Internet of Things

Metaverse App Development Guide for Business

A Comprehensive Guide for Businesses on Developing Metaverse Applications

What once started as a communication revolution in the form of text, images, and two-dimensional formatting has now begun to evolve into new dimensions. 

The metaverse has been part of our lives in some way or another for a certain time, but the advancement of critical technologies has considerably driven how to define and use the web. As business owners are working hard to remain on top of the competition, one needs to stay aware of the technologies of this space if one wishes to develop applications and even entire digital worlds for their customers. 

Let’s discuss the technologies used in metaverse app development and how businesses can make their metaverse applications.

The Metaverse for Business in detail

Neal Stephenson’s Snow Crash coined the phrase that turned out to be the name for the metaverse, and executives like Mark Zuckerberg are pivoting the book’s prognostic forecasts of business, the economy, and society into a reality. As defined in modern business, the metaverse is a mesmerizing next step of the Internet where users can participate in virtual, immersive worlds. 

As per Bloomberg, metaverse technologies will expand to the $800 billion market by the end of 2022. If businesses wish to stay pertinent throughout the evolution, they must stay on top of the technologies steering the growth of ‘web 3’ forward. 

Technology Route for the Metaverse Development

Several technologies support metaverse expansion. Comprehending each of them and identifying where they intersect is integral to innovation.

What is the Role of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in the Metaverse

Today, Virtual Reality is addressed as one of the most innovative technologies pushing the metaverse forward, but it has several constraints. Since these are rising technologies, the world isn’t very welcoming of this easily accessible Virtual Reality. This is due to limited mobility. To experience Virtual Reality, the user must have a bulky VR headset that restricts the head or body movements required to get the whole experience. Additionally, the cost of VR devices is high, and there are yet to be standards for Virtual Reality, so content developed for one platform may not work with another.

Another way Augmented Reality can be used for a more intensified experience is through the ‘try before you buy’ retail strategy. With virtual fitting room technology or similar technologies, buyers can try on items virtually with AR before deciding to purchase.

For this- IKEA is the best example of how this functionality extends to interior design and furniture, as it allows shoppers to place virtual furniture in their house to see how it may look before buying it.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Natural language processing is a subdivision of artificial intelligence necessary for the growth of the metaverse. It is an advanced way for AI to interpret and imitate human speech. It will be an excellent way for users and AI to communicate through customer service chatbots and virtual assistants. Not just this, but it will also make the metaverse more accessible to different groups of people. For instance, conversational artificial intelligence allows rich real-time language translation, even if challenging. 

Also, a non-monotonic relationship exists between the source speech and target translations. It indicates that the words at the end of the speech can impact words at the beginning of the translations. This implies that there is no actual real-time speech translation because there is always the need to check the translated text’s consistency against the original speech. There is a slight delay even when we cannot see it. 

Therefore, you require developed algorithms to stabilize live speech translation, as Google accomplishes in its Google Translate to lower the number of re-translations.

Internally, real-time speech translations can be organized as follows: the user says something, the user’s speech converts into a text, and the text is further translated into another language. Once the speech is ended or paused and the final re-translation is completed, the text converts into a speech using speech-to-text technologies. 

Natural language processing also offers live captions for users having hearing impairments. For example, AI technology can immediately transcribe the conversation of a group of people, making communication within a metaverse application available to users with hearing disabilities.

Virtual Assistant Technology

NLP also develops digital voice assistants and AI avatars that can enable users to the hand-free operations of their devices and provide targeted recommendations. Meta is already designing a voice assistant that will be used in the metaverse applications in the coming years. 

Virtual assistants can conduct language translation, financial management, and many other things. The picture of users in the metaverse as AI avatars or digital humans also depends on NLP. Conversational AI lets avatars process and comprehend human language and respond to voice commands. Last year, NVIDIA introduced the Omniverse Avatar modeling platform, which permits the development of virtual versions of people who identify speech and capture emotions on users’ faces. 

Customer service is one crucial role virtual assistants can help with in the metaverse. The shopping experiences in the metaverse will be highly captivating, and conversational AI will be beneficial for letting shoppers ask virtual customer service avatars about the attributes of the goods, payment terms, discounts, and the like.

Computer Vision

Computer vision allows machines to develop better digital copies of objects, identify images and patterns, and even determine the expressions and perspectives of users. One of the constraints of VR and AR experiences is control. Hardware controllers, gloves, or other kinds of physical devices are used to input into the device. 

However, the computer can make this experience more natural by using hand tracking. Users can interact with their devices more naturally and freely by remembering gestures and finger positions. This is how it can work. AR execution includes coordinating the cell phone’s video camera and LiDAR. 

A video camera captures the video/image of the real world and the user’s hand. LiDAR calculates the distance between the natural world and the user’s hand. Using this information, one can correctly place virtual objects on the phone screen. Therefore, from the user’s perspective, the virtual objects look like a part of the real world. 

With computer vision technologies, we can identify if the user tries communicating with the virtual object with the hand. For example- Placing the virtual object in a cart in a virtual shop or animating objects( useful, especially for AR-interactive games).

Computer vision in the metaverse is not limited to this; ReadyPlayerMe utilizes face recognition to produce a virtual avatar using a user’s selfie. Most video games and platforms need users to produce a brand-new avatar for each service. However, these avatars made by computer vision are designed to be utilized across thousands of different platforms.

Internet of Things (IoT) and the Metaverse

Artificial Intelligence is just a component of the metaverse story, and it is not the answer to every question and challenge that developers face while developing metaverse projects. AI demands high-quality data, and data needs to be collected from somewhere. Internet of Things devices and sensors are essential for getting high-quality real-time data to AI systems for analysis.

One of the most valuable uses of IoT in the metaverse is digital twins; This technique uses IoT sensors to develop a digital version of an environment or system. VR depends on virtual environments and can develop a virtual picture of an environment using sensors.

The metaverse is not just a new thing to the digital world but a junction and uniform crossover between the real and digital worlds. Integrating augmented reality technologies with IoT sensors can bring the real world into the digital and turn digital into the real world. This merger will revolutionize metaverse technologies.

The Blockchain’s Role in the Metaverse

Blockchain platforms, a global and decentralized system, are in demand for their use in metaverse projects. Centralized data storage is a challenge in the metaverse because of the obstacles to the flow of information. Open solutions such as blockchain enable a more fluid flow of information and assurance of ownership for digital assets. This causes high demand for developing systems that aid cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens.

Today, Non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, are one of the most promising ways to create the metaverse economy. Since every token is unique, it is a dependable proof of digital ownership registered in the blockchain. For instance, users can purchase in-game assets and digital real estate as non-fungible tokens that symbolize the privilege of owning these items.

3D Modeling

We all know that the metaverse depends on virtual worlds, and today 3D Modeling is a skill in demand. It begins with decorating homes to creating skins for avatars; Modeling is something virtual worlds can only do with. Today, a large number of objects need to be digitized, and IoT sensors need to be used to develop digital twins of environments.

Large databases must be made of real-world objects that have been ‘3D captured’ and digitized.
However, this is not easy as there are challenges to digitizing the real world. The higher resolution of an object means the more excellent memory it will use. Therefore finding space for these objects and rendering them on lower-end hardware is not also feasible. This is challenging for VR support as VR experiences have to be set at higher frame rates to manage immersion.

However, when all the objects in a scene have high poly counts, their performance is next level. Handling this is essential for providing successful metaverse experiences.

Metaverse Software Development: How to initiate a Project

As we resume the wild west of the development of the metaverse and web 3.0, there are limitless opportunities for ideas to turn into reality. The most important thing is that a business should stay competitive at any cost, even if these technologies bloom the ideas that raise the wave of disruption or if these ideas enhance the potential of your business to reach the untouched markets.

For example: Let’s say your team wants to create an immersive retail store using metaverse technology. To execute, the project would require a fully 3D VR environment for objects to serve as products. This virtual store would also require digital customer service agents to assist users in finding their needs.

The metaverse use cases don’t limit there. It is used in the virtual meeting room where you and your colleagues can communicate as avatars. Not just this, imagine a designer could decorate, decide and change the color of walls and furniture in the VR metaverse. Yes, Modern technology can make all these things possible.

How to Prevent Data Lake from Turning into a Data Swamp?

IoT devices drive in many opportunities to gather more data than ever before. However, the challenge has changed; it is not about ways to get data but how to store an immense amount of data once it’s gathered. This is where data lakes come in the role. To clarify, a data lake is not just about a cheaper way to store data, but when it is appropriately crafted, data lakes act as a centralized source of truth that offers team members valuable flexibility to examine information that influences business decisions. This is only possible when we potentially utilize data lake practices. Raw data is like crude oil, requiring a thorough refinement process to distil more valuable products like gasoline. In the same way, raw data requires complex processing to get the most beneficial and business-rich insights to take action and measure outcomes.

With the increase in the volume of available data and the variety of its sources continuing to grow, many companies find themselves sitting on the data equivalent of a crude oil reservoir with no feasible way to extract the actual market worth. Traditional data warehouses are like gas stations; data lakes are oil refineries.

Data warehouses are becoming insufficient for managing the flooding business’s raw data. They need the information to be pre-processed like gasoline. Data lakes are the one that allows for the storage of both structured or unstructured data coming from different sources, such as business and mobile applications, IoT devices, social media etc.

Any idea? What does a well-maintained data lake look like? What is the best possible way to lead to implementation, and how do they impact the bottom line?

Explaining Data Lakes: How they Transform business

Data lakes are centralized storage entities to store any information mined to get actionable insights. These contain structured, unstructured, and other information from relational databases like text files, reports, videos, etc. A well-maintained data lake has real prospects to change the outlook of the business by offering a singular source for the company’s data regardless of its form and allowing business analysts and data science teams to extract information in a scalable and sustainable way. 

Data lakes are generally designed in a cloud-hosted environment like Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud Platform. The vision offers compelling data practices that offer noticeable financial edges. These practices are approximately twenty times cheaper to access, store and analyze in a data lake rather than employing a traditional data warehouse. 

One of the reasons behind the domination of data lakes is the design structure or schema, which does not require to be written until after the data has been loaded. Regardless of the data’s format, the data remains as it is entered and does not separate into silos for different data sources. This automatically decreases the overall time for insight into an organization’s analytics. It also offers enhanced speed while accessing quality data that helps to inform business-critical activities. Advantages provided by data lakes like scalable architecture, cheaper storage and high-performance computing power allows companies to divert their shift from data collection to data processing in real-time. 

Rather than investing hours excavating scattered deposits, it provides one source to extract from that ultimately decreases dependency on human resources, which could be utilized to create stronger partnerships across teams. A data lakes give time to your data scientists to explore potential business-critical insights that could advise new business models in the future. 

Best Practices from the Experts

There are challenges in the data lakes process; it acts like a stagnant pool of water-polluting over time if it is not held to the correct standards. It becomes challenging to maintain and susceptible to flooding from insufficient data and poor design.

What to do to set up a supreme system for business transformation and growth?

Here we recommend the following actions to prevent your data lake from turning into a swamp.

Set Standards From the Start

A dynamic structure is the backbone of a healthy data lake. This means creating scalable and automated pipelines, using cloud resources for optimization, and monitoring connections and system performance. Initiate by making intentional data-design decisions during project planning. Mention standards and practices and ensure they are followed at each step in the implementation process. Meanwhile, allow your ecosystem to manage edge cases and the possibility for new data sources. Don’t forget; it is all about freeing up your data scientists from tending to an overtaxed data system so that they can shift their focus on other priority things.

Sustain Flexibility for Transformative Benefits

A healthy data lake exists in an environment that can manage dynamic inputs. This isn’t just about varying sources, sizes and types of data and how it is downed into storage.

For instance, creating an event-driven pipeline facilitates automation that offers source flexibility in file delivery schedules. Setting up a channel with trigger events for automation, based on when a file hits a storage location, eases concerns whenever the files come in. It is necessary to support the data science team’s fluidity around rapid testing, failing and learning to refine the analytics that empowers the company’s vital strategic endeavours, eventually driving unique, innovative opportunities.

Develop the System, Not the Processes

Most people have a misconception that problem-specific solutions may seem faster initially. One of the best things about data lakes is that they’re not connected or centralized around any one source. Hyper-specialized solutions for individual data sources restrict themselves to implementing change and need error management. Besides this, when a particular process is introduced, it doesn’t add value to the system as a whole as it cannot be utilized anywhere else.

Designing a data lake with modular processes and source-independent channels saves time in the long run by facilitating faster development time and streamlining the latest feature implementations.

Handle Standard Inventory to Find Opportunities

Event-driven pipelines are the best option for cloud automation, but the tradeoff demands post-event monitoring to comprehend what files are received and by whom and on which dates, etc.

One best way to monitor as well as share this information is to establish a summary dashboard of data reports from different sources. Adding alerting mechanisms for processing errors produces a notification when part of the data lake is not correctly functioning as expected. It even ensures that errors and exceptions are detected on time. When an immense amount of data is flooding, it becomes essential to track and handle it in the best possible way.

Right inventory initiatives create stable environments where data scientists feel supported in discovering additional metrics opportunities that can help make more robust business decisions in the future.

Revolutionize Business Intelligence

Data lake revolutionizes business intelligence by chartering a path for team members to peer clean data sources promptly and in the most effective way. A pristine data lake accelerates decision-making, removes struggle, and enhances business model ingenuity. So, we can conclude that prohibiting data lake getting muddied is necessary to get the optimal outcome. One must follow a few data lake practices that can reduce future headaches and keep your data streamlined and humming.

Why SMEs Need to Add Internet of Things?

Internet of Things, a familiar tech-solution is contributing to making a better tech-world for businesses and market. The infiltration of iot in every section has proved its versatility and frequent updates hints for the presence of unexplored potential. IoT has opened a new path to build vast networks of connected devices.

IoT integrated management systems are bliss for small and medium-sized businesses. It is often noticed that many small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are struggling to stay alive while churning benefits. Today, companies incorporating advanced IoT system into their daily processes have developed a sophisticated way to make profits.

Industry 4.0 is a technical word used to address the new phase in the Industrial Revolution that includes automation, machine learning and interconnectivity. It strives to help businesses through various advanced technologies.

IoT is one of the heroes in the Industrial Revolution. It can connect physical devices to digital platforms to develop most favourable ambience for manufacturing and supply chain management. There are IoT service providing companies which can introduce IoT in your business.

What, Why and How?

IoT has added smartness in the way of thinking, it has added smartness to connecting platforms and devices, and the best thing about it is that it can be accessed by small, medium and large-sized companies. The unbiased nature and potential results drawn by IoT makes it different and most compatible.

IoT solutions consist of sensors and smart devices which can sense and communicate with each other over the cloud. The IoT integrated sensors and devices detect the change occurring in the environment or collect the data from the designated target for the software to process and then performs the automated response like notifying the responsible parties if any issue occurs.

IoT connected devices provide data which can be used to improve existing business practices and support machine-to-machine communication. No doubt, different industries suffer different challenges, but IoT is the standard solution in different ways.

How is IOT helping different types of business?

A) IoT in Logistics:

Logistics is one of a broad sector which is dependent on proper management of distribution and transportation operations. An error can turn the whole process upside down. The need for prompt and appropriate transportation along with the expectation of consumers has left no chance to plan for a series of pick-ups and sit with crossed fingers.

Earlier, experienced transport managers used to plan an efficient route. But today, regulatory laws like GDPR affect everything, from driver’s hour to how IoT and telematics data are utilized in fleet operations.

Following the regulation as well as last-minute requirements makes delivery and transport route complex than it was earlier. The complexities turn to be worst by the massive amount of information which has to be shared to coordinate different branches of a business. Well, IoT helps in this situation and untangle complexities by enabling enhanced data flow by developing a network of devices that connects and shares data.

In addition, IoT-enabled fleet management systems can cut excessive fuel consumption, time consumption, ensure driver’s safety through continuous vehicle monitoring.

Read More: Why is IoT Impossible Without an Open Ecosystem?

B) IoT in Manufacturing:

The one most crucial aspect in the manufacturing industry is effective resource management because SMEs have limited resources, and they cannot afford any kind of loses. Well, in reality, coordinating the manufacturing of goods becomes tiresome without the right tools.

IoT technology empowers businesses to manage their manufacturing processes precisely to curtail upcoming issues and improve existing procedures. More than 58% of manufactures have accepted the fact that IoT technology helped them in transforming their businesses.

IoT can be used to establish efficient asset usage, improve equipment service life and to get optimal ROI on assets. It is estimated that the global usage of IoT in the manufacturing sector would reach USD 45 billion by 2022.

C) IoT enhances productivity:

SMEs always tries to settle themselves into the successful list with maximum benefit and best customer experience. They follow the same basic principle, i.e. to increase productivity and in result, revenue will automatically increase.

The addition of IoT in SMEs helps in achieving the motive. The highly advanced IoT-integrated devices facilitate access to accurate and actionable data which improves decision-making processes and assist them in taking quick actions to important events and emergencies.

IoT systems help by enhancing collaboration between departments, monitoring fleet operation, reducing operational costs, tracking the transportation movement etc. Data collected by IoT devices can be used by companies to deliver product faster, meet the target quotas and enhance the supply chain.

D) IoT ensures proper maintenance:

Maintenance of assets in a company is crucial and complicated. Breakdown of an asset or vehicle can cause a massive loss to SMEs, so they need to maintain the health of every machine and ensure servicing on time. IoT-enabled car trackers diagnose and transmit malfunctions before they turn into some serious issues. The device connected through the OBD-II port allows access to engine error codes and diagnostic reports.

OBD-II is an onboard computer used to keep a check on vehicle data like speed, mileage, emissions etc. It can be accessed through a 16-pin usually placed under the driver’s side dash. Thes diagnostic reports identify and inform about which vehicle needs servicing and when to schedule preventive maintenance. IoT-enabled preventive maintenance solutions can cut diagnostic time up to 70% and causes a 25% reduction in repair time. It improves the operational efficiency of assets.

Read More: Six Inevitable Steps to Bring Digital Transformation in Your Business

E) IoT promises Consumer Satisfaction:

Today, customers demand are massive as they are aware of the latest technologies. They are expecting rich experience, and only IoT can provide that. SMEs can provide real-time information of product to their customers through IoT. On-time delivery is necessary to build loyal customers. When the delivery time exceeds the expected time, customers get frustrated. Sometimes late deliveries cause spoilage of the perishable product.

So, we can conclude that on-time shipment is an unavoidable requirement. IoT enabled devices integrated with sensors that are capable of diagnosing small changes in the condition of cargo or vehicle. It even maintains the required temperature to keep the product at a good state. It informs the company about the shipment-status which they further share with the customers to gain trust. By updating the shipment-status increases ROI by retaining their existing customers as well as attracts new customers with their top-quality services. IoT helps in boosting sales, lowers customer costs and enhances customer satisfaction.

F) IoT improves Security and Safety:

IoT solutions are not only meant for the benefit of the company, but they also offer advantages for the safety and security of a company’s workforce, property and goods, trucks & cargo. IoT solutions automate security processes and detect the flaws existing within the system, notifying the administration to eliminate any casualties.

Nevertheless, employees who feel safe and protected turns out to be more productive. IoT-enabled fleet management solutions monitor and manage the fleet remotely while providing real-time access to the location. It offers prompt alerts in case of an accident or any other emergencies which ultimately promises the safety of the driver and ensures quick actions in case of any mishap.

IoT is the next big thing in Tech-world.

Internet of things has changed the outlook of SMEs. It has added smartness in the operations and supply chains. In the coming years, businesses will be more dependent on the latest technologies. To say it straight, more on IoT.

Internet of Things has not just chartered a smooth path for complex operations, but it has also reduced operational cost, fuel cost and time consumption. IoT connected device provides data which can be analyzed to develop the demand-based products. It even helps companies to meet the expectation of the customers. From early detection of machinery breakdown to on-time delivery of a product, IoT is everywhere. If you still not a part of IoT-world then you might be losing a lot more than your imagination.

Why is IoT Impossible Without an Open Ecosystem?

IoT, i.e. Internet of Things has submerged itself in almost every sector, either its agriculture or smart home. IoT is the new need of the market and is looking for maximum growth. IoT has all the power to turn an idea into a reality, but it is dependent on the ecosystem.

Have you ever thought why IoT needs an open system? Assume, the internet had been a closed ecosystem controlled by a small set of organizations. It would have been a very different experience from the present. Today, we are entirely dependent on the internet, and if would have a closed ecosystem, then it would have a pay-per-use model along with a lack of tools and services. The open internet provides a space for growth, change and an opportunity for the innovation of new technologies.

Here is why IoT is impossible without an open ecosystem?

Gartner expects a boom in Iot growth by 2021. It states that 25 billion connected things will be part of global use through smart homes, factories, smart cities, vehicles etc. As IoT devices are making their way online, edge computing becomes a vital part to consider. Edge computing allows data processing and analysis in real-time for business-centred uses such as safety, security, industrial automation and many other purposes.

The need for infrastructure for IoT and edge is the same as for the internet; both need an open and consistent foundation for potential growth and services. However, the challenges in the development of IoT are different and requires attention to get immediate solutions before it becomes a significant problem for industries.

Where we are today with IoT?

Before we know about IoT, let’s have a quick look at the journey of the internet. In the 1990s, America allowed access to the internet to the masses through the use of CD. With the time-lapse, users became smart and realized they could connect to the internet using ISPs and enjoy more powerful and advanced search capabilities like Google. Again with the introduction of advancement, people started using the internet through their medium of choice, and this led to the acceleration in innovation and gave birth to the internet and ecosystem we are enjoying today.

To describe the present stage, we are on “AOL stage” of IoT, which means a phase of getting the device connected at scale and working through the balance of open approaches vs. proprietary. Internet of Things is complex and diverse in nature, which means it is made up of different technologies and domain-specific use cases.

Till now, the market has created an exclusive IoT platform to connect people and operations, each having different methods for data collection, management and security. Well, we can say that it is similar to a situation of having multiples “AOLs” that are continually striving to connect devices to the internet, ultimately causing avoidable complications.

Read More: Six Inevitable Steps to Bring Digital Transformation in Your Business

Today, companies switching to IoT journey are dependent and bound to their vendors and will have to provide extra costs or integration issues whenever they wish to scale deployments and take on new cases. Hence, we can conclude that IoT’s diversity has become an obstacle to its progress.

However, the only way to end all these unnecessary chaos and hassle, we must develop an open ecosystem for IoT and edge computing to scale the commercialization of offerings and services while focusing on ROI.

Closed ecosystem Vs Open ecosystem:

Any idea about how an open ecosystem looks like? Well, while creating an ecosystem, there are many approaches, from closed to open philosophies.

Generally, a closed ecosystem is part of strictly governed relationships, proprietary designs and sometimes exclusive APIs. Close guarding and control over closed ecosystem are often referred to as “walled gardens”; it provides marvellous customer experience but with the high cost and fewer choices. Open approaches provide a plethora of APIs and tools option which can be openly programmed. Open standard, like Android’s operating system, provides developers with an opportunity for more innovation and bolters a network effect.

Let’s compare the differences between open and closed ecosystem by taking Apple’s iOS and Android.

Apple’s iOS provides the most organized experience, whereas Android device makers have less control over the overall experience through hardware/software integration and thus need to search for other differentiators.

However, openness provides choice and scale and thus, Android holds over 70 per cent of global mobile OS market share. Companies like Samsung create market share by developing innovation and investing in a broader ecosystem.

IoT will bloom in an open ecosystem:

The progress and growth of IoT are not possible through hundreds of siloed and closed ecosystems governed by vendors. The future of IoT is dependent on us, and it could be improved by the development of an open ecosystem.

Development of commercial offering which has an open foundation provides more scalability, choice, transparency and flexibility. Thus open-source collaboration is an excellent starting for an open foundation.

IoT is more like a demand of time, and if you are not aware of its potential, then you need to check yourself and business too. Add IoT in your business and give us a chance to show you the most amazing looks of an IoT through our services.

How COVID-19 Explains The Need for IoT Based World?

The irruption of the Coronavirus in our life, either technological or non-technological, has disrupted the regular flow. It has not just shown our incapabilities in healthcare but has challenged us on the technical table.

We thought that the present giant technologies are the best like anything. Still, the sudden fatal interference by COVID-19 expressed the need for more virtual and reliable interconnection for day to day tasks.

Do you think post-pandemic, IoT along with other technologies would aid in boosting the lost economy while ensuring full security? Let’s wear the future showing shades and check how the tech-world would be after the end of the pandemic.

1) Touch-Screen: A scary-old fashioned technology:

Today (COVID-19 crises), touch word has now another obvious meaning-‘avoid it’.

Post-Pandemic, contactless interfaces, and interactions would be the new ‘must adopt’ tech trend. Yesterday’s touch screen trend which had once made us crazy would be limited. COVID-19 has made us ultra-aware of every touchable thing which could transmit the disease.

After pandemic, there would be a digital revolution and technology would prioritize more machine vision interfaces and voice interfaces.

We have already seen different payment options available without any physical touch. However, now consumers would prefer more options to pay for goods and services without any physical touch.

Machine vision offers autonomous checkout at some stores and has been used to apply social media filters. In the coming days, Iot along with sensors would expand its capabilities, and we would get a more reliable and accurate voice and machine vision interface that could recognize gestures and faces limiting the physical contact. Most of the industries would adopt it for fulfilling different purposes and needs.

2) Adoption of better infrastructure:

Well, the lesson we all should pick from this COVID-19 period is to strengthen digital infrastructure. In the COVID stress, people adopted work from home and searched for digital solutions to sustain their daily requirements and needs. There were few digital solutions to organize meetings, project management, workout, and many other necessary things.

Thus, COVID-19 disclosed the opportunity for both the employee and employer by allowing work from home in the future. Iot would interrupt in between the changes and would provide a better solution to follow the work from home.

Read More: Why IoT (Internet Of Things) will Be a New Normal?

3) Better Monitoring Using IoT and Big Data:

The health sector, which is struggling to deliver its best in the pandemic, needs rejuvenation through technology. In this pandemic period, we unveiled the importance of data. We learned that IoT and Big data could be proved as the savior for monitoring and curbing future pandemics.

Health apps could be used for warning the future pandemics by tracking the person who shows the symptom. GPS data could determine the possible infected people who have been in touch with the symptom showing a person. But one has to ensure that privacy is not disturbed at all to prevent any data misuse while endeavoring for benefit.

4) AI-Enabled Drug Development:

The development of a safe and effective drug could help in treating and curing the disease before it could blanket the whole nation. AI is considered as a right partner in drug development because it can help in analyzing the patterns and behavior of the virus as well as balance the human endeavors.

5) Telemedicine:

The COVID emergency has set up a new online treatment culture for already existing patients dealing with different health issues. You might be coming across such services. Hospitals are reminding their regular patients for consultation through video calls for restricting crowd in hospitals to stop virus spread. The dependency of healthcare on the online services has increased now and hopefully, would continue post-pandemic.

6) Elevation in Online Shopping:

To be honest, most of the people are now scared of visiting the market and shopping malls for the sake of dresses and other essential things. The spread of Coronavirus has unleashed an unstoppable opportunity for e-commerce businesses. From groceries to the cleaning, from grooming to the clothing, today everyone is dependent on the online stores. Businesses which provide online option weaved benefit while companies offering no online platform is dealing with a significant loss.

Post pandemic, many businesses would rush to add online services to make their business more versatile and profitable. Not just this, there would be a good elevation in the logistics and delivery systems to meet the demands even in critical times like pandemic.

Read More: How will IoT Transform Transportation in the Coming Years?

7) Robots will be in fashion:

Today, businesses and health care are realizing the importance of robots in this crisis. Robots are not vulnerable to viruses, and they can also serve in the most mannered way.

Post-Pandemic, robots could be employed for delivering groceries, for performing vital roles in hospitals, or for running factories. Companies have jotted down the importance of Robots and would be preferring them in the future to assure smooth services in any situation.

8) Digital Events more feasible:

Before lockdown, there were many in-person events, but today all the event organizers have to take a digital platform to follow the designed schedule.

The unbelievable outcome received from the digital events is increased participation. People around the world are participating and rendering their opinion, either its technology-based event or a discussion on the economy.

Though there are some pros and cons in digital events, so in-person events might not be completely replaced, but there are huge chances that post-pandemic digital events would become part of normal life.

9. Rise in Esports:

Like all other things, the sports world had to shut down in the COVID stress. Event organizers, sponsors, and fans had to accept this unwanted reality. However, this lockdown disclosed an alternative way of enjoyment. There are e-versions of sports like F1 care racing which are telecasted on the television. Though they may not give the real feel, in the coming year there would be a better and more realistic look.

In the coming days, sports would choose the online platform and would use the most advanced technology to provide the most exciting and genuine sports feel.

COVID-19 might be disturbing businesses, economy, and progress, but it is teaching us how to be best by being at home and by avoiding the contact. It has developed an appetite to develop the most advanced version of the present technology. It has asked developers and IT professionals to extract the best from IoT and AI. It has warned the healthcare system to become more robust to face future pandemics and develop an intense bond with the latest technologies.

How will IoT Transform Transportation in the Coming Years?

How far have you imagined the development of technologies? Have you ever thought of automatic driving car in your childhood?

Few sci-fi movies might have created some imaginations, but who had thought IoT and AI would make it possible.

The holistic development of technology has changed the outlook of every sector. Healthcare, houses, towns are among things which are becoming smart along with the human race. The transportation sector is also benefiting from these changes to brush itself as more modernized and smart.

The transportation sector is evolving every day and thanks to IoT service providing companies which are inducing smartness to this industry.

The transportation sector has been offering safer, faster, cleaner and comfortable drives, and now IoT has taken the responsibility to make it smart.

As per the survey, global smart technology would touch $262 billion by 2025, and this would not be just financial success for manufacturers but would add a realistic approach to the expectations of users.

Don’t believe it? Read the blog to know how IoT would transform the transportation sector in years.

Assisted Driving:

The most prominent feature which IoT promises in transportation is safety. Smart transportation would have cars that would communicate with one another to improve supported driving features and ensure more safety.

Through IoT integrated communication, a driver would get the real-time data of other things present on the road to avoid any collision. The driver could use the data and take necessary steps like brake or turn and enjoy the smooth driving.

Though assisted driving features are no new as many vehicles have it but the inclusion of IoT into it would make it more useful and reliable. This integration also gives a base to driveless cars. Connecting IoT would allow vehicles to communicate with other vehicles and would help in better navigation. To be honest, safe and reliable self-driving cars would not have been possible without IoT.

You can too add IoT in your manufacturing business by contacting reliable and experienced IoT development company.

Read More: Will 2020 Be The Transition Phase of Internet Of Things?

Effective Navigation:

Improved navigation is helpful for humans, and IoT is the one which provides the most efficient navigation. Today, most of the people are dependent on GPS navigation which sometimes is slow to adapt the traffic changes, leading to frustration.

IoT navigation is a saviour in this situation. It is more helpful for the driver as it provides real-time information about traffic, blockages etc. Dynamic navigation can help in avoiding any type of hazard by providing real-time feedback to the driver.

Fluid navigation is best suited to services like environmental waste transport as accidents can cause spillage. To avoid accidents, drivers need proper real-time information on high traffic areas or spot accident-prone areas.

Maintenance clock:

Oil change sometimes comes up with a hefty repair bill. Any idea behind this unexpected bill?

Late servicing and inability to know when to go for vehicle maintenance is the primary reason behind this. There are many drivers who have no idea about when to get a vehicle checkup service. In this situation, IoT act as your assistant. It provides predictive maintenance of a vehicle and alerts drivers by highlighting urgent repair needs.

IoT devices installed in cars or vehicles analyze the performance of different parts and determines when servicing is required. It notifies the driver when something is about to damage.

The real-time information provided by IoT allows the driver to take the necessary steps and go for repair before any significant breakage occur. Not just this, it even provides a chance to manufacturers for more improvement. They can analyze the data from IoT devices and detect the common issues in their vehicles. Thus, they can use the information and make more reliable and safe cars.

Better Ridesharing:

Ridesharing is a new and useful trend which has been adopted and has brought disruptive changes in the transportation sector. IoT has made this trend more reliable and comfortable for the company as well as passengers.

Functional ridesharing depends on IoT, and it won’t work correctly unless a passenger could not see the location on the related app. Ridesharing even includes items like bicycles and scooters, so companies need to have their built-in device as well.

Read More: How can IoT be Used to Fight Against COVID-19?

A well established IoT network grants better vehicle surveillance by passengers and providers. It even helps by providing the fuel level information and determining the performance of a vehicle. With the provided data, companies could check that passengers are getting the car at peak performance levels.

Improved fleet management:

IoT has made everything more organized, particularly for fleet owners. IoT integration in transportation is helpful for a company that operates a fleet as they need to get the location of the vehicles, and how they are running. Through Iot enabled transportation, managers can get the real-time location of their trucks.

Not just tracking part, iot devices provide other services like weather analytics to help drivers for a safe journey, fuel economy tracking for fleet managers to calculate regular expenses like gas and maintenance. These features add more money and fast deliveries and reduced maintenance cost.

Introducing IoT in Transportation:

Well, IoT has already added a lot more than expectations. If you see the surrounding then would found that IoT has already become part of our daily life. IoT service providers are exploring the best versions to make the surrounding more smart and accurate.

Statista states that the connected car market expanded by 45% between 2018-2019 and would observe a hike in the global shipment of 76 million units by 2023.

Hence, it is no wrong to conclude that car companies are familiar with IoT and its wondrous offering, and they are capitalizing it as well. In coming year IoT would submerge the transportation sector fully, exploring safer, smart and reliable vehicles. Connected cars would become part of normal life, and roads would be more safe and convenient for everyone.

If you still not thinking about modernizing your products or adding IoT to your business, then it might emerge as a significant loss in coming future because the coming year would be based on IoT. If you want some help or assistance, then consult a reliable IoT development company.

Will 2020 Be The Transition Phase of Internet Of Things?

The rapid transformation in technology observed today is the possible outcome of IoT exploration and development. Its introduction and then attempt for holistic adoption by the businesses have dragged in several changes. There are IoT development companies which are aiming to get the best version of IoT for making everything smart and intelligent.

IoT system has determined its place in several sectors, either its factory equipment or clothing, product manufacturing or toy factory. It has shown that everything could be intelligent by combining sensor technology with machine learning.

But have you ever thought, what is the future of IoT? How many devices are connected and will be connected by 2020,2025, etc. It was predicted that 30 billion things would be connected to the Internet by 2020.

The future of IoT:

  • Statista predicts that more than 30 billion gadgets will be connected to the Internet by 2020. It further reveals that by 2025, 75 billion devices will be connected IoT.
  • The International Data Corporation (IDC) forecast, stated that there would be a steady growth of IoT devices in the upcoming years, resulting in the growth of market value and data usage.

Thus, this gives an idea about the upcoming appearance of the IoT. It supports that IoT will undoubtedly take off on a bigger scale. Let us check the IoT trends to watch in 2020 that would undoubtedly make us took at it.

Any prediction for Data Management, Security, and Broader Reach?

a) 5G network role:

IDC forecasts state “there will be 41.6 billion connected IoT devices, or“things,” generating 79.4 zettabytes (ZB) of data in 2025.”

The data consumption will be ranging from smaller metrics-use of devices and limited data transfer to image & video using image identification. Currently, IoT connected devices face problems because of network velocity, but this will change with the introduction and adoption of 5G networks worldwide.

The improved data flow will leverage manufacturing, surveillance applications, healthcare, etc.

c) Edge computing and IoT:

Not to forget, another tech development which affects IoT capabilities is edge computing.

This technology holds the capacity to bring computing power and data storage closer to connected devices and end-users, making them more productive.

Integration with 5G networks, Edge computing, would improve data processing and explore the potentials of IoT devices. It would even accelerate data transport speed and decelerate data latency.

Read More: IoT- An Advanced Approach to Update Small Businesses

d) Security comes First:

The data-driven technology has dragged us into a world, where data security and privacy have weakened.

World Economic Forum has warned that Internet of Thing, Quantum computing and Artificial Intelligence would be the biggest threat for the upcoming years. In WEF’s Global Risks Report 2020, it recognises the need and potential of the emerging tech but also warns for the possible threats to be faced. Gartner study shared that in the last three years approx. 20% of companies suffered an IoT-based attack.

Thus, this supports the fact that though IoT draws immense benefits, but companies need to be more attentive on securing the safety of connected devices. A reliable and experienced IoT development service providers could help you in exploring the best of IoT without tangling in piracy issues.

To recommend one, using Blockchain technology might come up as a solution to security issues.

e) IIoT:

As IoT is scripting a new story by creating smart homes, smart towns, roads etc. the modern industry is the place where this technology shines. To support the statement, let me tell you, heavy industry, manufacturing industry and logistics industry are going to get the benefits from connected devices to its best.

The beneficial combination of IoT and industries is referred to as Industry 4.0. This can enhance productivity by using real-time data from connected devices by making dangerous work safer or improving coordination among employees.

It is expected that future factories would be better optimised and data-based.

f) IoT in Automotive industry:

Today, automotive industries are the one which is always ready to use the most innovative solutions, and it has enthusiastically welcomed IoT as well. The latest and advanced cars are already using IoT for enhancing the safety of drivers, passengers & others.

IoT is now being used for the development of self-driving vehicles as connected devices play an important role in it. IoT can be employed to communicate the car with the surroundings and translate the data into actionable decisions for distance, speed resulting in the automotive future.

Read More: How IoT Solutions can Enhance Agriculture in 2020?

g) IoT in healthcare:

IoT has already proved its versatility in the current COVID-19 situation. IoT has digitised the healthcare sector through wearables and sensors. Different devices are being used to track the health and habits of patients. The small-sized devices and longer battery life have increased the usage of the IoT in this sector. IoT allows the medical staffs to segregate valuable data collected throughout the day for analysis of patients’ health.

h) Shift of Role- Reports to Actions:

IoT has shown another world which would have been impossible. IoT can be called as a miracle, which can turn impossibilities into possibilities.

By the end of 2020, IoT would take up another role. In the current period, IoT is holding responsibility for tracking and reporting information on a multitude of environments. The massive data collected is sensed by Artificial Intelligence for analysis. In coming years, IoT device will just not provide the reports but also share insightful suggestions to the technicians.

Once, IoT will begin providing insightful advice; it might eat up many jobs. IoT systems will shift its role from observing the world to changing the world. IoT devices will record data, store data and will even make decisions on behalfs of their human administrators.

i) Improved user adoption:

Though the use of IoT has been quite significant in the past few years, but still, the data security issue has not allowed its entrance in everyone’s life. The pace is still not to the expected one. However, the introduction of smart homes and many other life-changing devices will surely grow IoT into the best version.

Wrapping Up:

IoT is not just a tech opportunity but a business opportunity. There is a lot more to be explored in IoT. You can make your home, office, product, etc. smart now. Then, what are you waiting for?

Contact Prompt Softech to get the most efficient IoT solutions to make your products smart.

How can IoT be Used to Fight Against COVID-19?

The current COVID-19 is disturbing countries; the increasing cases and death news has alerted everyone.WHO has declared COVID-19 a global pandemic on 11 March 2020.

The world is facing challenges currently like identifying the origin of the epidemic, decelerating its spread, and having enough medical resources to treat patients.

Pain points in a virus pandemic:

The increased spread of the COVID-19 has punctured all the services and exposed many structural problems in governments’ health response systems.

All these sudden exposers of the problems redirect us to the conclusion – inability to regulate the solutions which can dominate the expansion of the outbreak.

Tracking the eye of an outbreak, quarantining the infected patients to stop the further spread, treating infected patients, and making sure for no spread between medical staff and patients. All these ‘needs of the time’ require enormous human resources.

The accelerated epidemic will curb the system and will make it more fragile and weak.

Any way or solution that can help in this pandemic?

IoT Application during COVID-19:

In this current COVID-19 crisis, IoT is already contributing to managing some aspects of the COVID-19.

For instance, drones are already employed for monitoring roads and the public to assure quarantine and wearing masks. AI has also been adopted to predict future outbreaks.

Some notable applications of IoT:

  • IoT integrated thermometers are being used in hospitals and other public places to screen patients and staff to detect which US countries are seeing an increase in fever( high fever is the symptom of COVID-19). These map-wise data generated provides unparalleled real-time disease surveillance, which enables health services to respond as early as possible.
  • IoT connected wearables have become an essential part of the Corona crises. In Wuhan, China, Patients and staff at a field hospital wore rings and bracelets synched with an AI platform for monitoring vital signs like temperature, heart rate and blood oxygen levels. The government of Hong Kong is using electronic tracker wristbands to inform and alert administration ( health authorities) if any person is coming from international destinations and is not following compulsory home quarantine directed by them. On the other side, a team of entrepreneurs have developed an advanced wristband that vibrates when a person wearing it tries to touch his/her face ( the most probable way through which virus is spread.)
  • Robots are used to relieve the stress of healthcare workers and contribute to assisting in treatments. The 5G connected robots deliver drinks, food and medication to patients. They are even used to disinfect hospitals and other risk locations.
  • In Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada), hospitals are installing IoT buttons (battery operated and connected through LTE-M) that sends alerts to management for cleanliness or maintenance issues that can cause risk of virus spread, endangering lives. Through this facility managers can track signals and staffs’ response time to schedule the cleaning rotations.
  • Drones are not just monitoring lockdown but are carrying medical samples and supplies to and from COVID-19 hotspots. Drones are also employed for spraying disinfectant in some public spaces and vehicles which are crossing through the most affected areas.

Well, the time has re-defined the potentials of the IoT services and the requirement of it in businesses. There are IoT app development companies which can help you and your business for staying safe.

Also Read: IoT- An Advanced Approach to Update Small Businesses

Investigation of COVID-19 through IoT:

The numerous and diverse data collected by mobile devices are used by IoT for various application during this COVID-19 stress.

IoT can be used to discover the origin of an outbreak:

An IoT based study by researchers at MIT used aggregated mobile phone data to trace the spread of dengue virus in Singapore during 2013-2014.

The overlaying GIS ( Geographical information system) on IoT mobile data from the patients can help in many ways. On one hand it can help epidemiologists in tracing the patient zero. On the other hand, it can help in identifying people who have come in touch with the infected one as they may be infected.

Restricting People for quarantine using IoT:

IoT can act as a watcher to ensure that patients are following the quarantine properly. Health care personnel can monitor the infected person following is quarantine or breached it. If the person has breached then through IoT data, one can track who else may be exposed to the virus through the infected person.

IoT holding responsibility for patient care and management:

The attributes of IoT has come in deep use for the surveillance of patients who either need to be quarantined at home or need in-hospital care.

With IoT, patients can check their temperature and upload the data of the same with their mobile devices to the cloud for analysis. This facility grants help worker accessibility to maximum data in less time while assuring no spread of the virus through a patient.

Through IoT devices, medical staff can keep remote monitoring of in-home patients with chronic conditions like diabetes or hypertension. The regular checkup of heartbeat and blood pressure through wearables can provide a big relief to the medical workers. The provided data can be analysed for identifying the pattern.

Also Read: Is IIoT is the Fourth Industrial Revolution?

IoT to remain Healthy:

Adding IoT in your indoor environments could help you in staying safe from the infectious disease in today’s world.

According to EPA, indoor air in homes might be more polluted than outdoor air. The advent of COVID-19 has closed the outside world. Thus, we have to stay inside breathing impure air, which can never be healthy. Having a good IoT enabled indoor air management can add a lot to your living.

In offices, the indoor environment should be healthy and comfortable. The business owners should add an indoor air quality management program that can control contaminations and maintain ventilation.

In an indoor air quality program, IoT platform monitors the air quality by detecting the pollutants and helps in maintaining the fresh air inflow. It even provides actionable data which one can use to address existing issues and document your improvement over time.

IoT, IoT and Only IoT:

It is now obvious that the combination of existing technology and the IoT components can be used to empower the healthcare system to deal with the disease. The only obstacle is that- they are fragmented but not connected.

This means that systems need to be able to build up its infrastructure quicky to connect to the data collection components, processing and storage to enable the system to tract disease, monitor quarantine and keep a watch on an infected one.

In the coming years, IoT would get a special place for its contribution to the development of the health care system. It could detect the infection more quickly and deliver other services more efficiently. The advanced health care management in an office or any other place may include indoor sensor technology for virus detection, pollutant or any other toxic.

Thus getting IoT services or contacting an IoT development company would be better for your health and business as well.

In the end, Stay Safe.

Prompt Softech Named Top Internet of Things Developer by Clutch

Our team here at Prompt Softech has some exciting news to share with you all! just called our offices here in beautiful Ahmedabad and let us know that Prompt Softech was named one of the world’s best Internet of Things developers by Clutch! Internet of Things is an essential part of any modern business that seeks to integrate devices and recognize the realities of connectivity. That is why we’re thrilled to announce that Clutch listed us as one of the best!

Clutch’s offices are located in the throbbing heart of America’s capital city, in the pulsing historical neighborhood DuPont Circle. Their team of qualified analysts take the time to independently verify each and every client review they conduct with clients around the world, so you can feel confident you’re receiving honest and true information. When you seek information on B2B service providers, there is no greater place to turn than

That is why we are so thrilled to showcase our 4.8-star rating on Clutch! In a five-star review, the CTO of Splashtrack LLC Inspiration highlighted our impressive clear and regular communication and our deep knowledge as we did software development for the company.

“I have doubled the size of my business thanks to Prompt Softech’s help.” – Owner, Salesforce Consulting

CRM Development Review

Because of many more satisfied reviews, the esteemed B2B hiring guide Clutch listed us as one of the top internet of things service providers for 2020!

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If you’re looking for an internet of things service provider with a reputation you can trust, reach out today!

IoT- An Advanced Approach to Update Small Businesses

Are you in the race to turn into a successful entrepreneur?

Is the transition in the technology is often worrisome?

Looking for something which can settle you as a hard competitor to already matured businesses?

It’s absolutely a significant challenge to make a stand in the market. Either if you are in health care or product making, the level of competition is sweat shedding.

Well, IoT is something which can level up your business to an extent, and you can get smart IoT solutions from a trustworthy and experienced iot development company.

The new ‘in-trend’ IoT culture has already influenced the market to an unexpected level. The adoption by different sectors and the change in financial statistics is the result of the IoT inclusion in the market. Tighten your belt and add smart to your products by getting help from IoT Development Services providers to get in the list of successful businesses.

Before you approach an iot app development company, consider reading:

“Why get IoT Development Services?”

1) IoT generated Data:

Knowing consumer behaviour plays a crucial role in making a business successful. IoT can create tons of data that inform the company about consumer behaviour, habits, device usage etc.

For instance, a company can know how frequently or at what times a customer uses its devices and patterns in preferences.

Analyzing the data will give an idea to the businesses about the customers’ need and can develop new products or make changes in their existing ones. They can also utilize the data for sales and marketing campaigns.

2) Better track of supplies and inventory:

For businesses which have to monitor their stock and storage, IoT is a marvel for them. Companies can use smart devices in their warehouses and storage units that can monitor and track turnover in merchandise. Not just this, it will also stop the corrupt practices done in the warehouses as smart devices will provide the real-time information of any changes that occurred in the inventory and when to restock.

3) Develops Transparency:

IoT maintains transparency by taking customers in the loop. For instance, when a customer orders a product, he can track the order starting from shipment to the expected delivery date. The whole process is possible only through smart sensors. Companies can also upgrade by providing transparency in terms of performance expectations.

For example, if a product faces failure, then a company can use performance analytics and customer behaviour to dig the reason and improve accordingly.

Also Read: How IoT Solutions can Enhance Agriculture in 2020?

4) Empower Employee to Work Remotely:

Work from home is the standard facility which most of the companies are providing to their employees rather than expecting them to come office every day. This facility is cost-saving for both employees as well as employers. The former can save time and expenditure on commuting while ensuring better performance and later can reduce expenses such as workstation and office equipment.

IoT has made this facility more feasible by providing access to essential files and programs remotely and controls over office equipment and devices from home.

For instance, they can organize a meeting without even being physically present by switching on the lights, showing a presentation via a smart monitor, etc.

5) Innovations and opportunities hand in hand:

IoT has been providing uncountable opportunities to different sectors for growth. To claim the importance, the precise pieces of evidence are self-driving cars and safety sensors in automobiles, Alexa and flic etc.

In fact, governments are planning to develop smart cities by installing smart lighting, parking and water. Healthcare industry is already taking the leverage of IoT solution to standardize the process and lower down the functional hassles.

IoT isn’t limited to a single sector; it has penetrated its importance in almost every industry, say manufacturing or automobiles, smart homes or agriculture.

IoT app development companies are potentially working to explore the optimal uses of IoT.

The adoption of IoT has maintained the data log and enabled real-time access to it. Companies can analyze data and its pattern to work and improve their products. They can predict the demand of the consumers and shift their business perspective accordingly.

To sum up:

IoT has already changed the existing process of businesses as well as technology. It is predicted that this year the IoT would improve the working process of many other sectors.

In 2019, as per Statista, there would be 30.73 billion total installed bases of IoT connected devices in 2020 and 75.44 billion by 2025.

Thus, IoT will not only be changing the business outlook but also be introducing a change in the customers’ lives.

If you still belong to an out of range world, then you must consider diving into the IoT world. You must take a smart step and connect to one of iot app development companies and make your business smart and highly productive.

We’ll help and guide you to get the best iot solutions in the face of an app or device. Prompt softech has been serving IoT services for the industries like healthcare, manufacturing, dairy and logistics etc. Get in touch to experience the charm of the IoT world.