IoT Product

Top 13 Expected IoT Trends of 2020

2020 has just arrived and hence stir in technology is obvious to notice. IoT has been grabbing the attention since it has made a space in the technology, and its tremendous use in the coming year is absolutely predictable.

Gartner has predicted that in the year 2020, about 20 billion devices would be connected to the IoT. The IoT product and IoT development service providers would generate a $300 billion business in revenue.

So, let’s check the top 13 IoT technology trends that would define the future of IoT in 2020 and beyond.

1. Smart Home Devices:

Those who have been rejecting smart home technology and referred it as unrealistic toys couldn’t be able to resist the attractiveness of smart home devices with IoT. The IoT based devices would not just introduce automation but would assure home security and the safety of your family.

For instance, Dryers that warn you when the accumulation of lint gets too high can prevent a fire. This kind of smart home functionality would be a part of the IoT connected smart system.

Another perspective that would be tackled through IoT is to ‘save energy’. Smart lighting and intelligent thermostats would help in the motive while relieving people from heaving electricity bills.

2. Edge Computing Will Dominate Over Cloud Computing:

Edge computing would overtake the importance of storing data over the cloud. IoT has been connected to the cloud for data storage. But with the urgency of time, IoT development and developers and manufacturers have realized the utility of storing, analyzing and calculating data to a determined limit to churn the beneficial outcome.

This means that all the data collected through IoT will not be directly stored in the cloud. Data would be collected to a local device located closer to the IoT device or at the edge of the network. The data would be analyzed and filtered and then would be sent to the cloud promising less traffic to the system.

This whole process is referred to as “edge computing”; this entry offers many advantages.

    • Manages a large amount of data sent from the device
    • Reduces dependency on the cloud
    • Minimizes latency

Through this way, IoT application would consume less bandwidth and works even when the connectivity to the cloud is affected.

These exceptional features demonstrate that future technology would adopt IoT to an extreme level. The limited engagement of the cloud ensures better security practices and reduces connectivity costs. Thus the coming year would spin the best solutions from twelve-year-old, IoT.

3. Healthcare Will Adopt IoT:

The coming year would experience a big boom of IoT in the healthcare industry.

As per Frost and Sullivan, the Internet of medical things could expand to make an annual growth rate of up to 26.2% and would reach $ 72,000 million by the end of 2021.

Healthcare devices such as medical equipment, portable devices, sensors, monitor of health and a variety of other medical devices are designed in a way to connect with IoT.

Since, the connectivity of the techie as well as general people to the Internet, has been massively established, the attraction to IoT becomes a normal fact.

Today there are mobile health applications and virtual assistants to keep an eye on patient’s health through smart wearables and implants that informs the patient’s parameters and series of other smart devices has reframed the outlook of the medical world.

4. IoT Security On Top:

As the IoT is getting penetrated in the different industries, the connection of more devices is veneering the risk of data piracy. Thus, this reason has boosted the demand for tight IoT security.

As of now, all IoT devices are not featured with the kind of security features that laptops and computers have. By this year, the changes are the most expected thing to be done.

The necessary inclusions would be:

    • Biometric logins necessary
    • Artificial intelligence, machine learning and big data techniques would be used to identify and protect data infractions

5. AI & Big Data World:

Today billions of industrial devices and consumer are connected to IoT and hence, a massive amount of data transmission is needed to be processed and analyzed accordingly.

The purpose is not to collect data but also to extract the potential information from the bulk of data. For that, some seriously big data and artificial engineering techniques would be required to process all the information.

Merge of AI, IoT and Big Data would create a new advanced generation application assuring security.

6. Blockchain for IoT Security:

The inclusion and success of IoT Security would introduce the decentralization of many financial and government institutions, entrepreneurs, industrialists and consumers, making them quite smart and independent. Nowadays, some companies are observed building territory on the entanglement of IOTA to develop modules and other components for firms without the cost of Cloud & SaaS.

IOTA is a distributed ledger designed to record and execute transactions between devices in the IoT ecosystem.

7. Improved Data Analytics:

This year can surprise us with the latest invention done by the combination of IoT with AI. It could become a decision-making assistant for all businesses and individual.

AI is a machine learning system that masters identifying trends. IoT trends would expose better data analysis and assures protection. Besides this, it would also collect information from considerable data to frame better decisions for our lives.

8. Smart Cities To Turn Into Mainstream:

In the past years, states have been implementing more technologies and sensors to utilize accessible data collection tools to their full potential.

Soon, IoT trends would influence the cities which envisions investing in pioneering exchanges of data that permits access and the amalgamation of data between public and private organizations together with citizens.

The integration of IoT with receptive cities would open sustainable development, improved security and reduced traffic congestion.

9. Personalization of the Retail Experience:

IoT has stepped into the retail supply chain, making it more efficient now. With the introduction of sensors and other smart technique, shopping has become quite easy, and people can do it more precisely.

Observations and indulgence of IoT Trends in this sector would provide a personalized commercial presence. You could receive a discount notification on a product and even get the exact product you want, from your favourite store. Thus, this new addition to the shopping world would provide a personalized retail experience.

10. Predictive Maintenance Boost:

In the coming days, the home would keep an eye on every home assets and would inform you about the appliances failures, plumbing leaks, electrical failures to skip the looming disasters.

In future, there would be home care offers as a contract service. They would take care of things( issues) irrespective of your presence and absence. Currently, various home insurance companies deliver the services as they are aware of the nature of smart sensors and various other connected devices which are affected by IoT trends.

11. Software-as-a-Service Turns as a Norm:

When the IoT technology trends come in a role, then software as service is concerned as hot topics for the estimated markets.

SaaS, which requires a low cost of entry, has become a favourite in the IT gaming sector.

12. Creation of Unified Framework for Integration:

Lack of a unified IoT framework is one of the worrying challenges IoT has been facing while cooperating with the industries. Many companies don’t have a central platform thus are unable to use the trends mentioned above as they need a unified framework to keep industries safe and secure.

Blockchain will undoubtedly accelerate the adoption process with the help of allowing the improvement and development of web and mobile applications. These applications have high-performance thresholds and would help in maintaining the required data-intensive process.

13. Energy and Resource Management through IoT:

Energy and resource management would also be influenced by adding IoT. Energy management is reliable on the knowledge of the amount of consumption. Integrating products and devices with IoT technology trends would help in saving energy and resources by informing the consumption of data and its usage hours. This would make the life of people more relaxed and comfortable.

Automatic notifications through smartphones for excessive use of power consumption could escape probable risks. Other features like sprinkler control, indoor management etc. are also a smart way to reduce energy consumption.

In a nutshell:

The trends, as mentioned above, would blanket the new year promising better growth with a lower risk of piracy. Some trends would dominate the IoT app development ecosystem, which would benefit both consumers and industries as well.

No doubt, new technologies would come up to make IoT accessible and secured. So, this new year might change the outlook of the on-going technical era and certainly would be the most promising one.

If you desire to make your life full of IoT- enabled products or wish to make your product smart then your hunt ends now. Prompt Softech is one of the top IoT application development company which can turn your imagination into a reality.

How IoT has Influenced The Healthcare Industry?

Every penny we earn is to keep our self and related people happy and healthy. But health has become a priority, the increase in pollution and the addition of chemicals in food has certainly contributed as a vital factor for the shift.

Today technology has smoothened the path, from consultation till treatment of the patient is just away from a single touch. Availability of health-care application has enabled patients to get appointments and consultation from home only.

Thankfully, IoT has also submerged the health-care industry in its advanced developed technological sea.

Hospitals have been serving people to their best potential, but lack of interaction between hospital and patient had been a significant issue. Regular checkups or close watch over the change in health was not possible, but the inclusion of health-care in IoT has brought changes from ground to the top level.

“As the Internet of things advances, the very notion of a clear dividing line between reality and virtual reality becomes blurred, sometimes in creative ways.” — Geoff Mulgan

A) IoT in a patient’s life:

IoT has transformed the lives of patients as they are being observed every second through wearables likes fitness bands and other wireless connected devices. There are IoT enabled devices for blood pressure and heart rate monitoring cuffs which provide patients access to personalized attention. These devices are used to keep a check on calories count, heartbeat, blood pressure and will remind them for exercise, diet and medication to improve health every day.

IoT has extended the definition of healthcare. It has brought a drastic change in the lives of elder by keeping the health record and assisting them every moment. If any changes or irregularity is observed, it immediately notifies to the concerned healthcare organization or the family member.

B) IoT in a physician’s life:

Thanks to IoT as it has brought so much of relief in a physician’s life. The use of IoT enabled wearables, and other home monitoring devices by the patient has allowed physicians to monitor the changes occurring in the health of the concerned patient. They can track whether the patient is following the treatment plans or not, does the patient needs any quick assistance or medication. IoT devices collect the data and save it on the cloud so that doctors can provide the best treatment process to patients.

C) IoT in Hospitals:

IoT is not just taking responsibility for the patient’s health but is also in charge of cleanliness in the hospital. IoT enabled devices integrated with sensors are used to track the real-time location of medical equipment like stretchers, wheelchairs, oxygen pumps etc. It can even be used to track the current location of the medical staff.

There are many IoT equipped hygiene devices ( having sensors)which can detect the infection or unhygienic environment in the hospital. It protects patients from getting affected by infections.

IoT devices also maintain the pharmacy assents like refrigerator temperature, humidity etc.

Also Read: Developer Skills Required for Successful Enterprise IoT Projects

D) IoT in Health Insurance Companies:

Health insurance companies can explore exceptional opportunities in IoT. Insurance companies can use data through health monitoring devices for their underwriting and claim operations. This data will rescue them from the fraud claims and will provide prospects for underwriting. IoT has introduced transparency between customer and insurers in term of pricing, underwriting, claims handling and risk assessment processes. Customers will have explicit knowledge of the purpose behind the decisions made and expected outcomes.

Insurers can allure customers by incentives for using and sharing data captured by IoT devices. They can even reward customers for keeping their schedule as per the treatment and taking precautionary health measures to reduce claims.

IoT devices also enable insurance companies to validate claims through the data captured by these devices.

How IoT changed the outlook of healthcare?

The budge of IoT in Healthcare has vastly changed the outlook of healthcare. The immense data produced by IoT has affected the whole healthcare culture in a positive manner.

IoT works in simple four steps:

All four levels are connected to each other to provide the desired outcome.

  1. Step 1: The initial phase includes the deployment of interconnected devices that contains sensors, monitors, detectors, camera systems, actuators etc. These devices are responsible for the collection of data.
  2. Step 2: Data collected by sensors and other devices are generally in analogue form, which is further converted into digital form for processing.
  3. Step 3: After digitization and aggregation, the data obtained is standardized and will be saved on the cloud.
  4. Step 4: The final data will be managed and analyzed at a certain level. The data analysis will procure the expected business insight for effective decision-making.

Also Read: Is IoT is Actively Shaping Security Needs at Edge?

Challenges in IoT:

A) Data Security and Privacy on edge:

The most threatening aspect which comes along with the inclusion of IoT in the health industry is data piracy. Though IoT conveys the real-time data most of the IoT devices lack data protocols and standards.

In addition to that, there is significant ambiguity regarding data ownership regulation. All these weak aspects make it prone to cybercrimes, hacking of systems placing the doctor’s reputation and patient’s health at risk.

Cybercriminals can use patient’s data for wrong purposes like, creating fake IDs to buy drugs or medical equipment which they can sell at expensive cost later. Hackers can also use the data to file a fraudulent insurance claim in the patient’s name.

B) Slow Process:

Multiple devices and Protocols: The integration of multiple devices has slowed down the procedure in the healthcare sector, which may result in fatally. The reason for the same is that device manufacturers haven’t reached a consensus on common communication protocols and standard.

When multi-devices are connected, the differences in communication protocol mess up and delays the process of data collection. The non-uniform connection protocol causes delay and degrades the value of IoT in healthcare.

C) Overloaded data smudges accuracy:

Data aggregation becomes tough because of multiple-device integration and their different protocol and standards. However, IoT collects the number of data which are used to get profit-making insights.

But, huge data creates a situation of plight where it becomes tough to derive insights which can be useful for doctors for decision making.

D) Expensive:

Inclusion of IoT in healthcare can undoubtedly provide so many benefits for the patients, but cost curbs its access to the common people. Though it has eased the work of doctors to monitor the patient’s health every moment it has still not made itself affordable for ordinary people.

IoT, Internet of Things has brought a new era of transparency and has empowered health administration. Data provided by it are used for outlining the result of treatment, but some negative aspects have also warned the users.

Are You Still Manufacturing Regular Water Bottles Instead of Smart Bottles?

The word ‘smart’ was earlier constrained to the human, but with the evolution in the generations and time, everything changed. Now ‘Smart’ word is more often used for products like mobile phones, watches, TV etc. There are many high-tech gadgets to entertain and ease our work.

Gadgets always attract, but what if our health is not cooperating with us to enjoy the technologies and luxuries.

Health has been significant concerns, not today but since past days. Today the health industry is expanding with a high pace, and the best part is, it has harmonized itself with technology. Today there is a plethora of fitness trackers, apps and other devices in the tech world to monitor the physical and mental health status.

However, the emerging demands and time deficiency has called for the closest approach. Thus the introduction of Smart Bottles appeared in the scene.

Maybe you think that there is no need for smart bottles and most of you might ignore the product even before knowing the importance.

Let’s talk about why do we need to update our self from standard to smart bottles.

A simple good looking bottle can never sustain itself in the list of gym accessories. You need to have a smart bottle which can track your daily water intake routine, remind you for the same, acknowledge you with the right temperature and many more other related activities.

Essential features of smart bottles which cannot be resisted are:

1) Attractive and Smart:

The IoT enabled bottles are attractive and full of smart activities. The first impression lasts for a long time. The new smart bottles are not just gym-, but it’s attractive too. These bottles are convenient, easy to clean and durable.

2) Keeps your Record:

The IoT enabled water bottle keeps the record on the cloud for habit analysis. It’s always important to observe the activities, and hence, the inclusion of the data system and its storage on the cloud has enabled this demand. One can analyze the intake water consumption data on a monthly basis and make improvements.

3) Easy To Connect:

It is really easy to connect the bottle to mobile phones through Bluetooth and an app.

4) Check your water intakes:

The connectivity to the cloud has allowed us to check the total water intake of a day. Cloud stores the data of the number of times a bottle is filled.

5) Detects the temperature:

IoT enabled smart bottle informs about the temperature of the water ( Suggests you the temp for water as per the outside temp): The smart bottle informs about the temperature of the water and notifies about the required temperature to be set.

6) Reminders !!!:

A smart bottle will set your daily water intake goal and will remind you. The IoT enabled bottle will design your daily water intake goal and will notify you for the same. It will alert you through lights or vibrations.

7) Make Schedules:

The advanced water bottle will schedule the timing as per the body requirement and complete the goal.

8) Measures purity:

A smart bottle also checks the purity of the water to assure good health.

9) Solar charged bottle:

A smart bottle can be charged using solar energy. So, you can save your electricity and free to charge at any time of the day.

Nothing can be more important when it comes to health. Recently Mr Ritesh Sutaria, Director of Prompt Softech, stated “We have been in the industry since 2011 for IoT development. We have seen many changes in the IoT industry, so now we call it an Internet of Everything (IoE). Earlier IoT was limited to few products, and now it is for everything. The connected devices are already projected to amount to 75.44 billion worldwide by 2025. This is the right time for all bottle manufacturing companies to include one smart bottle in the list — not only the bottle industry but other consumer goods as well. IoT industries are trying to connect all the possible product to the cloud to perform better and better analytics to understand the behaviour of consumers.

Healthy and smart living can create a better future. Introduction of a smart bottle has created a new era where improvises, and compromises do not exist. Most of the products are shifting to smart products, so if your product or bottles are still not in the smart list, then Contact Prompt Softech.