
Will 2020 Be The Transition Phase of Internet Of Things?

The rapid transformation in technology observed today is the possible outcome of IoT exploration and development. Its introduction and then attempt for holistic adoption by the businesses have dragged in several changes. There are IoT development companies which are aiming to get the best version of IoT for making everything smart and intelligent.

IoT system has determined its place in several sectors, either its factory equipment or clothing, product manufacturing or toy factory. It has shown that everything could be intelligent by combining sensor technology with machine learning.

But have you ever thought, what is the future of IoT? How many devices are connected and will be connected by 2020,2025, etc. It was predicted that 30 billion things would be connected to the Internet by 2020.

The future of IoT:

  • Statista predicts that more than 30 billion gadgets will be connected to the Internet by 2020. It further reveals that by 2025, 75 billion devices will be connected IoT.
  • The International Data Corporation (IDC) forecast, stated that there would be a steady growth of IoT devices in the upcoming years, resulting in the growth of market value and data usage.

Thus, this gives an idea about the upcoming appearance of the IoT. It supports that IoT will undoubtedly take off on a bigger scale. Let us check the IoT trends to watch in 2020 that would undoubtedly make us took at it.

Any prediction for Data Management, Security, and Broader Reach?

a) 5G network role:

IDC forecasts state “there will be 41.6 billion connected IoT devices, or“things,” generating 79.4 zettabytes (ZB) of data in 2025.”

The data consumption will be ranging from smaller metrics-use of devices and limited data transfer to image & video using image identification. Currently, IoT connected devices face problems because of network velocity, but this will change with the introduction and adoption of 5G networks worldwide.

The improved data flow will leverage manufacturing, surveillance applications, healthcare, etc.

c) Edge computing and IoT:

Not to forget, another tech development which affects IoT capabilities is edge computing.

This technology holds the capacity to bring computing power and data storage closer to connected devices and end-users, making them more productive.

Integration with 5G networks, Edge computing, would improve data processing and explore the potentials of IoT devices. It would even accelerate data transport speed and decelerate data latency.

Read More: IoT- An Advanced Approach to Update Small Businesses

d) Security comes First:

The data-driven technology has dragged us into a world, where data security and privacy have weakened.

World Economic Forum has warned that Internet of Thing, Quantum computing and Artificial Intelligence would be the biggest threat for the upcoming years. In WEF’s Global Risks Report 2020, it recognises the need and potential of the emerging tech but also warns for the possible threats to be faced. Gartner study shared that in the last three years approx. 20% of companies suffered an IoT-based attack.

Thus, this supports the fact that though IoT draws immense benefits, but companies need to be more attentive on securing the safety of connected devices. A reliable and experienced IoT development service providers could help you in exploring the best of IoT without tangling in piracy issues.

To recommend one, using Blockchain technology might come up as a solution to security issues.

e) IIoT:

As IoT is scripting a new story by creating smart homes, smart towns, roads etc. the modern industry is the place where this technology shines. To support the statement, let me tell you, heavy industry, manufacturing industry and logistics industry are going to get the benefits from connected devices to its best.

The beneficial combination of IoT and industries is referred to as Industry 4.0. This can enhance productivity by using real-time data from connected devices by making dangerous work safer or improving coordination among employees.

It is expected that future factories would be better optimised and data-based.

f) IoT in Automotive industry:

Today, automotive industries are the one which is always ready to use the most innovative solutions, and it has enthusiastically welcomed IoT as well. The latest and advanced cars are already using IoT for enhancing the safety of drivers, passengers & others.

IoT is now being used for the development of self-driving vehicles as connected devices play an important role in it. IoT can be employed to communicate the car with the surroundings and translate the data into actionable decisions for distance, speed resulting in the automotive future.

Read More: How IoT Solutions can Enhance Agriculture in 2020?

g) IoT in healthcare:

IoT has already proved its versatility in the current COVID-19 situation. IoT has digitised the healthcare sector through wearables and sensors. Different devices are being used to track the health and habits of patients. The small-sized devices and longer battery life have increased the usage of the IoT in this sector. IoT allows the medical staffs to segregate valuable data collected throughout the day for analysis of patients’ health.

h) Shift of Role- Reports to Actions:

IoT has shown another world which would have been impossible. IoT can be called as a miracle, which can turn impossibilities into possibilities.

By the end of 2020, IoT would take up another role. In the current period, IoT is holding responsibility for tracking and reporting information on a multitude of environments. The massive data collected is sensed by Artificial Intelligence for analysis. In coming years, IoT device will just not provide the reports but also share insightful suggestions to the technicians.

Once, IoT will begin providing insightful advice; it might eat up many jobs. IoT systems will shift its role from observing the world to changing the world. IoT devices will record data, store data and will even make decisions on behalfs of their human administrators.

i) Improved user adoption:

Though the use of IoT has been quite significant in the past few years, but still, the data security issue has not allowed its entrance in everyone’s life. The pace is still not to the expected one. However, the introduction of smart homes and many other life-changing devices will surely grow IoT into the best version.

Wrapping Up:

IoT is not just a tech opportunity but a business opportunity. There is a lot more to be explored in IoT. You can make your home, office, product, etc. smart now. Then, what are you waiting for?

Contact Prompt Softech to get the most efficient IoT solutions to make your products smart.

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