iot application development company

How IoT Solutions can Enhance Agriculture in 2020?

After taking a look at the attempts made by IoT to influence different sectors and technologies, its clear that IoT has developed a remarkable space in all the types of market, say manufacturing or smart home, mobile app or healthcare etc. Most of the attempts are successful and are strongly upheaving the business.

Well, this IoT would not have been possible without iot application development company. A reliable and proficient iot development services hold all the power to change the virtual thoughts into reality.

Since the population is increasing rapidly, the demand for food and crop is obvious to be noticed. Improper crop management and storage is the leading reason for the “food-shortage” disaster.

An iot development company can help in this crisis by integrating the whole agricultural process with IoT.

Why Internet of Things in agriculture?

Contributing to making better agricultural tradition, IoT is used to do precision farming, carry out greenhouse activities, management and monitoring of fish farms.

Various systems contribute to IoT in agriculture and are used as per the needs of the area and its production. For instances, livestock monitoring hardware, fish farming hardware, automation and control systems, sensing and monitoring device, software and smart greenhouse hardware.

Applications of IoT for:

  • Livestock & plant disease monitoring
  • Yield measurement
  • Quota systems
  • Soil conditioning
  • Remote machine control
  • Computer platform controller
  • Mobile platform controller

What do you need to imply IoT to farmland:

Application of IoT in farming is only possible if the farmland has sensor networks, data analytics software, machine to machine communication, mobile or computer-based application and management system.

The different tech tools supporting IoT for farm management enables for making informed decisions at the right time.

Read More: Know How IoT can Double Your Hospitality Business?

Advantages of including IoT solutions in agriculture:

Better insight into Internal processes:

  • Site managers will get a better view of the farm field by providing precise data of the soil strength, crop health, track the performance of the fleets etc. These will provide detailed information covering all the facets of agriculture from beginning to an end with IoT technologies.

Enhanced Coordination of the Process:

  • Inclusion of IoT application into the agriculture sector provides a way to analyse the existing data and modify the farming methods if needed. Through advanced machine learning and data visualization tools, real-time data monitoring has become possible. Thus, it aids in substantial growth in a cost-effective way.

Improvement in Productivity:

  • The ultimate goal of adding advanced agriculture is to increase productivity. Smart agriculture is an attempt to improve yield on a large scale. IoT helps in the same from the very starting point to the last end.
  • IoT assists in precision farming, autonomous tractors, extensive flood control methods via IoT sensors and forecast.
  • Smart agriculture is the top call of the generation as it is capable of improving the existing irrigation facilities, which can increase crop yield by offering end-to-end IoT agriculture monitoring.

Higher Return on Investment:

  • Organic farming has owned the market by showcasing its substantial health benefits. People are falling for it in a flow, thus shifting to organic farming provides better earning opportunity.
  • IoT solutions can back the concept as it can ensure less crop wastage and better yield. It provides analyzed data on most’ most’ favourable condition” which can be utilized for farming.
    Prediction for informed decision making.
  • Precise farm management process can be possible only through the smart agriculture monitoring system by using IoT data visualization tools, detailed overview of asset health, soil condition and other related factors.
  • The predictive analysis helps farmers by providing a complete solution through a single dashboard using smart farming IoT solutions.

Read More: Top 13 Expected IoT Trends of 2020

Best Quality Yield:

  • Good quality yield is the only ‘target’ of the farm owner because it influences their earning. IoT can help to get more potent and flourishing agriculture land for farming.
  • IoT helps to create a smart greenhouse implanted with micro-controllers, sensors that can capture the plant growth, lighting and pest usage.
  • The inclusion of IoT helps in adopting Eco-farming, ending the negative impacts of chemical that causes health hazards.

The agriculture industry is ready to welcome the all-new innovations and smart technologies which can improve and enhance productivity. It has accepted IoT for the development of the industry by analyzing the information gathered from sensors, weather station and other machinery.

In a nutshell:

Iot development company holding years of experience in providing IoT solutions can help in maturing old-traditional agriculture. It is expected that IoT solutions will increase productivity while enhancing the efficiency of the field and agriculture tools.

The add on provided by IoT are- water conservation, reduced crop spoilage, reduced fuel wastage and early prediction of looming risks.

The endless potency of IoT has changed the outlook of different sectors. If you are a landowner and looking for a farming solution to earn more, then IoT is the best solution to go with. Contact an iot application development company and turn your imagination into a reality.

Know How IoT can Double Your Hospitality Business?

IoT this very much ‘in-use’ word can be simply moulded as a concept to connect all digital devices embedded with software, sensors, network connectivity and necessary electronics. It permits them to collect and exchange data, making them responsive and “smart”. The Internet of Things has now fitted itself in all industries, viz logistics, healthcare, sports, agriculture manufacturing, travel and tourism etc. But its intervention in the hospitality industry has many things to talk about. The boom in technology has developed the requirement of IoT services in almost all services. You can also make your business smart by getting IoT Development Services.

In hospitality, it can be defined as a network of digital devices and machines interrelated through the internet for better guest experience in minimal costing.

Here, am listing a few examples of hospitality where IoT has been engraving its worth.

  • Marriott have a live Internet of Things room. They are providing a facility of the most realistic virtual life. The room is capable of doing various automated activities.
  • Le-Meridian Goa, Calangute has also used IoT to reduce energy consumption and offer an exceptional guest experience.

Why adopt IoT in Hospitality?

Customisation is something which attracts people and providing the same facility would undoubtedly place your hotel and services on the top.

Customisation makes people feel important and being in hospitality, its the most crucial point to be focused.

We can predict that hospitality can carve the optimal benefit from IoT to enhance customer experiences.

Highly valued IoT solutions for hotels:

  • Helpful for HR, front desk management and housekeeping.
  • Positive reviews of the visitors and one to one customer engagement ultimately lead to more revenue generation.
  • Less unpredicted ad-hoc maintenance calls. Scheduled maintenance helps in proper management and contribute to saving cost and money.
  • Guest data management becomes easy. The proper analysis of habits, likes, dislikes, preferences and spending patterns allows providing a better-enhanced experience.

So in the end, both the sides i.e. guest and hospitality take the leverage of IoT services which can be only developed by proficient iot application development company.

How IoT entertains guests?

Guest experience is a measuring factor in the hotel industry, and this fact cannot be ignored. The whole hospitality industry runs on the reviews of the guests.

So the inclusion of IoT can provide exclusive services to increase the comfort level of the guests.

  • Check-in and Check out queues would be no more headache.
  • In-house navigation would help in finding the way to restaurants and other amenities.
  • Customised offers/food would pamper the guest.
  • Fixing room temperature, music, lighting as per the choice of the guest to provide exceptional comfort.
  • Ideal water temperature and remembering the food choices of the guest.

Thes are just some apparent advantages of including IoT in the business.

Read More: Is IIoT is the Fourth Industrial Revolution?

How IoT helps the hotel industry?

For hotel industry, including IoT is like “having the best of all possible worlds.” Let’s check the possible positive ways through which IoT can help:

1) Automatic Room Services:

The automatic room services ultimately fulfil the motive of guests visiting your hotel. They expect comfort and personalised stay, which is only possible through IoT.

For instances, you can adopt a centralised network of automated systems to deliver customised solutions.

Guests can fill out all there preferences like food, temperature, lighting etc. and then everything will be served as per their choices.

A virtual assistant can give a wake-up call to the guest, or smart sensor can make coffee once the guest gets up.

Sensors can detect the absence of the guests and switch off all the services automatically.

In fact, sensors can start shower at a particular time with a set temperature on voice command or through the app.

2) Hotel Maintenance in a smart way:

The hospitality industry has to spend many bucks on maintenance. If it could be detected and sorted out by sensors gradually then it would contribute in reduction of loses.

The IoT sensors can do this and make the maintenance culture smart and secure. It can detect the damaged appliances and fix it automatically, or it can notify you about the same.

Sensors can be installed to detect issues like leaking taps or fused lights to reduce human resources and water wastages.

3) In-room Features:

Through IoT, you can offer keyless doors, set temperatures ( as per the guest’s preference), music, lighting etc.

Amazon’s smart products like Alexa, a voice-based interaction assistant, can be used to control and adjust the in-room features.

4) Smart solutions for building and logistics:

IoT can provide a whole new look to the building and logistics by making it smart and efficient.

Stock management, facility management and inventory can be regularly monitored and better managed in IoT enabled ambience.

This confers better guest experience and maintains the whole management smoothly.

Read More: Cloud-MANET and IoT Collaboration- A New Era of Technology?

5) Energy management:

Proper energy management can reduce all the useless expenditure caused by the hotel industry. This is possible through IOT and it could aid in reducing energy cost to 20 per cent.

When we talk about IoT and energy-saving, then don’t limit it till heating, air conditioning or ventilating. There are devices like a smart thermostat, occupancy sensors, and machine learning algorithms which analyse the energy usage pattern, weather and peak season demand to manage the energy requirement demand.

6) Cross property integration:

How about centrally calibrating the data of guest for all the hotel chains? Well, IoT would enable you for the same for future purposes and uses. It would learn the choices and preferences of the guest and would set it if guest visits the hotel situated at any place. The visitors would experience the customisation at different chains of same hotel (ultimately making them loyal).

On the other hand, this would bring transparency across properties as data would be uploaded in the CRM.

I won’t say that the above-mentioned roles are definite because IoT can be potentially utilised only if your aim to explore it. IoT is all about its explorations and integrations.

Some IoT devices for the hospitality industry:

  • Amazon Alexa: Alexa is a virtual assistant who is ready to serve the guests anytime. It empowers them by providing voice-control to different smart devices. The guest experiences the most customised and personal stay in the hotel.
  • Mount Kelvin: Mount Kelvin, a device developed to provide extraordinary experiences to guests for their in-room preferences and comforts through controls. From light to curtain, heating to air condition- it provides all the control to the guest making them king of the room.
  • Flic: Flic is another way to enhance the guest experience. It has a wireless Bluetooth button with customizable options that notify the guests for coffee, towels, linen (basic services they demand) just with a press of button.
  • Nest Thermostats: It is a smart thermostat which helps in saving money and energy while providing full temperature comfort. It is connected to the hotel’s booking system. It saves the cost by knowing the occupancy of the room. When guest enter it adjusts the temperature as per the guest’s preference.

These IoT solutions will certainly submerge the hospitality industry by making itself “requirement”.

IoT is a one-time investment and has been predicted as a long-time benefit provider for all the industries.

If you too want to embrace the IoT benefits then must contact reliable iot development company.

IoT development services providers can turn your thoughts into an actual reality. In the coming seasons, IoT would be no more a ‘surprise’ as it would be integrated with most of the devices.

Perhaps you need to come in the loop of IoT trends and make your administration and working better in all the possible ways.

Developer Skills Required for Successful Enterprise IoT Projects

Successful launch of IoT project then rafting it on the success stream and ending its as the spondulicks-oriented project remains tough if developer skill lacks for the completion of an IoT project in an IoT development company:

  • Embedded firmware developers
  • Back-end developers
  • App developers
  • Data scientists
  • Hardware designers
  • Wireless communications experts
  • Front-end developers
  • Automation and systems integration engineers

The first and the future determining step of any IoT project is – defining a goal and drafting a proof-of-concept system to reach the goals.  At this stage, one needs a subset of the skills, but once project lines up in success, the requirement of breadth and depth of team increases.

In an IoT application development company, it is possible that an individual developer can have several skills, but sometimes each skill requires their team. The number of people or the need of a separate team is dependent on the complexity of the project and its success. Huge success demands extreme hard work hence more bucks to hire more people.

A) Hardware Designers:

IoT, being a most-in-demand system, have some terms and conditions in the form of custom hardware design. The complexity of the hardware depends on the projects. Simple projects require hardware modules and reference designs for which a primary electrical engineering education is enough. Complex project demands considerably more experience and expertise.

Typical skills required:

  • RF and antenna design
  • Clocks, signal routing experience
  • Interfacing: SPI, I2C, JTAG, USB, GPIO
  • Production and component sourcing
  • Low-power design and power consumption optimization,
  • Printed Circuit Board (PCB) design
  • Chip selection: microcontrollers, sensors, interface chips

B) Embedded Firmware Developers:

IoT application development company have Embedded developers who turn the concept into magic. These are the software people that work on software at an extreme level, very close to the bare metal hardware. This software is called firmware.

The typical background consists of computer architecture, electrical engineering and software development. Embedded developers have to deal with prototype versions of the final hardware and their desks, indeed a messy work.

Typical skills required:

  • Programming languages: C, assembly language, C++
  • Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) experience: FreeRTOS, Contiki, Zephyr
  • Source code version control
  • Embedded Linux
  • Physical and information security
  • Platforms: Texas Instruments, ARM Cortex, AVR, Microchip, Arduino, Raspberry Pi.

Also Read: Is It Easy to Have an Embedded Software Development?

C) Wireless Communications Experts:

The IoT Project roams around wireless services, but wireless is hard because it integrates the complexities of the physical world with the complexities of software.

Necessary background for a wireless communication expert is- wireless communication, network protocols, and software development. For consumer-level IoT systems, wireless communication proficiency is required to connect the devices smoothly via Bluetooth to users’ smartphones.

Typical skills required:

  • Wireless mesh networking
  • Good understanding of power consumption
  • Network simulation
  • Good knowledge of wireless propagation
  • Protocols: TCP/IP, IPv4, IPv6, RPL, TLS, WiFi, Bluetooth, 6lowpan, ZigBee, LoRA, MQTT, CoAP

D) Back-End Developers:

In IoT systems, the back-end is a system where databases and application logic is stored. It is generally deployed in a cloud host and stores data from the IoT devices while authenticating users and providing APIs for the front-end, meanwhile integrating with other systems.

Typical skills required:

  • Database: MySQL, MongoDB, Redis
  • DevOps experience
  • Programming languages: JavaScript, Go, Python, Ruby
  • Cloud platforms: Amazon AWS, Heroku, Microsoft Azure

E) Front-End Developers:

Most IoT projects have a front-end in the form of a web page for providing a platform to the users of the system for interaction purposes. So, it needs to be easy to use, secure, can work in the most common web browsers and need to be updated.

Front-ends are developed in HTML and require framework written in JavaScript. Front-end developers are responsible for creating visual experiences, often by writing lots of text on a screen.

Typical skills required:

  • UI/UX design
  • HTML, CSS, Javascript
  • Experience with user interviews and HCI
  • Web development frameworks: Vue.js, React, Bootstrap

Also Read: Is IoT is Actively Shaping Security Needs at Edge?

F) App Developers:

Many IoT projects, particularly user-facing use a mobile app as the user interface. As the project proceeds, the mobile app experience becomes more and more critical. This reflects that two versions of the app need to be developed and update that is iOS and Android. Possibly, a native hybrid app which is developed in HTML is the way to do. Experienced app developers are aware of the benefits and challenges of hybrid or native frameworks.

Typical skills required:

  • Native/ hybrid frameworks: Phonegap/Cordova, Ionic, Angular, React, Vue
  • Android, iOS development
  • Programming languages: Java, Swift, Objective C, JavaScript

G) Systems Integration and Automation and Engineers:

Most of the times, IoT projects require integration with existing software. Generally, software integration is an underrated task that consumes significant effort and requires a specific set of skills to be successful.

One needs to check the proper functioning of integration as well. Certainly for this, one needs automatic testing and systems integration, and automation engineers are hired for this purpose.

Typical skills required:

  • Automated testing frameworks: Jenkins, Mocha, Travis
  • Programming languages: Javascript, Java, Python, Bash

H) Data Scientists:

IoT projects are about data, and one needs to extract the synopsis from it. Initially, this may be simple as putting Key performance indicators into an excel sheet to compare them, but with the progress, it requires in-depth data analysis. Then, comes the role of data scientists to extract the beneficial and future determining data for the success of the project.

Typical skills:

  • Programming languages: Matlab, R, Python
  • Statistics, AI, machine learning, data mining
  • Tools: Excel, Google BigQuery, Hadoop, TensorFlow, Spark

I) In a nutshell:

A full-featured IoT project needs a wide range of skills for its success. Initially, you might not find the importance or need of all the skill, but once the project begins for real, all the above-listed skills become mandatory.