mobile apps

How Artificial Intelligence in the App Industry is Changing the Future

How Artificial Intelligence in the App Industry is Changing the Future

Artificial Intelligence is no more in fiction stories now. Today in our daily life, we can observe AI performing different tasks.

Even if it is a customer or business organization, machines are vigorously improving the intelligence of humans. The mobile app sector is growing day by day. After the covid hit the world, it has become the basic need of many companies. For customers, it has become a way to reach the maximum number of things through the mobile application. With the involvement of AI, it is changing at an incredible pace, and the users get the best use of the app to meet their basic daily needs.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

It is a system capable of imitating intelligence and behavior to work and act like humans. It is possible because of some of the algorithms. It provides a virtual assistant without any human intervention. AI delivers predictive messaging, learning and planning capabilities, and voice recognition that will assist in understanding the language. It holds impressive skills in solving problems. It just does not work for business organizations but also magically works for customers. It fetches the best solution to help your business flourish and build a strong customer relationship.

Benefits of AI

  • It provides the best output of investment where the marketers will receive essential feedback from the users. Digital marketing for all kinds of businesses guarantees that return is always two-way. Both customers and organizations should get the return they expect to survive in the competitive tech world.
  • AI also assists in developing customer relationships. It is challenging for an organization to personally connect with each customer’s problem. In such cases, AI works as a savior. Whenever the user reaches customer service on the app, AI offers incredible help and gives the most-suited solutions to the users. Therefore, creating a good relationship with the customer.
  • AI also enables the company to make a fast decisions on any strategies. It assures that the company can access real-time situations; AI provides qualitative customer and business decisions. It is the most convenient way to connect with the process and gain success in the field.
  • Market measurement plays a crucial role in the business. AI offers the best market measurement where the company is aware of the risks and benefits of an issue.

Here are the following ways through which AI is supporting the mobile app industry:

Internet of Things (IoT):

Today, many devices are connected to the internet. If not mobile, the internet connects with a fitness tracker, kitchen appliances, watch, TV, etc. The connected device collects user activity data and provides powerful insight. Both AI and IoT work together so that customers get the most enhanced experience. With the support of digital assistance, the developer is able to develop an app that will easily connect to the TV.

AI is connected with sensors in broad options and offers a location-based experience. AI is most appreciated in app development and is helpful in building the best app.

Automation development:

Development of the app demands excellent skills. In the process, many tasks are to be completed, which eats up time many times. However, by using AI, the development team can easily save time as well as money that can be used to automate the process. Not just this, AI can provide consistency and eliminates errors. AI can also help in skipping the repetitive tasks and mistakes caused by it.

AI chatbots:

When you visit any website, you’ll see a chatbot below the website. If you click on the chatbot and fill in your details, AI will identify your need and pattern and reply accordingly. If your problem has a solution, AI will immediately solve it and give sales support and customer service.

Understand user:

Selecting the clues from the users, AI comprehends what the users need and assure that they get the same thing. It analyzes the activities and behavior of the user and provides the best suggestions. Additionally, they can understand the user’s behavioral patterns and apprehend the users’ needs.

Personalization service:

We all know that every customer’s need is different from each other. Therefore, customization is the best way to offer customer satisfaction and will boost sales. The modern AI service will ease the work of developers and offer the best-customized services. AI detects the customer’s pattern, taste, or preference. It suggests the same interest and preferences so that customers get engaged and shop from the options.

Mobile App Industries that use AI to change the future

Healthcare App:

Now, healthcare services are just a dial away. You can get the best healthcare services at home and receive the reports in your mail. With the inclusion of AI in services, a patient’s medical details are now collected, stored, and managed efficiently.

Automotive App:

In the automotive sector, all the brands are embracing the latest vehicles where Artificial intelligence enhances the driving experience. While driving, one can use AI features for navigation and listening to music. Driverless cars are next-level features offered by AI.

Finance App:

In the banking sector, AI is helping customers to save money by educating them on where to invest. It assists them so that they can track their expenses and manages everything on points. It assures that finance sectors can help customers in solving their problems while sitting in their homes.

Law App:

Sometimes it takes work for attorneys to answer all the questions in person. In that case, AI can help by answering all the legal questions to clients so that they get answers to all their doubts.


Though Artificial intelligence has its challenges, it still never fails to improve the app industry. Today, many app owners in various sectors are using this technology to stay updated with the trend and customers as well. AI ensures they can create a good relationship with the customers by recognizing their behavioral patterns in shopping or anything else. Therefore we can conclude that Ai is more than a technology. It is a blessing for app owners to develop a good relationship with customers.

Skills and Apps Needed for IoT Mobile App Developers

What are Skills and Apps Needed for IoT Mobile App Development?

Nowadays, it is quite apparent that most of the Internet of Things that is IoT solutions or services are dependent on mobile applications. If we look around, we’ll find that either for industrial or consumer or commercial use cases, mobile applications are important user interfaces to interact, configure and control connected devices or digital services in an IoT system.

Many traditional mobile application development companies share that they are ready to embrace IoT but add that creating IoT applications requires much effort and expertise.

Suppose a traditional app development includes IoT as just one of their mobile capabilities. In that case, it should be considered a warning flag because IoT requires knowledge and expertise, which comes with focusing on IoT over a long time.

What are Important Mobile App Skills for IoT Developers?

Bluetooth Low Energy:

Bluetooth Low Energy enables smartphones to connect directly to IoT devices like sensors, smart appliances, and others. This allows mobile apps to perform works like collecting data from the devices or controlling or configuring the behavior, provision network credentials and updating the device’s software, and many other things.

This BLE is based on the same radio technology as traditional Bluetooth but consumes less power. This feature makes BLE the best for battery-powered IoT applications that do not send or receive a large amount of data. BLE provides support for modern smartphones. It is especially useful in providing network credentials, like sharing wifi SSIDs and passwords to an IoT device. The important point is to do this securely, mandating know-how beyond the basics.

Besides this, working with BLE demands knowing the communication protocols and unique behaviors of the IoT devices. This implies knowing how to troubleshoot the problems and debug issues. Other than this, it also demands experience working with the embedded microcontroller systems that power most devices. The traditional mobile app firms often do not get this type of experience. Pertinent details of the nuances of BLE in different mobile application frameworks like React Native, iOS, and Android environment is also important. Every framework or environment works differently.

Zero-Configuration Networking:

Zero-configuration or Zeroconf is another way smartphones can detect and interact with nearby devices. This system is less used than BLE for this purpose but is often employed for communicating with devices connected to the smartphone’s local wifi network. There are different protocols available that permit the mobile app to discover devices present in the network without needing any special network configuration. Therefore, these protocols are altogether known as Zero-Configuration Networking. These protocols consist of MultiCast DNS (MDNS) and Apple Bonjour.

Smartphones transfer different messages on the network to detect specific device types. The devices supporting the protocol will react with their service name and IP address. This allows the smartphone to develop a direct connection with the device. It is important to have skills and experience with networking and embedded devices for implementing Zeroconf networking.

IoT Cloud Service Integration:

Most of the IoT mobile apps integrate with IoT cloud services. This integration to digital services operating in the cloud allows users to communicate with the devices even when they are not in the range. It also allows users to get useful insights from IoT system data. 

Cloud service providers offer many software solutions for IoT systems that can do things like route messages, process events, index devices, and aggregate data. Mobile apps interact with these services. 

Often, mobile apps for IoT communicate with custom cloud APIs to streamline the interaction between the cloud services and mobile applications. Having experience with REST API and HTTPS is important, and for IoT applications, knowing MQTT and GraphQL. 

Executing good security protection is crucial when connecting to cloud services. To establish this, it needs expertise in methods for authenticating user accounts and setting up access protocols. The entire system ensures that the right users and systems access the right resources, not others. Establishing good security is not a small task and demands precise knowledge of the IoT system and its implementations. Therefore, mobile app developers holding loud experience, specifically IoT-oriented cloud services and patterns, are highly useful for developing great mobile apps for IoT. Holding a good connection with multiple cloud service providers and their capabilities and subtleties add a lot of worth. This also helps select the most optimal services and their providers for specific purposes.

Interfacing with IoT Devices:

IoT system connects the physical devices using networks to digital services and user interfaces. To perform the functions, physical devices have computing capabilities embedded inside them. These small compute consist of external interfaces to get sensor measurements, drive the display, store data, etc. We already discussed that mobile apps often connect to IoT devices over BLE, but the data shared over BLE varies by device type. The way data is collected and sent over BLE depends on the firmware operating in the device. The data available could be in any format, including binary. To exploit this data and debug any issues when they come up, it is important to know decoding, encoding, serialization, and bitwise operations.

Knowing how the IoT device works is important to understand the data needs. This may need reading datasheets and specification documents and reviewing the embedded firmware. Having information about embedded systems mobile makes this process seamless and more efficient.


IoT systems run on networks and manage important and private data. Therefore, they become the target of attacks from cyber criminals, security researchers, and others. Hence, IoT systems should have good security measures to safeguard the products and brands. 

Authentication of users and devices is an important part. Mobile apps should ensure that users trying to log in are valid and even detect invalid users. Depending on the account, the user should have unique permissions and data access policies. Along with this, mobile apps also need to ensure that any device a user attempt to connect to is authentic and has not been tempered. This is only possible using cryptographically signed software and digital certificates. The data shared between devices and mobile apps should be encrypted. Mobile apps play an important role in updating the firmware of the specific connected devices they are developed to support. This requires securely downloading firmware files, verifying them, and transferring them over the device. To create such systems, it is important to have end-to-end security knowledge. Experience with data access policies and Over-the-Air firmware updates with cryptographically signed firmware is also important.

Cross Platform Development:

Well, there is no need to put effort twice and write two apps when you can have one? Earlier, there was a need to develop two separate applications for Android and iOS.

However, today there are cross-platform development frameworks that serve both. This implies that a single development project can offer mobile applications for both Android and iOS. It has been found that cross-platform development frameworks like React Native and Flutter can provide excellent results in minimum time. These frameworks permit developers to write code in a single language and render applications in native code. The native code varies between Android versus iOS. This means there is no difference in the performance. The final mobile apps perform well and provide the look and feel that Android or iOS users expect. These frameworks have been employed in thousands of web applications and mobile applications. Using a common framework for web and mobile applications adds many advantages to the consistency of user experience.

Mobile App Architecture for IoT:

Mobile apps for IoT should look great and operate flawlessly. The best people to develop the user interfaces must necessarily be the developers with a good grip on core functionality.

Suppose a company delivers the core IoT capabilities for an app inside a bundle of software that partner companies or customers can use within the mobile application. This enables them to focus on developing a seamless user experience without considering the complexities of the IoT features underneath. Your developer should pack the core IoT capabilities into mobile software development kits that can summarize all the IoT complexity into a compilation of software that reveals clear APIs to other mobile app developers.

These SDKs, i.e., software development kits, have APIs for cloud connectivity, device data access, account management, etc. This allows mobile developers to have less IoT complexities experience and access to the IoT APIs to prioritize the application’s user-facing features.


These are a few reasons advocating Mobile Apps for IoT are unique and require unique skills to develop. These consist of IoT-specific mobile app development features like BLE and the cross-domain experience like cloud and embedded.

If you wish to add great IoT experiences for customers, collaborate with a company with a forte in IoT development and implementation. Connecting with an experienced mobile app development company can improve your business and provide a greater user experience. IoT is the next-gen technology with the only objective of simplifying the existing complex system. It also ensures that customers don’t struggle while using apps or services, and on the other hand, it saves time and cost for the service providers.

How To Build Smarter Apps Using Mobile Artificial Intelligence?

Mobile artificial intelligence is already revolutionizing the mobile app development game. In 2020, the mobile AI sector crossed the valuation of 2.14 billion dollars, and this number will possibly grow 4.5x by the year 2026. It is quite apparent that mobile artificial intelligence holds a great future so let’s not waste time and know this innovative technology and its use in mobile app development.

What are the benefits offered by Mobile Artificial Intelligence?

Mobile artificial intelligence endeavors to make mobile technology smarter and more functional for users. Amazon’s Alexa Shopping product is a very popular example of mobile Artificial Intelligence. It has reduced countless hours of customer support work for Amazon. At the UX level, it has also brought prominent quality of life improvements to end-users.

It is expected that the most significant growth will likely come from AI virtual assistant technology. The remarkable success of last-generation AI assistants like Alexa and Siri shows the power of the technology. 

AI-capable processors in next-gen mobile devices are featured with various intelligent solutions such as language translators, AR and VR enhancement, context-aware AI assistants, and better security attributes.

The fortune of these advanced apps and on-board solutions is highly extensible, and its integration with the third-party mobile application provides developers with a full-fledged AI development ecosystem.

It is also projected that sectors such as smartphones, cameras and imaging, drones, robotics, automotive, and cloud computing also show incredible growth from mobile AI technology.

The government of the United States and other western countries are trying to prohibit restrictions on consumer drone technology; the drone sector will expand steadily in the presence of AI-capable mobile processors.

Next-gen drones offer an amazing home, and enterprise user features like AI-assisted photography, surface mapping, GPS, AI autopilot and navigation, and many more applications.

Eventually, it is impossible to ignore the potential of next-gen AI to reduce numerous human hours using the AI app development pipeline. AI aids programmers in crushing barriers that consume a lot of time and money in processes like porting software across platforms and removing manual error-checking and troubleshooting once done by human testers.

How AI Makes Your App Smarter?

The increasing number of mobile users and change in trend is shifting the demand toward more customized features.

Earlier, UI was managed in a first-party way by app developers; now, many app developers use on-board UI from smartphone manufacturers to offer an interface for their users. These manufacturers include AI-capable processors, smartphones can interpret user behavior and conduct real-time customization of the app interfaces for a better user experience.

Thus we can say that  Artificial intelligence fetches remarkable new possibilities for mobile development via machine learning, biometrics, recognition technologies, and voice technologies.

Machine Learning:

Today, many businesses are investing so much money into machine learning development as it can predict and optimize user behavior, leading to upsells and cross-sells.

Machine learning improves a better user experience and ensures users keep returning by delivering appropriate content to drive up total usage hours.

The advanced technology has stirred up the competition in the app market. Machine Learning helps companies keep users engaged and entertained, ultimately improving their rank and rating on google play and other App stores.

Online retailers use ML to create customer profiles based on various data like customer purchases and their relationship with other users, the customer’s behavior on the app or website, and many other contributing factors. Using the data, retailers offer recommended products based on the customer’s interest.

For example, Amazon extensively uses machine learning to connect customers with products they might be interested in buying. 

Transport providers like Uber also use this latest technology in their logistics apps to provide drivers with updated information on the road. 

ML solutions predict the fasted possible route for drivers to avoid traffic jams.

Recognition Technology:

The addition of recognition supported by Mobile AI has changed the outlook of the entire mobile utilization pattern. Image recognition technology like Google Lens and other similar apps have revolutionized the way of interaction between people and the world. This image recognition app allows users to recognize the specific plant varieties, and OCR powered by ML can change the foreign language into the native language without delay.

Financial institutions are adopting the same technology in their mobile apps to process checks without needing the customer to visit the bank for the same purpose. Pharmacists are employing this tech to scan medical prescriptions and import them into software to know the exact place of the medicine or its availability in the store.

Next-gen mobile AI improves the existing facial recognition technology by using technologies like artificial neural networks to boost the process of detecting human faces.

AI biometrics boost the level of protection of mobile applications ensuring better privacy for storing sensitive data. This feature also increases the use of mobile applications in the sectors like finance, healthcare, government, etc.

Voice Technologies:

Highly advanced text-to-speech technology provided by mobile artificial intelligence provides clear voice functionality generated from text input. Better text-to-speech empowers visually impaired users to navigate apps and websites, changing static text into clear and understandable voiced content.

AI assistant technology uses voice recognition provided by mobile artificial intelligence to converse with the user without any latency. Commands by the users are processed into actions by the virtual assistant, offering a smooth experience.

For instance, our very popular Alexa and Siri of Amazon and Apple, respectively, can execute different user requests.

The Future Transformations

Mobile artificial intelligence is holding a great scope in the coming years. Many industries are embracing technology and facing rapid transition. Integrating mobile processors with AI- friendly features will enhance the AI capabilities of first and third-party applications.

The key technologies contributing to the changes are machine learning, recognition technology, biometrics, and voice technologies. Mobile AI optimizes the process, removes obstacles for users and providers, delivers relevant content, enhances end-user engagement, and improves the development process. AI-integrated mobile apps are more extensible, modular, dynamic, and offer superior performance for developers and users.

Challenges of Developing a Mobile App for Smart Devices

Major Challenges Faced in Developing Mobile Apps for Smart Devices

Today, a mobile app is no new thing for almost everyone. Crowd using smartphones are well aware of the services and features facilitated by a mobile app. It is obvious that the use of smartphones is increasing day-by-day at a global level. Mobile apps provide smoothness in communication, connectivity and access to a business. It also allows us to take advantage of IoT in the building of smart cities and homes. However, developing a mobile application is a daunting task. The whole development process demands strategic planning and innovative execution for successful app development so that the users love to use it.

Nowadays, every business built its mobile application. It signifies the impact of mobile applications and how it helps in upheaving the company to the next level. Today, in this digital world, the only way to expand the business is through a mobile app.

In this blog, we will find the eight biggest challenges of developing a mobile app for smart devices.

Meeting Demands with UI/UX Design:

The most crucial aspect of developing a mobile app is meeting demands with User Interface and User Experience. Without proper UI/UX, it is nearly impossible to create an appropriate web application. A user-friendly UI/UX helps in alluring more users to the mobile application, ultimately establishing the app’s documentation. App’s documentation is crucial as it lists the app’s primary purpose, devices it will support, and what platform should be chosen to launch and many other related things.

Once all the basic requirements are noted in detail, along with features and functionality, then designers can start their task. UI/UX’s important elements require to develop that facilitates accessibility with a stable surfing experience.

Sometimes business owners overlook UI/UX because of time constraints or unclear requirements or any other reason, but one should understand that underrating UI/UX while developing a mobile app for a smart device can cost a lot. This issue or constraint can be overcome by maintaining precise documentation and clarity on an application’s functions.

Development Technology:

Most of the companies encounter two most common development problems -choosing the most fitting development technology and developing a native, hybrid or Cross-platform mobile application. The decision should be based on the needs of the business as well as users’ preference.

But, getting help from an IoT app development company would be the best choice. Build your company’s app on a flexible platform to make it adaptable and matches the client’s target functionality.

Confirming Adaptability Between Sensors and Networks:

Sensors and networks via which mobile applications communicate are a necessary part of IoT development. Most of the IoT specialists struggle in ascertaining the terminal adaptability between different sensors and various network types. Nowadays, there are many sensor manufacturers and vendors who do not work under similar protocols for an extended period. Thus, you may face a circumstance where two devices are not cooperative and exchange valuable data.

In has been noticed that these challenges are encountered later or at the end of the app development process. So, you must make sure to connect and verify these details with the app development company you have consulted to develop your mobile app.

Validating Hardware Compatibility:

It is tough and complicated to predict the system and performance requirements when the app development process is in the initial phase. Many times, the development teams do not get specific hardware information, and this issue needs a prompt solution to prevent problems emerging with the app functioning later on.

Therefore, some proficient and experienced IoT app development companies focus on choosing the most fitting hardware from the initial stage of development to modify their design or find ways to determine hardware needs.

Maintaining Devices Connection to the Network:

Good connectivity and networking are the most significant aspect while connecting various devices to work within a single app. The device can be joined using one of the classic internet networks (such as LAN or WAN) or any other networks.

As the IoT system and its architecture emerge, the need for a network along with the connected devices raises. Sometimes, the devices exceed the production and coverage of a specific network ultimately producing data processing and exchange problems.

Persistence and Data Flow Management:

Assuring consistency and data flow management while developing a mobile app for smart devices is an essential step. For example, there are devices in a smart home that collects the data and then display it on the user’s devices (phone, smartwatch, tablet etc.) Stable and uniform database connection guarantees for up-to-date data display across all devices at all the time.

Today most of the data that smart devices operate are unorganized, so it creates trouble in storing it in a suitable SQL format.

Optimal Performance:

The performance also plays an essential role in app development. Many successful apps provide a superior customer experience but face difficulty ensuring a world-class app performance. The issues include an application’s functioning without crashes or bugs while utilizing as little space in the device without changing battery life. You need to verify the app should work in the right way. If it provides optimal performance only then, it should be available for users.

App Security:

A security concern is the most annoying one for mobile developers.

For example, malware issues may occur, and software/hardware fragmentation only adds to the distress’ list. Then a lot of effort is required to approach such app security challenge, which wastes a lot of time as well as money.

If proper security standards have not complied, then security lapse can begin to information misuse and manipulation, terrible user experience and limited app choice.

Wind Up

We can conclude that challenges should not be overlooked and should not affect your business app’s performance. It would be best to understand each challenge and take suitable actions to overcome the problem and create a smooth operating app. There are many IoT app development companies to help you in overcoming challenges and surpass the entire issues through their expertise and experience.

If you need to have a mobile app for smart devices, connect to the app development service provider with skilled resources and experience similar projects.

Why do You Need to Switch The IoT Mobile App Development

Why do You Need to Switch The IoT Mobile App Development?

Today, when time has become the most precious thing than ever, everyone is searching for the most efficient and smart solutions. Just assume present life without internet. There would have been no way to connect and use kitchen appliances, TV sets and baby monitors etc. remotely. Life would have been hard. Thankfully we are existing in an era where our physical world is beautifully synchronizing with the digital world. It is expected that by 2025, we have more connected devices than Earth’s inhabitants.

Do you know how all this is possible? The only way to make all this possible is through the Internet of Things. We can simply define it as IoT refers to an ecosystem which includes physical objects accessed by the internet.

But why do you need to integrate your mobile application with IoT? Integrating IoT with a mobile application can provide a competitive edge to your business to thrive in any dynamic market.

For example, heart monitoring devices have built-in sensors with an IP address and can collect and transmit data over the network. They are built to monitor, understand and analyze the ambience as per human needs.

Amazon’s Alexa and Google Assistance is already serving as a connecting link between human and network of interconnected devices and have been in user from a long time. The transformation in technology shows that IoT has become one of the most critical technologies of today’s century. Businesses belonging to different domains are employing the latest technology to sustain in tech competition.

How IoT and Mobile App Development is interdependent:

Today, millions of IoT connected devices are already part of the earth. No doubt with the time the number will increase as internet connectivity is now a standard feature for devices which are used in factories, households, businesses and other sectors.

The preferred platform which has pushed the usage of IoT and IoT based devices is Mobile. The mobile app is easy to develop and for transmitting data. Using a single mobile application, you can quickly and efficiently manage IoT devices like Smart home or wearables.

In fact, you can set thermostats, brew your coffee and peep inside your house using the camera from the remote place through mobile phones. So, life has become very comfortables through IoT.

Why do you need to develop a Custom Mobile App using IoT?

1) Flexible Accessibility:

Today people are addicted to easy accessibility; therefore, integration of IoT and mobile app provides this facility, i.e. to access any interconnected physical object from any location through a single touch on a smartphone. Your reliable and proficient IoT app development company can provide you IoT-enabled mobile app, which can compute with IoT platforms’ enhanced functionality and can boost network usage of the customers.

2) Valuable Insights:

The Internet of Things can be defined as a network of interconnected devices, sensors, digital items and servers that collectively access and store sensitive and personal data of the users. These data can be used to make accurate decisions related to consumer behaviours and activities and shopping patterns in real-time, ultimately improving business operations.

For example, you can execute an essential change in inventory and improve your offerings’ marketing strategy. By using data, you can provide highly customized and excellent customer experience.

3) Market Entry:

We all know that IoT provides innumerable benefits, but unfortunately, many businesses and organizations are not in favour of adopting IoT as well as new technologies. They are unaware of IoT potentials and how a custom mobile app with IoT can provide a competitive edge to their business and address the niche market that has adopted IoT-based mobile apps.

How IoT helps in Mobile App Development Process?

1) Reduces the Cost of Mobile App Development:

IoT being dynamic in nature allows IoT app development company to combine multiple components within the app to make it innovative as well as interactive. This feature saves a lot of money without any compromise with the result.

2) Easy Integration:

IoT technology can be integrated with emerging technologies like AR, ML and VR. This means that it allows you to deploy the same capabilities in mobile apps. But, in order to get the best result, one has to implement IoT correctly.

3) Need for Higher Security:

We all know that user’s data is stored on the cloud and IoT application developers provide extreme device interconnectivity which certainly attracts high possibilities of cyberattacks and account hacks. Thus mobile app development service providers must ensure high-security protocols and encryption policies in all IoT integrated mobile apps.

4) Promotes Interactive Mobile App:

Technology has opened the gateway to personalization option, and obviously, IoT has made the mobile app more interactive and efficient. This concludes that a mobile app can stay-up-to-date with functionalities of IoT to stay competitive. This latest technology also facilitates simple customization options for mobile enterprise apps as today many businesses wish to reap the leverages provided by IoT. Many organization have connected devices for various operations like ordering supplies or in-office repairs regularly.

Businesses can even make their work process smooth for their staff by reducing downtime of office equipment by regular maintenance and prompt repair services.

5) Location Independence:

Most of the mobile users are using IoT-based mobile apps. Users can control the IoT ecosystem, including all devices, internet connections, hardware deployed through IoT-based mobile apps from anywhere and anytime. Thus we can say that IoT facilitates location independence.

For example, iPhone’s Home App provides useful automation for home accessories like a thermostat, lights, bathroom, wifi system. Homekit cameras and videos can even inform you through notification if any friend arrives at your doorstep. Thus you are free to operate your devices from any location using your mobile app.

6) Greater Convenience:

Today 52% of the world are mobile internet users, and one can easily manage entire IoT network from office, home or anywhere. One can even integrate social networks and notifications in the IoT mobile application. IoT has made life easy and simple, not just for users but also for IoT service providers. Today, application developers are not required to invest a lot of time, money and resources to make a mobile app and devices intuitive and interactive.

What are the challenges in IoT enabled Mobile App Development?

1) Data Collection and Processing:

IoT application needs a massive amount of data so IoT app development company must collect, store & process data on the cloud, in full agreement with platform terms. Companies need assistance for fetching insights from the customers’ data, so they have to hire data experts, analytic engineers and machine learning resources to analyze the data quality and its usefulness.

2) Security and Privacy:

Well, IoT has been in controversies for network security and data security. IoT app developers need to ensure full data privacy and security. They should provide data encryption protocol while developing a mobile app because IoT devices can be easily tampered and hacked by hackers. Therefore IoT app developers must guarantee that both data and devices are safe and hold required access and support skills.

3) Hardware and Software Compatibility:

It is essential to know that IoT and mobile app development needs a balance of software function and hardware. It is obvious to concentrate on designing the device, but software functions also require attention as it can create problems during regular updates. Both aspects together provide optimal performance. Thus it is vital to thrive a balance between both hardware and software. Suppose if your device does not allow regular updates like bug-fixing, it will hammer the device’s performance. Thus IoT app development company would not be able to deliver the most favourable results.


Integration of IoT with a mobile app can upheave your business and provide a greater view of the current market trend. If you wish to deliver outstanding customer service, boost engagement with your buyers, and attract more significant sales on the mobile app without extending your budget or compromising with the technological abilities, IoT is the best solution. Connect reliable and experienced IoT app service providers and explore the best possibilities.

How to Implement Successful Enterprise Mobility Solutions in Your Business?

The world has turned small through a small device carrying immense capabilities, i.e. mobile phones. In this mobile era, everything is available to your doorstep in a click. As per surveys, most mobile users are spending a minimum of 5 hours a day with a cell phone and occupying 70 per cent of web traffic. The growing interest of people in mobile phones has transformed the business strategies and outlooks too. Most of the companies are planning to digitize their business strategies and addressing mobile phones as the most effective platform for futuristic growth.

Leaving the old-fashion desktop culture to satisfy business needs, companies are actively adopting a mobile-first approach to the corporate technology stack.

Why do you need Enterprise Mobility?

Enterprise mobility enables a business to use mobile solutions throughout their entire organization. It offers enormous benefits to the organizations and promises unstoppable growth as now a more significant number of consumers and employees depends on mobile devices. After developing a potential enterprise mobility strategy, the next step is to plan and design an enterprise mobility application while ensuring unambiguous app management across the organization.

Chartering a successful enterprise mobility strategy to run a successful business is not an easy task as it requires dedication and forethought. Business differs, so the strategy also differs. Different organizations demand different mobility services. Organizations use enterprise mobility to cut the operational costs, to enhance employees’ productivity and to promote collaboration.

A flourishing enterprise gives priority to personalized objectives to assist the growth of enterprise mobility strategies. Businesses develop goals and purposes while keeping in mind how enterprise mobility apps will influence their:

  • Business
  • Employees
  • Customers

Enterprise mobility strategies ensure,

  1. Increase in productivity to unique levels
  2. Explore more opportunities to become more efficient
  3. Uncompromising security from hackers, malware, and other security issues
  4. Huge reductions in costs
  5. Good portability and Continuous content sharing
  6. Enables data tracking and analytics

Read More: The Ultimate Guide to Mobile App Monetization

Not just this, enterprise mobility solutions opens a route for a business to stay on top in the competition and churn maximum benefit.

Let us know the three irreplaceable ways to launch enterprise mobility solutions. It will empower organizations to meet all upcoming challenges courageously and positively.

1) Be bold while embracing enterprise mobility:

Adoption of modern enterprise mobility solutions is not simple as it demands generous funding and management of upcoming changes. This particular reason forces entrepreneurs to think about the difficult choice between upgrading existing technologies or completely replacing them with a more advanced one.

Thus, choosing between the two requires good courage. Well, the choice might appear harsh and financially painful. Still, the outdated system causes hidden costs along with risks, so the smart choice is to forget obsolete legacy systems and embrace the latest technology.

Once decided to opt for the latest technology, here are the goals to pursue to develop a quality solution:

  1. The first goal is to establish a high level of security and create data protection personalized as per the need of the business.
  2. The second goal includes the introduction of the cloud to your organization. Familiarize cloud technology including its both public and private levels for every user.
  3. The third goal is to provide quick access to data and the availability of regular updates and ensure immediate support.
  4. The fourth goal is to boost profits by subtracting extra expenditure and enhancing employees’ productivity.

2) Charter a strategy for an enterprise mobile application:

Jumping into enterprise mobility approach without any knowledge may lead to a considerable loss. The second success promising way is to know the factors that affect the price of a mobile app. Well, complexity, creators’ business logic and other features intended to be added by a developer increases the cost of mobile app development. Let’s see how different aspects influence the cost of mobile app development.

  1. Functionality: Addition of many functions can complicate the development of a mobile app, but it also promises to improve business processes and make it more efficient, effective and uncomplicated.
  2. Platform: The choice of the platform also determines the time required for the development of a mobile app.
  3. Integrations: An option available for smooth integration optimizes the implementation of enterprise mobility solutions.
  4. App Security: To guard essential company data, it is mandatory to invest in in-app security to eliminate possible vulnerabilities.

Read More: Six Inevitable Steps to Bring Digital Transformation in Your Business

Now, here are a few recommendations which fall in ‘must-follow’ to ensure successful enterprise mobility management strategy in the long run.

  1. Define: You need to have clear and reasonable visions for what you want from your project and how enterprise app will support your business in meeting organizational goals.
  2. Client: While choosing functionalities, think about the needs of customers. Choose functionalities which are user-friendly and can add value to customers.
  3. Minimal Viable Product: Determine a minimal viable product to estimate its prospects on the real market and probable possibilities for high demand among users.
  4. Platform: Find a suitable platform which can meet all your needs without disturbing your already decided budget while considering the population of targeted users.
  5. Budget: Don’t forget to designate one-fifth of the total budget for app maintenance as it can ensure corporate security, effective engagement of users and improved performance of an app.

3) Adopt the newest trends in Enterprise Mobile App Development:

To enjoy the best of the solution, add the newest and most advanced technologies in your enterprise mobility solutions. This will intensify the efficiency of the solution and competitiveness of your organization at the global level. Here is the list of most modern trends and innovations to count on for successful enterprise mobility solutions.

  1. Addition of augmented and virtual reality in your mobile app solution.
  2. Employ m-commerce rather than e-commerce.
  3. Improving supply chain management by adopting an enterprise app.
  4. Addition of AI (artificial intelligence) for in-app automation and better user support.
  5. Adopting IoT technology to enhance app personalization and get better analytics.


The decision to get a mobile app for business growth can never be regretful. Business mobile apps enable you to manage the different needs of the business, from employee engagement to lead generation and supply chain management. So, never regret your decision and invest some time to draft a well-examined strategy. Don’t miss to add the latest trends to your enterprise mobility solution to make it more efficient and profitable.

If you are still using the old-traditional way to promote your business and expecting for optimal result, then reconsider your decision. Contact us now to get successful Enterprise Mobility Solutions.

The Ultimate Guide to Mobile App Monetization

The emerging competition and latest technology introduction recommend having an eCommerce app for the business. Most of the companies turn their vision into a reality by developing a mobile app but is it enough?

If your e-commerce app is not making money, then it is an absolute waste of money, because every investment needs to prove its worth.

However, the biggest obstacle in converting an app into money is the lack of knowledge and guidance. So, consider reading this blog to know “How to make money with an app.”

How to Make Money With an App?

Mobile App monetization involves two strategies-Direct Monetization and Indirect Monetization.

Direct monetization is a simple and most popular one. Many companies adopt it, whereas indirect monetization is a bit complex.

1) Direct Monetization:

In this monetization strategy, money is generated directly from an app. If someone downloads your business app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, then the money is generated from the app. When a customer uses your business app to buy something, then the sale is generated from your app.

2) Indirect Monetization:

This monetization strategy is complex but famous for software products. You can make money by developing an app, but the actual money amount is not bound to the app. In this you are making money either app is used or not.

Top 6 App Monetization Models and Strategies:

There are six popular strategies to generate money with an app.

A) Paid Downloads:

This model is the quite obvious and simplest one to generate money with an app. You can charge a fee to download the app, but the charges should lie in the range that users are in use to pay.

Though the paid-download model is a straightforward app monetization model, the drawback is fewer downloads. Many people prefer free apps instead of a paid app. However, paid-users will be highly interested and will try to get the optimal result. If users are using the app often, then you could benefit more from them with other app monetization models.

B) In-App Purchases:

The in-app purchases monetization can be used for paid as well as free apps for physical and virtual products.

For instance, most of the gaming app uses this in-app purchase model for virtual coins or experience upgrades. Players spend money to purchase weapon, vehicles, map, lifelines etc.

Pokemon Go, one of the popular games among kids, has generated more than $3 billion in revenue after being a free app.

Pokemon Go is an excellent example of a free mobile app that makes money from in-app purchases. The game sells “PokeCoins” which is a virtual currency to pay for upgrades within the app and improves the gaming experience.

But this method is not just limited to gaming apps, and many e-commerce websites can build an app in the same model to increase mobile sales. Suppose if a customer purchases something like shoes, books, t-shirts etc. which you are selling online from your app, then it falls in this model only.

C) Subscriptions:

This model is used to generate recurring revenue with an app. You can customize the subscription package of your e-commerce app on Google Play Store and Apple App Store. In this model, a user needs to sign up for the subscription, and he’ll be charged on a recurring basis until he doesn’t cancel it manually.

Most of the subscription apps are on a monthly basis, but you can customize it to annual or quarterly billing cycles as well.

The subscription model can be used for a wide range of industries. For example, if you have built a fitness app, then you can set up a monthly subscription to access workouts, videos, and training. In fact, this model is fit for small businesses like local dry cleaner to offer pick-up and delivery cleaning services.

D) Freemium Model:

This monetization model lies in between subscription and in-app purchases. The word freemium is a combination of two words-Free + premium = freemium. This implements that you need to offer your app for free to use this freemium monetization strategy. The next step is offering a different version of your app, that is free & premium.

In this model, the app offers a free version having basic features, and the upgraded one is the paid version to deliver supreme experience.

For example, a music app offers unlimited songs to users, but it is full of advertisement and download is not free. To enjoy advertisement free and free song downloading, the user needs to take a subscription. Another way to allure users is by providing a free trial of the paid version. This offer increases subscription chances and enhances user-experience.

E) Advertisements:

Advertisement is another way to generate money through your app. In this method, you sell space available in your app for advertisements. Now you might be recalling the ads you have seen in websites or apps. App advertising can be of different types and sizes like banner ads, video ads, pop-ups, native ads, interstitial ads etc. There are different revenue models available in this strategy:

  • Cost-per-install (CPI)
  • Cost-per-click (CPC)
  • Cost-per-action (CPA)
  • Cost-per-mile (CPM)
  • Cost-per-view (CPV)

The payment depends on the type of advertisement and other factors.

F) Product Extensions:

This strategy falls under indirect monetization and is absolutely a great way to generate revenue for your business, service or product, but as we have already shared, money won’t be generated directly to actions within the app.

For example:

QuickBooks is an online accounting software with more than 7+ million customers worldwide. This paid platform administers more than 50% of the accounting software market share. Anyone who buys this software gets free access to iOS and Android mobile app. This app does not generate revenue directly but having this software provides a native mobile experience which adds value to the product.

In fact, having a product extension also helps in differentiation you from the competition.

Wrap Up:

Though app monetization remains one of the tough tasks for developers and business owners, but it is one of the important purposes behind the development of an app. The primary step involved in the monetization process is to understand the available ways for it and figuring out which one will suit best for your business.

6 Valid Reasons on why the Intersection of Mobile App Development with Blockchain is a Necessity

The blockchain is up and coming technology of recent times and rightfully so. The main reason being that this technology offers features such as security and reliability like no other.

Not surprisingly, mobile app development services are embracing this technology like never before. For example, tech giants like Microsoft and Facebook have been merging blockchain into their systems.

Here are the 6 benefits mobile application development companies stand to gain from Blockchain Technology:

1. Security

If anything, the most significant benefit the mobile app development community could derive out of the revolutionary blockchain technology is that it helps develop mobile apps that are much, much safer, thanks to the most advanced cryptography technology that blockchain offers.

Here’s a brief idea of how cryptography technology works and how blockchain is leveraging it:

When you use a cryptography script, the third parties viewing your text won’t be able to decipher it. The cryptography technique leverages the disciplines of math, computer science, physics, engineering, and more.

Commonly used terms in Cryptography:

    • Encryption: Coding text into an unreadable format.
    • Decryption: Converting the nonsensical messages into readable form.
    • Cipher: An algorithm that performs encryption or decryption.

Blockchain uses cryptography for wallets, transactions, security, and privacy-preserving protocols.

The following is an explanation of how Blockchain works to secure digital relationships:

The public-key cryptography of Blockchain comprises two pair of keys: a public key and a private key.
As the name suggests, the public key is freely available, but the private key is meant for the owner. And every public key comes with a corresponding private key.

A public key is used for encrypting messages between two people or computers securely. Anyone can use anyone’s key to encrypt a word, but once encrypted, the only way to decrypt the message is to use a corresponding private key.

Let’s say Malcolm wants to send some encrypted message to Wilfred. And this how it would work:

  • Malcolm uses Wilfred’s public key to encrypt the message.
  • Malcolm sends the encrypted message to Wilfred – if a third party tries to read the message, all that they can see is nonsensical numbers and letters.
  • Wilfred uses his private key to decrypt and read the message.

Public-key cryptography is one of the basic components of blockchain technology. It is used in wallets and transactions. When a user creates a wallet on a blockchain, it’s basically a public-private key pair.

2. Simplicity

When compared to other similar technology concepts, blockchain enjoys an upper hand in terms of simplicity. And, it’s especially easy to use when it comes to mobile app development. Not to mention, it’s cost-effective as well.

When we use sophisticated technology, we need to invest more time, effort, and money is not just integrating but modifying and maintaining the technology as well. Complex technologies increase app development and maintenance-related costs. The technology helps entrepreneurs get rid of higher prices while offering feature-rich mobile apps.

3. Updations

Blockchain is evolving at a rapid pace. This will usher in new developments, which, when adapted to the enterprise mobile app space, will help address future requirements and, at the same time, enhance customer services.

The technology behind blockchain is also available as an open-source technology. So we can expect blockchain app developers to readily share and use the technology to make the application more robust and secure. This way blockchain technology reduces the app development time and cost while developing advanced mobile app solutions.

4. No Passwords

You may have set the strongest password on your device, but still, there’s always a possibility of your data getting leaked. Blockchain helps get rid of this fear.

With Blockchain, there’s no need for passwords to secure your transaction or devices. The two parties involved can usually make payments via an SSL certificate. Additionally, the blockchain network reviews everything, thereby eliminating the possibility of anything fake.

5. Identity Protection

One of the best things about Blockchain technology is security. It’s highly impossible for any hacker to shut down the complete system since data gets stored in different blocks instead of the server. Plus, blockchain offers crucial secret encryption. This sort of working mechanism ensures that there’s no misuse of data.

6. Digital Ledger System

It’s easier to understand blockchain development when you look at it as a ledger. It’s a digital ledger, powered by an extensive computer network that does all parsing and data sending. When any information is changed, the change gets reflected on the rest of the machines that hold the same ledger, and the values adjusted at the same time.

Mobile technology calls for this sort of systematic approach as it uses both server-side and client-side development. Mobile networks generally feel burdened with lots of channels trying to fetch data wirelessly. This might lead to a loss of information. With blockchain technology offering developed storage and data streaming, this could be taken care of.

Wrap Up

The rate at which blockchain technology is evolving is quite higher as compared to other technologies. So opting for blockchain is the best decision given that the technology will be going through a lot of software updates and will be offering improved services for your mobile application development.

How to Develop Best Food Delivery Apps?

If you are planning to try your hands in the online Food Delivery business, then absolutely it is a good idea. Today’s statics limns the evolving scope in the QSRs. As per Statista, the revenue generated in the Online Food Delivery segment is US $7,092m till May, 2019. It is expected that the statistic will change with the annual growth rate of 9.9% between CAGR 2019-2023, resulting in a market volume of US$10,363m by 2023.

China is currently leading in the business with US$39,888m. The calculations state that today, most of the customers are switching the online food delivery to avoid the interaction with people and stay at their calm. They love searching for their favourite food online and having it comfortably at their home or office.

So, the idea of developing a mobile app can provide a wing to your already existing restaurant business.

But before you start your journey in this industry and explore many other ways, let’s check out the basic outlines which can terminate your plight for “How to develop the best Food Delivery Apps?”

1. Easy to Use Interface: Simplicity always the allure and this statement also justify its worth for the first screen. One should keep the first screen, from where the customer logs in, simple and easy to understand. For example, the food menu option, favourite restaurant or offers available should be easy to access because unnecessary complication can repel the customers and invite many logoffs.

2. Safe Payments: Today, online safety has emerged as the most talked topic. Secure transactions and payments are part of the same along with data privacy.

If you are working on the development or seeking the help of the developer for the same, then do consider this important point. You need to take care of the privacy and safe payment system to build a long-term relationship between you and the customer. If you ever require some data, then ask the customer for the same, respecting his/her privacy.

3. Live Order Tracking: Providing an option of live order tracking falls in the ‘must option’ for any online food delivery app. Anyone who orders the food expects to track to get its current status. Even restaurant owners tend to follow the same to know either the delivery boy is delivering the food on time or not.

Delivery of hot and fresh food on time is another way which confirms the regularity of the costumer.

4. Multiple Methods to Order: People aren’t observed just being engaged in the mobile delivery app; they also check the website delivery app and desktop apps. So providing a facility of multi-access will certainly tag you in the priority.

5. Alluring Rewards and Offers: It’s always exciting for a customer when they receive offers or rewards. So, offering rewards or offers will help in sticking the customer to your restaurant or services. So, your app should notify the customers about the rewards and offers existing in the restaurant.

6. Push Notifications: If you are still stuck on how will you manage the offers and rewards, then push notifications are the best way. But, excess of push notification can repel your customer and too less will definitely not create revenue. So the best approach is to ask the customer about the number of notifications they desire and when.

Now comes another section which requires a reasonable consideration. So, let’s have a check at the factors which need to be considered if you are developing Food Delivery Apps.

The vigorous competition and the alluring advertisement of app developing companies often leave us in a dilemma. Hence, it’s your responsibility to check which company will fit in as per your need. So, let’s know on what basis you can decide a company which can develop a simple and proficient app for you.

1. Check your budget: The first and foremost step involved in the development of the mobile app is an investment. Therefore you need to decide how much money you want to spend. Look for a company which can harmonize with your budget and fulfil all your requirements.

2. Framework(s) to choose: Before you decide the framework or frameworks for your mobile app, you need to determine which platform you want to serve. Once it’s done, then you will have a plethora of frameworks to choose and get your app developed. You really need not possess so much knowledge about frameworks as it is the responsibility of the hired company. They let you know about each framework, along with its benefits and feedback. They even inform you about the right framework that can set well with your mobile app.

3. Lightening-Fast Delivery: Well, if you are planning for food delivery app then Lightning-Fast Delivery is no new word. Your app should be capable of managing the order placement in minimum time to the right person and then update the status of the order in real time.

4. Know your Customer: Whatever business you are in, if you are not aware of your customers or having no plan about which customer you want to target, then your planning and purposes are in vain.

So, before you design your mobile app, you should get clear about which age audience is going to be your priority. If you are targeting middle age people, then the design would be very different from other ages. The display of the app should be dependent on the target customer.

5. Decide your USP to allure max: Well, you are not the one is the market; hence, you need to become the ‘one’ where people stop their search. Decide your USP and make sure it is well highlighted in your app. You should have strategies and services which can clean-bowl your competitors and make you a winner with huge revenue.

If you crossed or had a considerable visit over all these points then yeah you are all set to have your own online delivery app. One last thing to keep in mind, keep checking your competitors because it is said that “keep your friends close, and your enemies closer” Period.

If you are seeking for a company which can develop your mobile application then contact Prompt Softech. It is a global IT solution, software and mobile app development company which will turn your dream into reality.

If you have some queries or information to share, then share it in the comment box.