mobile app development company

Impeccable Features You Need to Have in Online Grocery App

E-commerce application has now become no new in the market, from food delivery to the real state it has cemented its worthiness. As per the Nielsen report, one-quarter of people use mobile apps to shop grocery, and it is expected that the percentage would reach to half in the coming years. The growing utilisation has boomed the opportunities for grocery app development industries.

Reasons are obvious; the hectic schedule has terminated the luxury of free time. Today people buy many products online using a mobile app. The accessibility to order groceries anytime and anywhere and get it at doorstep has majorly contributed to the success of an online mobile app.

The mobile app ensures a great experience and engraves extra time consumptions. So, most of the businesses today own mobile app for attracting the audience and making benefits from them. If you too have planned for online grocery app and searching for top-notch mobile app development services then be specific and precise about your requirements and customers’ demand.

Here I list some of the basic features which an online grocery app (like Big basket and Grofers ) must have to offer seamless and convenient services.

Must-Have Features

Cart sharing & shopping list:
This feature can create a sense of privacy as well as togetherness. For example, a husband and wife can shop using a single Cart. They can share the cart link through email or message and provide access to each other. However, one can keep the privacy of other carts and enjoy their shopping individually.

Shopping list feature enables the user to create a list of goods they want to purchase and can even use it for future orders.

Faceted search:
This feature eases the search process as it narrows down the options which customer is looking for without checking the catalogue description. User can type the product-related keywords or phrases into the search box and get the results without loitering through an app. Auto-suggestion feature and ‘add to cart’ feature also wooes consumer.

The most known still most effective way to get users is ‘push notification’. The mobile app must possess a push notification feature to notify customers about the latest deals and offers. Through push notifications, a user gets to know about the latest deals, coupons and discounts which ultimately compels them to buy a product.

If you own multiple grocery shops, then developing a geo-enabled app will help the users to track your nearest store location easily.

Real-time Tracking and Notifications:
The grocery items require fast delivery to retain their quality. A grocery app must provide the tracking option and should notify the user about the delivery status and expected a delivery time of the same. The real-time tracking feature and notification through messages can keep the user updated about the product. Send notification on the day of delivery while adding information about the delivery agent and logistic company.

Coupon Codes and Special deals:
Who doesn’t relish offers and discount on their favourite products? Providing seasonal offers or reward coupons sticks the user on your app and maintains stability. It even attracts new customers on your app.

As per the stat. shared by Invesprco team, In 2k19, 31 million coupons will be redeemed worldwide, and 62 per cent smartphone users will expectedly use digital coupons in the future. The stat reveals that adding rewards and offers can accelerate the sales rate and can improve income.

Sign up options:
The long, form-filling type sign up process really bothers customers. An easy way to sign up in the mobile app can conveniently engage a user. Providing one-click access through social media can contribute to captivating and sustaining users.

Still, there exists an effecting audience who does not use social media logins, out of privacy leakage fear. Providing an alternative option like one-click signup form having a mobile number or email can be a better way.

Reviews and ratings:
Providing reviews and rating system can actually be more beneficial to the mobile app because it gives a platform to the user to provide feedback. One can improve the product quality, and in fact, it’s delivery services by working on the inputs.

Secondly, the other benefit is that a good rating and reviews create a strong portfolio. It acts as social proof and helps in getting more sales.

Product comparisons:
The price comparison of one product with another always keep your consumers engaged and confirms assured actions. This feature provides an opportunity for the users to compare the products from different brands in terms of quality, prices, ingredient etc.

Multiple Payment Options:
Providing a safe, secure, and multi-payment option can be another way to get more users. Grocery shopping is a routine process, offering multiple payment options while assuring security allows your customers to pay by cash, credit & debit cards, digital wallets, PayPal, Net banking, etc. Adding virtual points also keep a user interested in your platform.

All these are the primary feature which every grocery app should have. But why one should hire Prompt Softech for Grocery Mobile App development? What are the extraordinary features they are proving for your business?

The prodigious features, responsible for generating spondulicks provided by the Softech company are:

Product Re-order: The re-order feature will offer your consumer a ready-made shopping list every month as per the past orders to quicken the shopping procedure. It eases the search-process and will provide the choicest product in the cart while offering the discount (based on t&c).

Diet Based Ready Cart: This new ‘health-conscious’ feature will provide an option to the users to either choose a diet cart or non-diet cart. As per the selection, the application will display the low calorie or high-calorie products in the suggestion. This will also help the user in maintaining their health.

Packages to uncurtain: The app will provide a feature in which one can select all the needed-items and then look for the packages as per their monthly budget. This feature will ensure to balance the monthly budget without compromising with the quantity and quality.

Certainly, the platform which can be used in a grocery app with the above features lies in the ‘must-to-know’ category.

Prompt Softech uses the following platforms :
1) Web
2) Android
3) iOS

Getting back to features, the above three mentioned additional features provided by the Prompt Softech differentiate your app form the crowd. The unbeatable and impeccable services have been their identity. So, wasting time would be like spending money. Work with Prompt Softect and get a better app than the existing-competitive grocery apps.

How to Develop Best Food Delivery Apps?

If you are planning to try your hands in the online Food Delivery business, then absolutely it is a good idea. Today’s statics limns the evolving scope in the QSRs. As per Statista, the revenue generated in the Online Food Delivery segment is US $7,092m till May, 2019. It is expected that the statistic will change with the annual growth rate of 9.9% between CAGR 2019-2023, resulting in a market volume of US$10,363m by 2023.

China is currently leading in the business with US$39,888m. The calculations state that today, most of the customers are switching the online food delivery to avoid the interaction with people and stay at their calm. They love searching for their favourite food online and having it comfortably at their home or office.

So, the idea of developing a mobile app can provide a wing to your already existing restaurant business.

But before you start your journey in this industry and explore many other ways, let’s check out the basic outlines which can terminate your plight for “How to develop the best Food Delivery Apps?”

1. Easy to Use Interface: Simplicity always the allure and this statement also justify its worth for the first screen. One should keep the first screen, from where the customer logs in, simple and easy to understand. For example, the food menu option, favourite restaurant or offers available should be easy to access because unnecessary complication can repel the customers and invite many logoffs.

2. Safe Payments: Today, online safety has emerged as the most talked topic. Secure transactions and payments are part of the same along with data privacy.

If you are working on the development or seeking the help of the developer for the same, then do consider this important point. You need to take care of the privacy and safe payment system to build a long-term relationship between you and the customer. If you ever require some data, then ask the customer for the same, respecting his/her privacy.

3. Live Order Tracking: Providing an option of live order tracking falls in the ‘must option’ for any online food delivery app. Anyone who orders the food expects to track to get its current status. Even restaurant owners tend to follow the same to know either the delivery boy is delivering the food on time or not.

Delivery of hot and fresh food on time is another way which confirms the regularity of the costumer.

4. Multiple Methods to Order: People aren’t observed just being engaged in the mobile delivery app; they also check the website delivery app and desktop apps. So providing a facility of multi-access will certainly tag you in the priority.

5. Alluring Rewards and Offers: It’s always exciting for a customer when they receive offers or rewards. So, offering rewards or offers will help in sticking the customer to your restaurant or services. So, your app should notify the customers about the rewards and offers existing in the restaurant.

6. Push Notifications: If you are still stuck on how will you manage the offers and rewards, then push notifications are the best way. But, excess of push notification can repel your customer and too less will definitely not create revenue. So the best approach is to ask the customer about the number of notifications they desire and when.

Now comes another section which requires a reasonable consideration. So, let’s have a check at the factors which need to be considered if you are developing Food Delivery Apps.

The vigorous competition and the alluring advertisement of app developing companies often leave us in a dilemma. Hence, it’s your responsibility to check which company will fit in as per your need. So, let’s know on what basis you can decide a company which can develop a simple and proficient app for you.

1. Check your budget: The first and foremost step involved in the development of the mobile app is an investment. Therefore you need to decide how much money you want to spend. Look for a company which can harmonize with your budget and fulfil all your requirements.

2. Framework(s) to choose: Before you decide the framework or frameworks for your mobile app, you need to determine which platform you want to serve. Once it’s done, then you will have a plethora of frameworks to choose and get your app developed. You really need not possess so much knowledge about frameworks as it is the responsibility of the hired company. They let you know about each framework, along with its benefits and feedback. They even inform you about the right framework that can set well with your mobile app.

3. Lightening-Fast Delivery: Well, if you are planning for food delivery app then Lightning-Fast Delivery is no new word. Your app should be capable of managing the order placement in minimum time to the right person and then update the status of the order in real time.

4. Know your Customer: Whatever business you are in, if you are not aware of your customers or having no plan about which customer you want to target, then your planning and purposes are in vain.

So, before you design your mobile app, you should get clear about which age audience is going to be your priority. If you are targeting middle age people, then the design would be very different from other ages. The display of the app should be dependent on the target customer.

5. Decide your USP to allure max: Well, you are not the one is the market; hence, you need to become the ‘one’ where people stop their search. Decide your USP and make sure it is well highlighted in your app. You should have strategies and services which can clean-bowl your competitors and make you a winner with huge revenue.

If you crossed or had a considerable visit over all these points then yeah you are all set to have your own online delivery app. One last thing to keep in mind, keep checking your competitors because it is said that “keep your friends close, and your enemies closer” Period.

If you are seeking for a company which can develop your mobile application then contact Prompt Softech. It is a global IT solution, software and mobile app development company which will turn your dream into reality.

If you have some queries or information to share, then share it in the comment box.

Tips to Remember for Developing Good Healthcare App

Health has been a significant concern of people, not today but since ages and obviously, it’s not a questionable concern. Money can buy you luxury but to enjoy the luxury you need to be healthy. Today, the deficit of time and the hectic schedule has engaged the people to the extent that they are not able to visit a doctor for their health issues.

The development of healthcare app has reduced stress and launched a new way to maintain oneself healthy and fit. It has turned as an innovative step in the medical industry.

We should actually feel high in debt to technologies like Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things (IoT), which has presented solutions well accessorised with all facility that can sustain smoothness in an individual’s life.

The competition and health requirements on the parallel have increased the demand for the healthcare mobile application. Most of the people, owning grip in the medical industry have enrolled themselves as part of this mobile app world, but the question is how many people access your Mobile App and how often also matters.

Why do you need to have healthcare App?

  • It is measured that healthcare technology will extend up to 33 % by USD 60 bn by 2020.
  • Diabetes has been reported as fast pace disease to be spread widely in the next five years.
  • In 93% of Physicians’ words, healthcare App can improve patient’s health.
  • Nowadays, 18% of physicians keep checking their patients through mobile.
  • 79% of Physician finds healthcare more reliable and hassle-free.

The development of health care application can probably contribute as a better way of service for the users.

But before getting engaged in the quest to find a reliable Mobile App development company, let me introduce with essential tips, you need to keep in mind.

1. Needs of User: For making a healthcare App that can satisfy the need and requirement of the patients, you need to spend the time to know the problems faced by them while getting an appointment. You need to develop an App that serves various features which focuses on solving the problems. Addition of healthcare app for your medical industry will certainly level up only if it consists of essential functions.

2. Easy to use: App which is easy to use is preferred most often than the App which consists of complication. So one needs to involve the features which are easy to understand and utilise. Tailor your App as per the data accumulated and focus on the functional parts making sure that it doesn’t consist of any complexities.

3. Updates Required: If you want to sustain yourself in the mobile app competition then focus on upgrades. You need to add an alluring feature with time intervals to keep your users engaged in your services while proving them more comfy access. Look after the recommendation and feedback provided by the users to modify your application and captivate more audiences.

4. No compromise with Privacy and Security: Privacy has been concern and piracy has been a significant issue. When you are developing an app to serve people, you need to keep in mind about privacy and security. Release or access to personal data can reflect into a severe problem and stain your image in the industry as well. So, develop an App which can provide confidence and freedom to your user ensuring the feeling of ‘being safe’.

5. Accessibility from all platform: Well, targeting only a single platform that is either Android or IoS will limit your users. Development of an App that can function both in Android and IoS can invite a large number of crowd. One should even provide the desktop accessibility as well so that there are several platforms available to the user to utilise the App as per their need.

6. Importance of UX/UI Experience: Along with the easy accessibility to an App, the component should be engaging to drive the interest of the user in it. The design and format of the App should be compelling so that the users are just not a one-time guest but frequently visiting member. The User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) should be easy going, and the features and design should be so alluring that it attracts the users and make his/her priority for utilising services.

7. Check and Test to install perfection: Development of an App is just not enough; one needs to check the functioning of the newly developed healthcare App. Making sure either your Application is working smoothing or not is the foremost responsibility. The easy-going use and good design will go in waste if the user is not capable of utilising the services because of often occurring issues. Thus the need is to check and test the App to absorb perfection.

It’s quite clear that Healthcare App has become a significant part of the crowd. It plays an essential role, so it’s a responsibility cater to an App which is free from bugs, issues and crashes and favours only smooth functioning.


Ultimately what matters the most is the comfort of the user. Mobile development companies should lay a motto which meanders around the pleasure and need of the user. The development companies should endeavour to assist the user at every step.

If you are seeking a Mobile App Development company then acquiring the assistance of Prompt Softech will turn your visions into reality.

Prompt Softech can develop an app for:

  • Fixing an Appointment
  • Managing Medication Schedules
  • Telemedicine Service App
  • Medicine Delivery Services
  • Disease Care App
  • Ladies Special Care

Please share your views and feedback in the comment box. (Source: for data we referred to Mobile health technology)