Tech Ecosystem

Generating Continuous Value for IoT Using Ecosystem Approach

Generating Continuous Value for IoT Using Ecosystem Approach?

The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted almost all sectors. Still, on the other hand, it opened a plethora of opportunities to improve the existing business culture by showing us the path of Digital Transformation. Today, the industry stands on the doorsteps of its much-awaited renewal. It is evident that manufacturing leaders have to adopt digital transformation but have to accelerate innovation while managing crucial processes like enhancing capacity without compromising product quality.

Thus, digital transformation is the new focus in the manufacturing industry, and no doubt, effective collaboration will be the best way to keep both things smooth and productive at the same time. However, this will not be easy as workforces have gone and are still mostly remote.

Pandemic Impact:

As the virus blanketed the globe, it became pretty clear that there would be a fight for survival among industries. There would be winners and losers. Before the pandemic situation, the manufacturing sector had been slow in adopting the digital transformation and lacked a data-centric mindset that has already transformed other industries. Even those who embraced multimillion-dollar Industry 4.0 or IoT initiatives were not receiving any excellent results to showcase their efforts. Unfortunately, when the pandemic knocked the globe, resources to support implementations went at the edge.

Not just they lost the data they needed to adapt at the moment but also potential value..

Digital Transformation:

Today the most asked question is why invest in digital transformation at the corporate level when there is no usable data from the factory floor? 

Well, Smart manufacturing does not demand to have an entire organization devoted to its success. In manufacturing, it can begin with capturing insights from the very initial operation- the machine assets that make products and people handling the machine. The assets are one of the most significant capital investments for any manufacturing industry, and it produces thousands of data points every second. Still, these valuable data are not captured and analyzed to improve the efficacy leading to no improvement or growth. Today’s factories are based on manual processes that result in massive inefficiencies and disturbs every part of the organization.

Insights along with correct action-driven from this data can lay the foundation for manufacturers to grow their business and stand above the competitors. Even the chances of errors and inefficiency are negligible.

Machine Data Infrastructure:

As we already know, there were many manufacturers, organizations, consultants and system integrators who attempted to rebuild the machine data infrastructure from scratch and produced varying degrees of achievement as a part of large IoT initiatives.

Even while leveraging a horizontal IIoT platform, the whole setup requires months or years. Once it is completed, the mechanism for capturing and contextualizing machine data has to build, and it needs regular maintenance. Not only are the expenses of sustaining these solutions limit, but the missing opportunity and value affiliated with misallocating resources to produce something that already exists causes a competitive disadvantage for the manufacturer.

Accurate real-time data automatically collected and transformed from machine assets produce a solid base for driving bottom-line value. When joined with visibility and actionability via alerts, analytics and automation triggered by the data, one can observe a 15-20% improvement in utilization performance in months.

Once this is over, the value achievement can be fast and multi-directional by integrating the data into other siloed data on enterprise factory and industry systems, i.e. from product designing to production, product quality, maintenance and logistics to run endless automation and accomplishment of exceptional value.

This enables an ecosystem of manufacturers and partners to speed up value attainment and reduce the risk of initiative failure by optimally adjusting the entities having individual skills, in particular IIoT initiatives.

IIoT Ecosystem:

IIoT Ecosystem includes manufacturers, machine builders, machine builder distributors, technology and solution providers, service providers, software providers, system integrators and consultants. Each has its unique skill, expertise, or intellectual property that can be used to drive a successful IIoT initiative. When the resources mentioned above are disarranged or sub-optimized, IIoT initiatives fail to deliver on the insured value proposition or fail entirely.

So, the question is, where should the manufacturer focus? Analytics, including both Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence algorithms, can be developed and applied at the edge as well as in the cloud using analytics technologies. The correct alignment of skills and technologies produces the optimal formula for the manufacturer’s speedy and regular value generation.

Successful IIoT initiatives need selecting the right technologies and perfect alignment of the different entities in the IIoT Ecosystem that participate in the industry. In the IIoT Ecosystem, the alignment should be done based on each participant’s unique technology, IP and domain expertise to extract maximum benefit and reduce risk.

The emphasis should be on quick data transformation, excellent application, integration and automation into other best factory systems.

Pivot, Respond, Adapt:

As I already shared that many manufacturers suffered a lot during the pandemic times, and no doubt much of that suffering was out of their hands. But who were the ones who surpassed all the challenges and succeeded? Who were winners when the whole world was encountering losses at different levels? Well, the organizations that can pivot, respond and adapt at the tough times. It wasn’t easy, but they were prepared with the data, the tools and the mindset to win.

For manufacturers who had to spend a lot on difficult-to-implement should pump the breaks in favour of vertical solutions that can benefit immediately.

It’s time to switch to the new world of digital transformation. Are you ready for it?

Why is IoT Impossible Without an Open Ecosystem?

IoT, i.e. Internet of Things has submerged itself in almost every sector, either its agriculture or smart home. IoT is the new need of the market and is looking for maximum growth. IoT has all the power to turn an idea into a reality, but it is dependent on the ecosystem.

Have you ever thought why IoT needs an open system? Assume, the internet had been a closed ecosystem controlled by a small set of organizations. It would have been a very different experience from the present. Today, we are entirely dependent on the internet, and if would have a closed ecosystem, then it would have a pay-per-use model along with a lack of tools and services. The open internet provides a space for growth, change and an opportunity for the innovation of new technologies.

Here is why IoT is impossible without an open ecosystem?

Gartner expects a boom in Iot growth by 2021. It states that 25 billion connected things will be part of global use through smart homes, factories, smart cities, vehicles etc. As IoT devices are making their way online, edge computing becomes a vital part to consider. Edge computing allows data processing and analysis in real-time for business-centred uses such as safety, security, industrial automation and many other purposes.

The need for infrastructure for IoT and edge is the same as for the internet; both need an open and consistent foundation for potential growth and services. However, the challenges in the development of IoT are different and requires attention to get immediate solutions before it becomes a significant problem for industries.

Where we are today with IoT?

Before we know about IoT, let’s have a quick look at the journey of the internet. In the 1990s, America allowed access to the internet to the masses through the use of CD. With the time-lapse, users became smart and realized they could connect to the internet using ISPs and enjoy more powerful and advanced search capabilities like Google. Again with the introduction of advancement, people started using the internet through their medium of choice, and this led to the acceleration in innovation and gave birth to the internet and ecosystem we are enjoying today.

To describe the present stage, we are on “AOL stage” of IoT, which means a phase of getting the device connected at scale and working through the balance of open approaches vs. proprietary. Internet of Things is complex and diverse in nature, which means it is made up of different technologies and domain-specific use cases.

Till now, the market has created an exclusive IoT platform to connect people and operations, each having different methods for data collection, management and security. Well, we can say that it is similar to a situation of having multiples “AOLs” that are continually striving to connect devices to the internet, ultimately causing avoidable complications.

Read More: Six Inevitable Steps to Bring Digital Transformation in Your Business

Today, companies switching to IoT journey are dependent and bound to their vendors and will have to provide extra costs or integration issues whenever they wish to scale deployments and take on new cases. Hence, we can conclude that IoT’s diversity has become an obstacle to its progress.

However, the only way to end all these unnecessary chaos and hassle, we must develop an open ecosystem for IoT and edge computing to scale the commercialization of offerings and services while focusing on ROI.

Closed ecosystem Vs Open ecosystem:

Any idea about how an open ecosystem looks like? Well, while creating an ecosystem, there are many approaches, from closed to open philosophies.

Generally, a closed ecosystem is part of strictly governed relationships, proprietary designs and sometimes exclusive APIs. Close guarding and control over closed ecosystem are often referred to as “walled gardens”; it provides marvellous customer experience but with the high cost and fewer choices. Open approaches provide a plethora of APIs and tools option which can be openly programmed. Open standard, like Android’s operating system, provides developers with an opportunity for more innovation and bolters a network effect.

Let’s compare the differences between open and closed ecosystem by taking Apple’s iOS and Android.

Apple’s iOS provides the most organized experience, whereas Android device makers have less control over the overall experience through hardware/software integration and thus need to search for other differentiators.

However, openness provides choice and scale and thus, Android holds over 70 per cent of global mobile OS market share. Companies like Samsung create market share by developing innovation and investing in a broader ecosystem.

IoT will bloom in an open ecosystem:

The progress and growth of IoT are not possible through hundreds of siloed and closed ecosystems governed by vendors. The future of IoT is dependent on us, and it could be improved by the development of an open ecosystem.

Development of commercial offering which has an open foundation provides more scalability, choice, transparency and flexibility. Thus open-source collaboration is an excellent starting for an open foundation.

IoT is more like a demand of time, and if you are not aware of its potential, then you need to check yourself and business too. Add IoT in your business and give us a chance to show you the most amazing looks of an IoT through our services.