an IoT network, managing and scaling the infrastructure tends to be a big challenge. The increasing number of devices and the immense amount of data generated by them can crash the existing systems, creating a challenge to manage and analyze data properly.

Business owners usually need clarification about upgrading their equipment and the different technology stacks involved in IoT. Now, it’s high time to shift the focus from a complex technology stack to a simple solution.

Old technology and processes should not limit your ability to make informed business decisions. The solution is not to remove them but to connect and boost them by linking them with advanced technology.

We hope to see even more innovative applications in various sectors as IoT evolves. The growth prospect is high, and businesses adopting this technology will be in a better place and reap its benefits.

As per Mckinsey, The Internet of Things has now become part of more than 200 applications in enterprise environments and is not just limited to large corporations alone. Early adopters have done trials and testing and are scaling IoT solutions throughout their businesses. The features and versatility of IoT technologies have resulted in several remarkable applications in various sectors like smart cities, connected cars, smart buildings, smart homes, e-health, and many others.

The latest IoT technology advancement has enabled all sectors to access non-existent features. For example, Business-to-Business (B2B) companies are now using Industry 4.0 technologies to create direct connections with their products in the field.

Upgrade your business- Take Action Today

The Internet of Things has come a long way and has become essential to our lives and businesses. The continuous growth and development of IoT and the increasing number of connected devices, combined with the need for efficiency and relevance, make the technology imperative to be adopted. By adding IoT, businesses can churn the maximum benefits and make the existing processes more efficient and cost-effective.

Energy Harvesting and IIoT- Sustainability for the IIoT

Energy Harvesting and IIoT: Sustainability for the Industrial IoT

The world is encountering tremendous economic and ecological changes along with challenges. The futuristic technologies are all set to transform the outlook of Internet of Things (IoT). Today energy supply to millions of communicating devices is a key issue. 

On a large scale, renewable energies have become a major source of energy generation. Fields embracing solar cells that generate energy using sunlight or wind turbines dominate the landscape. This renewable energy for energy generation is also embraced on a small scale. This entire concept is called “energy harvesting.” 

Small energy converters harvest energy from light, movement, or temperature differences. These harvested energies are enough to power a wireless sensor and transmit data using radio. 

Energy harvesting for radio-based products that are already part of mass production includes four different sources:

  • Motion – the press on a switch, moving machine parts, the rotary motion of a handle.
  • Light– the sunlight coming inside a room.
  • Temperature differences – existing between a heat source like a boiler, radiator, or pipes and the environment and variation between day and night.
  • Electromagnetic field – a contactless coil in a cage clamp around a cable controls the meter and calculates the line current.

For each source, different energy converters with different power parameters are present. The energy generation type and the corresponding power yield determine the possible sensor applications.

Enhanced Sustainability:

With the introduction of energy harvesting technology, radio sensors are sustainable as they don’t require cabling or battery power. They are environment friendly as well as cut expenditure.

Replacing a single battery typically costs around $300 US dollars in an industrial environment. Though changing the battery does not consume much time, traveling to the site, locating the sensor, testing the device, and documenting the process increases the labor cost. It is believed that batteries have a good service life, but in reality, companies are often engaged in changing them within one or two years to avoid early failures.

Today, resource-saving and environmental protection are the top priority. The rising cost of copper, the presence of harmful components, and battery safety are some serious issues. Wireless energy harvesting sensors are the best solution that considers both the financial aspect and environmental protection.

In Process for The Industry:

Sensors play a key role in industrial production. They can be used for quality and process monitoring or condition-based maintenance. A wide range of applications is developing in the direction of an industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) with the increasing usage of wireless sensors. Integrating energy-saving radio with local energy converters,battery-free and maintenance-free sensors can be installed directly on moving parts or in hermetically-sealed environments. For instance, it can be implanted to know the position of moving parts, power consumption, temperature of moving parts, liquids, or gases.

Sensors in Quality Control:

Quality monitoring manages the entire production process and ensures the desired properties of the end product based on different parameters.

For this purpose, environmental factors like temperature, humidity, and air quality or process factors like position or temperature are monitored.

Automated monitoring systems require data generated by sensors; for this purpose, sensors must fit seamlessly into existing production processes. Additionally, they must not need special training or generate follow-up costs in the ongoing operation. Therefore the integration of self-powered and maintenance-free sensors provides benefits.

Condition-based Maintenance with Battery-free Sensors:

Besides products, machines also need proper monitoring to ensure a seamless production process. These are prone to high wear, so it would be best to identify problems as soon as possible and take appropriate actions to maintain continuous quality assurance and protection against production downtime.

A primary problem with maintenance planning is the calculation of the intervals between each maintenance cycle. Normally, the interval between two maintenance dates must be as short as possible to detect deviations before any mishappening occurs. Still, each maintenance involves high costs for personnel and idle machines.

It is often possible to derive valuable information by closely examining a few simple parameters. For instance, a temperature rise can indicate higher friction, thus resulting into wear. Wireless temperature sensors can be installed for measurement processes. Humidity sensors monitor water leakage to prevent water damage. Temperature and humidity sensors also inform about air conditions and guarantee good air quality. That is why wireless energy harvesting sensors are best for various industrial applications. They are low maintenance, flexible, and within budget to install.

That is why wireless energy harvesting sensors are ideal for various industrial applications. They are maintenance-free, flexible, and inexpensive to install – outstanding features for assuring high-quality standards and greater sustainability in the Industry 4.0 environment.

IoT in the Factory Building:

IoT allows significantly efficient, adaptable, and individualized production in manufacturing. Using sensors networked with a smart IoT platform, it is now possible to develop a digital twin, i.e., an exact virtual image of a machine throughout its entire life cycle. Digitalization is becoming a part of buildings and will revolutionize them by providing automated service processes in facility management, higher energy savings, and better individual well-being for users. One important thing for factory buildings and industrial processes is battery-free wireless sensors.

How do Cellular Networks in IIoT Promise Scalable and Secure Connections

How do Cellular Networks in IIoT Promise Scalable and Secure Connections?

Internet of Things has been an exclusive topic to be discussed for the last few years. We all know about the opportunities it unveils in business. How adopting this technology can add more benefits and success to the company. But do you know how the choice of connectivity can affect the performance of the solution offered by IoT? One must consider the network, its effective range, reliability, device battery use, how much data of different types it can transfer, and the speed for implementing Industrial IoT projects.

Many connectivity options are available, and cellular connectivity is the most popular as it is a simple, scalable, and secure way to connect industrial IoT devices.

Today manufacturers all around the world are stepping ahead to make their business competent and more efficient by integrating it with IoT applications as it can boost productivity, reduce equipment downtime and enhance the efficiency of factory operations and processes.

Cellular IoT networks and devices are cheap and widespread, alluring more interest. Many organizations have already deployed cellular IoT networks to cut out the different business problems and start smart manufacturing. Organizations establish connectivity to gather data from various devices to adopt these projects successfully.

Cellular Connectivity In Industrial IoT Application

Integrating connected devices with cellular connectivity has been a long-time attempt of industrial engineers in creating autonomous manufacturing equipment and factory automation systems. Mobile technology has offered the skill for organizations to seamlessly accelerate the speed and extend the data processing capability of the systems.

Cellular connectivity empowers companies to transmit and process large amounts of information in a jiff without the requirement to send all the data through a centralized IT infrastructure. This provides organizations with an opportunity to execute strategies for machine health monitoring with the aid of wireless industrial IoT sensors without any requirement to construct their infrastructure.

Influence of Different Cellular Standards on IoT Connectivity

Cellular connections are pretty flexible with different protocols. Mostly LTE, i.e. Long Term Evolution is the prevalent worldwide approach. IIoT service providers prefer it because of its lower cost, ease of implementation quality, and less power need.

Device vendors are launching new cellular IoT devices, gateways, IoT inclined routers and new solutions that fit into IIoT solutions like IoT apps, IIoT system integration, and device analytics.

Including cellular connectivity to extend IoT solutions will boost the range of Plug and Play Sensors applications, enhancing the efficiency of Industrial IoT roll-outs and fast reconfigurations to fulfil the business requirements. Robust connectivity is necessary to achieve critical information about the health and performance of the machines; hence industries are focusing on getting the latest technologies that provide faster and more precise information. For successful deployment of cellular IoT systems, solution providers and multi-national end-user companies seek solutions that offer worldwide support (2G, 3G, and LTE). These are already becoming part of businesses scaling IoT solutions and assuring seamless deployment worldwide.


Cellular standards impact the performance, range, ease of development, reliability, security and cost of implementation for expanding IoT in the manufacturing industry. Traditional sim cards which are utilized in cellular IoT devices are confined to single network carriers. They need a technical to manually insert or replace sim cards which cause deployment bottlenecks, especially in remote locations.

These challenges can end with the latest eSIM platforms, which have a non-removable chip that can download the carrier profile over the air and permit multiple telecom providers to programme in advance so that the device can choose the best connection.

IoT devices with eSIM have a single sim card with a cellular module that offers the ease of deploying anywhere globally and guarantee dependable connectivity due to their ability to switch carriers without any need for physical human interaction.

These devices are a blessing for monitoring machines in complex and remote areas and help to slay logistical challenges during movement. All these features provide speedier scalability for IoT applications.

Benefits of Cellular IoT Connectivity

Today, cellular connectivity is attaining unexpected height for implementing integrated machine-to-machine communications that facilitate wireless condition monitoring of industrial assets. This is all possible because Cellular IoT connectivity enables high network dependability. The cellular IoT devices data (transfers with high data rates) are not disturbed by bad weather conditions. The distance between the device and the base location does not impact it compared to other wireless communication options. This shows that cellular connectivity provides the best coverage and the capacity to avoid overload problems. It also offers greater freedom of mobility that supports obtaining connectivity even in complex environments where equipment is not stationary. 

Mobile technology impressively transforms Industrial IoT applications and solutions because of its advantages. In IIoT, various manufacturing verticals will keep using cellular IoT devices as the most successful implementation.


Digitalization of manufacturing operations guarantees lowered downtime & enhanced productivity, and cellular networks are essential to accomplish it. Cellular networks provide organizations with the opportunity to use these technologies to speed their Industry 4.0 journey potentially.

The availability of cellular network coverage eases the work by making it prompt and cost-saving for manufacturers to keep a watch on industrial assets even in remote areas. The incoming of 5G provides a more robust opportunity for organizations to leverage data through faster connections, ultimately improving capacity to handle real-time information to discover the most fitting and highly potential Industrial IoT.

How did digital power contribute to the IIoT revolution?

How did digital power contribute to the IIoT revolution?

Today, it is not a new thing if we provide digital controls to power supplies. Still, today many market drivers combine it to stimulate adoption across a surprising range of industry segments.

Advantages of Digital Power Emerge

Digital control in power supplies is an expanded sector; it includes essential digital signalling (like on/off) to an old analogue controller to complex operations, including a digital signal processor.

The latter represents an added cost; swiftly reducing chip price points and frequently sophisticated demand from manufacturers means that adoption is skyrocketing.

We can see the clear benefits of fully digital power supplies because of their much-advanced flexibility. The feasibility of adjusting power supply performance characteristics depending on different applications, environmental factors, and system performance variables expands the scope of practical benefits and cost savings.

Latest microcontrollers with DSP can examine the output voltage of every switching cycle, monitor fault and status conditions, react to warnings, and event logging is all possible options that would need hardware replacement earlier.
Today, when there is an increase in IIoT device demand and deployment, often in an application where physical access seems to be a challenge, this flexibility is powerful.

Besides, the location of many such devices on the network edge makes the value of real-time monitoring at this level valuable for multiple reasons, with predictive maintenance and enhancing efficiency.

IIoT value depends on data

Industry 4.0 of Smart Factory manufacturing applications are fit for digitally controlled power supplies. In smart factories, detailed logging can be integrated with other data in AI tools or dashboards to assure those performance parameters are managed in real-time. Another benefit is the ‘data lake’ of historical performance data can be extracted from these logs, facilitating predictive and preventative maintenance modelling to be highly improved. 

Programmable, Ruggedised Power Demand

The digitally programmable ability becomes necessary in ruggedized components and their designed operating environment, increasing product lifetime and better energy consumption.

Optimizing energy consumption by mapping and coordinating the power supply performance to the system power budget of particular value in extreme conditions, where thermal variations may influence standard performance.

As a result, not only IIoT enterprises are actively interested in digital power supplies, but recent reports share that global military requirements are increasing rapidly, and the reason behind it is digital power management.

Military and Telecom

One report released by Transparency Market Research predicts that the global next-generation military power supply market would reach up to US$ 20,111.7m by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 5.2% during the forecast period (2018 to 2026). As per TMR analysis, the programmable power supply segment occupies the maximum market share, increasing at a CAGR of 5.5% through 2026. Though there are many applications of programmable power supplies in the military, one fundamental purpose is to secure militarily significant sensitive electronic devices from grid power quality instability – whether everyday environmental factors or malicious actors cause that instability.

The telecommunications industry is another important growth market for digitally programmable and ruggedized power supplies as it needs robust and rugged power supplies that can be installed in towers. These towers encounter different challenges like high-salt marine environments near the cost to dusty city locations. It is essential to keep maintenance costs to a minimum to manage margins, particularly when viewing the new expenses of 5G network upgrades.

Implementation Advantages and Tips

A vast spectrum of applications and environments are leveraging from a digital power management solution, so it is a complex task to narrow down the field for a specific application is critical. The topmost benefits of digital power management are reduced cost and number of components, enhanced development time covers, and an enhanced number of DC-DC converter options. These are appealing features, but it also drags design challenges. Few considerations include general power supply design needs like overcoming unwanted ripple and managing direct current resistance (DCR), along with digital power management difficulties, precisely control algorithms, and firmware design. In fact, we can say that these have been the reason behind delayed digital power management implementations. The control algorithm is of central importance. Though it can be optimized and updated later, adequate expertise must be introduced early in the design process. 

Stability is one of the central design challenges which compelled analogue systems to get into a series of costly premium techniques. 

Digital power management systems can resolve this issue while offering compensation-free power converters with high bandwidth and enhanced transient response. This is possible by generating a completely synthetic current control loop that produces cycle-by-cycle phase current balancing. This process is essential for complex multiphase power supplies for significant CPU, FPGA and ASIC arrays that are generally used in rendering and artificial intelligence (AI) operations.

Through Digital power management, it is possible to control and monitor every setting through software, making designing and tuning loops more straightforward. The most valuable part is during debug time, the status and condition of the power supply become immediately apparent. Furthermore, the consequent strength to alter filters and neutralize the noisy conditions in software and near-real-time offers versatility in resolving any specific difficulties that come up and even accelerates the process.

Lastly, as the power supply should be functioning at an optimum level which implies that thermal performance should be excellent, in many cases allowing cooling provisions like airflow and heat sinks need to be optimized or even omitted. This leads to a slender design that can be suitable for restricted spaces and cabinets.

Future: Analog and Digital Combined

It is now apparent that digital control of power supplies is acquiring good attention across the board. There is an extensive list of benefits, from improving flexibility and reducing operating costs to increasing lifespan and integrating with broader IIoT strategies such as predictive maintenance and modelling. Even if analogue control has a role in low-power and manageable applications, the whole process will be digitized in the coming years.