Top IoT App Development Company

Prompt Softech Proud to be Listed as Top IoT Developers in Chicago

Prompt Softech Proud to be Listed as Top IoT Developers in Chicago

What is the internet of things (IoT)? The word IoT includes anything connected to the internet in the broadest sense, but it is also being used to describe objects that “communicate” with each other. The internet of things is simply made up of devices linked together, from simple sensors to smartphones and wearables. By linking these connected devices with automated systems, it is possible to collect information, analyze it and perform an action to help someone with a specific task, or learn from a process.

Prompt Softech has successfully built a strong portfolio while working in different technologies. Our team is composed of young and enthusiastic professionals from software developers, mobile app developers, UI/UX designers to certified Microsoft experts. We have been effectively collaborating with a variety of clients from small-scale vendors to large-scale enterprises. Our aim is to provide quality IT solutions developed through the combination of ultramodern technologies and thorough competence. We strongly believe in building everlasting relationships with our clients.

To back up our claims, we received a review on Clutch, a B2B ratings and reviews platform. One of our clients, an investment firm engaged with Prompt Softech for their big data consulting services. The main goal for this project is to extract speciality data for it to be utilized in desktop-installed operational systems.

Investment Firm

“They deliver prompt and accurate information.” Deliverables were on time, accurate, and well documented. Outsource liaisons communicated promptly, followed up with quality checks and assurance that the product is supported. – Lead Data Architect, Investment Firm

Another review is from a client of ours, an entertainment company that wanted to integrate two existing systems and remove manual intervention. The system implementation we provided was able to give the transparency that the client needed.

Entertainment Company

“[Project management] It’s effective and the team always available…They have speedy responses.” – CFO, ALMONTAGE

It’s always a pleasant feeling receiving such wonderful feedback from our wonderful clients. We strive to provide exceptional services and we are not satisfied if our clients are not satisfied. Prompt Softech is also featured on Clutch’s sister website, The Manifest. They are awards and projects listings website that helps corporate buyers learn about businesses to potentially partner with.

Do you have a project in mind? Don’t hesitate to contact us and we can start talking about how we can help elevate your business.