IoT system

How will IoT Build a Bright World with Connected Devices

How will IoT Build a Bright World with Connected Devices?

Internet of Things is now no new word for the tech world. Studies show that the number of connected devices will reach more than 75 billion by 2025, implying that there will be possibly nine connected devices for every human on earth.

The pace at which IoT technology is striking every area of our lives is impressive, but how it has transformed our day-to-day work is beyond imagination.

But what is IoT?

In simple words, it is the practice of connecting different physical assets through the internet, providing control and measurement access from the remote area while saving users money and time. Today one can set the temperature of the air conditioner while on the way home, brew coffee and efficiently manage the use of lights in the home. Products like Amazon’s Alexa and Apple’s Siri can interact and provide information as required.

Let us know how various industries are embracing the presence of the Internet of Things and the impact of this latest technology.

IoT in the manufacturing sector:

The impact of Industrial IoT technology is already visible in the output of the manufacturing industry, especially in measuring energy and asset efficiency throughout the production line.

IoT technology has provided an effective way to connect and modernize legacy assets. Using connective sensors, businesses can accumulate critical production data and use cloud software to turn this data into useful insights to know about the efficiency of their manufacturing process. But what kind of assets? It can be anything used within the manufacturing process, from its HVAC or CNC machines to products like refrigerators or lighting rings, etc.

IoT can assist by providing a clearer picture of the working of assets individually and collectively, chartering better ways for monitoring, automation, and predictive maintenance. For instance, Industrial IoT in action has enabled us to gain insight into energy consumption and the health condition of the asset. This technology even allows us to schedule maintenance by informing us about the future condition of the asset.

Employing and integrating IoT in the existing process reduces costly downtime, improves assets, and reduces energy costs.

IoT in the retail sector:

Retail sectors are already using IoT in different innovative ways. One of the key areas is tracking energy consumption not at one store but all the stores present in the entire region or at the national level.

The IoT system can also be used to know which stores are using high energy in lighting or heating; in-store sensors allow us to track energy usage at a more granular level.

Other than this, IoT is also used to optimize store experiences. It is now possible to know the interest area of the shoppers, where they are spending most of the time. This helps retailers improve their stores’ layout to reduce congestion, increase stay time and boost sales. We can say that IoT technology and its different uses are building the ‘high streets of the future.

IoT in the construction sector:

Internet of Things is also contributing to making the construction sector smarter. Smart buildings are one of the most loved concepts possible by IoT. Using IoT and integrated sensors to know the air quality of the site or the surrounding area, such as parks and schools, is one of the key usages.

IoT in construction areas allows construction managers to accurately assess the real-time effect of their work on air quality. IoT in construction also ensures the safety of construction workers and nearby people.

IoT in the agriculture Sector:

The increasing population shows that we will need more food production in the coming year. UN has also estimated that we will need to produce 70% more food to meet the global demand by 2050. Internet of Things will help this sector overcome the looming food shortage challenge by reducing food wastage and increasing yield.

Supervising and tracking workers, machine efficiency, crop and livestock health, and predicting weather are some of the ways through which IoT promises to boost productivity with minimum wastage. Employment of agriculture drones and smart agriculture sensors are already helping agriculture workers by providing real-time production data. Besides this, sensors to track important atmospheric aspects like light, humidity, temperature, air quality, and soil aspects like soil moisture, nutrition, etc., contribute to better yield. This has automated the tasks which involved manual and human interference. Thus, saving labor costs and time as well.

Another way through which IoT is helping agriculture farmers is by providing predictive analytics through better quality data. Using data, farmers can estimate the yield and make better storage plans to keep the produce after harvesting.

IoT in smart cities:

Well, IoT in urban areas has been very influential. People are enjoying the leverages provided by IoT like smart houses, smart street lights, or smart bottles. IoT has occupied an important place in the planning and management of cities. Many countries are using IoT for waste management, traffic control, and public transport systems.

Using IoT, it is now possible to know the number of people in transit at a particular time and opt for a better route to avoid congestion. In cities where flooding is a serious concern, IoT can be used to track the real-time water level in the river. The flood defense system starts when the water level increases and helps mitigate the risk.

We’re on the way to a smart connected world:

IoT has successfully infiltered in major sectors contributing to the economy’s growth. Today, if we look around, we’ll observe that everything is getting smart and automated. All thanks go to IoT for making life more hassle-free and productive. However, some areas are still untouched by the magic of IoT, but it is predicted that it will be covered soon in the coming years. It is estimated that global expenditure on IoT will be around $1,100 billion (€1060.02 billion) in 2023, almost double 2018 $646 billion (€622.52 billion).

This shows that IoT will continue to reform the industries making them more profit-oriented without compromising quality. Hence, we can conclude that high-quality data can help make anything prompt, cheap, and more efficient with less waste.

Adding Operations Performance Management in IoT

Internet of Things is the new sensation in the technology market. Business owners and technology lovers are embracing the presence of new technologies and endeavouring to get the best output from it. Today, most of businesses intend to make their business smart and more organized. We all know that the Internet of Things has limitless potential to revolutionize everyday life and environment we are living. Unknowingly, we are already utilizing technologies in our daily life, and no doubt, the number of connected devices and services is growing exponentially day by day.

In 2015, the total number of connected devices was 15.4 billion, and as per IHS, this number would extend up to 30.7 billion in 2020 and 75.4 billion by 2025. No matter how accurate these predictions are, here we are talking about billions of devices at any rate.

However, to acquire the true potential of IoT, one requires operationalizing of the data generated from devices in context with operational workflows. No, doubt operationalizing data from different types of connected devices, OT, and IT systems is not an easy task. Secondly, the accumulation of data and delivering it to users in real-time and in connection with their operational workflow is more challenging.

Operationalizing IoT Systems Is Challenging

Coming to a very important and one of the hard things in IoT, i.e. operationalization IoT system. Though big data and advanced analytics have assisted us a lot to learn about the dynamic nature of constructed environments; however it has remained a challenge to operationalize the information in the daily work that happens in smart environments (smart towns, smart home, smart hospitals, etc.)

The fragmentation of workflows across multiple systems and the challenges of understanding how people are acknowledging the built environments and massive data flow restricts the meaningful transformation of these aforementioned smart spaces.

Organizations aiming to intertwine people, process and things are required to create a smarter way of working within the built environment. Thus, this situation drags in need of having Operations Performance Management (OPM).

Any idea about Operations Performance Management (OPM)?

Operations Performance Management (OPM) is an essential complement to an IoT deployment. It allows operationalizing and draws continuous business value from IoT systems. We can simply say that it sets power in the hands of the people, enables workers to take action on the basis of context-rich and real-time information about their smart environment.

OPM allows the real-time organization of people, systems and things that explores and initiates the real growth potential of IoT.

Operations Performance Management for the Internet of Things systems facilitates focused view into distant built environments. Not just this, it also allows smart building and hospital operators to analyze the data insights with valuable operational intelligence deeply.

Using OPM, operators can perform predictive modelling and execute self-tuning operations for their real-estate assets and in-building processes. This helps in getting better results for businesses and provides helpful experience for the tenants living and working within buildings. It even assures that all the business units working within organizations are integrated and working together to accomplish core business objectives.

OPM allows IoT system managers to achieve clear links between operation key performance indicators and significant business metrics. Therefore, it is clear that OPM initiates 360-degree view into an organization to help decision-makers in evaluating, assessing, planning, preparing, predicting and eventually saving operational costs as well as maintenance costs.

It’s just not about the platform; applications are designed specifically to acknowledge the big issues faced by smart hospitals and smart building. It enables meaningful digital transformation in hospitals and buildings. For example, in a hospital, OPM has authorized one leading hospital network to decrease code blues by 61 per cent. This has helped another hospital to realize an annual saving up to $2.7 million and a yearly ROI of around 900%.

Operations Performance Management is transforming the way of interactions existing between people and the environment. It provides real-time and context-aware insights into the working of the built environment. Now, health professionals, admins and building operators can answer to patients or tenant’s experience and get suggestions for further improvement in real or near-real-time.

It is now clear that generating connections between people through smart devices can produce a more beneficial outcome for building owners and their operators.

OPM is also helpful for people living, working and receiving care withing built environment.

Thus, it is pretty easy to conclude that OPM help business in realizing their IoT deployment model’s real potentials and it charters a better path for connected smart cities. If you are looking for an IoT service or planning to operationalize the IoT system, then contact us. We’ll guide you and provide the best services to you for the elevation of your business. Together we can create smarter cities, automated and efficient buildings, safer hospitals and workplaces.

Why SMEs Need to Add Internet of Things?

Internet of Things, a familiar tech-solution is contributing to making a better tech-world for businesses and market. The infiltration of iot in every section has proved its versatility and frequent updates hints for the presence of unexplored potential. IoT has opened a new path to build vast networks of connected devices.

IoT integrated management systems are bliss for small and medium-sized businesses. It is often noticed that many small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are struggling to stay alive while churning benefits. Today, companies incorporating advanced IoT system into their daily processes have developed a sophisticated way to make profits.

Industry 4.0 is a technical word used to address the new phase in the Industrial Revolution that includes automation, machine learning and interconnectivity. It strives to help businesses through various advanced technologies.

IoT is one of the heroes in the Industrial Revolution. It can connect physical devices to digital platforms to develop most favourable ambience for manufacturing and supply chain management. There are IoT service providing companies which can introduce IoT in your business.

What, Why and How?

IoT has added smartness in the way of thinking, it has added smartness to connecting platforms and devices, and the best thing about it is that it can be accessed by small, medium and large-sized companies. The unbiased nature and potential results drawn by IoT makes it different and most compatible.

IoT solutions consist of sensors and smart devices which can sense and communicate with each other over the cloud. The IoT integrated sensors and devices detect the change occurring in the environment or collect the data from the designated target for the software to process and then performs the automated response like notifying the responsible parties if any issue occurs.

IoT connected devices provide data which can be used to improve existing business practices and support machine-to-machine communication. No doubt, different industries suffer different challenges, but IoT is the standard solution in different ways.

How is IOT helping different types of business?

A) IoT in Logistics:

Logistics is one of a broad sector which is dependent on proper management of distribution and transportation operations. An error can turn the whole process upside down. The need for prompt and appropriate transportation along with the expectation of consumers has left no chance to plan for a series of pick-ups and sit with crossed fingers.

Earlier, experienced transport managers used to plan an efficient route. But today, regulatory laws like GDPR affect everything, from driver’s hour to how IoT and telematics data are utilized in fleet operations.

Following the regulation as well as last-minute requirements makes delivery and transport route complex than it was earlier. The complexities turn to be worst by the massive amount of information which has to be shared to coordinate different branches of a business. Well, IoT helps in this situation and untangle complexities by enabling enhanced data flow by developing a network of devices that connects and shares data.

In addition, IoT-enabled fleet management systems can cut excessive fuel consumption, time consumption, ensure driver’s safety through continuous vehicle monitoring.

Read More: Why is IoT Impossible Without an Open Ecosystem?

B) IoT in Manufacturing:

The one most crucial aspect in the manufacturing industry is effective resource management because SMEs have limited resources, and they cannot afford any kind of loses. Well, in reality, coordinating the manufacturing of goods becomes tiresome without the right tools.

IoT technology empowers businesses to manage their manufacturing processes precisely to curtail upcoming issues and improve existing procedures. More than 58% of manufactures have accepted the fact that IoT technology helped them in transforming their businesses.

IoT can be used to establish efficient asset usage, improve equipment service life and to get optimal ROI on assets. It is estimated that the global usage of IoT in the manufacturing sector would reach USD 45 billion by 2022.

C) IoT enhances productivity:

SMEs always tries to settle themselves into the successful list with maximum benefit and best customer experience. They follow the same basic principle, i.e. to increase productivity and in result, revenue will automatically increase.

The addition of IoT in SMEs helps in achieving the motive. The highly advanced IoT-integrated devices facilitate access to accurate and actionable data which improves decision-making processes and assist them in taking quick actions to important events and emergencies.

IoT systems help by enhancing collaboration between departments, monitoring fleet operation, reducing operational costs, tracking the transportation movement etc. Data collected by IoT devices can be used by companies to deliver product faster, meet the target quotas and enhance the supply chain.

D) IoT ensures proper maintenance:

Maintenance of assets in a company is crucial and complicated. Breakdown of an asset or vehicle can cause a massive loss to SMEs, so they need to maintain the health of every machine and ensure servicing on time. IoT-enabled car trackers diagnose and transmit malfunctions before they turn into some serious issues. The device connected through the OBD-II port allows access to engine error codes and diagnostic reports.

OBD-II is an onboard computer used to keep a check on vehicle data like speed, mileage, emissions etc. It can be accessed through a 16-pin usually placed under the driver’s side dash. Thes diagnostic reports identify and inform about which vehicle needs servicing and when to schedule preventive maintenance. IoT-enabled preventive maintenance solutions can cut diagnostic time up to 70% and causes a 25% reduction in repair time. It improves the operational efficiency of assets.

Read More: Six Inevitable Steps to Bring Digital Transformation in Your Business

E) IoT promises Consumer Satisfaction:

Today, customers demand are massive as they are aware of the latest technologies. They are expecting rich experience, and only IoT can provide that. SMEs can provide real-time information of product to their customers through IoT. On-time delivery is necessary to build loyal customers. When the delivery time exceeds the expected time, customers get frustrated. Sometimes late deliveries cause spoilage of the perishable product.

So, we can conclude that on-time shipment is an unavoidable requirement. IoT enabled devices integrated with sensors that are capable of diagnosing small changes in the condition of cargo or vehicle. It even maintains the required temperature to keep the product at a good state. It informs the company about the shipment-status which they further share with the customers to gain trust. By updating the shipment-status increases ROI by retaining their existing customers as well as attracts new customers with their top-quality services. IoT helps in boosting sales, lowers customer costs and enhances customer satisfaction.

F) IoT improves Security and Safety:

IoT solutions are not only meant for the benefit of the company, but they also offer advantages for the safety and security of a company’s workforce, property and goods, trucks & cargo. IoT solutions automate security processes and detect the flaws existing within the system, notifying the administration to eliminate any casualties.

Nevertheless, employees who feel safe and protected turns out to be more productive. IoT-enabled fleet management solutions monitor and manage the fleet remotely while providing real-time access to the location. It offers prompt alerts in case of an accident or any other emergencies which ultimately promises the safety of the driver and ensures quick actions in case of any mishap.

IoT is the next big thing in Tech-world.

Internet of things has changed the outlook of SMEs. It has added smartness in the operations and supply chains. In the coming years, businesses will be more dependent on the latest technologies. To say it straight, more on IoT.

Internet of Things has not just chartered a smooth path for complex operations, but it has also reduced operational cost, fuel cost and time consumption. IoT connected device provides data which can be analyzed to develop the demand-based products. It even helps companies to meet the expectation of the customers. From early detection of machinery breakdown to on-time delivery of a product, IoT is everywhere. If you still not a part of IoT-world then you might be losing a lot more than your imagination.

Will 2020 Be The Transition Phase of Internet Of Things?

The rapid transformation in technology observed today is the possible outcome of IoT exploration and development. Its introduction and then attempt for holistic adoption by the businesses have dragged in several changes. There are IoT development companies which are aiming to get the best version of IoT for making everything smart and intelligent.

IoT system has determined its place in several sectors, either its factory equipment or clothing, product manufacturing or toy factory. It has shown that everything could be intelligent by combining sensor technology with machine learning.

But have you ever thought, what is the future of IoT? How many devices are connected and will be connected by 2020,2025, etc. It was predicted that 30 billion things would be connected to the Internet by 2020.

The future of IoT:

  • Statista predicts that more than 30 billion gadgets will be connected to the Internet by 2020. It further reveals that by 2025, 75 billion devices will be connected IoT.
  • The International Data Corporation (IDC) forecast, stated that there would be a steady growth of IoT devices in the upcoming years, resulting in the growth of market value and data usage.

Thus, this gives an idea about the upcoming appearance of the IoT. It supports that IoT will undoubtedly take off on a bigger scale. Let us check the IoT trends to watch in 2020 that would undoubtedly make us took at it.

Any prediction for Data Management, Security, and Broader Reach?

a) 5G network role:

IDC forecasts state “there will be 41.6 billion connected IoT devices, or“things,” generating 79.4 zettabytes (ZB) of data in 2025.”

The data consumption will be ranging from smaller metrics-use of devices and limited data transfer to image & video using image identification. Currently, IoT connected devices face problems because of network velocity, but this will change with the introduction and adoption of 5G networks worldwide.

The improved data flow will leverage manufacturing, surveillance applications, healthcare, etc.

c) Edge computing and IoT:

Not to forget, another tech development which affects IoT capabilities is edge computing.

This technology holds the capacity to bring computing power and data storage closer to connected devices and end-users, making them more productive.

Integration with 5G networks, Edge computing, would improve data processing and explore the potentials of IoT devices. It would even accelerate data transport speed and decelerate data latency.

Read More: IoT- An Advanced Approach to Update Small Businesses

d) Security comes First:

The data-driven technology has dragged us into a world, where data security and privacy have weakened.

World Economic Forum has warned that Internet of Thing, Quantum computing and Artificial Intelligence would be the biggest threat for the upcoming years. In WEF’s Global Risks Report 2020, it recognises the need and potential of the emerging tech but also warns for the possible threats to be faced. Gartner study shared that in the last three years approx. 20% of companies suffered an IoT-based attack.

Thus, this supports the fact that though IoT draws immense benefits, but companies need to be more attentive on securing the safety of connected devices. A reliable and experienced IoT development service providers could help you in exploring the best of IoT without tangling in piracy issues.

To recommend one, using Blockchain technology might come up as a solution to security issues.

e) IIoT:

As IoT is scripting a new story by creating smart homes, smart towns, roads etc. the modern industry is the place where this technology shines. To support the statement, let me tell you, heavy industry, manufacturing industry and logistics industry are going to get the benefits from connected devices to its best.

The beneficial combination of IoT and industries is referred to as Industry 4.0. This can enhance productivity by using real-time data from connected devices by making dangerous work safer or improving coordination among employees.

It is expected that future factories would be better optimised and data-based.

f) IoT in Automotive industry:

Today, automotive industries are the one which is always ready to use the most innovative solutions, and it has enthusiastically welcomed IoT as well. The latest and advanced cars are already using IoT for enhancing the safety of drivers, passengers & others.

IoT is now being used for the development of self-driving vehicles as connected devices play an important role in it. IoT can be employed to communicate the car with the surroundings and translate the data into actionable decisions for distance, speed resulting in the automotive future.

Read More: How IoT Solutions can Enhance Agriculture in 2020?

g) IoT in healthcare:

IoT has already proved its versatility in the current COVID-19 situation. IoT has digitised the healthcare sector through wearables and sensors. Different devices are being used to track the health and habits of patients. The small-sized devices and longer battery life have increased the usage of the IoT in this sector. IoT allows the medical staffs to segregate valuable data collected throughout the day for analysis of patients’ health.

h) Shift of Role- Reports to Actions:

IoT has shown another world which would have been impossible. IoT can be called as a miracle, which can turn impossibilities into possibilities.

By the end of 2020, IoT would take up another role. In the current period, IoT is holding responsibility for tracking and reporting information on a multitude of environments. The massive data collected is sensed by Artificial Intelligence for analysis. In coming years, IoT device will just not provide the reports but also share insightful suggestions to the technicians.

Once, IoT will begin providing insightful advice; it might eat up many jobs. IoT systems will shift its role from observing the world to changing the world. IoT devices will record data, store data and will even make decisions on behalfs of their human administrators.

i) Improved user adoption:

Though the use of IoT has been quite significant in the past few years, but still, the data security issue has not allowed its entrance in everyone’s life. The pace is still not to the expected one. However, the introduction of smart homes and many other life-changing devices will surely grow IoT into the best version.

Wrapping Up:

IoT is not just a tech opportunity but a business opportunity. There is a lot more to be explored in IoT. You can make your home, office, product, etc. smart now. Then, what are you waiting for?

Contact Prompt Softech to get the most efficient IoT solutions to make your products smart.